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morphological 发音

英:[?m??rf??lɑ?d??kl]  美:[?m??f??l?d??kl]

英:  美:

morphological 中文意思翻译



morphological 常用词组

morphological character ─── 形态特征,形态性状

morphological 短语词组

1、morphological race ─── 形态宗

2、morphological circuitry ─── [电] 组织环流

3、morphological sex ─── [医]外形性别

4、morphological structure ─── [化] 形态结构

5、morphological differentiation ─── [医] 形态分化

6、morphological rule ─── [网络] 构词律;形态规则;形态学规则

7、morphological analysis ─── [计] 词法分析, 形态分析

8、morphological changes ─── 形态学变化 ─── 形态学改变

9、morphological characterization ─── 形态特征

10、morphological defect ─── [医]形态缺陷

11、morphological indices ─── [医] 形态指数(躯干体积/肢长)

12、delimitaion of morphological region ─── 形态区域的分隔

13、morphological forecast ─── 形态预测

14、morphological trait ─── [医]形态性状

15、morphological element ─── [医] 形态成份, 组织成份

16、morphological charts ─── 形态图

17、morphological change ─── 形态改变

18、morphological variation ─── [医] 形态变异

19、morphological feature ─── 形态特征

morphological 相似词语短语

1、horological ─── adj.钟表的;钟表术的

2、geomorphological ─── 地貌的;地形的

3、conchological ─── adj.贝类学的

4、graphological ─── 笔迹学的;笔相学的;字系学的;图表法的

5、morphologically ─── adv.词法地;形态学上地

6、mereological ─── 微地质学

7、carpological ─── 腕骨的

8、morphologic ─── adj.形态学(上),形态学的

9、monological ─── adj.单一的;单向的;独白的

morphological 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Language Independent Named Entity Recognition Combining Morphological and Contextual Evidence? ─── 一种独立于语言的命名实体识别方法。

2、In studying English Lexicology, the terms about the morphological structure and word-formation often confuse us. ─── 摘要在研究英语词汇学时,关于词的形态结构和构词法的几个专业术语常常会困扰人们。

3、OCT can be used to confirm the morphological features, location and size of submacular choroidal neovascularization. ─── OCT检查可以确定CEC患者病变中CNV团块的形态、大小及位置。

4、Title: Morphological and Histological Analyses on Growth Ability of Seed-callus in Rice (Oryza sativa L. ─── 关键词:水稻;愈伤组织增殖;组织学;形态学

5、The morphological traits could be preliminarily used to cluster taro accessions. ─── 以形态性状可以将收集系作初步分群。

6、Studies on the Morphological Characteristics on the Leaf of Ginkgo Biloba var.Epiphylla Mak. ─── 叶籽银杏叶形态特性研究。

7、During decidualization, endometrial stromal cells have undergone large morphological and physiological changes. ─── 在蜕膜化过程中,子宫内膜基质细胞在形态和生理等方面都发生了很大的变化。

8、Morphological structure and properties of PP/BDS composite have been studied. ─── 对PP/BDS共混物的性能和微观结构进行了研究。

9、The closest relationship was between L. chinensis and L. aurea, which were consistent with morphological study. ─── 同时研究还表明中国石蒜与忽地笑具有非常近的亲缘关系,与形态学研究一致。

10、The enormous variety of morphological operations that we find in natural languages is quite intriguing. ─── 巨大的各种形态的运作,我们发现在自然语言是相当耐人寻味。

11、Objectives: To observe the? morphological change of the seminal duct in chronic prostatitis. ─── 了解慢性前列腺炎患者精道的形态学变化。

12、Abstract Objective To investigate the clinical, morphological and radiological study of spinal enterogenous cysts. ─── 摘要 目的 探讨脊髓肠源性囊肿的临床、组织病理及形态学特点。

13、Morphological variance and natural types'division of plus trees of Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr. ─── 华北落叶松优树自然类型的划分。

14、The morphological structure of the skin follicle of Angora goats,North Shaanxi local black goats and their crossbred goats were observed. ─── 于1994年4月份,采集安哥拉山羊、陕北黑山羊及其级进杂交后代的皮样,制作皮肤切片,进行皮肤及毛囊结构特征的观察研究。

