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08-18 投稿


paged 发音

英:[pe?d?d]  美:[pe?d?d]

英:  美:

paged 中文意思翻译




paged 词性/词形变化,paged变形

动词过去式: paged |动词过去分词: paged |名词: pageful |动词第三人称单数: pages |动词现在分词: paging |

paged 短语词组

1、paged os ─── 页

2、paged js paged js

3、paged code ─── 分页代码

4、paged e ─── 呼叫e

5、paged hierarchical memory system ─── [计] 页式分级存储系统

6、paged algorithm ─── [计] 分页算法

7、paged pool ─── [计] 页面池

8、paged segmentation ─── 网页分割,版面分割,页面分割

9、paged allocation method ─── [计] 分页法

10、paged ram abbr.paged random access memory ─── 页式随机存取存储器

11、paged pool ram ─── 分页池ram

12、front-paged v. ─── 把…登在头版(front-page的过去式与过去分词形式)

paged 常用词组

web page ─── 网页

home page ─── 主页;第一个界面

page in ─── 置入分页;页入

paged 相似词语短语

1、paced ─── adj.步调的;步伐的;v.踱步(pace的过去式)

2、-aged ─── adj.年老的;…岁的;老年人特有的;v.老化(age的过去式);成熟;变老

3、pages ─── n.页数;青年侍从(page的复数);v.翻书;给…标页码;侍候;寻呼(page的三单形式);n.(Pages)Pages文稿;n.(Pages)人名;(德)帕格斯;(西)帕赫斯

4、-paged ─── adj.分页的;被寻找的;v.给…标页码;翻阅浏览;喊叫寻找(page的过去分词)

5、page ─── n.页;记录;大事件,时期;历史篇章;男侍者;(美国议员的)青年助理;vt.给…标页码;vi.翻书页,浏览;n.(Page)人名;(西)帕赫;(英)佩奇;(意)帕杰;(法)帕日

6、gaged ─── v.以……为担保,以……为赌注(gage的过去式和过去分词)

7、aged ─── adj.年老的;…岁的;老年人特有的;v.老化(age的过去式);成熟;变老

8、caged ─── adj.关在笼子里的;vt.把…关入笼内(cage的过去式和过去分词)

9、pager ─── n.寻呼机,呼机;n.(Pager)人名;(德)帕格

paged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Inserts an object into the HTML page. ─── 在HTML页面中插入对象。

2、The page size, from5 by8 inches to6 by9?inches, of a book composed of printer's sheets folded into eight leaves. ─── 八开本纸张尺寸,大小5英寸乘8英寸到6英寸乘9又1/2英寸,折成八面后装订成的书的纸页

3、In word processing, an editing feature in which the system automatically adjusts the right hand margin for insertion or deletion of copy during playback. Word and sometimes page wraparound is automatically performed as needed. ─── 字(词)处理技术中的一种编辑特性,在此特性下,系统在副本中插入或删除后,右边自动对齐。在需要时,系统自动完成卷字和卷页。

4、An example of the DS0 Status Page is shown below. ─── DS0 状态页的一个示例显示如下.

5、He paged through the magazine again. ─── 他把杂志翻了一遍。

6、He made notes anyhow across the page. ─── 他在那页上胡乱作了些笔记。

7、The first page of the book is shown on the screen. ─── 屏幕上映出了这本书的第一页。

8、The number of failures to dispatch an asynchronous paged LDAP search. ─── 分派异步分页LDAP搜索失败次数。

9、He paged through the magazine impatiently. ─── 他不耐烦地翻那本杂志。

10、He scribbled the address down in his note-book, tore the page out, and handed it to me. ─── 他在笔记簿上草草写下地址,撕下那一页交给了我。

11、Start each page on the 2nd line. ─── 从每页纸的第二行开始写。

12、He showed us how to lay out a printed page . ─── 他告诉我们怎样设计版面。

13、He sits there idly turning the page of a book. ─── 他无聊地坐在那儿翻著书。

14、The width in characters of a field, page or panel. ─── 一个字段、页面或画面的字符宽度。

15、The book designer will have to redo the page layouts. ─── 书籍设计者得重新编排版面。

16、Can I have Mr. J. Smith paged? He said he'd be in the main dining room. I'm Mr. J. B. White. ─── 你能不能利用广播替我叫一下史密斯先生?他说他会在大餐厅里。我是怀特先生。

17、The page size obtained by folding a whole sheet into four leaves. ─── 四开将一张纸折叠成四页而获得的纸张尺寸

18、You may find this word at the bottom of this page. ─── 你可以在本页的下端找到这个词。

19、If LNM data structures are consuming PAGEDYN, increasing paged pool ay only delay the problem. ─── 如果 LNM 数据结构正在消耗 PAGEDYN,则增加的分页池可能只会拖延问题。

20、Can I have a friend page? ─── 你能帮我呼叫我的朋友吗?

