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08-18 投稿


gratification 发音

英:[?ɡr?t?f??ke??(?)n]  美:[?ɡr?t?f??ke??(?)n]

英:  美:

gratification 中文意思翻译


n.满足; 满意; 喜悦; 使人满意之事


gratification 词性/词形变化,gratification变形


gratification 短语词组

1、self-gratification n. ─── 自娱, ─── 自我满足

2、gratification defined ─── 满足感定义

3、delaying gratification ─── 延迟享乐 ─── 延迟满足

4、delayed gratification ─── 延迟享乐

5、deferring gratification ─── 延迟满足

6、delaying gratification meaning ─── 延迟满足意义

7、instant gratification ─── 即时满足

8、gratification meaning in urdu ─── 乌尔都语的满足意义

9、deferred gratification ─── 延迟满足

10、gratification definition ─── 满足定义

11、gratification card ─── 满足卡

12、gratification theory ─── 满足论

13、gratification dis ─── 满足感

gratification 相似词语短语

1、stratification ─── n.层理;成层

2、ratification ─── n.批准;承认,认可

3、gratifications ─── n.满意;喜悦;使人满意之事

4、gasification ─── n.气化

5、ramification ─── n.衍生物;分枝,分叉;支流;(衍生的)结果、影响

6、gamification ─── n.游戏化

7、gelatification ─── n.胶凝作用

8、beatification ─── n.受福;列福式;(天主教)宣福礼

9、granitification ─── n.造花岗岩作用

gratification 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Carlo leaned back, his face flushed with gratification. ─── 卡罗靠在椅背上,感激涕零,满面红光。

2、Saving it for retirement or a rainy day brings together a variety of positive emotions that can lead to happiness, such as anticipation and expectation, a sense of delayed gratification and reward. ─── 为退休,或哪天天有不测而存钱会把各式各样最终能带来快乐的积极情绪聚集到一起,例如,期望和指望,延期的满足感和奖励感。

3、with aesthetic gratification or delight. ─── 具有美感地满意或者愉悦。

4、Your approval gives me much gratification. ─── 承蒙认可,我非常高兴.

5、Again Hist experienced the profound gratification when he heard the language of praise spoken by those we love. ─── 听了心爱的人说出这番赞扬的话,希斯特又一次感到由衷的喜悦。

6、Masochism is for obtaining gratification or sexual arousal by having pain inflicted upon oneself. ─── 自虐者通过给自身施加疼痛来获得满足或者性刺激.

7、Had I been merely a lover of fine scenery, I should have felt little desire to seek elsewhere its gratification. ─── 如果我只是为了欣赏优美的风景,我就用不着到别的地方去寻求这种欲望的满足感。

8、Being firm while providing other options can help your child learn to delay gratification and be flexible. ─── 在你给出别的选择时候要坚决,这帮助孩子学会延迟欲望和处事灵活。

9、He was thinking only of his own gratification,disregarding long-term consequences. ─── 他只是想到自己的一时之快,却没有考虑长期效果。

10、the degree of likelihood and gratification ─── 可能满意度

11、There has been an instant of complete startling gratification. ─── 内心分明是一阵得意,乐得心花怒放.

12、He was sadistic, delusional and worst of all he received gratification from his repulsive acts. ─── 他残酷、妄想,并且更糟糕的是,从令人恶心的行为中得到欢愉。

13、The guide received a gratification. ─── 这个向导收到了一笔酬金.

14、All the desires and designs of worldlings are for the gratification of self. ─── 虽然世界上仍有许多地方称道?的名,但世界却已与?一刀两断.

15、Both groups can delay gratification if a bigger reward is on offer, but only for a few seconds. ─── 它们二者都能在有着巨大奖励的时候延迟满足欲,但这只能保持几秒。

16、The five-second microgames that make up the titles in Nintendo's Wario Ware series are an addictive dose of instant gratification gaming. ─── 五秒钟的小游戏构成了任天堂的瓦里奥制造系列,它们是能让人立即上瘾的游戏。

17、"Ah, you say the right thing!" said Morris, greatly to the gratification of Mrs. Penniman, who prided herself on always saying the right thing. ─── “啊,你说得对

18、" The gratification comes in the doing, not in the results. " ─── 喜悦来自于过程而非结果.

