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08-18 投稿


purloining 发音

英:[p???l??n??]  美:[p??r?l??n??]

英:  美:

purloining 中文意思翻译



purloining 词性/词形变化,purloining变形

动词过去式: purloined |名词: purloiner |动词现在分词: purloining |动词过去分词: purloined |动词第三人称单数: purloins |

purloining 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mix with account of game of game trojan purloin for password problem, still have more serious problem, the database that includes government, company, bank to wait namely then is missing. ─── 与游戏木马盗取游戏帐号和密码问题来说,还有更严重的问题,那就是包括政府、公司、银行等的数据库丢失。

2、On the network, the fishing website of purloin user name and password already not fresh. ─── 网络上,盗取用户名和密码的钓鱼网站早已不新鲜。

3、The hacker was controlled " fryer " , can very conveniently the privacy information from user of the purloin in this computer. ─── 黑客控制了“肉鸡”,可以很方便地从该电脑中盗取用户的隐私信息。

4、2.Collude with information of businessman purloin card. ─── 2.串通商家盗取卡片信息。

5、10 Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. ─── 10不可私拿东西。要显为忠诚,以致凡事尊荣我们救主神的道。

6、Below the circumstance that does not master digital certificate, illegal element trades with respect to the net silver that cannot complete purloin account fund. ─── 在不掌握数字证书的情况下,不法分子就无法完成盗取账户资金的网银交易。

7、The information in purloin mobile phone; ─── 盗取手机中的信息;

8、Value of this 7 big business includes: The net of purloin user swims the fictitious belongings such as Zhang date; ─── 这七大商业价值包括:盗取用户的网游账号等虚拟财产;

9、not purloining, but showing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. ─── 也不可偷窃,却要事事表现忠厚可靠,好使在所做的一切事上,让有关我们救主上帝的教义更受尊重。

10、Struts are fixed to each side of the posts to provide further support to the ridge purloin . ─── 立柱两侧安有对角撑,作为对脊檩的进一步支承。

11、Japan and Korea purloin American technology as it comes off the drawing boards with the help of their governments. ─── 日本和韩国,在他们政府的帮助下,只要美国的技术一离开设计图板就把它偷走了。

12、Plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation or purloining. ─── 抄袭就是不正当的盗用别人的成果。

13、Like many, he worried the low valuation was deliberate, to facilitate a purloining of state assets by powerful families. ─── 他与许多人一样,担心是有人故意低估铁道部资产,以帮助权贵家族窃取国家资产。

14、Nevertheless, partial socialization website however the information data that purloin user registers, seek profit from which. ─── 不过,部分社交网站却盗取用户注册的信息资料,从中牟利。

15、This virus still can join long-range server, installation of file of download other trojan comes this locality computer, try purloin more sensitive data. ─── 该病毒还会连接远程服务器,下载其它木马文件安装至本地计算机,试图盗取更多的敏感资料。

16、By pilfer Zhang date be by the person purloin of Fujian spring city 210 thousand yuan. ─── 一个被盗账号是被福建泉州的人盗取了21万元。

17、Yesterday, stone gentleman expresses, this matter is somebody purloin his Zhang date undertakes " evil do " , he already called the police and the lawyer case is sent reach media to relevant website. ─── 昨天,石先生表示,此事是有人盗取了他的账号进行“恶搞”,他已报警并将律师函发送至相关网站及媒体。

18、He wrote trojan program 2006, began the trade of purloin individual information from now on. ─── 2006年他编写了木马程序,从此开始了盗取个人信息的行当。

19、Of course. That servant who finally was detected in purloining linen was sent packing. ─── 当然。那仆人最后在偷亚麻布时被察觉而被撵走了。

20、If purloin net silver, net swims, the Zhang name code of the software such as chatting tool, and private documentation, photograph; ─── 如盗取网银、网游、聊天工具等软件的账号密码,以及私人文档、照片等;

21、research that was stolen by a colleague.To purloin is to make off with something,often in a breach of trust ─── 被同事窃取的研究。指拿走某物,常指违背信任

