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08-18 投稿


indisputably 发音


英:  美:

indisputably 中文意思翻译



indisputably 相似词语短语

1、disputably ─── adv.有讨论余地地

2、indisputability ─── n.明白;无争辩的余地

3、incomputably ─── 无法计算

4、indictably ─── 可起诉的

5、disputable ─── adj.有讨论余地的;真假可疑的

6、indisputable ─── adj.不容置疑的,无可争辩的

7、undisputable ─── adj.无疑问的;无可置否的

8、indispensably ─── adv.必不可少地;绝对必要地

9、indissuadably ─── 无可争辩地

indisputably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Indisputably, football has earned the interest of millions of people across the globe. ─── 我相信,你是我母亲的朋友,你对我的帮助,我相信您的好心。

2、It fell to Mr Andrews to propose the toast to the ladies, which in view of the fact that the representatives present were indisputably fair, fat and forty, he managed very graciously. ─── 由安德鲁斯先生提议为女士们干杯。鉴于在座代表毫无置疑都是些已进入不惑之年的丰满女流,他表现得非常殷勤有礼。

3、The earliest signs and traces at present known to science, of a humanity which is indisputably kindred with ourselves, have been found in we stem Europe and particularly in France and Spain. ─── 关于和我们有着不容置疑的亲缘关系的人类,目前为科学所知的最早迹象是在西欧发现的,尤其是法国和西班牙。

4、But, after all, there are few in this country who are indisputably well versed in both Chinese and English, I am afraid. ─── 您现在浏览的是简约论坛的只读版本,如果您是注册用户,请单击此处浏览完整版本。

5、The choices are indisputably difficult, and Mr. Obama may be trying to keep his options open. ─── 奥巴马面临着艰难的抉择,也许他是希望他的选择可以更公开。

6、The Americans are indisputably the bad guys -- they're shown killing and terrorising at will. ─── 影片中的美国人无疑是一群坏蛋--他们是任意屠杀妄为的混蛋。

7、However, their pioneering -- if we agree to call it that -- was, equally indisputably, bound up with the quest for a fast buck. ─── 不管怎样,他们的先驱行为--如果我们同意这样称呼的话--无疑同样是与探索挣大钱的方式密切联系在一起的。

8、This painting is indisputably one of his finest works. ─── 这幅画无疑是他最好的作品之一。

9、Weapons are indisputably a growth industry of the 70s and 80s. ─── 毫无疑问,武器生产是七十年代和八十年代的一个兴旺的行业。

10、One of these lies is graphically and indisputably demonstrated by intelligence we collected on June 27, last year. ─── 其中一个谎言已经被我们去年6月27日获得的情报揭穿。

11、indisputably demonstrate ─── 无可争议地证明

12、Visitors will discover how Antwerp and the world have been indisputably linked with one another for hundreds of years. ─── 参观者将会发现安特卫普在数百年里是如何与世界紧密的连接在一起的。

13、Indisputably, football has earned the interest of millions of people across the globe.So,the NFL is a very popular sport. ─── 如北京大慧寺内正殿原有高达十几米的铜观音像,在民国时期被日本人毁掉,换成了木制观音像即是一例。

14、without them, it would be even worse, and civil war might indisputably arrive. ─── 没有美国,情况将会更糟,并且内战将会不可避免的爆发。

15、This island is indisputably an essential part of the Mauritian landscape! ─── 这座小岛无可争议的成为毛里求斯必游的风光,这要归功于这里田园诗般的美景。

16、Indisputably, the world will continue to need more fuel. ─── 无疑,世界仍将需要更多的能源。

17、In the circle inside enough, summoning indisputably, the greatest wealth of experience is a film advertising. ─── 在国足的圈子里头,米卢毫无争议地是拍广告经验最丰富的一位。

18、As a sacrament, Marriage dominated by the church indisputably, and the Matrimonial Causes must be determined by the Church Court.Finally the Church sets up its own regulations on the marriage. ─── 婚姻作为一种圣礼应无可争辩地由教会来支配,婚姻诉讼必须归教会法庭裁决,最终基督教会建立了一套统一的婚姻规范。

19、And if the experiment works on a virus, they hope to move on to something that is indisputably alive: a tardigrade. ─── 如果在病毒上的实验能够成功,研究者们希望进一步对真正的活物进行实验,比如熊虫。

20、Absolutely positively incontestably indisputably without a doubt, you can achieve anything if you set your mind to it!!! ─── 简单是我追求的生活方式之一不计较任何成败得失,找到真正的自我!

