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08-18 投稿


dehiscent 发音

英:[d??h?s?nt]  美:[d??h?s(?)nt]

英:  美:

dehiscent 中文意思翻译



dehiscent 词性/词形变化,dehiscent变形

形容词: dehiscent |

dehiscent 短语词组

1、dehiscent seed ─── 裂开的种子

2、dehiscent pod ─── 裂果荚

3、dehiscent area ─── 裂开区

4、dehiscent capsule ─── 开裂蒴果

5、dehiscent mean ─── 开裂平均值

6、dehiscent bone ─── 骨裂

7、dehiscent jugar bulb ─── 灯泡不亮

8、dehiscent fruit ─── 裂果

9、dehiscent def ─── 裂开

10、transversely dehiscent ─── 横向开裂

dehiscent 同义词

dehiscent 反义词


dehiscent 相似词语短语

1、nondehiscent ─── 不张扬

2、dehisced ─── v.(伤口、种子等)张口,裂开

3、indehiscent ─── adj.果皮不裂的

4、dehisce ─── v.(伤口、种子等)张口,裂开

5、dehiscing ─── v.(伤口、种子等)张口,裂开

6、descent ─── n.下降;血统;袭击;vt.除去…的气味;使…失去香味

7、dehisces ─── v.(伤口、种子等)张口,裂开

8、delitescent ─── adj.潜伏的;隐匿的

9、dehiscence ─── n.裂开

dehiscent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But kernel ratio is too high, shell is very thin , or shell seal grade is not close, it is apt to present the naked kernel, dehiscent nut, does not accord with the demands for commodity production . ─── 但出仁率过高,坚果硬壳很薄,缝合线不紧密,易出现裸仁、裂果,不符合商品生产的要求。

2、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear or rarely oblong, terete, 4-angled, or latiseptate, sessile or shortly stipitate, segmented; ─── 果开裂长角果,线形或很少长圆形,,四棱形,具宽隔膜的或,无梗或具短柄,裂片;

3、anthers ellipsoid, basifixed, locules parallel, longitudinally dehiscent. ─── 花药椭圆形,基着,平行,纵向开裂。

4、ocrea tubular, membranous, dehiscent, pilose. ─── 托叶鞘管状,膜,开裂,具柔毛。

5、Capsule 5-valved, depressed globose or pyramidal and 5-winged, loculicidally or septicidally dehiscent (or both), often surrounded by persistent calyx and persistent withered corolla. ─── 5瓣裂的蒴果,扁球形或金字塔形的和5具翅的,室背开裂或室间开裂(或都有),通常被宿存花萼和宿存枯萎的花冠包围。

6、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear or oblong, terete or rarely slightly latiseptate, sessile; ─── 果开裂长角果,具宽隔膜的线形或长圆形,圆柱状的或很少稍,无梗;

7、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, terete, 4- or 8-angled, or latiseptate; ─── 开裂的果长角果,线形,,4-8有棱的或,或;

8、Fruit a capsule nearly globose, 3-6-valved, spiny or strigose, loculicidally dehiscent or indehiscent, spine tips pointed, straight or hooked. ─── 果一蒴果近球状,3-6瓣裂,具刺或具糙伏毛,室背开裂或不裂的,刺端部尖的,直的或具钩的。

9、Fruit dehiscent siliques or silicles, linear, oblong, ovoid, lanceolate, or ellipsoid, terete or latiseptate, sessile or shortly stipitate; ─── 开裂的果长角果或短角果,线形,长圆形,卵球形,,或椭圆形,具宽隔膜的圆柱状或,无梗或具短柄;

10、Fruit a capsule, fleshy or dry, dehiscent or indehiscent, sometimes berrylike. ─── 果为蒴果,肉质或者干燥,开裂或者不裂,有时浆果状。

11、a dry,dehiscent fruit that develops from two or more united carpels ─── 一种裂开的干果,由两个或多个结合在一起的心皮发展而成

12、;epicarp thin, yellow, lucid, minutely pubescent, irregularly dehiscent at maturity; ─── 外果皮薄,黄,有光泽,稍短柔毛,成熟时不规则开裂的;

13、Utricles ovate, dehiscent by lid. ─── 卵形的胞果,盖裂。

14、Fruit single or in pairs, rarely 3-fascicled, sometimes dehiscent along abaxial suture. ─── 果单个的或成对的,很少3簇生,沿着背面的缝有时开裂。

15、exocarp thin, yellow, dehiscent or indehiscent at maturity; ─── 外果皮薄,变黄,成熟时开裂或者不裂;

16、Fruit dehiscent or indehiscent, winged or usually with horns or hooks. ─── 果开裂或者不裂,具翅或者通常有角或者具钩。