22、Plagiarism is "the wrongful appropriation or purloining. ─── 抄袭就是不正当的盗用别人的成果。

23、And this " size elder sister " trojan program already purloin passes mark of many network game Zhang. ─── 而这个“大小姐”木马程序早已盗取过不少网络游戏账号。

24、"It was so good, both my sons wanted to purloin it when I brought it back," he said. ─── 他说:“那件衣服太棒了,我带回来之后,我的两个儿子都想将它据为己有。”

25、Hard Rock creator Peter Morton sued Earl for allegedly purloining Hard Rock business plans. ─── 硬石餐厅的创办人彼得·摩顿控告厄尔,称其偷取硬石的营业计划。

26、Once the user inputs calorie of date and password, individual information can be recorded by the website purloin. ─── 用户一旦输入卡号及密码,个人信息就会被网站记录盗取。

27、For this, the expert reminds a netizen: To socialization the website should try to discriminate, prevent individual privacy and data to be divulged, purloin. ─── 为此,专家提醒网民:对社交网站应加以甄别,防止个人隐私和资料被泄露、盗取。

28、A lot of friends are heard here, affirm unusual also shock as me, is what then we care most individual net silver how is ability mixed to operate by others purloin? ─── 很多朋友听到这儿,跟我一样肯定也都非常吃惊,那我们最关心的是个人网银怎么样才能不被别人盗取和操纵呢?

29、To steal or purloin from the writings of another; to appropriate without due acknowledgement (the ideas or expressions of another) (Merriam-Webster); ─── 他人著作以为自己所有的行为,如观念,用词遣句,或者是发明.

30、1.to plagiarize; to lift; to purloin; to pirate; to crib 2.plagiarism; piracy ─── 剽窃

31、Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. ─── 不可私拿东西;要显为忠诚,以致凡事尊荣我们救主神的道。

32、What person purloin be after all the money of these people? ─── 究竟是什么人盗取了这些人的钱呢?

33、Hard Rock creator Peter Morton sued Earl for allegedly purloining Hard Rock business plans. The issue was settled without a trial. ─── 硬石餐厅的创办人彼得摩顿控告厄尔,称其偷取硬石的营业计划。这件案子已在庭外和解。

34、3.Illegal equipment is installed on the entrance guard system of self-help bank doorway, after cheats so that depositor inputs password, purloin deposits money inside card. ─── 3.在自助银行门口的门禁系统上安装非法设备,骗得储户输入的密码后,盗取卡内存款。

35、It is wrong to purloin. ─── 偷窃是不道德的。

36、"Top fox " lest expend the means of download to hold the post of a person,still download and travel, but all information of purloin meet hackers to reply automatically in his hand. ─── “顶狐”还以免费下载的方式任人下载和传播,但黑客们盗取的所有信息都会自动回复到他的手中。

37、Explanation: This carries fox on the head namely, it is ace of a hacker, he wrote trojan program 2006, began the trade of purloin individual information from now on. ─── 解说:这个就是顶狐,是一名黑客高手,2006年他编写了木马程序,从此开始了盗取个人信息的行当。

38、In detecting a process, handle a case personnel discovery, the game Zhang number of many websites all is passed by purloin of this trojan program. ─── 侦破过程中,办案人员发现,不少网站的游戏账号均被该木马程序盗取过。

39、Secondly, purloin of individual business website has the work originality of copyright to undertake add is written, also be maintained to be pilfer edition behavior by legal expert. ─── 其二,个别商业网站盗取拥有版权的作品创意进行续写,也被法律专家认定为盗版行为。

40、"Top fox " it is ace of a hacker, he wrote trojan program 2006, began the trade of purloin individual information from now on. ─── “顶狐”是一名黑客高手,2006年他编写了木马程序,从此开始了盗取个人信息的行当。

41、Click alone only " buy instantly " can jump to to log onto a page, and should log onto a page to input user name and password in this only, the entry information of the user by purloin. ─── 唯独点击“立即购买”会跳到一个登录页面,而只要在这个登录页面输入用户名和密码,用户的登录信息就被盗取了。

