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08-18 投稿


procure 发音

英:[pr?'kj??]  美:[pr?'kj?r]

英:  美:

procure 中文意思翻译



procure 短语词组

1、procure a quorum ─── 达到法定人数

2、procure rosacare hydrogel ─── 寻找rosacare水凝胶

3、procure ointment ─── 购买药膏

4、procure the inspiration from ─── 从…获得灵感

5、procure definition ─── 采购定义

6、procure products ─── 采购产品

7、procure antonym ─── 获得反义词

procure 词性/词形变化,procure变形

动词过去式: procured |形容词: procurable |动词第三人称单数: procures |动词过去分词: procured |名词: procurance |动词现在分词: procuring |

procure 相似词语短语

1、brochure ─── n.手册,小册子;n.(Brochure)(美)布罗许尔(人名)

2、precure ─── n.预固化,预塑化;预硫早熟化;v.预塑化,预硫早熟化

3、procures ─── vt.获得,取得;导致;vi.取得

4、procured ─── adj.获得的;采购了的;v.获得;促成(procure的过去分词)

5、procureur ─── 检察官

6、procurers ─── n.拉皮条者

7、procurer ─── n.拉皮条者

8、procedure ─── n.程序,手续;步骤

9、procuress ─── n.老鸨

procure 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was able to procure a Rembrandt etching from the art dealer. ─── 他从艺术品商人那里收购到了一幅伦勃朗的作品。

2、Can you procure that rare old book for me? ─── 你能设法为我搞到那本珍惜的古籍吗?

3、A large number of our graduates are able to procure employment even before finishing their training. ─── 大批的毕业生能购得还没毕业就业培训。

4、Promptly following the Business License Issuance Date, the Parties shall procure the Company to enter into such of the Ancillary Contracts to which it is a Party. ─── 在营业执照颁发日之后,双方应及时促使合营公司签署其为当事人一方的附属合同。

5、He had attempted earlier that day to procure an assault craft which had bunks built in along the walls. ─── 那天他本来想去物色一艘两壁没有固定铺位的登陆艇。

6、Useful attainments in your minonity will procure riches in maturity,of which writing and accountns are not the meanest. ─── 不要轻视写作和?

7、Can you procure some specimens for me/procure me some specimens? ─── 你能替我弄到一些标本吗?

8、Hence I would request you totry andrely onyour retained employees and consultants and/or procure engineering services from a licensed professional engineer (LPE). ─── 因此请求您尝试依靠您的保留职员和顾问,或者从专业资格的工程师(LPE)处获得工程服务。

9、The Vendor shall procure that the Purchaser acquires good title to the Shares free from all charges, liens, encumbrance, equities and claims whatsoever. ─── 卖方应保证买方获得不容质疑的股份所有权,且该等股份不带任何押记,留置,负担,权益和主张.

10、Maybe the servants couldn't find whatever overpriced delicacy he'd sent them to procure. ─── 也许是仆人们没有找到主子打发他们去采办的什么奢侈的菜肴。

11、Direct Printing Authority is given to bureaux and departments to procure from outside contractors printing items of a non-classified nature with value below 20,000. ─── 各部门已获授直接印刷权,向外间承办商采购20,000元以下非机密性质的印刷品。

12、This is the rite you shall perform in consecrating them as my priests. Procure a young bull and two unblemished rams. ─── 你为祝圣他们作我的司祭,应行以下的事:牵一头公牛犊和两只无残疾的公绵羊,

13、To procure(usable substances,such as metal)from unusable substances,such as ore or waste. ─── 使重新有用从诸如矿床或废料垃圾这样没有用的东西中获取(有用的物质,如金属)

14、So the plane radioed ahead and on a fuel stop in Ireland, attendants made a quick trip to procure salmon for 50 people. ─── 于是飞机在爱尔兰的一个加油点停靠后,乘务员立刻下飞机为50名乘客采购鲑鱼。

15、Can you procure the rare old book for je? ─── 你能为我觅到那本罕见的古书吗?