21、It is a bit exaggerated to say that this novel has been the most popular one in the past ten years, though it is indisputably good and successful. ─── 这本小说的确写得很好,也很成功,但要说它是过去十年间最流行的小说,倒是言过其实了。

22、Just as Chinese goldfish, Chinese koi fish will indisputably take a certain share of the international market and bring more business opportunities in the coming future. ─── 不久的将来,中国锦鲤也一定能像中国金鱼一样,在国际市场上占有一席之地,创造更多的商业价值。

23、The choices are indisputably difficult, and Mr.Obama may be trying to keep his options open. ─── 奥巴马面临着艰难的抉择,也许他是希望他的选择可以更公开。

24、“Tea and China are almost synonymous terms,It is indisputably the land of tea”。 ─── 茶和中国是形异而义同的,中国当然是一个无可辩驳的茶的国了。

25、Its purview is only “Far Eastern” from the perspective of somebody from outside, and even then seems to ignore the indisputably Asian Indian subcontinent. ─── 它的视野仅有从外人看来的“远东”,而且好像还忽略了无疑属于亚洲的的印度次大陆。

26、indisputably the best tennis player in the world ─── 世界上无疑最好的网球运动员.

27、Who is, indisputably, the most important person in INF bbs, he who shelters us from the great universe, and to whom we owe everything we have, including our lives? ─── 在INF论坛中,谁是毋庸置疑的,最重要的人,将茫茫宇宙中的我们收容,他给了我们一切,包括我们的生活

28、Indisputably it is one of the world's finest culinary traditions. ─── 无容置疑,中餐烹饪已经名列世界顶尖菜系之林。

29、The safety and soundness of the financial system is indisputably essential; ─── 金融体系的安全与稳健具有无可争辩的必要性;

30、Driving on the left is traditional and therefore, to the English, indisputably right. ─── 靠左行驶是英国的传统,因此,对于英国人来说这是无可质疑的。

31、The exquisite Chinese culinary art, regarded indisputably as one of the world's finest culinary traditions, has prevailed all over the world. ─── 中餐烹调所用的天然配料,品种繁多,几无穷尽,烹调方法,亦层出不穷,不可悉数。

32、One may argue crafting a retro-styled, indisputably handsome car that is evocative, comes at the cost of only so much innovation. ─── 也许有人会反驳82复古式,首推英俊的车子是动人,随之而来的代价,只有这么多的创新.

33、For one thing, the current mission is indisputably legal. ─── 一方面,当前的这次行动毋庸置疑是合法的。

34、The student then appealed on the grounds that his answer was indisputably correct, and the University appointed an independent arbiter to decide the case. ─── 该学生后来向校方上诉,理由是他的答案无可争议是正确的,于是学校任命了一个独立仲裁员来调查的这件事。

35、Who is, indisputably, the most important person in vault 101,he who shelters us from the harshness of the atomic wasteland, and towhom we owe everything we have, including our lives? ─── 在101避难所中,谁是毋庸置疑的,最重要的人,将原子荒地中的我们收容,他给了我们一切,包括我们的生活

36、If blue whales above water are only putatively blue, then below the surface they go indisputably turquoise. ─── 如果说蓝鲸在水面上的蓝色有点牵强,那么它们在水下的蓝就是毫无疑问的。

37、This strange uniforms in the history of football has become indisputably the most ugly shirt. ─── 这件怪异的球衣无可争议地成为足球史上最丑陋的球衣。

38、At the height of his career, he was indisputably the biggest star in the world;he has sold more than 750 million albums. ─── 在其事业高峰期,他无可争议地是世界上最耀眼的巨星,他的专辑销量超过7.5亿张。