15、Sapium discolor 's morphological character, seed-collecting and seedling-raising, cultural technique are presented. ─── 介绍了山乌桕的形态特征,采种育苗和造林技术。

16、Where there seems to be foregrounding on the level of lexis, you can use morphological analysis to look at new combinations of words. ─── 在词汇层面上有前景化表现时(即词汇上有挖掘潜力时),可以运用形态分析来分析词语的新组合。

17、Willian Nagy, Chin-Hui Kuo,Xinchun Wu, Hua Shu.The Role of Morphological Awareness in Learning to Read Chinese. ─── 伍新春:西方阅读心理研究的进展及其对我国阅读教学的启示。

18、Morphological characters included skeletal structure and ontogenetic change in color pattern. ─── 在电泳分析上则比较种间水溶性肌肉蛋白质的异同。

19、As a wavelet transform, morphological wavelet could be applied into data hiding and digital watermarking. ─── 形态小波作为一种小波变换,与其它小波变换一样可以应用于数据隐藏和数字水印中。

20、And the morphological description of several species was appended. ─── 对部分种的形态描述作了补充。

21、GH3 cells treated with TGZ had a typical morphological characteristic of apoptosis. ─── TGZ干预后的GH3细胞出现典型的凋亡形态特征;

22、Morphological studies on the flowers and fruits of the genus Lithocarpus in Taiwan. ─── 台湾石栎属树木花果之形态学研究.

23、However, most research about LNG on ovary focus on clinical hormone level and so on, the morphological reports had not been found till now. ─── 但以往LNG对卵巢影响的研究多集中在激素水平的测定和超声等辅助检查等方面,目前尚缺乏形态学方面的报道。

24、Title: Morphological characteristic of four kinds of seed of bengal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis L. ─── 关键词:竹叶菜;种子形态学;地上种子;地下种子

25、Different opinions on the morphological theories stated in the "Outline Spermatophyta Classification". ─── 关于“种子植物系统分类提纲”一文的形态学理论问题.

26、In the Morphological Construction Test, 20 scenarios were orally presented in three-sentence stories. ─── 在词法结构的测验中,有20个用三句话故事来表示的场景。

27、System form theory is the basis of morphological analysis of enterprise system, is to make a attempt to sole the problem. ─── 系统形态理论及在此基础上提出的企业系统形态分析,就是为此做出的尝试。

28、There is diversity in the number of epiphyl- lous microsporangia per leaf, inserted site, and morphological features. ─── 叶生小孢子囊的数量、着生位置和形态具多样性。

29、In the research of secale cereale, dividual chromosome cannot be distinguished by common morphological methods. ─── 在黑麦的研究中,分开的染色体不能作为普遍形态学方法的特征。

30、The morphological and histological characteristics of the body wall in Sipunculus nudus were studied in this paper. ─── 报道了裸体方格星虫体壁的形态和组织学结构。

31、Morphological and molecular biological property of the rare pathogenic Chaetomium spp. ─── 少见致病性毛壳菌形态学及分子生物学特性研究。

32、Morphological characters and geographical distribution are the same as those of the subgenus. ─── 形态特征和地理分布与亚属的相同。

33、Aim The development of megasporogenesis and microspore of morphological bisexual flowers of S. ─── 大孢子母细胞减数分裂产生T形四分体和少数线形四分体。

34、The morphological character also shows some resemblance to isozyme of PPO. ─── 5个类群在外部形态上也呈现出相似性。

35、The morphological relation between "sing" and "singer" and "song" is derivational. ─── 从形态关系上看,“sing”、“singer”和“song”都是由同一个词派生出来的。

36、The morphological features of lung tuberculosis, typhoid fever and bacillary dysentery, amoebiasis. ─── 动脉粥样硬化、风湿性心脏病的病变特点、临床病例讨论。

37、Several monophyletic clades of seed plants, namely eudicots, rosids, and asterids, were supported by molecular data with their united morphological synapomorphies. ─── 根据分子数据结合形态上近裔共性,若干分支的单系性得到支持,这些分支包括真双子叶植物、蔷薇分支和菊分支等。

38、Comparative morphological studies on three species of Vallisneria from China. ─── 我国三种苦草的比较形态观察.