19、The next time you find yourself wanting instant gratification, impatiently wanting something you cannot have at that moment, give thanks to God for what you already do have for 30 seconds. ─── 下次你再发现自己在急切等待他人对你的肯定,而又不可能立即拥有的时候,用30秒来为你已经完成的事情感谢上帝。

20、lords and doctors manifested their gratification also. ─── 勋爵和医生们也表达了他们的喜悦。

21、Dull repetitious work gives no gratification. ─── 枯燥的重复工作毫无乐趣.

22、But beyond joy, a hallmark of human beings is the ability to forgo immediate gratification for the sake of some deeper contentment. ─── 但在欢喜之外,人类有这么一个标志:能够为了更深的满足而放弃当前的满足。

23、There has been an instant of complete startling gratification. ─── 内心分明是一阵得意,乐得心花怒放。

24、In this sequel of sorts, Mo-wan is back, much transformed, having given up the Don Quixote of illusory ideals for the Don Juan of immediate gratification. ─── 在这部有点像续集的作品中,周慕云再次出现,物是人非,他不再像唐吉诃德那样沉溺在虚幻中的美好,而是唐璜似的沾花惹草处处留情。

25、Which is the ability to delay gratification. ─── 这就是[满足延迟]的能力.

26、And in the end, it's more gratifying because it's instant gratification. ─── 不过到最后, 即时的满足感更令人满足吧.

27、A resolution is a voluntary abdication of our freedom and immediate gratification, in the interests of a higher goal. ─── 为了达到一个更高的目标,誓言是对自由和及时行乐的自愿放弃。

28、It means doing the tough things first and looking downstream for gratification and rewards. ─── 它意味着先做艰苦的工作,再去期待随之而来的满足和回报。

29、1.happy; joyful; joyous; glad 2.joy; delight; gratification ─── 喜悦

30、After all, they defer gratification enough to “invest” in their homes and TV sets, so why not in their enterprises? ─── 但是,为什么他们宁愿把那些钱置办家庭所需和购买电视机,也不拿出来进行企业投资呢?

31、Just thinking about fast food made study subjects read faster and opt for immediate gratification. ─── 仅仅想到快餐食物就使受试阅读速度加快以及选择即时满足.

32、To my immense gratification he arrived on time. ─── 他准时到达让我很高兴.

33、Again she experienced the profound gratification that the language of praise can always awaken when offered by those we love. ─── 她再次感到了人们受到情人赞美时总会唤起的那种深切的喜悦。

34、What you can get out of the relationship is primary - be it material gain, a sense of power, physical pleasure, or some form of ego gratification. ─── 你能从关系中得到的才是主要的--不论那是物质上的获取、权利感、身体愉悦、或是某种自我满足感的形式。

35、She has not often a gratification of the kind, and I am sure ma'am you would be glad to give her the pleasure now. ─── 她很少有这样的快乐,我相信,妈妈,你会高兴让她享受这次的乐趣。

36、The startling results that we are doing things faster than ever before, and demanding instant gratification. ─── 令人惊异的调查结果表明,英国人的生活步调比以前任何时候都要快, 并且执著于立即能得到的满足感.

37、She flushed with gratification. ─── 她因喜悦而脸红了。

38、to one's satisfaction; to one's gratification ─── 令人觉得满足的..

39、To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap. ─── 令我极为满意的是, 他中了圈套.

