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08-18 投稿


endoscope 发音

英:[?end?sko?p]  美:[?end?sk??p]

英:  美:

endoscope 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 内窥镜


endoscope 短语词组

1、endoscope use ─── 内窥镜使用

2、endoscope software ─── 内窥镜软件

3、endoscope app ─── 内窥镜应用程序

4、endoscope washer ─── [医]内窥镜自动洗净器

5、endoscope and cannula ─── 内窥镜和套管

6、endoscope camera app ─── 内窥镜摄像头应用程序

7、endoscope camera ─── 内窥镜体腔照相机, ─── 内窥镜照相机

endoscope 词性/词形变化,endoscope变形

名词: endoscopy |形容词: endoscopic |副词: endoscopically |

endoscope 相似词语短语

1、endoscopic ─── adj.内窥镜的;用内窥镜检查的

2、anoscope ─── n.肛门窥器;肛镜

3、endosome ─── n.[细胞]核内体

4、endoscopes ─── n.[临床]内窥镜(endoscope的复数);内视镜

5、endospore ─── n.孢子内壁;[植]内生孢子;内芽孢

6、endoscopies ─── n.[临床]内窥镜检查;内视镜检查法;内视镜室

7、engyscope ─── 工程师。

8、endosmose ─── n.内渗

9、endoscopy ─── n.[临床]内窥镜检查;内视镜检查法;内视镜室

endoscope 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Reviewclinical datas of 12 sphenoid sinus cyst patients under nasal endoscope surgery. ─── 方法回顾性分析12例经鼻内镜手术治疗的蝶窦囊肿患者的临床资料。

2、Methods:Nursing procedure match doctors to treat74patients of lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage by biogel spraying through endoscope. ─── 方法:对74例下消化道出血患者进行内镜下喷洒生物蛋白胶治疗,治疗中密切配合。

3、The "holoendoscope" (from the words 'holography' and 'endoscope') is inserted into the body like an endoscope, where it takes a three-dimensional picture. ─── “全息内窥镜”(由“全息照相术”和“内窥镜”两字合并而成),像内窥镜那样插入体内; 在体内,它可以拍摄三维照片。

4、A pair of robots usually carries the surgical instruments, while a third relays images through an endoscope. ─── 通常,两个机器人手执手术器械,第三个用内窥镜传递图像。

5、This paper presents the design and application of 32-channel data collection board based on USB in the shape reconstruction system of endoscope body. ─── 介绍了在肠道内窥镜形状重建系统中的32通道USB数据采集卡的设计与应用。

6、Methods:Trans-oral adenoidectomy under monitoring endoscope was carried out using Stryker-powered handpiece in 124 cases with adenoid hypertrophy. ─── 方法:经口电视内镜下,应用电动吸切器对124例腺样体肥大患儿实施了腺样体切除术。

7、After high-level disinfection, rinse the endoscope and flush the channels with sterile, filtered, or tap water to remove the disinfectant/sterilant. ─── 在高级消毒后,漂洗内镜,用灭菌水、过滤水、或自来水冲洗信道,除去消毒剂/杀菌剂。

8、Abstract: This paper introduces a band-pass filter (BPF) circuit which is used in Time Gain Compensation (TGC) of medical ultrasonic endoscope imaging system. ─── 摘 要: 根据内窥超声成像系统的要求,设计一种用于超声增益补偿中的改进结构带通滤波电路。

9、Methods To observe clinical curative effect of 30 sufferers(42 eyes) of chronic dacryocystitis after nasal cavity and lacrimalsac anastomoses in nasal endoscope. ─── 方法对30例(42眼)慢性泪囊炎患者在鼻内窥下行鼻腔泪囊吻合术,观察其临床疗效。

10、According to human visual color consciousness, a method of color medical endoscope image enhancement based on wavelet analysis in HSI color space is presented. ─── 摘要根据人眼对颜色的心理感觉,提出在HSI颜色空间上基于小波分析的医学彩色内窥镜图像增强方法。

11、Methods From July 2005, 5 patients with axial tumor underwent tumorectomy under nasal endoscope combined with posterior occipital-cervical fusion. ─── 方法2005年7月以来,共收治5例枢椎肿瘤,采取后路枕颈融合联合前路鼻内镜肿瘤切除术治疗。

12、An item in the laboratory we call endoscope, we can see the surface of organ such as gullet, stomach by it. ─── 在教案中,常常会做一些检查检验项目,其中有一样是内视镜。