21、We got up to page 72 last lesson. ─── 上一课我们学到第72页。

22、Who would you like to have paged again, sir? ─── 先生,请您再说一遍您要广播找谁好吗?

23、A site intended for the storage of data, for example, a site on a printed page or a location in a storage medium. ─── 一种准备用来存放数据的位置,例如打印页面上的一个位置或存储媒体中的一个单元。

24、The snapshot for volume %2 could not create a new paged heap. The system may be low on virtual memory. ─── 卷%2的快照无法创建新的页面堆栈。系统的虚拟内存可能不足。

25、Do the exercises on page 10. ─── 做第十页上的练习。

26、Having read page one, she turned over to page two. ─── 她读完了第一页,就翻到了第二页。

27、A novel that hooked me on the very first page. ─── 从第一页起就牢牢吸引我的小说

28、Don't fold down the corners of the page, it damages the book. ─── 不要把书角反折,这样会把书弄坏的。

29、She stamped her name on the page of history . ─── 她青史留名。

30、He overlooked a spelling error on the first page. ─── 他没有看出第一页中有个拼写错误。

31、The number of LDAP paged searches that completed with a failure. ─── 已完成但出现故障的LDAP分页搜索数。

32、The doctor asked to be paged if the patient's condition grew worse suddenly. ─── 如果病人的病情突然恶化,医生让马上用寻呼机叫他。

33、The author's name is printed on the title page. ─── 作者姓名印在标题页上。

34、A small portable electronic device that emits a beeping signal when the person carrying it is being paged. ─── BP机当携带人被寻呼时发出嘟嘟信号声的一种可携带的小型电子装置

35、Meaning The server was unable to allocate from the system paged pool because the pool was empty. ─── 伺服器无法透过系统分页共用区来进行配置,因为共用区目前是空的。

36、Write down a note on the margin of the page. ─── 在页边空白处写上一注解。

37、John has paged the Foreign Minister. ─── 约翰曾给外交大臣当过听差。

38、A web object can be a web page(or part thereof), an image, plain file, a directory, a Java applet, or CGI script. ─── 一个Web对象可以是一个网页(或其中的部分)、一幅图象、纯文本文件、一个目录,一个Java小程序或CGI手稿。

39、He omitted reading the second page. ─── 他忘了读第二页。

40、In VSE, the mode of a program that may not be paged. ─── 在虚拟扩充存储系统(VSE)中,可以不能进行页面调度的程序运行方式。

41、He paged up several times to get to the start of the document. ─── 他向前翻了好几页,想到文档的开始处。

42、Another division, which is almost but not quite coextensive with the first, is between paged and nonpaged memory. ─── 另一个划分方法,几乎但不是完全扩展于第一个,介于分页和不分页的内存。

43、IDT resides in a memory space which cannot be paged out at any cost. ─── IDT驻留内存,不能被换出。

44、He paged the book without interest. ─── 他毫无兴趣地标书页。

45、On the other side of the page or leaf. ─── 在页后在书页的另一面或页后

46、Over smoked whitefish and bagels, they paged through family photos. ─── 他们一边薰烤着白鲑和百吉圈,一边一页页翻看家人的照片。

47、Why don't you have him paged at the airport? ─── 你为何不在机场扩音喇叭上呼叫他呢?

48、Can be paged view, search large text files, such as log files. ─── 可以分页查看,搜索大的文本文件,如日志文件。

49、The shadow copy of volume %2 could not create a new paged heap. The system may be low on virtual memory. ─── 卷%2的卷影复制无法创建新的页面堆栈。系统的虚拟内存可能不足。

50、The domain controller stores this data to speed up the next part of the paged result search. ─── 域控制器存储以加速下一部分的分页的结果搜索此数据。

51、The number of paged allocations are in the bottom half of this word . ─── 这个词的一半位于底部的分页分配数。

52、Square the page off with your ruler, then you'll be able to copy the drawing accurately. ─── 先用尺在纸上划出方格,这样你就能把图精确地摹绘下来了。

53、He was paged repeatedly as the flight was boarding. ─── 登机时,他被反复地呼叫着。

54、Put your name at the top of the page. ─── 在这一页的上方写上你的名字。

55、Why don't you have him paged at the airport? ─── 你为何不在机场扩音喇叭上呼叫他呢?

