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08-18 投稿


satin 发音

英:[?s?tn]  美:[?s?t?n]

英:  美:

satin 中文意思翻译





satin 网络释义

n. 缎子;缎子衣服adj. 光滑的;绸缎做的;似缎的n. (Satin)人名;(法)萨坦;(俄)萨京

satin 反义词


satin 词性/词形变化,satin变形


satin 短语词组

1、satin bowerbird ─── 缎蓝亭鸟; ─── 缎蓝园丁鸟

2、satin wood ─── 椴木

3、satin wood dermatitis ─── [医] 缎木皮炎

4、satin brocade ─── 织锦缎

5、smoldering satin ─── 阴燃绸缎

6、acrylite satin ice wd ─── 丙烯酸缎冰wd

7、satin birds ─── 缎纹鸟

8、satin leaf ─── [网络] 缎叶

9、satin stitch ─── 缎纹刺绣针迹

10、satin paper ─── 蜡光纸,光泽纸

11、satin bird ─── [网络] 缎鸟

12、satin walnut ─── 美国枫香

13、satin flower ─── [网络] 高代花

14、satin naturel ─── 缎质天然

15、satin brass ─── 铜砂光

16、satin weave ─── 缎纹组织; 经 ─── 缎组织

17、tapestry satin ─── 织锦缎

18、satin bloom ─── 缎纹花

19、get dipped in satin ─── 沾上缎子

satin 同义词

gourmandize | gorge | gratify | overindulge | gormandize | glut | overgorge |fill | sate | pig out | overeat | appease | gormandise | stuff | satisfy | ingurgitate | suffice | engorge | satiated | fill up | binge | slake | scarf out | quench | englut | replete | assuage

satin 常用词组

satin weave ─── 缎织;缎纹组织

satin ribbon ─── 缎带

white satin ─── [俚]杜松子酒

satin 特殊用法

1、patent satin ─── 提花缎

2、flat satin ─── 素色经缎组织

3、crow-foot satin ─── 皱纹缎(玻璃布纹织)

4、figured satin ─── 花缎

5、tapestry satin ─── 织锦缎

6、velvet satin ─── 丝绒花缎, 缎地花丝绒

7、warp satin ─── 经面缎纹织物

8、sport satin ─── 运动缎

satin 相似词语短语

1、Tatin ─── n.(Tatin)人名;(塞)塔廷;(法)塔坦

2、satiny ─── adj.光滑的,缎子似的,柔软的

3、satins ─── n.缎子;缎子衣服;adj.光滑的;绸缎做的;似缎的;n.(Satin)人名;(法)萨坦;(俄)萨京

4、sating ─── 使心满意足的(sate的形容词)

5、matin ─── n.(英国国教)晨祷;(天主教)早课;晨歌;adj.早晨的;晨祷的;n.(Matin)人名;(西、塞、孟)马丁;(俄)马京

6、Datin ─── n.[计]数据输入器;n.(Datin)人名;(法)达坦;(马来)拿汀(对女性长辈或高地位者的尊称)

7、isatin ─── n.[染料]靛红

8、sat in ─── n.缎子;缎子衣服;adj.光滑的;绸缎做的;似缎的;n.(Satin)人名;(法)萨坦;(俄)萨京

9、Latin ─── n.拉丁语;拉丁人;拉丁音乐;adj.拉丁语的,用拉丁语写成的;拉丁语系国家(或民族)的;拉丁人的;n.(Latin)(美)拉京(人名)

satin 习惯用语

1、white satin ─── [俚]杜松子酒, 烧酒

satin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With time and patience the leaf of the mulberry becomes satin. ─── 只要工夫深,铁杵磨成针。

2、He contemplated, not that girl, but that light which wore a satin pelisse and a velvet bonnet. ─── 他一心景仰着,不是那姑娘,而是那一团有缎斗篷和丝绒帽的光辉。

3、The day of the wedding dawned perfect and clear. Cognac wore a white collar and purple satin bow tie. ─── 婚礼那天天气晴朗。科格纳克带着白脖圈,打着紫缎蝴蝶结。

4、Hand beaded and embroidered bodice and hem, seamist satin ribbon with bow, streamer, and brooch detail. ─── 我想拥有它,因为: Vanilla silk duchess satin A-line gown with a softly scooped strapless neckline.

5、She had whisked away Mr. Rushworth's pink satin cloak with the instinctive caution as her brother-in-law entered. ─── 当她妹夫进来的时候,出于本能的谨慎,她赶紧把罗么渥兹先生的红段子斗篷收起来。

6、Satin sheets are very romantic. What happens when you're not in bed? ─── 光滑的绸缎是很浪漫的。当你不在床上时,会发生什么呢?