13、Methods 35 patients with nasal septum fracture were treated by submucous resection of nasal sepaum under nasal endoscope in emergency management. ─── 方法对35例急诊期鼻中隔骨折患者,行鼻内镜下鼻中隔粘膜下矫正术进行治疗。

14、Objective: To provide anatomic basis for microvascular decompression of hemifacial spasm through retrolabyrinthine approach under endoscope. ─── 摘要目的:为内窥镜下迷路后入路面肌痉挛微血管减压术提供解剖学资料。

15、Esophagogastroduodenoscopy was performed and only twisted mucosa converging into a point near the esophagogastric junction was noted during retroversion of the endoscope. ─── 在内视镜下胃的出口并不容易找到,只在内视镜反转时看见扭曲的黏膜皱壁集中到靠近食道胃接合处旁的一个小区域。

16、Methods 24 cases of septoplasty under the nasal endoscope were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法对鼻内镜下24例鼻中隔成形术的病例进行回顾性分析。

17、Methods: 73 cases of secretory otitis media performed adenoidectomy,including 51 Curettage of adenoids and 22 adenoidectomy with nasal endoscope. ─── 方法:对73例伴腺样体肥大的分泌性中耳炎患儿行腺样体切除术。 其中,51例行腺样体刮除术,22例行鼻内镜下吸切器腺样体切除术。

18、This paper introduces the function and components of real-time distortion correction system of medical electronic endoscope( MEE). ─── 介绍了医用电子内窥镜畸变实时校正系统的功能与构成。

19、The mathematical model for permanent column is a key problem for the location of the wireless endoscope. ─── 圆柱永磁体的数学模型的确定是无线内窥镜在体内空间定位的关键。

20、Methods To apply the technique of direct vision pneumatic dialation under endoscope. ─── 方法:采用内镜直视下气囊扩张术。

21、X-ray, CT, MRI, ECG, biopsy, blood tests, ultrasound, endoscope examination or any other investigations? ─── 接受X光、CT、MRI、心电图、活体检查、血液、超声波、内窥镜或其他特殊检查?。

22、Method 12 patients were underwent endoscope surgery,while 12 sphenoiditis had been sphenoidotomy and 2 sphenochoanal polyp were removed. ─── 方法在鼻内窥镜下行蝶窦切开术12例,同时摘除蝶窦后鼻孔息肉2例。

23、Examination of the interior of a joint,such as the knee,using a type of endoscope that is inserted into the joint through a small incision. ─── 关节内窥镜检查,使用通过一小的切口插入关节的一种内窥镜对关节内部,如膝盖进行的检查。

24、Guided by a computerized mapping system and an endoscope, surgeons drill small holes in a bone at the back of the nose and through the dura. ─── 经计算机定位系统和内镜指导,外科医生在鼻子的后方的骨头上钻几个小孔并穿过硬脊膜。

25、Moreover, the endoscope assisted nasogastric/ nasojejunal tube placement is safe, simple, and easy to perform. ─── 接受这种鼻胃/肠管之置放后;患者腹胀及营养状况约明显改善。

26、Methods Of the 110 patients with esophagocadiac cancer treated with PDT, 70 were treated by combined use of local chemotherapy under endoscope. ─── 方法 应用PDT治疗食管贲门癌 110例 ,并对其中 70例联合应用内镜下局部注射化疗药物。

27、This paper introduces the study and implementation of real-time capturing and displaying system for electronic endoscope. ─── 介绍了医用电子内窥镜图像实时采集与显示系统的设计与实现。

28、METHODS The clinical data of 28 cases with inverted papillomas of nasal cavity and sinuses treated via nasal endoscope were studied retrospectively. ─── 方法总结28例鼻腔及鼻窦内翻性乳头状瘤经鼻内镜手术切除的治疗效果。

29、Objective: To observe effect of electrocoagulation under nasal endoscope on intractable epistaxia. ─── 摘要目的:观察鼻内窥镜下电凝术治疗顽固性鼻出血的疗效。

30、Conclusion The nasal endoscope could treat the children nasal polyp with safe and ideal effect. ─── 结论应用鼻内窥镜治疗儿童上颌窦后息肉安全、效果理想。

31、Xuzhou Aohua Photoelectricity Endoscope Co.,Ltd. is a factory of producing the Medical Fibarscope,Medi-cal Videoscope , Industrial Videoscope and Industrial Fiberscope. ─── 徐州澳华光电内窥镜有限公司专业生产医用内窥镜、工业内窥镜的厂家。