16、When vis major has terminated, the holder must without delay present the cheque for payment and, if need be, procure a protest to be drawn up or an equivalent declaration made. ─── 事变终止后,执票人应急速为支票的提示,或遇必要时作成拒绝证书,或同等声明。

17、To procure substantial backing, U.S.Genomics would have to show progress in its plan to create a personal-genomics sequencer. ─── 为了得到足够的资助,美国基因组公司必须在个人化基因组定序仪的制造计画上有所进展才行。

18、Thus, in return, the Purchaser requested for a higher refund interest rate in order to procure the Disposal . ─── 因此,为促使落实出售事项,买方要求更高之退款利率。

19、How can he procure that rare stamp? ─── 他是怎么得到那张罕见的邮票的?

20、Burgh is not alone in his attempts to procure the drug. ─── 其实,伯格并非唯一一个想方设法寻找这种药物的人。

21、What documents should he attempt to procure from Portland? ─── 他应从波特兰那里收买什么文件?

22、So the governments are forced to use their foreign money and credits to procure these necessities abroad. ─── 因此,政府不得不用他们的外汇储备和存款从国外购买这些必需品。

23、In my own city my name, in a strange city my clother procure me respect. ─── 在家乡,名字使人受到尊敬;在异地,衣服使人受到尊敬。

24、HRL will, on or prior to the date of execution of this Agreement, procure that HRLDI issue an additional share so that it has an issued share capital of 2 shares. ─── HRL会,在或之上在这协议的实行的日期之前,获得,HRLDI发行另外的部份以便它有2的被发行的部份首都部份。

25、Select and support prequalification of service providers &sub contractors. Utilise SAP to procure site services. Manage and monitor... ─── 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:100-499人经验要求:3-5年最低学历:专科及同等学历

26、The Agent shall procure for and transmitting to the Company proposed students for the said Courses. ─── 代理商将为上述课程向公司取得和派遣学生。

27、The next in order, the man power resource is in it procure, develop, maintaining course genetic cost and the yield of the acquirement, is all to calculate of. ─── 其次,人力资源在其取得、开发、维持过程中发生的成本和取得的收益,都是可以计量的。

28、To procure in business means to obtain , or get access to, goods. ─── 去获得好的产品,不管使用手段或权利。

29、Can you procure that foreign magazine for me ? ─── 你能为我弄到那本外国杂志吗?

30、To procure material, equipment, operating supplies and service to meet cost, inventory and production output obj...... ... ─── 公司名称:艾默生过程控制流量技术有限公司工作地点:江苏省南京市发布时间:2009-1-13

31、The meat they'd managed to procure assuaged their hunger. ─── 他们想方设法获得的肉食使他们得以充饥。

32、They do not always procure a friend, but are certain of creating many enemies. ─── 他们难得交友,但树敌不少。

33、Candler, a businessman from Atlanta, was able to procure ownership, and with his knowledge of merchandising , introduced Coca-Cola throughout the United States. ─── Candler,取得所有权,也因为他具有丰富的商品行销知识,使可口可乐被引进美国各处。

34、To procure(usable substances) from refuse or waste products. ─── 回收利用从废物或废品中获取(可用之物质)

35、It remained very difficult to procure food, fuel, and other daily necessities. ─── 当时仍然很难获得食品、燃料和其他日用必需品。

36、Pin out both darts and place onto the dress stand to test against the sketch. If the dart appears in the wrong position, remark its site and repeat the procure. ─── 两个省都要用大头针别住并放到胸架上与图对照检验。若省道出现在错误的位置上,重新标出它的位置,并重复这道程序。

37、Useful attainments in your minority will procure riches in maturity, of which writing and accounts are not the meanest. ─── 不要轻视写作和计算,你在年少时所获得的这些有用的技能,将会造就你日后的成功。

38、The desire that men feel to increase their income is quite as much a desire for success as for the extra comforts that a higher income can procure. ─── 人们想增加收入当然是出自钱多了可以获得更多的舒适享受这一愿望,但同样也出自想获得成功的愿望。

39、Still procure items from bookcases. ─── 书柜里面仍然能翻出东西。

40、Fellowship with Christ is so honourable that the sorest sorrow is a light price by which to procure it. ─── 与基督相交是尊荣的,若将之视为廉价是最伤主的心。

41、He could procure the co-operation of any number of gentlemanlike curates. ─── 他可以找到许多举止高雅的副牧师来和他合作。

42、Will he procure the information for you? ─── 他会给你提供信息吗?