42、Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. ─── 不可私拿东西。要显为忠诚,以致凡事尊荣我们救主神的道。

43、Police check discovers, this is one kind cries " Bai Le " trojan virus is in do mischief, it is its purloin all fictitious property on Xiaoli's net. ─── 警方查证发现,这是一种叫“伯乐”的木马病毒在作怪,是它盗取了小李的网上所有虚拟财物。

44、Compere: In QQ date by purloin later, very possible meeting transmits this trojan, does at the same time the history before us leave a message to you also can be seen by person place? ─── 主持人: 个人信息是好端端在自己的电脑上面,为什么会被别人盗取,而且其中还有很多自己的账户,这些都是非常隐私的,究竟是怎么盗取的呢?

45、Black is critical for the vaulting horse that shows sign of silver-colored to purloin net Zhang, this calculates far from tall. ─── 黑色临界表示对于盗取网银账号的木马来说,这根本不算高。

46、The Zhang date such as purloin QQ, MSN, use bunco of relation of victim person arteries and veins; ─── 盗取QQ、MSN等账号,利用受害人人脉关系行骗;

47、When the user logs onto game Zhang date, game Zhang date is met automatic by purloin. ─── 当用户登录游戏账号时,游戏账号就会自动被盗取。

48、"Top fox " lest expend the means of download to allow,still download by the person and travel, "Top fox " took skill secretly, all information of hacker purloin can reply automatically in his hand. ─── “顶狐”还以免费下载的方式任由人下载和传播,“顶狐”偷偷留了一手,黑客盗取的所有信息都会自动回复到他手中。

49、Victim Li Mou is in log onto this false after 5173 websites platform, zhang date and password namely by purloin, more than yuan 5000 on Zhang are deuced by 3 people. ─── 受害人李某在登录该虚假5173网站平台后,账号及密码即被盗取,账上的5000余元被三人平分。

50、Once the hacker was controlled " fryer " , OK very conveniently the privacy information from user of the purloin in this computer, seek profit from which. ─── 黑客一旦控制了“肉鸡”,就可以很方便地从该电脑中盗取用户的隐私信息,从中牟利。

51、The date of net silver-colored Zhang of silver of purloin true gold, finish some to trade; ─── 盗取真金白银的网银账号,完成某笔交易;

52、Hard Rock creator Peter Morton sued Earl for allegedly purloining Hard Rock business plans. The issue was settled without a trial. ─── 硬石餐厅的创办人彼得·摩顿控告厄尔,称其偷取硬石的营业计划。这件案子已在庭外和解。

53、"Want to tear open next hard disk at that time only actually, with respect to the information of the person that can find purloin and virus. ─── “其实只要当时拆下硬盘,就可以找到盗取者和病毒的信息。”

54、Of course. That servant who finally was detected in purloining linen was sent packing. ─── 当然。那仆人最后在偷亚麻布时被察觉而被撵走了。

55、What person purloin be after all their money? ─── 究竟是什么人盗取了他们的钱呢?

56、After virus moves may the information of code of QQ Zhang name of purloin user, send a hacker. ─── 病毒运行后可能会盗取用户的QQ账号密码信息,并发送给黑客。

57、Utility uses 3389 flaw to brush Q money, date of Zhang of purloin ADSL password is waited a moment. ─── 用途利用3389漏洞刷Q币,盗取ADSL密码账号等等。

58、This was doubly damaging because Mr Biden, like the man whose identity he tried to purloin, is a notorious wind-bag. ─── 正如他“嫁接”在自己身上的那位政客一样,乔拜登是个出了名的“话痨”,对于他本就狼藉的声名而言,这无疑是雪上加霜。

59、It is he can sell a few already of purloin pay treasure or the Zhang name code of network bank, let buy him home to take out money. ─── 就是他会出售一些已经盗取的支付宝或者网络银行的账号密码,让买家自己把钱取出。

60、Explanation: If small the money on account is by ant purloin, where did the fund with those then large amount go again? ─── 解说:如果小额账户上的钱是被蚂蚁盗取的,那那些金额大的钱又去了哪里呢?

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