32、Methods:Vocal cord polypectomy through Micro-Stryker Instruments combined with nasal endoscope and self-retaining laryngoscope was performed on 107 patients. ─── 方法:对46例声带息肉病人采用鼻内镜联合支撑喉镜,以电动切削器在电视监视器下手术切除。

33、The majority of effort has therefore been channeled into trying to make mains water safe for the final, post disinfectant, rinse in endoscope processors. ─── 大多数努力因而集中于设法使自来水经消毒剂处理后,安全用于内镜处理器的最终漂洗。

34、Objective To evaluate the value of combined application of nasal endoscope and microscope to pituitary adenoma dissection via transnasal-sphenoidal approach. ─── 摘要目的探讨鼻内镜和显微外科技术结合应用于经鼻-蝶窦人路行垂体瘤手术的价值。

35、This paper presents the physical implementation process of the digital ASIC for the wireless endoscope by EDA tools. ─── 文中给出了利用后端设计的EDA工具对无线内窥镜系统胶囊内数字集成电路进行物理实现的过程。

36、Methods: We sprayed fibrin seatant by endoscope to treat the lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage of 32 cases. ─── 方法:对32例下消化道出血患者进行内镜下喷洒纤维蛋白封闭剂。

37、The fluorescent protein might work best for cancers that are accessible by an endoscope, such as cancers of the larynx. ─── 对可用内视镜观察的癌症(譬如喉癌)来说,萤光蛋白的用处可能最大;

38、Objective: To explore the best operation way of hypertrophic rhinitis with the nasal endoscope. ─── 目的:探讨鼻内窥镜下肥厚性鼻炎最佳手术方式。

39、Clinical application of devascularization of venous traffic branches by endoscope. ─── 内镜下静脉交通支断离术的临床应用。

40、MIP. SSD and virtual endoscope were postprocessed by navigator software on the workstation. ─── 在工作站作MIP、SSD和内窥镜成像等后处理。

41、Researches on the framework and key technologies of a interactive virtual endoscope system were made. ─── 摘要研究了交互式虚拟内窥镜系统的组成框架及其中的关键技术。

42、METHODS A catheter was inserted into the tympanum through the eustachian tube under nasal endoscope and medicine was injected through the catheter. ─── 方法在鼻内镜视频系统下,经咽鼓管咽口插入鼓室腔,外侧端固定于面颊部,定期抽液,冲洗、注药,痊愈后观察10天拔管。

43、Rendering speed is a key problem in the Virtual Endoscope( VE). ─── 成像速度是影响虚拟内窥镜应用的关键问题之一。

44、Moreover, the endoscope assisted nasogastric/nasojejunal tube placement is safe, simple, and easy to perform. ─── 接受这种鼻胃/鼻肠管之置放后;患者腹胀及营养状况约明显改善。

45、Method: Among the 116 cases of epistaxis, nasal endoscope was used in diagnosis and treatment of 52 cases of epistaxis. ─── 方法:116例鼻出血患者中,52例常规前鼻镜检查不能明确病灶并顽固性鼻出血,使用鼻内镜检查并治疗。

46、Methods Twenty five cases of varices of esophagus in patients with portal hypertension due to liver cirrhosis were ligated repeatedly under endoscope. ─── 方法应用内镜和结扎器对肝硬化门静脉高压患者的食管静脉曲张患者反复结扎。

47、Objective To explore the advantages of laparoscope combined with endoscope in extrahepatic bile duct cholelithiasis. ─── 摘要目的探讨运用腹腔褚朋班切除术联合内镜十二指肠乳头切开术治疗胆囊结石并胆总管结石的方法。

48、This paper introduces a band-pass filter (BPF) circuit which is used in Time Gain Compensation (TGC) of medical ultrasonic endoscope imaging system. ─── 摘要根据内窥超声成像系统的要求,设计一种用于超声增益补偿中的改进结构带通滤波电路。

49、Non- caseating granulomas is not a necessary index to diagnose CD, which should be judged by the history, X-ray, endoscope and pathology. ─── 确诊CD不依赖于病理发现非乾酪性肉芽肿,需结合病史、临床表现、X线钡餐、内镜及病理综合判断。

50、"Capsule endoscope" is short for "intelligent gastrointestinal capsule endoscopy system" , also known as "medical wireless endoscope" . ─── “胶囊内镜”全称为“智能胶囊消化道内镜系统”,又称“医用无线内镜”。