17、anthers linear-lanceolate, punctate dorsally, longitudinally dehiscent, transversely septate-lobed, apex apiculate. ─── 背披针形花药线形,具点,纵向开裂,横向具隔浅裂,先端具细尖。

18、dehiscent fruit derived from a single carpel and usually opening along two lines of dehiscence as a pea pod. ─── 单个心皮形成的通常沿两条缝开裂的干果,如豆荚。

19、A dry, dehiscent fruit of the Cruciferae (Brassicaceae), typically less than twice as long as wide, with two valves separating from the persistent placentae and septum (replum). ─── 十字花科的一种开裂干果,果长小于二倍果宽,两个心皮瓣片从宿存的胎座和(假)隔膜处(胎座框)分开。

20、anthers broadly ovate, longitudinally dehiscent, not punctate dorsally, apex acute. ─── 宽卵形的花药,纵向开裂,背不具点,先端锐尖。

21、ocrea brown, tubular, 2-4 cm, membranous, dehiscent at base, not ciliate. ─── 托叶鞘棕色,管状的,2-4厘米,膜,开裂的在基部,不具缘毛。

22、any of numerous low-growing cushion-forming plants of the genus Draba having rosette-forming leaves and terminal racemes of small flowers with scapose or leafy stems; fruit is a dehiscent oblong or linear silique. ─── 十字花科的一个大属,簇生矮草本,产温带和寒带地区,花小,角果长圆形或线性。

23、Fruit dehiscent silicles, oblong, elliptic, ovate-oblong, or ovate-lanceolate, strongly latiseptate, subsessile; ─── 果开裂的短角果,长圆形,椭圆形,卵状长圆形,披针形或卵形,强烈具宽隔膜,近无柄;

24、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, terete, stipitate; ─── 果开裂长角果,线形,,具柄;

25、one of the sections into which the wall of a seedpod or other dehiscent fruit splits ─── 心皮壁或其它开裂果实的壁裂开的部分之一

26、Any dry, dehiscent fruit, especially a legume or follicle. ─── 任何开裂的干果,尤指荚果或蓇葖果。

27、Fruit a winged capsule, oblong, loculicidally dehiscent, base shortly stalked, wings 5, thin. ─── 果一具翅的蒴果,长圆形,室背开裂,基部具短柄,翅5,薄。

28、Fruit dehiscent siliques or silicles, linear, oblong, or elliptic, strongly latiseptate, sessile; ─── 果开裂的长角果或短角果,线形,长圆形,或椭圆形,强烈具宽隔膜,无梗;

29、Leaflet apex rounded to obtuse and emarginate; filaments very short; anthers incurved; fruit dehiscent. ─── 小叶先端圆形的到钝和微缺;花丝非常短;花药弯曲;果开裂。(5

30、Fruit a capsule, subglobose, septicidally and loculicidally dehiscent into 3 2-valved cocci when mature. ─── 果为蒴果,近球形,成熟时室间开裂和室背开裂为3枚2瓣裂的浆果。

31、Fruit a capsule, septicidal, loculicidal, or septifragal, sometimes opening by pores or irregularly dehiscent, rarely a berry. ─── 果为蒴果,室间开裂,室背开裂,或者室轴开裂,有时孔裂或者不规则开裂,很少为浆果。

32、Fruit irregularly dehiscent. ─── 果不规则开裂。

33、A dry , dehiscent fruit composed of a single carpel and opening along a single side , as a milkweed pod . ─── 由单个心皮形成的沿一侧开裂的干果,如马利筋。

34、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, lanceolate, or oblong, terete, somewhat 4-angled, or latiseptate, sessile, segmented; ─── 果开裂长角果,线形,,或长圆形,圆柱状,有点四棱形,具宽隔膜的或,无梗,裂片;

35、dehiscent capsule ─── 开裂蒴果

36、Sori 1-5 pairs borne on the lower surface of ultimate lobes at the end of basal veins; indusium dehiscent in two equal halves when mature. ─── 孢子囊群1-5对,生于末回裂片下面近基部小脉顶端;囊群盖成熟时对开2裂。

37、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, strongly latiseptate; ─── 果开裂的长角果,线形,强烈具宽隔膜;

38、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear or rarely narrowly oblong or narrowly lanceolate, latiseptate, sessile; ─── 果开裂长角果,狭披针形,具宽隔膜的线形或很少狭长圆形或,无梗;

39、Effects of pollination on fruit quality and dehiscent fruit of 'Yuhuanyou' pomelo ─── 授粉对玉环柚果实品质和裂果的影响

40、Any dry, dehiscent fruit, especially a legume or follicle. ─── 任何开裂的干果,尤指荚果或蓇葖果。