43、Timber ran short, and it was necessary to procure it from farther and farther away. ─── 木材短缺,必须从越来越远的地方获得。

44、Whoever realizes this will not want to procure a pre-eminent place for his own body or for the human body. ─── 凡是了解这一点的人,都不会要求赋予他自己或其他人的身体一种优越地位。

45、In my own city my name, in a strange city my clothes procure me respect. ─── 在异乡;人家看得起的则是我的衣裳;在本土;博得敬重的是。

46、The desire that men feel to increase their income is suite as much a desire for success as for the extra comforts that a higher income can procure. ─── 与希望高收入所带来的额外享受一样,男人们也希望成功,而增加收入的愿望与获得成功是一致的。

47、Can you procure a parcel of 50000 kgs walnutmeat for us? ─── 你能为我们采购50000公斤的核桃仁吗?

48、Procure materials for prototype &engineering sample build. ─── 原型样品与工程样机所需原材料的采购与供应。

49、Useful attainments in your minority will procure riches in maturity, of which writing and accounts are not the meanest. ─── 不要轻视写作和计算,你在年少时所获得的这些有用的技能,将会造就你日后的成功。

50、Here she stood with a single yellow chrysanthemum, which was the only live flower the little woman could procure for her. ─── 此时在这里,她站着,拿着单株黄菊花--那个小妇人现场为她搞到的。

51、Can you procure some tickets for me? ─── 你能替我弄到一些票吗?

52、However, in CIP the seller also has to procure insurance against the Buyer's risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage. ─── 但是,按照CIP术语,卖方还必须办理买方货物在运输途中灭失或损坏风险的保险。

53、The seller shall procure, at his own cost and in a transferable form, a policy of marine insurance. ─── 卖方应自费购买可转让的海运保险单。

54、He is accused of procure women for his business associate. ─── 他被指控为其生意合伙人招妓。

55、So when some sort of special occasion rolls around that requires you to look nice, you'll have to procure new ones. ─── 因此当有些需要衣着得体的特殊场合到来时,你就需要新衣服了。

56、To procure the registration, recognition or incorporation of the Company in or under the laws of any territory outside England. ─── 促使本公司依照英格兰之外的任何领地的法律予以注册登记,获得批准或组建;

57、However, in CIF the seller also has to procure marine insurance against the Buyer's risk of loss or of damage to the goods during the carriage. ─── 但是,在cif条件下,卖方还必须办理买方货物在运输途中灭失或损坏风险的海运保险。

58、They became furious marauders, driven to raid villages and caravans to sate their bloodlust and procure sacrificial victims for their demonic master. ─── 他们变成暴躁的掠夺者,袭击村庄和商队来满足他们的杀戮欲并将被害者献祭给他们的恶魔领袖。

59、There you can procure the auxiliary fee that you owe me. ─── 你在那里可以取得你亏欠了我的额外酬金。”

60、Select and support prequalification of service providers &sub contractors. 3. Utilize SAP to procure site services. 4. Manage and monit... ─── 公司性质:合资公司规模:100-499人经验要求:5-10年最低学历:专科及同等学历职位月薪:10001-15000元/月

61、The vendor shall procure that the Purchaser acquires good title to the Shares free from all charges, liens, encumbrances, quities and claims whatsoever. ─── 卖方应保证买方获得不容置疑的股份所有权,且该等股份不带任何押记、留置、负担、权益和主张。

62、Atlantis invaded Lemuria to procure this mineral. ─── 为了获得这种矿物,亚特兰蒂斯侵袭了利莫里亚。

63、He wrote from the province of Voronezh, where he had been sent to procure remounts. ─── 信是从沃罗涅日省寄来的,他去那里置办马匹。

64、TOD may procure any or all of its services as an Agent or may provide those services as a Principal. ─── TOD可以作为主承运人,或者作为客户的代理人采购部分或全部服务提供给客户。

65、The Distributor shall not (and shall procure that none of its Affiliates shall) manufacture or sell in the Territory any products that compete with the Products during the Term. ─── 在合同期限内,经销商不得[且应促使其任何关联机构不]在区域内生产或销售与经销产品构成竞争的任何产品。

66、You can't build a cruise missile without parts -- so the first step was to procure all the bits. ─── 你不能建立没有部份的一个巡弋飞弹 -- 如此第一个步骤要获得所有的一点点。

67、Seek not death in the error of your life, neither procure ye destruction by the works of your hands. ─── 不要因生活堕落而自招丧亡,也不要因你们双手的作为而自取灭亡,

68、Can you procure me some speciments ? ─── 你可以为我取得一些标本吗?