39、The morphological change and apoptosis alteration of SHG44 cells were identified by acridine orange(AO) staining. ─── 利用吖啶橙染色法鉴定药物处理前后SHG44形态学上的差异及凋亡程度;

40、But neither morphological changes nor LDH leakage increase was observed in CLC. ─── 人类肝细胞系上述两项指标都没有明显改变。

41、The chromatography method is usually used in the morphological analysis of mercury. ─── 色谱法主要应用于汞的形态分析;

42、Morphological change concerns two respects, morphological case on nouns and agreement inflection on verbs. ─── 形态变化包括两个方面:形态格(morphological case)和动词的性数一致词缀(verbal agreement inflection)。

43、In his paper, Haeckel drew by hands the morphological features of early embryos of several animal species. ─── 在这篇论文里,海克尔用手笔画下了他所观察到的多种动物早期胚胎的形象。

44、Morphological plasticity (An organism can have more than one body form. ─── 形态可塑性(生物可能有不只一种的躯体形状。)

45、Morphological and SSR molecular identifications showed these hybrids were truly intergeneric hybrids. ─── 形态学和SSR分子生物学鉴定表明10株杂种都是真正的属间杂种。

46、A broad range of morphological variation can be seen within this species. ─── 广泛形态学上的变化可以被在本种内看见。

47、An electroscope was used to detect the ECs of target vessels morphological changes. ─── 手术对照组开腹显露髂动静脉模拟同等程度创伤, 但不做静脉分离和结扎;

48、Morphological evaluation was on renal size, cortical thickness, and corticomedullary differentiation (CMD). ─── 形态学评估包括肾脏大小、皮质厚度及皮髓质分界。

49、Morphological observations on Saussurea tangutica with a description of a new variety. ─── 唐古特雪莲的形态观察及一新变种的描述.

50、A new approach for filtering and enhancing biochip image was proposed based on morphological lifting wavelet. ─── 摘要提出一种使用提升格形态小波进行生物芯片图像滤波增强的方法。

51、In the abnormal group, morphological abnormality in the anorectum was found in 276 cases. ─── 异常组中 ,肛直肠形态异常者 2 76例。

52、This thesis mainly analyzes the morphological, structural and optical properties of InN quantum dots(QDs). ─── 中文摘要本篇论文主要为分析氮化铟量子点的表面形貌、结构与光性。

53、The morphological hallmark of primary FSGS is diffuse effacement of podocyte foot processes. ─── 原发性FSGS的形态学标志是足突细胞的足突弥漫性融合。

54、Morphological terminology was adopted principally from Zhang(1990) and Evans(1947). ─── 形态术语基本遵从张雅林(1990)和Evans(1947)的定义。

55、Morphological observation revealed that the cultured cells possessed the typical character of epithelial cells. ─── 形态学观察表明,培养的细胞具有典型的上皮细胞形态特征;

56、The initial contour is extracted by basic morphological operation, and the exact contour is extracted through active contour model. ─── 利用形态学的基本操作提取活体细胞的初始轮廓,运用活动轮廓模型提取准确的细胞轮廓。

57、Morphological studies on the family Moraceae in Taiwan (2): introduced species. ─── 台湾桑科植物在形态学上之研究.

58、Morphological, physiological, and genetic differences are apparent between the two strains. ─── 形态,生理和遗传差异在两个菌株之间是明显的。

59、The morphological change in treatment center of RFA group was coagulative necrosis. ─── 射频组肿瘤经射频治疗后发生凝固性坏死,凝固性坏死边缘区肿瘤组织可见明显的细胞凋亡及细胞坏死改变。

60、Morphological characteristics and growth redundancy of spring wheat root system in semi-arid regions. ─── 半干旱地区春小麦根系形态特征与生长冗余的初步研究。

61、Mainly the misuses are found in three fields, i.e., morphological, semantic and syntactic. ─── 中国学习者词汇误用可分为:词形失误、词义失误和词法失误。

62、"Our analysis showed a mosaic of lemurid-like, monkey-like and very unique morphological traits," Lemelin said. ─── “我们的分析显示,巨型狐猴的小指呈现出了一种兼具狐猴、猴类和自身特色的形态特征。”

63、Constrained by the morphological rules, the agent of these verbs is suppressed, leaving the position empty for the external argument. ─── 受形态规则制约,这些动词的施事被压制,外部题元为空。

64、The morphological changes of differentiation cells by immunocytochemical staining. ─── 免疫细胞化学染色分化细胞形态观察。

65、This fragment is not necessarily the morphological root. For example. ─── 这个部分不一定是形态词根。

66、A morphological observation on seed coat of Brassica and Sinapis using scanning electron microscope. ─── 十字花科芸苔属和欧白芥属种子的扫描电镜观察.

