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08-18 投稿


baptizes 发音

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baptizes 中文意思翻译




baptizes 词性/词形变化,baptizes变形

动词第三人称单数: baptizes |动词现在分词: baptizing |名词: baptizer |动词过去分词: baptized |动词过去式: baptized |

baptizes 相似词语短语

1、rebaptizes ─── vt.给……重施洗礼;为……再命名

2、unbaptizes ─── 取消适应

3、baptize ─── vt.给…施浸礼;命名;使经受考验(等于baptise);vi.施行洗礼(等于baptise);n.(Baptize)人名;(法)巴蒂泽

4、baptized ─── adj.受洗礼的;v.施洗礼;施洗礼并接受(某人)入教;给……名称;使经受考验(baptize的过去式和过去分词)

5、baptizer ─── 洗礼者

6、baptises ─── 洗礼

7、baptisers ─── 施洗者

8、baizes ─── n.台面呢;粗呢;一种似毡的厚毛呢;vt.用台面呢覆盖

9、baptizers ─── 洗礼者

baptizes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a sect that baptizes ─── 施行洗礼的教派

2、He baptizes us with Holy Spirit in Joel ─── 在约珥书,他用圣灵给我们施洗

3、33I myself did not know him but God who sent me to baptize told me: 'You will see the Spirit coming down and resting on the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. ─── 我也不曾认识他,但那派遣我来以水施洗的,给我说:你看见圣神降下,停在谁身上,谁就是那要以圣神施洗的人。

4、And I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize in water, He said to me, He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and abiding upon Him, this is He who baptizes in the Holy Spirit. ─── 33我先前不认识祂,只是那差我来在水里施浸的,对我说,你看见那灵降下来,停留在谁身上,谁就是在圣灵里施浸的。

5、When she baptizes a child, that action concerns me;for that child is thereby connected to that head which is my head too, and ingraffed into that body, whereof I am a member. ─── 如果她洗礼了一个孩子,这个行动也和我有关,因为这个孩子这样就和那个首领联合一体,这个首领也是我的首领,他也由此被纳入那个身体,我也是这个身体的一个部分。

6、When she baptizes a child, that action concerns me;for that child is thereby connected to that head which is my head too, and ingrafted into that body whereof I am a member. ─── 当她为新生之灵浸礼时,我亦为之欣喜:因为此时,我们共属的圣灵又接纳了新的生命。

7、One that baptizes. ─── 施洗礼的人

8、"I did not recognize Him, but He who sent me to baptize in water said to me, 'He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit. ─── 约1:33我先前不认识他.只是那差我来用水施洗的、对我说、你看见圣灵降下来、住在谁的身上、谁就是用圣灵施洗的。

9、General view of Vatican's Sistine Chapel as Pope Benedict XVI baptizes babies during a baptism ceremony, Jan. 7, 2007. ─── 今年一月七日教宗本笃十六世为婴孩举行受洗仪式时,西斯汀教堂的总览。(照片:法新社)

10、When she baptizes a child, that action concerns me;for that child is thereby connected to that body which is my head too, and ingrafted into that body whereof I am a member. ─── 她给婴儿施洗,这一行动也和我有关,因为婴儿通过受洗就和一个躯体(指教会)发生联系,而这躯体也是我的头,她嫁接到这躯体上,而我也是这躯体的一肢。

11、in water, He said to me, He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and abiding upon Him, this is He who baptizes in the Holy Spirit. ─── 约一33我先前不认识他,只是那差我来在水里施浸的,对我说,你看见那灵降下来,停留在谁身上,谁就是在圣灵里施浸的。

12、He baptizes us with Holy Spirit in Joel ─── 在约珥书,他用圣灵给我们施洗

13、She baptizes herself when Paul hesitates to baptize her. ─── 当保罗犹豫是否给她洗礼时,她给自己洗礼。

14、When she baptizes a child, that action concerns me; ─── 她给一个孩童施洗时,这一行动也关系到我;

15、33.I myself did not know him but God who sent me to baptize told me: ‘You will see the Spirit coming down and resting on the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. ─── 我并不认识他,而那派我来用水施洗的曾对我说:‘你将看见圣神降临,临在谁的身上,谁就要用圣神给人施洗。’

16、When she baptizes a child, that action concernes mee; ─── 当教堂为一个孩子洗礼,这个行为涉及到我;

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