7、Info:Satin fabric and rayon cords Cutting holes by hand For bridal/ evening dress Two-sided scallop W ...... ─── 主要材质:粘胶/人造丝次要材质:粘胶/人造丝克重:其它幅宽:其它用途:服装用织物

8、Through the open door was visible a portion of the boudoir, containing an upright piano and a blue satin couch. ─── 从那打开着的门向里过去,可以看见一架直立钢琴和一张蓝缎的睡榻。

9、He sat bowed over, his head between his hands, staring at the hearth-rug, and at the tip of the satin shoe that showed under her dress. ─── 他弯腰坐着,头捧在两手间,瞪眼望着炉前的地毯和她衣服下露出的缎子鞋尖。

10、David did not stopped at the temptation of eyes. Furthermore, he sent people to look for the woman. He gave Satin & himself room to sin. ─── ü大卫未停止于眼目的试探,反而进一步的要探听此人,给撒旦留馀地,给自己犯罪的空间。

11、Brocader satin can be made into bedgown,skirt,and insidefabric... ─── 内容摘要:适用于中高档睡衣,夏季裙子,里布等。

12、Geschlecht: Damenuhr Stil: Elegant Uhrwerk: Handaufzug Armband: Satin Zifferblatt: silber Glas: Saph... ─── 成色 0 (崭新);手动发条;新;含说明书;女表;所在地: 德国, Essen;

13、The final stage of waxing left it with a satin sheen. ─── 最后一道打蜡使之有了缎子般的光泽。

14、Sewing machine parts, air stapler and nailer parts, drill bit body, stainless steel hardware with satin supface. ─── 工业缝纫机零件、射钉枪配件,锚件钻头类,不锈钢抛丸五金件。

15、Info:FABRICS: SILK(GGT,CDC,SATIN...); SILK/RAYON VELVET; SILK/RAYON SATIN; SILK/COTTON; COTTON; SCARF. ─── 主要材质:真丝次要材质:粘胶/人造丝克重:其它幅宽:110-120用途:服装用织物

16、She was wearing a pink bodice, black trousers and white satin embroidered slippers. ─── 她穿着件粉红的卫生衣,下面衬着条青裤子,脚上趿拉着双白缎子绣花的拖鞋。

17、Like...like rose petals on satin sheets? -Yeah! Just like that. There. ─── 像...像缎面床单上的玫瑰花瓣?-耶!就像那样。就是。

18、Duchess Satin, also known as Princess Satin, Delustred Satin and Bridal Satin, is a heavy weight satin with one side shiny and smooth. ─── 公爵夫人缎,也称作公主缎,消光缎和新娘缎,是一种厚重型绸缎,其中一面光滑而富有光泽。

19、Oh! Yeah, our romantic evening. Anyone who's not used to satin sheet could easily have an accident. ─── 哦!是啊,我们浪漫的夜晚。不习惯缎子床单的人是很容易出事的。

20、I was only vaguely aware of Alice and the slip and slide of satin over my skin. ─── 只有依稀记得一些艾丽丝样子以及绸缎在身体上穿越和滑动的感觉。

21、Faceted clear crystal body with Jet crystal eyes; rhodium-plated details; blue satin ribbon. ─── 在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶身体与喷气机水晶眼睛;铑被镀的细节;蓝色缎丝带。

22、She fringed the small white flag with red satin. ─── 她用红色缎子做流苏装饰小白旗。

23、I need a pair of white satin gloves. ─── 我需要一副白缎手套。

24、Colour-rich. Soft satin, semi-matte finish. Conditions while adding intense colour. ─── 如同柔软绸缎的饱满色泽,中等光滑度。最后一句不懂..

25、She wore a cream satin dress. ─── 她穿着一条米色的缎子裙子。

26、Fully faceted clear crystal heart with Silver Shade crystal chaton accent; white satin ribbon. ─── 完全清楚面心水晶银水晶遮荫海韵口音;白色缎丝带。

27、Fully faceted Silver Shade crystal heart with White Opal crystal chaton accent; beige satin ribbon. ─── 充分面银牌遮荫水晶心白色晶体蛋白石海韵口音;米色缎子丝带。

28、It fell like black satin curtains on either side of his broad face. ─── 他的头发就如同黑色丝缎窗帘披在他的宽脸盘上。

29、The blankets were bound with satin. ─── 那些毯子是用缎子包边的。

30、On the floor, a satin bed tinged his delirium in tones of red. ─── 在地板上,一张绸缎覆盖的床沾染了他红色的迷乱气息。

31、Info:Patch border design For garment or evening wear Organdy ground, satin patch, and rayon yarn Width ...... ─── 主要材质:粘胶/人造丝次要材质:尼龙/锦纶克重:其它幅宽:其它用途:服装用织物