51、Shanghai Aohua Photoelectricity Endoscope Co., Ltd. ─── 上海澳华光电内窥镜有限公司。

52、Medical Electronic Endoscope (MEE) is a widely used medical instrument to cure various diseases. ─── 医用电子内窥镜系统广泛应用于多种疾病的诊断和治疗当中。

53、Methods Retrospective study that 63 cases were treated through insert memory ahoy stent by endoscope. ─── 方法对内镜下置入63枚支架的操作技术进行了回顾性分析。

54、There is a promising direction in the fiel ds of virtual endoscope,computer assisted operation and long-distance operation. ─── 三维图像可视化技术在虚拟内窥镜、计算机辅助手术和远程手术等领域显示了广泛的应用前景。

55、Objective: To study the chordae and arachnoid granulations in the lumen of superior sagittal sinus and torcular herophili by endoscope and microscope. ─── 摘要目的:通过内窥镜及显微镜观察成年人上矢状窦、窦汇窦腔及其内的纤维索、蛛网膜颗粒结构的解剖学形态特征。

56、Hysteroscope is a new subject in the modern gynecological field which start the application of the endoscope in the gynecological clinic. ─── 宫腔镜技术是近代妇科领域里涌现出的一门新的学科,它的出现开创了微创外科在妇科临床中的应用。

57、Using a flexible mini-telescope called an endoscope, surgeons said they could go in through a patient's mouth and make a cut in the stomach wall to reach abdominal organs. ─── 医生说他们可以让名为内诊镜的灵活的微型显微镜穿过病人的嘴,然后在病人胃部开个口子,进入腹部器官。

58、There were no parental arteries clipped incorrectly and no narrowing of the parental arterys under the helping of endoscope. ─── 应用内窥镜辅助手术,避免了动脉被误夹及载瘤动脉缩窄;

59、Objective To discuss the advantage of adenoidectomy by plasma radiofrequency ablation through nasal endoscope. ─── 摘要目的探讨鼻内镜下运用等离子治疗仪行腺样体射频减容的优点。

60、A tubular endoscope that is inserted into the larynx through the mouth and used for observing the interior of the larynx. ─── 喉镜从嘴部置入咽喉用于观察喉内部的管状内窥镜

61、The identification of gastric regenerative mucosal microstructure through magnifying endoscope would help in the diagnosis of the lesions. ─── 以期能提高对病变程度的认识及愈后做出正确的判断。

62、Methods One hundred eighty five cases with adenoid hypertrophy were treated by adenoidectomy through nose under endoscope. ─── 方法在鼻内镜下对儿童及成人腺样体肥大185例,采用切削吸引、刮除、咬除等方法进行治疗,并随访观察疗效。

63、The endoscope does not interfere with your breathing. ─── 放入的胃镜不会干扰你的呼吸。

64、Flexible fiberoptic endoscope is the most valuable tool for anesthesiologists to manage difficult airways. ─── 摘要软式支气管镜是麻醉医师处理困难呼吸道插管最有价值的工具。

65、To investigate the method of transsphenoidal operation assisted by endoscope in resection of pituitary adenoma. ─── 探讨内窥镜辅助下经蝶窦行垂体腺瘤切除术的手术方法。

66、Methods:30 patients with biliary pancreatitis were treated by LC,LC+EST and LC+fibre cholecyst endoscope. ─── 方法:30例胆源性胰腺炎患者经LC、LC+EST、LC+纤维胆道镜检查及取石术治疗。

67、Methods:Thirty-two patients with nasal vestibular ctysts were subjected to uncover under nasal endoscope assisted by electricity cutterbar. ─── 方法:在鼻内镜下辅以鼻窦电动切割器,对32例患者行鼻前庭囊肿揭盖术。

68、Explains an economic and simple way to realize the direct seeding operation of orthopaedics below endoscope base on satellite transmission. ─── 从简单经济的角度介绍实现微创骨科手术直播的一种方法。

69、The frontotemporal rhytidectomy with endoscope has nice effecacy and less complications, it is the choice measure in the frontotemporal rhytidectomy. ─── 内窥镜下的额颞部除皱术具有效果良好、并发症少等优点,是额颞部除皱可供选择的方法。