69、They have also shown their keen interest to procure cotton through NSEL platform. ─── 关于通过NSEL平台购买棉花,他们表现出强烈的兴趣。

70、Passengers are advised to make prior arrangements to procure tickets from the concerned cross boundary coach operators before taking the services. ─── 乘客可在乘搭过境巴士服务前预先向有关营办商查询购票的安排。

71、Can you procure that rare old book ? ─── 你能获得那本珍本古书吗?

72、When nature failed the male libido of her lover, I was asked by a guest to procure Viagra on the spot "with no mention of a prescription. " ─── 当某位客人的情人无法自然勃起时,她要我立刻去给他购买伟哥,而且根本就没有处方。

73、To procure (usable substances) from refuse or waste products. ─── 回收利用:从废物或废品中获取(可用之物质)

74、It can be a frustrating affair knowing that you are as qualified for employment as anybody else in the industry and yet being unable to procure steady employment. ─── 可以知道你是一个令人沮丧的事,因为任何人的资格,在就业行业可是无法购得稳定就业。

75、Procure enough space on a hard disk drive to store all the information about test automation suite for easy accessibility and availability. ─── 为了容易访问和实用性,获得足够的硬盘空间以存储测试自动化包的所有信息。

76、This was a hard requirement to make or to procure. ─── 这是一个难以出口,也难以办到的要求。

77、Obviously, if the city is to procure food from the countryside it must have something of value to give in exchange. ─── 很显然,如果城市要从乡村获得食物,它必须有一些能够用来交换的有价值的东西。

78、After the Business Licence Issuance Date, the Parties shall use their best endeavours to procure that the Company shall promptly apply for and obtain the Additional Permits. ─── 在营业执照颁发日之后,双方应尽力促使合营公司及时申请并获得后续批文。

79、One day, his father was arrested for allegedly procure women. ─── 一日,父亲因为涉嫌招妓被捕。

80、You have a sea vessel and a bathyscaphe that you can use to procure gold, gems and pearls. ─── 你有一大量的船和你能够使用获得金子,珍宝和珍珠。

81、Carrier means any person who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of transport, by rail, road, air, sea, inland waterway or by a combination of such modes. ─── “承运人”指任何人在运输合同中,承诺通过铁路、公路、空运、海运、内河运输或上述运输的联合方式履行运输或由他人履行运输。

82、Giustizia_Militare Presenta organigramma ed organizzazione, le circoscrizioni per consigli, corti, procure e tribunali militari italiani, normativa e codici. ─── 口腔种植医学专业信息网第四军医大学口腔种植中心。含学科介绍、知识园地、专业著作,病案讨论等。

83、Diplomatic sources said the Syrian losses led President Bashar Assad to accelerate efforts to procure advanced anti-aircraft systems from Russia. ─── 外交人士说,叙利亚损失导致总统巴沙尔加紧努力,采购先进的防空系统来自俄罗斯。

84、"The derby fascinates me, but I don't want to run the risk of an anticipated return, which could procure me complications," said Ledesma. ─── "虽然德比非常的吸引我,但是我不能冒着再受伤的危险参加,这会使我之前的努力付之东流。"

85、To prevent future problems, you should procure the licenses a grid application will need well in advance of use. ─── 为了避免在将来出现问题,您在使用之前就应该预测网格应用程序所需的许可证数量。

86、To procure(usable substances, such as metal) from unusable substances, such as ore or waste. ─── 使重新有用从诸如矿床或废料垃圾这样没有用的东西中获取(有用的物质,如金属)

87、"Carrier" means any person who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of transport, by rail, road, air, sea, inland waterway or by a combination of such modes. ─── “承运人”指任何人在运输合同中,承诺通过铁路、公路、空运、海运、内河运输或上述运输的联合方式履行运输或由他人履行运输。

88、She argued that indiscriminate compassion weakened the benefactors by disallowing them the mental and physical enrichment that life's challenges inherently procure. ─── 她主张:滥施同情会让接受同情者变得脆弱,因为这妨碍了他们心理和生理上的成长,而这种成长本来是生活的挑战所带来的必然结果。

89、Republic of Hong Kong shall not procure water or electricity from China. ─── 四.香港共和国不购买东江水及大亚湾核电.





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