40、This can be attributed to "consumers doing business online, where they get instant gratification and quick turnarounds.That's quickly becoming the standard expectation. ─── 出现这种现象可归结为“消费者喜欢网上交易,他们很满意这种快捷的方式,也能使自己迅速抽身忙于他事,如今正在成为顾客对公司标准的期望。”

41、To increase the click-thru rate, your site must offer instant gratification in terms of comprehension and clarity. ─── 为了增加点击率,你的网站应该更加考究和清晰,以获取更大的客户满意度。

42、He always obtained a subtle gratification from eavesdropping. ─── 他总觉得背地里听人家说话自有一种说不出的乐趣。

43、"Gratification" and "gratitude" have the same etymological root. ─── gratification和gratitude的词源相同。

44、The nuisance of her presence before me outweighs the gratification to be derived from tormenting her. ─── 她在我跟前所引起我的厌恶已经超出我折磨她时所得到的满足了.

45、A feed will usually provide instant gratification to a crying baby. ─── 喂食通常可使正在哭闹的婴儿立即得到满足。

46、You may have many exciting experiences that money can buy, but they will come and go and always leave you with an empty feeling and the need for further physical or psychological gratification. ─── 你也许会拥有许多金钱能买来的兴奋体验,但是它们会来来去去,永远会给你留下一个空虚感觉、一个进一步获得物质上、心理上满足的需求。

47、Academic Delay of Gratification of Middle School Students ─── 初中学生学业延迟满足

48、Marked by or providing unrestrained gratification; self-indulgent. ─── 堕落的以放纵的满足为特征的或提供放纵的满足的;自我放纵的

49、Your approval gives me much gratification to know that. ─── 你的认可给了我很大的快感。

50、Sensual gratification or indulgence. ─── (感官的)享乐感官的满足或沉溺

51、On the flip side, we also postpone our gratification, our stated priorities, and our happiness, often convincing ourselves future will be better than today. ─── 另一方面,我们又永远不让自己满足、享有优先权和幸福感,而且还经常说服自己将来会比今天好。

52、While a life bent on instant pleasure and gratification offers some degree of happiness, it is ultimately unsatisfying on its own, he says. ─── 他说,当一个人倾向于片刻的欢乐和与因满意而在某种程度上的开心时,这并不能从根本上使他满足.

53、He had the gratification of knowing that he had done his best. ─── 他了解自己已尽了最大努力而感到满足。

54、His son's success was a great gratification to him. ─── 他儿子的成功是令他深感快慰的事.

55、Sadly for those who deferred the gratification of homeownership, the 20% down payment has now become industry standard. ─── 因为20%预付款已经是产业标准,这会让那些想拥有房屋所有权的购房人继续发愁。

56、The “clever” camp retort that diplomacy is not about instant gratification. ─── "巧实力"阵营反驳到外交不是为了片刻的满足。

57、She used to tell me that she thought I ought to expect some gratification from him for my company, for indeed he did, as it were, engross me. ─── 她常对我说应该从他那里得到一些好处,做为我陪伴他的报酬,因为他的确好象独占了我。

58、It is the latter which we seek to quantify; just as some find grandiose psychic refreshment behind the wheel of an auto, there is emotional gratification to be found in a mouse or control pad. ─── 它是我们寻求确定的后者;就当一些在一辆汽车的车轮后面发现宏伟巫师恢复,有在一只老鼠或控制垫要成立的感情的满足。

59、He purchased this moment of fierce gratification with the loss of the fatal opportunity. ─── 他这一通残忍的发泄,却使自己丧失了宝贵的时机。

60、Again Hist experienced the profound gratification when he heard the language of praise spoken by those he loved. ─── 听了心爱的人说出这番赞扬的话,希斯特又一次感到由衷的喜悦。

61、Fetish: something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, thatAROUSES sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification. ─── 呵呵,中文解释为“恋物情结”,好像简单了点。好了,大家来讨论讨论吧。呵呵。

62、There is a balance to be struck between the immediate gratification of indulgent foods and the long-term pleasure of maintaining a desirable weight and good health. ─── 在享受美食和快乐保持长期理想体重和健康之间可以找到一个平衡点。

63、You can easily get stuck in the emotional gratification of the sympathy or hold yourself back for fear of outdoing your friends and losing them or leaving them behind. ─── 你可能容易地陷入到同情带来的感情满足感、或者因为担心超过朋友而失去他们或者将他们拉在背后产生恐惧而退缩。