39、In the meantime, though, Athenians and their visitors can be proud of their stunning new piece of architecture, filled with indisputably great art. ─── 但与此同时,雅典人和他们的游客尽可对这令人叹为观止的新博物馆感到自豪,这里无疑汇集了最伟大的艺术。

40、together, though, the record indisputably shows they provide you with the key to the year's stock market. ─── 若看整体,则过去记录毫无疑问地说明[这些经济指标]提供了今年股票市场的关键。

41、Abstract: The white-wall phenomenon has indisputably been a peculiar and ubiquitous character in the early days of modern architecture and further extends into the contemporary architectural practice. ─── 白墙的运用是早期现代建筑一个独特而又普遍的景象,并且进一步在当代建筑中延伸。

42、This painting is indisputably one of his finest works. ─── 这幅画无疑是他最好的作品之一。

43、But Valentine's Day would indisputably be last.No question. ─── 但毫无疑问,情人节肯定是最后一个。

44、If blue whales above water are only putatively blue, then below the surface they go indisputably turquoise. ─── 如果说蓝鲸在水面上的蓝色有点牵强,那么它们在水下的蓝就是毫无疑问的。

45、Such largesse has indisputably made the middle of San Jose more appealing than it used to be. ─── 如此之大的投入无疑让圣何塞的市中心比以前更加光彩照人。

46、Such largesse has indisputably made the middle of San Jose more appealing than it used to be. ─── 如此之大的投入无疑让圣何塞的市中心比以前更加光彩照人。

47、Indisputably, Univ, as everyone calls it, is one of the three oldest colleges, founded along with Merton and Balliol in the thirteenth century. ─── 毫无疑问,那个人人都称为“大学”的牛津学院是英国最早的三个学院之一,与默顿学院和贝列尔学院一起建于13世纪。

48、In turn, the confidence in Chengdu, both in the development of the quantity, quality and prices are very good influence, indisputably become the first local brand. ─── 反过来,在成都的置信,无论在开发数量、楼盘品质还是影响力方面都做得非常好,无可争议地成为了当地的第一品牌。

49、Welcome! I am [OUR_NAME], absolute monarch of mighty [OUR_CIV_SHORT] and indisputably the handsomest and best-dressed ruler in the entire history of the universe. Wouldn't you agree? ─── 欢迎阁下!我是[OUR_NAME],强大的[OUR_CIV_SHORT]绝对君王.毫无争议,在整个人类历史长河中,我也是唯一一位风度翩翩最有气质的统治者,阁下同意吗?

50、Yet last week proved how flimsy this control is: the gadget was indisputably in control of me. ─── 然而上周的事情证明,我们对手机的“控制”其实脆弱至极:毫无疑问,其实是手机在控制着我。

51、“It’s not a matter of bringing in Ronaldinho to please me, but he is indisputably talented and his arrival wouldn’t rule out signing an outright front man. ─── “小罗来不是问题,他有无与伦比的天才,而且如果签下小罗的话不会影响引进的其他人。”

52、PERFECT’s products will indisputably be accepted only by the most discerning of customers and this testimony of certifications will be a prerequisite for approval and acceptance of customers. ─── 各项体系的认证工作在完美公司从上到下严格贯彻实施,为其产品质量提供了全方位的保障,为消费者创造了放心的消费环境。

53、However, their pioneering -- if we agree to call it that -- was, equally indisputably, bound up with the quest for a fast buck. ─── 然而,他们的开拓精神——如果我们同意这样说的话——同样毫无疑问与寻找快速捞钞票的门道有紧密联系。

54、"For an export commodity, if for 3 years running its quality has been found to be indisputably 100 percent up-to- standard ex-factory and during inspection by a commodity inspection agency;" ─── 连续三年出厂合格率及商检机构检验合格率百分之百,并且没有质量异议的出口商品;

55、Indisputably impressive and slightly stunning, but how are they winning these games by an average differential of 7.5 points? ─── 毫无疑问,这样的表现令人印象深刻,甚至有些让人幸福得晕眩,但他们是如何做到在这系列比赛中场均赢出7.5分的呢?

56、With 16 million HF patients in Europe and the USA, new strategies are indisputably needed. ─── 欧洲和美国有1600万心衰病人,毫无疑问新的措施势在必行。

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