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08-18 投稿


concurs 发音

英:[k?n?k??z]  美:[k?n?k??rz]

英:  美:

concurs 中文意思翻译



concurs 短语词组

1、concurs crossword ─── 同意填字游戏

2、concurs dex ─── 同意dex

3、concurs adr ─── 同意adr

4、concurs gov ─── 同意政府

concurs 词性/词形变化,concurs变形

动词过去分词: concurred |动词第三人称单数: concurs |动词现在分词: concurring |动词过去式: concurred |

concurs 常用词组

concur with ─── 同意;同…一致

concur in ─── 赞成

concurs 相似词语短语

1、concerns ─── n.关注;关注点;关注者(concern的复数形式);v.使关心(concern的三单形式);涉及;关系到…

2、concerts ─── n.音乐会;演唱会;(音)协奏曲(concert的复数);合奏(曲)

3、concert ─── n.音乐会;一致;和谐;vt.使协调;协同安排;vi.协调;协力;adj.音乐会用的;在音乐会上演出的

4、concern ─── vt.影响,牵扯(某人);关系到,涉及;使担心;n.担心,忧虑;关爱,关心;关心的事,负责的事;关系;公司,企业;(非正式)复杂的物体

5、concords ─── n.和谐;和睦;一致;协调

6、concours ─── n.(法)竞争;比赛(单复数相同)

7、concuss ─── v.震动;使脑部受到震荡;恐吓

8、concourse ─── n.广场;集合;合流;群众

9、concur ─── vi.同意;一致;互助

concurs 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、12) Many people's feelings concur on the subject of freedom. ─── 人的感情,在自由的问题上是一致的。

2、"We fully concur with the unreserved apology that was made by Mr Ecclestone yesterday," said a spokesman. ─── "我们完全赞同毫无保留的道歉,这是由埃克莱斯顿先生昨天发言人说:“.

3、concur with sb ─── 同意某人

4、He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; ─── 总统应有权经由参议院咨议和同意缔结条约,但须有出席参议院的2/3多数赞成。

5、They understand perfectly how the data is structured and how software works and are comfortable with such products. Few nonprogrammers would concur. ─── 对于这类产品,程序员很满意,因为他们能完美地理解产品的工作方式,但在非程序员中很少会有同样的感觉。

6、They concur in their opinions ─── 他们意见一致。

7、Even though some experts argue over how long your stretch routine should be, they concur that stretching increases the body's core temperature and primes the muscles to work at high levels. ─── 尽管一些专家对于伸展运动应该做多久持有不同意见,但他们都一致认为伸展运动可以提高身体的温度,确保肌肉群工作在一个好的状态。

8、1.simultaneous; concurrent; contemporaneous; 2.to coincide with; to sync; to synchronize; to concur; to contemporize ─── 同时发生

9、The supplier shall concur with any requests by a subcontractor before submission to the customer. ─── 在提交给顾客前,供方必须与分承包方就提出的要求达成一致。

10、To be of one opinion; concur. ─── 意见一致;应允

11、He concurs: he looks like a rich prick. ─── 他也同意我的观点,觉得自己看起来就像一个让人讨厌的有钱人。

12、Clause 2:He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; ─── 2.总统有权缔订条约,但须争取参议院的意见和同意,并须出席的参议员中三分之二的人赞成 ;

13、She has expressed her opposition to the plan, and I fully concur ─── 她对计划表示反对,我完全同意.

14、concur with ─── v. 同意

15、Most classmates would concur and admire all the joy and laughter brought by Yeng in various forms, especially via frequent emails in the recent years. ─── 大部份同学都会认同及欣赏炎光兄带来的所有不同形式的欢乐与笑声,特别是近年来经由频繁的电子邮件联系。

16、foreign accent concurs. ─── 外国口音的男子说话声。

17、He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarassed action of those about him,and he concurs with their movements rather than takes the initiative himself. ─── 他的主要职责就是消除那些阻碍周围的人自如行动的障碍。而且他与其他人行动一致,而不是采取主动。