70、Two new algorithms of structural volume skeletonization and internal visibility computation are presented to support the virtual endoscope system. ─── 提出了包含距离和拓扑信息的结构化骨架提取方法和骨架指导的内窥可见性计算方法,并将其有机地应用于虚拟漫游系统中。

71、Abstract: Due to the restriction of the coelom of human organs, wide-angle lenses are widely used in the medical electronic endoscope whose images are distorted badly. ─── 摘 要: 为了在有限口径下获得更大的观察范围,医用电子内窥镜广泛采用广角物镜,图象存在较为严重的畸变。

72、Examination of the interior of a joint, such as the knee, using a type of endoscope that is inserted into the joint through a small incision. ─── 关节内窥镜检查使用通过一小的切口插入关节的一种内窥镜对关节内部,如膝盖进行的检查

73、In the experiment, the data collection board meet the functional requirement ,and can reconstruct the real-time shape of endoscope body. ─── 在实验中,该数据采集卡达到了预期的设计要求,实时重建出了镜体形状。

74、Methods: One hundred and five patients with cirrhosis were examined by electric endoscope (Olympus GIF-XQ 240). ─── 方法对该院收治的105例乙型肝炎肝硬化患者应用日本产Olympus GIF-XQ240电子内窥镜作胃十二指肠检查。

75、Methods:45 patients were examined with nasal endoscope and X-ray or CT before the nasal bones repositioned and nasal septoplasty. ─── 方法:45患者就诊时均行鼻窦内镜检查、鼻骨侧位片和鼻窦CT检查。

76、Objective To evaluate the advantages of utilizing endoscope in adenoidectomy. ─── 摘要目的探讨鼻内镜下经鼻腺样体切除术的疗效和优缺点。

77、This paper introduces the theory and design of real-time distortion correction system of medical elec-tronic endoscope (MEE). ─── 介绍了医用电子内窥镜畸变实时校正系统的原理与设计实现。

78、Methods 10 chronic pharyngeal bursitis patients were treated by destroying the inner pharyngeal cavity with microwave technique under nasal endoscope. ─── 方法对10例患者在鼻内窥镜的导航下,采用微波破坏咽囊内壁进行治疗。

79、Esophageal varix ligation under endoscope(EVL)is a safe and effective treatment for esophageal varices. ─── 内镜下食管曲张静脉结扎是一种安全有效的新方法。

80、Objective: To explore the virtues of ear endoscope in the treatment of cholesteatoma otitis media. ─── 摘要目的:探讨耳内窥镜下治疗胆脂瘤型中耳炎的优越性。

81、Methods Vocal cord polypectomy through Micro-Stryker Instruments combined with nasal endoscope and self-retaining laryngoscope were performed on 107 patients. ─── 方法对107例声带息肉病人采用鼻内镜联合支撑喉镜,以电动切削器在电视监视器下手术切除。

82、The clinician then passes a smaller-caliber endoscope, 4.9 mm in diameter, through the nose, pharynx and throat. ─── 临床医师这时就可以将更小口径的内窥镜(直径4.9毫米)通过鼻子、咽、喉。

83、Methods Endoscope sphincterotomy (EST) was conducted in the acute biliary pancreatitis together with endoscope nasobiliary drainage (ENBD). ─── 方法对急性胆源性胰腺炎首先行内镜下乳头括约肌切开取石(EST),同时置入鼻胆管引流(ENBD);

84、Method 36 patients with pituitare adenoma were operated under endoscoPe assistance by transphenoidal approach. ─── 方法内窥镜辅助下经蝶入路切除垂体腺瘤36例。

85、This paper covers an image acquisition &processing system of the capsule-style endoscope. ─── 介绍了一种内窥镜视频采集处理系统。

86、There were some features of endoscope and pathology in the patients with LCG. ─── LCG有一定的内镜和病理特点。

87、Methods We use the method of small injury diorthosis under endoscope to treat 20 patients of prominent mandibular angle. ─── 方法对20例下颌角骨性肥大的求美者,设计了内窥镜下经口内小切口入路微创下颌角整形术的方法。

88、The clinician then passes a smaller-caliber endoscope,4.9 mm in diameter, through the nose, pharynx and throat. ─── 临床医师这时就可以将更小口径的内窥镜(径4.9毫米)过鼻子、、。

89、On the base of realization of the key technology of real time data transfers, we emphasize reducing the cost of capsule endoscope system. ─── 在解决数据的实时传输这个关键技术的基础上,着重降低胶囊内窥镜系统的成本。

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