32、She was wearing a white satin gown that made her look like an angel. ─── 她穿了一袭白色绸缎织成的礼服,让她看起来宛如天使一般。

33、WTX-1001, 100% cotton, hand towel, 33x33cm, white, plain satin. ─── WTX-1001, 全绵, 手巾 , 33x33 厘米 , 白色, 沙田白无花。

34、She was looking almost festive in very shiny black satin. ─── 她穿着发亮的黑色缎子衣服,看起来几乎象过节。

35、She wore brocade dresses with lace petticoats.The shoes on her little feet always matched her satin hair bands. ─── 她穿锦缎的裙子搭配着蕾丝衬裙,小巧双脚上的鞋永远都搭配着她丝绸般的发带。

36、Info:Best quality satin fabric with best embroidering. White, ivory colour options. Various sizes... ─── 主要材质:其它次要材质:其它尺码:全码适用季节:四季

37、It goes particularly well with black satin and this seasons grown-up 1940s movie-star silhouettes. ─── 与黑缎搭配得特别好,和本季成熟的40年代电影明星剪影也搭配得特别好。

38、The materials include: silk, shantung, satin, georgette and chiffon. ─── 所用到的材料包括:丝绸,山东绸,缎,乔其纱和雪纺绸。

39、Your skin is softer than the finest satin and glows radiantly illuminating like the sun, setting over a serene pool of crystal clear water. ─── 你皮柔软比好缎子并且发光放射象太阳一样亮正移交一宁静一清二楚水的水池。

40、The walls were hung with white satin. ─── 房间四壁挂起白色绸幔。

41、Tenya series:color include lmitate gold and satin nickel. ─── 天雅系列:颜色以钛金及钢拉丝为主。

42、Typically used to form borders around fill areas and for rendering text, the column stitch consists of closely spaced satin stitches. ─── 典型的用于形成打密区域的包边和打字母的针,圆柱针由空隙很小的挨针组成。

43、Train: Gold satin with gold stitching&beading.Measurement of train is from floor to end 30”. ─── 下裙前面后均有金色缎布衩片,衩片上有金色刺绣和钉珠(按客人提供图片和小布样);

44、Hey, that new jacket with the black satin collar and gold buttons is pretty snazzy. ─── 嘿,那件有黑缎领和金黄纽扣的夹克可真时髦。

45、She favours a midnight blue pinstriped suit paired with a fitted satin shirt and black patent heels for her professional life. ─── 她喜欢将深蓝色细条纹西服,配上合身的丝绸衬衫和黑色漆皮高跟鞋作为其职业装。

46、The little girl wore satin ribbons in her hair. ─── 小女孩在头发上戴了缎带。

47、The female guests had decked themselves out in satin frocks and flowery hats. ─── 女客人们把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮,缎子上诱,花帽子。

48、Silk satin, silk taffeta, india silk. ─── 丝绸缎子,真丝塔夫绸,印度丝绸。

49、Like a delicate blue satin spread, so pure, so clear, fascinating, fascinating. ─── 像精致的蓝缎子铺开,那样纯净,那样明朗,令人神往,让人着迷。

50、We produce Boxing short in heavy satin 100% polyester in black, red, blue, yellow and white color. ─── 我们生产拳击短重缎100%聚酯纤维,在黑色,红色,蓝色,黄色和白色。

51、Satin finish white laquer, oak body and aluminum legs give this table a diverse finish of glossy satin and matte metal. ─── 以绸缎制成白色绾带,橡木制的桌身以及铝制的桌角都赋予了这张桌子一个不同形象:既有绸缎般的光滑,又有金属的粗糙感。


53、She was a chilly little creature, and loved to bury herself in soft wrappings of satin and fur. ─── 她是个怕冷的娇小姐,喜欢把自己埋在柔软的绸缎和皮裘的覆盖物之下。

54、She appeared in a slinky satin dress. ─── 她穿着紧身的缎料连衣裙出场。

55、Duchess satin with the lace applique. ─── |洋锻加上蕾丝绣花?

56、In a satin fabric it is the warp ends that float on the surface. ─── 在经面缎纹中经纱浮在织物表面。

57、Instead of just a sleek leather sofa, there are luxury touches of a cashmere throw and silk and satin pillows. ─── 仅有一张光滑的皮质沙发是不够的,还要加上雍容华贵的喀什米尔羊毛的触感以及上等的丝绸和缎枕。

58、The morphology of satin nickel coating with the additives was distinguished to other traditional process observed by SEM. ─── SEM观察结果表明镀层表面形貌不同于传统珍珠镍电镀工艺所得镀层。

59、The baby's skin is as smooth as satin. ─── 婴儿的皮肤像缎子一样光滑。

60、The rivers are blue satin ribbons/The hills ornaments of green jade/Secluded are the caves deep and dewy/Everywhere a glorious gorgeous sight. ─── “水着青罗带/山如碧玉簪/洞穴幽且深/处处呈奇观。”

61、Can you tell me what satin is? ─── 你可以告诉我什么是绸缎吗?