18、[Abstract] Corrosion and scaling concurs in most kinds of industrial water,which conflicts with the judgment from water characteristics. ─── [摘要] [摘要] 多数情况下,水系统中的腐蚀和结垢现象与根据水的水质特性指数判断得到的结果相矛盾。

19、But, what needs to pay attention, has chosen the guerrilla force, must complete concurs the designer, porter, overseeing and so on number duty the mental preparations. ─── 但是,需要注意的是,选择了游击队,就得做好身兼设计师、搬运工、监理等等数职的思想准备。

20、The security contractor from Iraq concurs. ─── 其来自伊拉克之安全承包商以为如是。

21、The security contractor from Iraq concurs. ─── 其来自伊拉克之安全承包商以为如是。

22、” Chris concurs, expressing his belief that “athletics can benefit [his] academics because it will keep him motivated and focused on [his] future. ─── 宗凯同意伟康的看法,他深信“运动有益于(他)的学业成绩,因为它使(他)自动自发,更专注于(他自己)的未来。”

23、Chanel lady concurs. 'They become obsessed.' ─── 香奈儿女士对此表示赞同:“他们迷上了这个。”

24、He is fundamentally a pan-blue supporter and concurs with basic doctrines of Dr. ─── 他本质上是一个泛蓝支持者并同时赞成孙中山先生的基本理念。

25、She expressed her opposition to the plan, and I fully concur with her in this matter. ─── 她对计划表示反对,在这一问题上我完全同意她的看法。

26、concur with in ─── adj. 同某人对某事一致

27、He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarrassed action of those about him,and he concurs with their movements rather than takes the initiative himself. ─── 他主要负责的只是消除阻碍了他行动自由和让他感觉到舒服的行为的障碍,他喜欢别人的行动而不是自己主动。

28、However, the two parties failed to concur on a fee and the situation with regards to the 23-year-old schemer has currently reached an impasse. ─── 尽管如此,这两家在这个23岁阴谋家的转会费上产生了分歧并且陷入僵局。

29、I'll do nothing that we both don't concur on, from now on and forever. ─── 从现在起,凡不是我们俩一致同意的事,我都不干,而且永远如此。

30、To agree exactly, as in opinion; concur. ─── 一致,同意完全同意,如在意见上;同时发生

31、Used to respond to a roll call,attract attention,command an animal,or rebuke,admonish,or concur. ─── 到,喂,嘿,点名时回答、引起注意、命令动物、训斥、告诫或同意时用。

32、Provided you Concur ─── 如你同意

33、No one considers himself contemptible. I concur with you in a sense, but love of fame is universal. ─── 在某种意义上说我同意您,但爱出名是人皆有之的。

34、I can not say (that) I concur with your assessment of the novel. ─── 我不能说我赞同您对这部小说的评价。

35、Clinical and pathological Dx concur ─── 临床与病理诊断符合率

36、"I concur with you in a sense, but love of fame is universal. " ─── 在某种意义上说我同意您,但爱出名是人皆有之的。

37、Would you concur with such a proposal? ─── 你同意这个建议吗?

38、concur v. ─── 意见一致;

39、The brothers rarely concur on any issues. ─── 他们兄弟在任何问题上都很少有一致的意见。

40、A justice's refusal to concur with the opinion of a majority,as on a higher court. ─── 异议法官对多数法官作出的相同判决的拒绝,如在高级法院

41、Gilardi concurs that the newly compiled data is a powerful tool. ─── 吉拉迪认同新汇集的数据是一个强有力的工具。

42、Reay concurs that not all offset schemes are equal, and says that some form of benchmarking is required. ─── 雷表示同意并非所有的抵消计划都有同等效用的看法,并且表示需要进行某种形式的基准测试。

43、She has expressed her opposition to the plan, and I fully concur . ─── 她对计划表示反对, 我完全同意.