41、A dry, dehiscent fruit of the Cruciferae (Brassicaceae), typically more than twice as long as wide, with two valves separating from the persistent placentae and septum (replum). ─── 十字花科的一种开裂干果,果长大于二倍果宽,两个心皮瓣片从宿存的胎座和(假)隔膜处(胎座框)分开。

42、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, oblong, or lanceolate, latiseptate, sessile; ─── 果开裂的长角果,线形,长圆形,或披针形,具宽隔膜,无梗;

43、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear or cylindric, terete or flattened and latiseptate, shortly stipitate or subsessile; ─── 果开裂长角果,线形或圆筒状,扁平的圆柱状或和,具短柄或近无柄;

44、Fruit dehiscent siliques or silicles, linear, oblong, ovoid, or lanceolate, terete or slightly latiseptate, sessile; ─── 开裂的果长角果或短角果,线形,长圆形,卵球形,或披针形,具宽隔膜的或稍,无梗;

45、Fruit fleshy follicles or baccate, indehiscent or dehiscent along abaxial suture. ─── 果为肉质蓇葖果或浆果,沿着背面开裂或者不裂。

46、dehiscent by pore ─── 孔裂的

47、Investigation on Cause of Sweet Cheery Dehiscent Fruit in Tianshui City ─── 天水市甜樱桃裂果成因调查

48、anther locules rounded, longitudinally dehiscent, connectives broad and square, triangular, or oblong, rarely narrow. ─── 圆形的药室,纵向开裂,宽的药隔和广场,三角形,或长圆形,很少狭窄。

49、Fruit a drupaceous tardily dehiscent capsule with 1 seed or a berry with 2-4 seeds. ─── 果为核果状缓慢开裂的蒴果,具有1个种子,或者为具有2-4种子的浆果。

50、Effects of pollination on dehiscent fruit and fruit quality of 'Duwei' pummelo ─── 授粉对度尾文旦柚裂果及果实品质的影响

51、Capsule woody, loculicidally and septicidally dehiscent into 10 separate valves. ─── 木质的蒴果,室背开裂和室间开裂成10单独裂爿。

52、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear or rarely lanceolate or subulate, terete or rarely slightly latiseptate; ─── 果开裂的长角果,线形的或很少披针形的或钻形,圆柱状的或很少稍具宽隔膜;

53、epicarp thin, irregularly dehiscent at maturity; ─── 外果皮变薄,成熟时的不规则开裂;

54、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear to linear-lanceolate, strongly latiseptate, sessile, readily detached from pedicel; ─── 果开裂的长角果,线形的到线状披针形,强烈具宽隔膜,无梗,容易从花梗分开;

55、Fruit a berry or tardily loculicidally dehiscent fleshy capsule, ovoid, fusiform, or globose. ─── 果为浆果或缓慢室背开裂的肉质蒴果,卵球形,纺锤形,或球状。

56、Fruit a utricle or capsule, dehiscent by a lid. ─── 果一胞果或蒴果,通过一个盖子开裂。

57、Fruit dehiscent silicles, oblong, elliptic, ovate, obovate, or orbicular, latiseptate, sometimes slightly inflated, sessile; ─── 果开裂短角果,长圆形,椭圆形,卵形,,或圆形,具宽隔膜,有时稍膨大,无梗;

58、Fruit a pyxidium, dehiscent by a lid. ─── 果为盖果,通过一个盖子开裂。

59、dehiscent mandibular canal ─── 下颌管裂开

60、Schizocarp nearly globose, dehiscent into 3 mericarps. ─── 分果近球状,成为3分果爿开裂。

61、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, terete or somewhat 4-angled, rarely latiseptate, sessile or subsessile; ─── 果开裂长角果,线形,有点四棱形,很少具宽隔膜的或,无柄或近无柄;

62、bundle stalk robust, somewhat complanate, broader on lower part, ca. 3 mm, each with 60-70 anthers aggregated into a head, 2-celled, cells longitudinally dehiscent; ─── 束柄粗壮,有点扁平,下半部分宽,约3毫米,每束具60-70花药聚生为头状,2室,室纵裂;

63、Fruit a nut or capsule, globose, obovoid, ellipsoid, or ovoid, pericarp usually hairy, mostly woody or fragile and indehiscent, rarely leathery and dehiscent when dry.Seeds 1 or 2. ─── 果为一坚果或蒴果,球状,倒卵球形,椭圆形,或卵球形的,通常有毛,种子1或2。

64、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, latiseptate, sessile or shortly stipitate; ─── 果开裂长角果,线形,,无柄或具短柄;

65、Fruit a loculicidal capsule dehiscent from base or drupaceous and indehiscent, usually 2 seeds per locule; ─── 果为室背开裂蒴果,自基部开裂,或具核果和不裂,通常种子每室2;