62、We have this teddy bra in black and red satin. ─── 我们有款用黑色和红色缎子做的连身胸罩。

63、Calm and relaxed, Marie comes in vibrant shades of Kakadu Red Satin crystal. ─── 平静和放松,玛丽有活力色调的卡卡杜红萨丹晶体。

64、Masculine military style jacket, a black tux complete with a slim, ruffled, satin shirt. ─── 如有阳刚之风的军款茄克和一件黑色礼服搭配一件贴身的褶边缎质衬衫。

65、Info:LS 11-022 AS 11-023 Made of 100% Polyester (Silk Satin) 10 cm elasticated waist Available in sizes ...... ─── 主要材质:涤纶次要材质:涤纶尺码:全码适用季节:四季

66、Sewing machine parts, air stapler and nailer parts, drill bit body, stainless steel hardware with satin surface, telecommunication equipment parts. ─── 工业缝纫配件、射钉配件、工具钳头类、五金工具类。

67、A romanitic getaway just for two with nothing but room service and satin sheets. ─── 只有两个人的浪漫出逃,只要房内服务和绸缎拖鞋。

68、He sat bowed over, his head between his hands, staring at the hearth-rug, and at the tips of the satin shoes that showed under her dress. ─── 他弯腰坐着,头埋在两手间,瞪眼望着炉前的地毯和她衣服下露出的缎子鞋尖。

69、She set her sweet little foot, shod in white satin, on Marius' foot. ─── 她把她那柔软的穿着白缎鞋的小脚放在马吕斯的脚上。

70、Her hat was an elaborate confection of satin and net. ─── 她的帽子用缎子和网纱制成,非常精致。

71、There was one perfect swingy satin pea coat, the exaggerated collar in black shading down into a leopard print, refined and feral. ─── 倒是有一件完美、轻快活泼的缎子短大衣,夸张的衣领把黑色的阴影投向一个美洲豹印图上,优雅而野性。

72、Contrast colour satin bow at base of panel on c. F. ─── 前中带花、叶的缎弓一组对比色。

73、A man's dress jacket, usually black with satin or grosgrain lapels, worn for formal or semiformal occasions. ─── 夜小礼服、晚餐服男式的礼服外套,通常是黑色,有亚麻的或粗丝绸的翻领,在正式或半正式场合穿着

74、Borrowing some high-gloss satin chrome trim from BMW's Individual program gives the cars a unique touch. ─── 借款一些高光泽砂光铬装饰从宝马的单独程序提供了一个独特的汽车触摸.

75、If you want to make "Qipao"you need the satin. ─── 如果你想做旗袍,就要买缎子。

76、She has on a pair of pink satin shoes. ─── 她穿著一双粉红色缎鞋。

77、When Joel came for his visit, he found her sitting up in bed in a beautiful satin gown, her hair done up stylishly. ─── 乔尔去看她时,发现她坐在床上,穿着一袭漂亮的绸缎连衣裙,头发扎得很时尚。

78、She wore a white satin gown trimmed with lace. ─── 她穿着一条饰有蕾丝花边的白色缎子长裙。

79、Info:Bathrobe made by satin and also can make by silk, lenin, cotton. (size S M L XL XXL and kid size) s ...... ─── 主要材质:真丝次要材质:其它尺码:全码适用季节:四季

80、Switch to a smooth satin pillowcase. The creases in cotton eventually make their mark on your face. ─── 换用缎子枕套。棉布的折痕最终使他们成为你脸上的商标。

81、Her skin is as smooth as satin. ─── 她的皮肤像缎子一样光滑。

82、Faceted clear crystal body with Jet crystal eyes; gold-plated details; blue satin ribbon. ─── 在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶身体与喷气机水晶眼睛;金子被镀的细节;蓝色缎丝带。

83、All kinds of beaded purse with cotton, canvas, satin fabrics. ─── 各式珠饰棉布,帆布,色丁布钱包。

84、You want to buy some Chinese silk and satin, don't you? ─── 您想买些中国绸缎,是吗?

85、Can you separate silk from satin? ─── 你能区分丝绸和缎子吗?

86、Pins: satin steel pins recommended. ─── 大头针:推荐使用光滑的钢制大头针。

87、They can have satin stripes sewn to the skirt and the body of the genuine white dress to give it a little of splendor also. ─── 他们也可以把条子缎缝到裙子和白色裙子的真正主体上显得裙子更加光鲜华美。

88、She has a pair of satin shoes. ─── 她有一双缎鞋。

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