44、and he concurs with their movements rather than takes the initiative himself. ─── 帮助别人,他不以为荣;施惠于人宛如蒙受恩典。

45、He concurs with the latest recommendations offered in“ Allergic Rhinitis and Its Impact on Asthma,” a position paper published last November for the World Health Organization by an international consortium of34 allergy experts. ─── 对于2001年11月由世界卫生组织发表的一篇宣示立场的论文〈敏性鼻炎及其对气喘的影响〉提的建议,洛克也表同意。

46、I cannot concur with you in this matter ─── 在这件事情上,我不能同意你。

47、On the last point, at least, tobacco's sternest foes might concur with the senator. ─── 也许至少在最后一点,烟草最严苛的敌人会和这位参议员持相同意见。

48、but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. ─── 但参议院得以处理其它法案的方式,以修正案提出建议或表示同意。

49、Terry is not sure if the two clubs will be able to concur on a fee, but would love to play alongside his international team-mate in Chelsea colours. . ─── 也不能确认两家俱乐部能否在转会费上达成共识,但是他非常希望能和自己的国家队队友一起在切尔西效力。

50、Despite the lack of concrete evidence proving vaccines can be harmful, most physicians concur that the benefits outweigh the risk. ─── 尽管没有确切的证据表明疫苗接种有害,但是大多数内科医生一致认为疫苗接种功过于害。

51、Not everyone concurs with this comparison. ─── 不过,并非所有人都同意这种比较;

52、“There is no longer any choice for Asia,” concurs Clyde Prestowitz, president of the Economic Strategy Institute who warned for years that global imbalances were unsustainable. ─── 如果普列斯多维兹是对的,那么全球危机对于亚洲经济而言,将不仅意味着一次周期性打击。

53、We concur with all of the changes to the document suggested by yourselves . ─── 我们同意贵谠提议对该文件所做的一切改动。

54、Most phylogenetic analyses concur that it is from Sivapithecus that the living orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus, is descended. ─── 大多数系谱分析的结论都指出,现生的红毛猩猩(Pongopygmaeus)是从西瓦猿演化出来的。

55、A caseworker considering your application will only concur with your score where appropriate evidence has been supplied. ─── 工作人员只会考虑已经提供适当证明的申请。

56、Concur with sb. in... ─── 在某方面与某人一致

57、Did all the members concur in getting a bank loan? ─── 委员们是否都同意向银行贷款。

58、I discussed the case with Dr. xxxx (primary physician) at 3:30 PM, on m/d/y.Dr. xxxxx (cytopathologist) and Dr. xxx (GU pathologist) have reviewed the case and concur with above interpretation. ─── 我与病人的主管医生XXX一齐讨论该病例在某年某月某日,下午 3:30 ,与细胞病理专家XXX以及泌尿病理专家XXX一齐复习了该病例。

59、Ms. Benson, the music-industry assistant, concurs: 'I wouldn't wear a silky-nighty type thing with it. ' ─── 音乐经理人助理本森也持同样的看法。“我不会拿它来搭配丝质的晚装。”

60、Both the Doha Ministerial Conference and the Cancun Ministerial Conference concur that the multilateral trade system yields to environmental issues. ─── 多哈会谈及坎昆部长会议则再次显示多边贸易体制在向环境保护问题妥协。

61、She has expressed her opposition to the plan, and I fully concur (with her) (in this matter). ─── 她对计划表示反对,(在这一问题上)我完全同意(她的意见).

62、Theoretically, the president could appoint anyone reading this book to a federal judgeship as long as the Senate concurs. ─── 理论上,只要参议院同意,总统能任命任何人为联邦法官。

63、He concurs that Shanghai 'doesn't have particularly high correlation with anything else,' calling it 'probably the most difficult market to try to map to [corporate profit] growth. ─── 他也认为,上海与其他市场没有特别高的相关性,他说上海或许是最难以把公司利润增长与股市行情联系起来的市场了。

64、I wonder if you will concur with the idea ( that ) money do not mean happiness. ─── 不知您是否同意金钱并不是幸福。

65、"Well, while I concur with you on the whole, I think there 's still some risk of failure. " ─── 好吧,总的来说我同意您,不过我认为还是有遭受失败的风险的。

66、Both sides concur more research is needed, but in the interim it is important parents attempt to minimize the use of products containing BPA. ─── 双方都一致认为需要更多的研究,但与此同时,父母尝试最大限度地使用含有双酚A的产品也是重要的。