67、Morphological changes of malignant tumor cellular flocks. ─── 七、恶性肿瘤细胞群形态的变化。

68、It checks for grammatical and morphological meaning and grasps the factual content. ─── 左大脑半球会检视文法与形态意义,掌握文字的实质内容。

69、Morphological characteristics of Solidago canadensis L. ─── 加拿大一枝黄花的形态特征。

70、Morphological studies on the flowers and fruits of the genera Fagus, Castanea, Castanopsis and Limlia. ─── 台湾木青冈、板栗、苦槠及淋漓等属树木花果之形态学研究.

71、Gamete fertility and morphological variations in offsprings of triploidclones Populus tomentosa. ─── 三倍体毛白杨配子育性及其子代形态变异研究。

72、Correlation of morphological factors with injury is important. ─── 形态因素与受害的相互关系很重要。

73、To insert(a morphological element) into the body of a word. ─── 中缀在一个字中间加入语素

74、Here we draw a conclusion that the basis may be infinite, even nondenumerable. 2.Offering two morphological filters. ─── 2.提出了一种形态滤波器,它是一种膨胀与腐蚀的复合算子,但是二者尺度不一 样、并且将它应用于特征提取。

75、In the Morphological Construction Test. 20 scenarios were orally presented in three-sentence stories. ─── 在词法结构的测验中.有20个用三句话故事来表示的场景.

76、The morphological and microscopic characters of reproductive organs of Alpinia densibracteata and A. jingxiensis. ─── 密苞山姜和靖西山姜繁殖器官的形态和显微特征.


78、Morphological analysis and zoogeographical patterns can offer valuable cues to this kind of problems. ─── 形态学分析和动物地理分布模式可以提供非常有价值的启示。

79、Morphological Identification and Standard about the Medical Parts of Apocynum venetum Linn. ─── 对罗布麻药用的部位的形态鉴定与标准,和采挖()间及其它有关事项提出个人初步看法,供有关方面研究.

80、Morphological studies on the flowers and fruits of the order Magnoliales in Taiwan. ─── 台湾木兰目植物花果形态学之研究.

81、Ophichthidae possess similar morphological or osteological characters, so more difficult to be identified. ─── 但其外形相似,又缺少鳞片、腹鳍和尾鳍等结构,鉴别特徵较少。

82、While separated from the observation fungal morphological, physiological and biochemical reaction, initially to be an identification. ─── 同时对分离出的真菌进行形态观察和生理生化反应实验,初步将其鉴定到属。

83、After the fuzzy synthesized evaluation of all the schemes in the morphological matrix,the optimum schem... ─── 实践证明,用这种设计方法研制出的铜铝管对焊机,整体性能达到了国际先进水平。

84、The result provided morphological foundation for ANP production and secretion in caudate nucleus and putamen. ─── 实验结果为尾壳核产生分泌ANP提供了形态学依据。

85、The morphological structure of leaves of Carex orbicularis were studied using light microscopy. ─── 摘要利用光学显微镜研究了圆囊苔草叶的形态结构。

86、Morphological characters and geographical distribution are the same as the family. ─── 形态学上的特征和地理的分布与科相同。

87、In this paper, the morphological structure of polymer blend spinning fibers are introduced. ─── 摘要介绍了高分子混合系共混纺丝纤维的形态结构。

88、Morphological and physiological maturities of somatic cells directly affect plantlet germination and plantlet regeneration frequency. ─── 体细胞胚在形态和生理上的成熟,直接影响到植株的萌发和再生频率。

89、The morphological character of gonad was similar in two loaches.The differentiation of ovarian Is earlier than testes. ─── 从性腺分化开始,将要发育为卵巢的性腺还表现为体积快速增大,向体腔中间靠拢,横截面变宽;

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