66、Fruit a capsule, ellipsoid or obconic, 5-loculed, loculicidally dehiscent, wings 5, thin.Seeds 1 per cell. ─── 果一蒴果,椭圆形或倒圆锥形,5室,室背开裂,翅5,瘦。

67、Follicle A dry dehiscent fruit formed from one carpel that splits along one edge to release its seed, for example Delphinium fruit. ─── ?荚果:由单心皮形成,并沿心皮的一缝开裂释放种子的一种开裂干果。如飞燕草的果实。

68、2(1) Follicles not dehiscent, with wing or prominent keel, 1-seeded; leaf blade abaxially with dense silver-white or yellow-brown scales. ─── 不开裂的蓇葖果,突出龙骨状的具翅或,1种子;叶片背面具紧密的银白色的或黄色棕色鳞片。

69、anthers extrorse, longitudinally dehiscent; ─── 外向的花药,纵向开裂;

70、Capsules dehiscent by an operculum slightly distal to middle. ─── 通过一个盖稍上部至中部开裂的蒴果。

71、Branchlets with solid pith; male spikes in clusters of 3 or 5-8; drupelike nuts with a 4-9-valved, dehiscent husk. ─── 有固体的木髓的小枝;在3或5-8的簇生里的雄性穗状花序;有4-9瓣裂,开裂的壳的核果状的坚果。(4

72、Follicles stipitate, endocarp membranous, dehiscent long before maturity, foliaceous. ─── 蓇葖果具柄,内果皮膜质,早在以前成熟,叶状。

73、Fruit dehiscent silicles or rarely siliques, obpyriform, obovoid, or rarely linear, shortly stipitate; ─── 果开裂短角果或很少长角果,倒梨形,倒卵球形,线形的或很少,具短柄;

74、Fruit a capsule, subglobose, 3-5-winged, septicidally dehiscent. ─── 果一蒴果,近球形,3-5有翼,室间开裂。

75、The Comparison of Dehiscent Fruit of Different Nectarines and Controlling Measures ─── 不同品种油桃裂果比较及防治措施研究

76、Fruit ovoid to urceolate, irregularly dehiscent. ─── 果卵球形到瓶形的,不规则开裂。

77、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, often subterete-quadrangular, sessile; ─── 果开裂的长角果,线形,通常近圆柱状四角形,无梗;

78、epicarp thin, irregularly dehiscent; ─── 外果皮变薄,不规则开裂;

79、filaments glabrous; anther locules connate, slightly divergent proximally, ellipsoid, longitudinally dehiscent. ─── 花丝无毛合生的药室,分叉下部,椭圆形的稍,纵向开裂。

80、The capacity of dehiscent anther was determined to the size and the morpha of anther stomium cell, epidermal cell and fibrous stratum's plastic property of the pollen sac wall. ─── 成熟花药开裂的能力与花药裂口细胞的大小、形态有关,同时又与成熟花粉囊壁的表皮细胞和纤维层细胞的可塑性结构功能有关。

81、anthers reniform to cordate-orbicular, with locules confluent and dehiscent by an apical valve. ─── 花药肾形的到心形圆形,具汇合的室和顶端裂爿开裂。

82、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, terete or slightly latiseptate, sessile or rarely shortly stipitate; ─── 果开裂长角果,线形,或稍,无梗或很少具短柄;

83、Fruit dehiscent silicles, oblong, ovoid, ellipsoid, or globose, terete, rarely slightly latiseptate or angustiseptate, sessile; ─── 果开裂短角果,长圆形,卵球形,椭圆形,或球状,,很少稍具宽隔膜或果实狭隔,无梗;

84、valvular segment dehiscent, 4-46-seeded, longer than terminal segment, smooth or torulose, valves with a prominent midvein and obscure lateral veins; ─── 开裂的瓣裂裂片,4-46种子,长于顶生裂片,近念珠状的平滑或,裂爿具一突出和不明显侧脉;

85、In this paper, a case of dehiscent jugular bulb presenting as an asymptomatic retrotympanic bluish mass in the right ear of a 49-year-old male is reported. ─── 本文报告一49岁男性,在例行健康检查时,发现右耳鼓膜后面,鎚骨柄下方有一半球形暗黑色肿块。

86、Fruit a capsule, globose, 3(or 4)-valved, loculicidally dehiscent, each valve with 2 erect wings. ─── 果一蒴果,球状,3(或4瓣裂,室背开裂,每裂爿具翅2直立。

87、indusium dehiscent in two equal halves when mature. ─── 囊群盖成熟时对开2裂。

88、Follicle dehiscent; mature carpels rostrate spine at base. ─── 成熟心皮基部具喙状刺。

89、It is described here as an achene because it is indehiscent, as opposed to a typical, dehiscent follicle. ─── 它已经把这里描述为一瘦果,因为它不裂,与一典型,开裂的蓇葖果相反。

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