67、Ms Ehrenreich concurs, noting that the 43rd president was once a cheerleader. ─── 埃伦莱稀意见一致地记录到第43任总统曾经是一个啦啦队长。

68、Used to respond to a roll call, attract attention, command an animal, or rebuke, admonish, or concur. ─── 到,喂,嘿点名时回答、引起注意、命令动物、训斥、告诫或同意时用

69、Specifically, she needs to know if she should concur with the OMB recommendation or go against it. ─── 尤其副署长需要知道她应该赞成或是反对管理与预算局的建议。

70、A number of theologians concur that the apparent convergence of religious and scientific versions of the creation is a coincidence from which no profound meaning can be extracted. ─── 对于宗教和科学在创世纪问题上表现出的一致,一些神学家也认为是一种偶然的巧合,并没有什么深刻意味。

71、I concur the "not losing one’s self" part.Although we must inject our essence into roles we play, we should not get lost in the roles completely. ─── 一位影帝级演员说,他开窍前接了很多戏,拍到天昏地暗,自己也不知在做甚麽,连睡觉的时间也没有,根本没时间多想如何做。

72、She has expressed her opposition to the plan, and I fully concur (with her) (in this matter ─── 她对计划表示反对, (在这一问题上)我完全同意(她的意见).

73、If a judge does not agree with the majority, the judge may "concur" in the result. ─── 如果有位法官不同意多数,他的判决在决议中也会“赞同”判决结果。

74、I wonder if you would concur with the idea (that) money doesn't mean happiness. ─── 不知您是否同意金钱并不就是幸福。

75、Sheriff Holley?I concur, Your Honor. ─── |- 霍利警长?

76、* Did you concur with the decision of the court or did you find it unfair? ─── *您是否同意法院的裁决还是你觉得不公平?

77、Will you concur with such a proposal ? ─── 您同意这样的建议吗?

78、Therefore not everything that we plan to take place at a certain time concurs with the many thousands of other aspects involved. ─── 因此并不是我们计划好的每件事情都会在特定的时刻发生,因为几千年来有其他的情况包括了进来。

79、concur in ─── v. 赞成

80、Hulu concurs with that, it needs to evolve to have a meaningful subscription model as part of its business. ─── Hulu也同意,有必要逐步推行一种有效的订阅模式来作为其业务的一部分。

81、Making the right decisions requires a sophisticated understanding of many variables, concurs Tim Dumond, principal with Grant Thornton's Corporate Advisory and Restructuring Services. ─── 做出正确的决定需要对各种变化有精准的理解,GrantThornton的公司咨询和重组服务负责人TimDumond表示。

82、Ionic research from leading institutions, along with 5,000 worldwide studies, unanimously concur that negative ions are beneficial for us and positive ions are not. ─── 从许多大机构的离子研究和来自世界各地超过5000多份的研究报告都一致提出,负离子对人体健康的重要性。

83、The Cayce readings and modern science concur that constructive thoughts and emotions release healing hormones into the body and mind. ─── 凯西解读和现代科学都认为,建设性的思想和情感将治疗性的激素释放至身体和头脑中。

84、Aguiniga concurs that Ortiz's willingness to improve might be his best asset. ─── 阿奎尼加认为,或许,自强不息的决心才是奥提兹最大的财富。

85、Most cosmologists today concur that our universe resembles an FRW universe, one that is infinite, has no boundary and will go on expanding ad infinitum . ─── 今日,多数的宇宙学家都同意,我们的宇宙类似于FRW宇宙,这是个无限、边界,而且不断膨胀的宇宙。

86、These representatives must concur in the President's convictions. If they do not, they have no alternatives except to resign. ─── 总统的意见与他们相左时,这些代表必须赞成,否则只能辞职。

87、4 The findings of two national studies concur. ─── 两次全国范围的调研得出一致的结论。

88、" Where there are complex legal issues, the judge may concur in part and dissent in part. ─── 对于复杂的法律争议,法官可以部分同意并部分异议。

89、She has expressed her opposition to the plan,and I fully concur (with her)(in this matter). ─── 她对计划表示反对,(在这一问题上)我完全同意(她的意见).

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