64、A feed will usually provide instant gratification to a crying baby. ─── 喂食通常可使正在哭闹的婴儿立即得到满足。

65、Do not seek momentary gratification. ─── 不要只图一时的痛快。

66、We just knew that anything other than physical gratification would not work. ─── 只是知道除之肉体的满足,没有什么有效。

67、His son's success was a great gratification to him. ─── 他儿子的成功是令他深感快慰的事。

68、Is the promotion of instant sexual gratification just harmless entertainment? ─── 即时性满足对宣传只是无害的娱乐吗?

69、To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap. ─── 令我极为满意的是,他中了圈套。

70、It gives him practice in delaying gratification and tolerating frustration. ─── 这也是让他练习延迟欲望和容忍不满.

71、Multi-Vitamin calls on every employee, every partner and every supporter to be brave in innovation to share our successful gratification. ─── 多维康更愿意与每一位员工,每一合作伙伴,每一位多维康的支持者们共同分享其中的喜悦与精彩。

72、His success is a great gratification to us. ─── 他的成功对我们是一大喜事。

73、It means doing the tough things first and looking downstream for gratification and rewards. ─── 它意味着首先做困难的事情,再往下流寻找满足和奖励.

74、That curiosity about life which Lord Henry had first stirred in him, seemed to increase with gratification. ─── 他对生活的好奇心第一次被享利勋爵唤醒,以后仿佛很满意地增长着。

75、If you want immediate gratification, a writing or editing job with a small company is right for you. ─── 如果你很容易满足,在一家小公司的写作或编辑的工作也许就适合你。

76、Some men think it unmanly to be domesticated; others find gratification in it. ─── 有些男人认为专注于家务太没有男子气; 但有一些人却从中得到满足.

77、In his youth he can be satisfied by serving himself alone, but as he matures self gratification is no longer as satisfying. ─── 他年轻时,只要能服务自己就很满意了,但是成熟后,自我满足已不能让他满意了。

78、Instant gratification through the ultimate in high technology. ─── 一种高科技终将带来的速成满足。

79、The ability to delay gratification , like most skills, correlates with socioeconomic status and parenting styles. ─── 自制力像大多数的技巧一样, 跟社会经济状况以及父母的教育方式有关.

80、Carlo leaned back , his face flushed with gratification. ─── 卡罗靠在椅背上,感激涕零, 满面红光.

81、Clark insists that this misses the point of the "instant gratification services" already moving into production for modest, well-specified projects. ─── Clark坚持认为,这忽略了一个要点,那就是“即时满意服务”针对普通的、明确规定的方案,已经运用到了生产中。

82、My son's success is a great gratification to me. ─── 我儿子的成功对我来说是件很棒的快事.

83、A person with this unstatisfied and uncouscious(because repressed) need will nevertheless be compelled to attemp its gratification through stubstitute means. ─── 一个有着这样未满足和无意识(因为被压抑)需求的人,将会身不由己地试图寻找替代品。

84、They have fewer opportunities to learn the value of money, and have less experience in learning to deal with a delay gratification, if every requested object is given on demand. ─── 如果要什么就给什么,孩子们就没有机会去体会钱来之不易,自己的要求不能立即满足时就不能正确对待。

85、American attachment to instant gratification is strong. So is the pressure to pass the bailout. ─── 美国人对眼前利益的留恋是强烈的, 这正是不得不通过援助计划的压力所在.

86、We work tirelessly and are not content until you, our customer gains gratification. ─── 客户的满意即是我们最大的成功.

87、FreeKick is not the best looking game, nor the game that offers most instant gratification to the managers, nor offering the most statistics. ─── 任意球是不是最好的游戏,也不是游戏,提供最即时满足的管理人员,也不提供最统计数字。

88、An affair offering little more than sexual gratification. ─── 但,天底下哪有这麽便宜的事?