56、There's something interesting on the front page. ─── 头版上有些有意思的消息。

57、In System/370 virtual storage systems, not capable of being paged out. ─── 在IBMSystem/370虚拟存储系统中,修饰或说明不能被页出的存储区。

58、A red pencil-mark on the fifth page caught his eye. ─── 在第5页上一个红铅笔记号引起了他的注意。

59、Make the current Web page available offline. ─── 将当前网页设置为脱机查看。

60、You avoid this problem by disconnecting your interrupt before allowing the ISR to be paged. ─── 你通过在允许这个ISR被分页之前断开你的中断(请求)来避免这个问题。

61、A starting point is to determine the maximum sizes of the paged and non-paged pools. ─── 一个出发点就是要执行最大尺寸的页和非页池。

62、Jealousy embellishes a page of the epic. ─── 妒忌修饰是史诗的页。

63、What's Needed to Make a Paged Grid? ─── 制作一个编页的网格需要什么?

64、He folded down the corner of the page. ─── 他将正在看的那一页折了一个角。

65、Several misprints occurred on the first page. ─── 在第一页有几处印刷错误。

66、They showed us how to lay out a printed page. ─── 他们告诉我们怎样安排版面。

67、For example, it might be waiting for its execution stack to be paged in from disk. ─── 例如,它可能正在等待其执行堆栈从磁盘中分页。

68、Paged dynamic memory is determined by the SYSGEN parameter PAGEDYN. ─── 分页动态内存由 SYSGEN 参数 PAGEDYN 来确定。

69、He blotted the page carefully with blotting paper. ─── 他用吸墨纸小心地把这页纸吸干。

70、The details were specified on Page 35. ─── 具体方法详见(说明书)第35页。

71、The author's outlook sticks out on every page. ─── 书的每一页都清楚地显示出作者的观点。

72、You can have him paged by the number of 129-8011444. ─── 你可以打129-8011444传呼他。

73、It is how much page file space would be used if all the private committed virtual memory in the system had to be paged out all at once. ─── 换言之,如果系统中所有的私有提交虚拟内存不得不一次性全部被换出去的话,将用到多少页面文件空间。

74、Thus you will not find your system all paged out when you get up in the morning after leaving it idle overnight. ─── 因此如果你让你的系统空闲一个晚上,第二天早晨起来的时候你也不会发现你的系统所有的页面被换了一遍。

75、Text that appears in the bottom margin of printed pages, such as a document title, page number, or data. ─── 在有印刷文字的页面底部空白处出现的文字,如文件标题、页面号码或日期等。

76、SARA: And he paged me. How can I help you? ─── 他又呼了我。我能帮你什么吗?

77、A bold black headline screamed out from the front page. ─── 在头版上出现了一条令人触目惊心的粗黑体大字标题。

78、Steven could rattle off a page of the telephone directory if you asked him. ─── 如果你叫史蒂芬背电话号码,他可以一口气背出一页。

79、He used to lap the page where he stopped reading. ─── 他常把读到的那一页折起来。

80、You paged Dr. Bailey and Dr. Shepherd? ─── 你叫贝利医生和谢弗德医生了吗?

81、The virtual portion is quite expandable by the database server and can be paged out to disk by the operating system. ─── 虚拟区可以通过数据库服务器得到较大扩展,并且可以通过操作系统将虚拟区页移出(pageout)磁盘。

82、Can I have Mr. J. Smith paged? He said he'd be in the main dining room. I'm Mr. J. B. White. ─── 你能不能利用广播替我叫一下史密斯先生?他说他会在大餐厅里。我是怀特先生。

83、Hello, Ms. Richardson? Lee here-I am calling to conform that you receive page three. ─── 喂,Richardson女士吗?我是BobLee。我打电话来确认你有没有收到第三页。

84、They need to be locked because the memory will be accessed by kernel-mode drivers and cannot be paged out for the duration of the access. ─── 这是因为内核驱动程序需要访问这些内存,在此期间这些页面不能交换出去。

85、Property to specify the maximum number of objects that are returned in a paged search. ─── 属性,以指定在分页搜索中返回的最大对象数。

86、The number of paged LDAP completions that were processed. ─── 已处理的分页LDAP完成数。

87、Even a 404-error page can look stylish. ─── 即使是一个404错误页面可以看时尚。

88、Every page of the book glows with good humor. ─── 书的每一页都洋溢着兴高采烈的情绪。

89、In System / 370 virtual storage systems, not capable of being paged out. ─── 在IBM System/370虚拟存储系统中,修饰或说明不能被页出的存储区。



举例来说,第一页翻译成英文是first page;这本书有好多页,翻译过来就是This book has so many pages。由此可见,page是可数名词。




美 /pe?d?/

英 /pe?d?/







过去分词 paged

过去分词 paged

现在分词 paging

第三人称单数 pages

复数 pages


Please turn to page 55 of the textbook and read the first article.


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