89、The nuisance of her presence before me outweighs the gratification to be derived from tormenting her. ─── 她在我跟前所引起我的厌恶已经超出我折磨她时所得到的满足了。

90、People today want fast food, sound bytes and instant gratification. ─── 如今人们需要快餐,需要电台、电视台播放简短片断,还要即刻得到满足。

91、Free gratification of man's instinctual need is incompatible with civilized society. ─── 人的本能需要的自由满足与文明社会是相抵触的。

92、The next time you find yourself wanting instant gratification impatiently wanting something you cannot have at that moment give thanks to God for what you already do have for 30 seconds. ─── 下次你再发现自己在急切等待他人对你的肯定,而又不可能立刻拥有的时候,用30秒来为你已经完成的事情感谢上帝。

93、People today want fast food, sound bytes and instant gratification. ─── 如今人们需要快餐,需要电台 、 电视台播放简短片断,还要即刻得到满足.

94、Man has surely some latent sense for which this place affords no gratification, or he has some desires distinct from sense which must be satisfied before he can be happy. ─── 人肯定有无法满足的潜意识,或是有某种强烈憧憬的欲望。只有这些愿望得到满足,他才会幸福。

95、Of course, the act of writing, the surge and bloom of alone brings fulfillment and gratification. ─── 当然, 写作这种行为和写作时的文思泉涌带来的成就感会令你欢欣不已.

96、Thus isolated, thus removed, the vision acquired an especially keen charm that made me race with all speed toward my lone gratification. ─── 如此形影相吊,如此销魂,这景色生出了一种勾心摄魄的诱惑力,促使我全速跑向我孤独的尤物。

97、Young children focus on the gratification they expect from relationships, describing friends as people who give them things or let them play with their toys. ─── 因此在他们心目中,朋友就是送给他们礼物,并和他们分享自己的玩具的孩子。

98、Likelihood: Taking charge of your own gratification and fulfillment increases the likelihood that your marriage will be enjoyable and rewarding. ─── 多注意些自己的心情与价值会使婚姻充满希望与魅力。

99、Why do we have high living standard but without having our hearts filled with gratification? ─── 我们的生活水准这麽高,为何不见喜悦满怀.

100、They're both strong men, both determined, she thought with gratification. ─── 她欣慰地想,他们都是强者,都是些坚强的人。

101、In his youth he can be satisfied by serving himself alone, but as he matures self?gratification is no longer as satisfying. ─── 他年轻时,只要能效劳本人就很满意了,但是成熟后,自我满足已无所不能让他满意了。

102、Ladys and gentelmen,have a good trip.I am looking forward to share the gratification of success. ─── 兄弟姐妹们,一路走好。有待他日,和你们分享成功的喜悦。

103、Instant gratification is not the recipe for happiness. ─── 即刻的满足并非获得快乐的良方。

104、But, as me with you, I resolved to trust you to set my wishes above your gratification. ─── 不过,以你我的关系来说,我决定相信你,认为你能把满足我的心愿放在满足你的欲望上。

105、For the immediate future, Calfee is "picking fruit from the lowest branches, trying to find areas where we can get immediate results and gratification. ─── “从最近的分支机构中受益,并试图发现其他可以取得直接成果、得到满足感的领域。”

106、In today’s fast-paced society, anything that brings closure to an issue or immediate gratification has great appeal. ─── 在今日这个步调快速的社会里,任何能够解决问题或带来实时满足的东西都有很大的吸引力。

107、You can set long-range goals so that you do not have to have instant gratification. ─── 你会树立长期的目标,所以不需要瞬间的快感。

108、Human beings have faculties more elevated than the animal appetites and, when once made conscious of them, do not regard anything as happiness which does not include their gratification. ─── 人类拥有比动物欲望层次更高的官能;他们一旦对这些官能有了意识,便不会将任何排除其满足感的东西视为幸福。

109、Gratification" and "gratitude" have the same etymological root. ─── gratification和gratitude有相同的词源。

110、It teaches people discipline through delayed gratification. ─── 它通过迟滞的满足训练我们。

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