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08-18 投稿


bodiless 中文意思翻译



bodiless 词性/词形变化,bodiless变形

动词过去式: bodied |动词第三人称单数: bodies |名词复数: bodies |动词现在分词: bodying |动词过去分词: bodied |

bodiless 同义词

soundbox | figure | main | cadaver | force | frame | quantity | form | corps | carcass | dead body | federation | flesh | troop | corpus | essence | organic structure | throng | lion's share | trunk | firmness | crowd | mass | corpse | torso | college | personify | squad | organization | consistence | mortal | contingent | persuasion | organism | bulk | the | substance | party | eubstance | consistency | collective | outward | amount | collection | part | association | church | band | majority | brigade | constitution | physique | physical structure | membership | remains |group | thing | main part

bodiless 反义词

soul | mind

bodiless 短语词组

1、bodiless girl ─── 脱体女孩

2、bodiless ghost ─── 脱体鬼

3、bodiless voice ─── 无声的声音

4、bodiless ytk ─── 脱胎ytk

5、bodiless spirit ─── 无形的灵魂

6、bodiless head ─── 脱胎头

bodiless 相似词语短语

1、boltless ─── 无螺栓的

2、bodices ─── n.女紧身胸衣,女紧身马甲;连衣裙上身(不包括袖子)

3、boneless ─── adj.无骨的

4、bookless ─── adj.无书的;未受教育的

5、bondless ─── adj.无契约的

6、bedless ─── 无床

7、bodies ─── n.(人或动物的)身体;(文章、文件等的)正文;主体部分(body的复数)

8、bodles ─── 博德斯

9、boonless ─── 无益的

bodiless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He felt himself almost bodiless, a bundle of frightened thoughts bumping down into the cryptic earth. ─── 他觉得自己几乎没有了形体,在这个神秘的地下,所存在着的不过是一些吓坏了的想法。

2、Those, who can restrain the mind, which is going far, wandering alone, bodiless and living in the cave, those will be freed from the bond of Mara. ─── 心是非常难以察见的,它极度的微细,随著喜好飘荡与停留。且让智者防护其心,因为受到防护的心能带来快乐。

3、Why do you weep?You are bodiless and mindless. ─── 你本来就没有身体,没有内心。

4、Separated from his clones, Palpatine was forced to survive in the maddening, bodiless existence of the void. ─── 远离克隆体的帕尔帕廷被迫存在于疯狂、无形的虚空中。

5、It is therefore bodiless. It is wonderful workmanship! ─── 所以,它是脱胎。这真是高超的工艺!

6、Faceless,bodiless virtual communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation,and the relationships formed through it may be shallower. ─── 和面对面的交谈相比,这种见不着面、看不见人的“虚”的交流可能会使人从心理上缺乏满足感。

7、Genearch accompany examinee to exam will make examinee feeling that genearch distrust himself,so that will give examinee a sort of bodiless Drang. ─── “家长陪考会使考生觉得家长不信任自己,给考生形成一种无形的压力。”怎么翻译成英文?

8、Do not fear conversation with the so-called "dead" in dreams. If the communication is one-sided, it denotes telepathy. If both participate, it may be an actual encounter of bodiless consciousness. ─── 不要害怕在梦中与所谓的“死人”交谈。如果交流是单向的,表明这是心灵感应。如果是双向的,这会是一个真实的与灵魂的相见。

9、Though guessing(he would guess)that he was no fool by the care with which he entered her life like a bodiless shadow. ─── 但他就像个无形的影子,进入了她的生活,这一点他应该也感觉得到吧。

10、Bodiless substance ─── 无体物

11、Faceless, bodiless "virtual" communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation, and the relationships formed through it may be shallower. ─── 和面对面的交谈相比,这种见不着面、看不见人的“虚”的交流可能会使人从心理上缺乏满足感。人们通过这种交流结下的友谊也不会太深。

12、And studies of bodiless roach heads elucidate how insect neurons work. ─── 而少了身体的头部,则说明昆虫的神经元如何发挥功能。

13、what's special about bodiless lacquerware? ─── 脱胎漆器有什么特别吗?

14、The class culture is a bodiless education lesson and it has a bodiless education power. ─── 班级文化是一种无形的教育课程,具有一种无形的力量。

15、Just one piece of "Fugui Hong" shall be a fusion of the classic elegance of Jingdezhen ceramics, the romantic charm of Fuzhou bodiless lacquer and the rich colors of Beijing cloisonne. ─── 单是一件漆红雕“富贵红”,就融入了景德镇陶瓷的古雅、福州脱胎漆器之神韵、北京景泰蓝的华彩等。

16、It is therefore bodiless . ─── 所以,它是脱胎。

17、Keywords Heavy machinery enterprise Bodiless capital Problem Measures; ─── 重矿企业;无形资产;问题;措施;

18、Like the bodiless heads you see sometimes in circus sideshows, it is as though I have been surrounded by mirrors of hard, distorting glass. ─── 就像你们在马戏团杂耍表演里看到没有身子的头一样,我也似乎是被一群坚硬扭曲的玻璃镜子围着。

19、Is there a bodiless promise between people,between friends,relatives,couples,sweetie ,boss and underling? Do we need a bodiless promise ? ─── 之间、上司与下属之间,是否都应该有一种不需要言明的约定?

20、If the expsoing area of bodiless lacquerware is bigger, the percentage of dehydrate is higher too. ─── 对夹纻胎漆器结构及脱水百分比的研究发现,夹纻胎漆器胎体的暴露面积如果较大,则失水速率较高,反之则不然。

21、If both participate, it may be an actual encounter of bodiless consciousness. ─── 如果是双向的,这会是一个真实的与灵魂的相见。

22、Well,Ms. Smith,along with bodiless lacquerwork,Fujian crafts men also make wooden bodied lacquerwork. ─── 史密斯小姐,除了脱胎漆器外,福建手工艺者也生产漆器。

23、demon: Infernal tempters: sometimes bodiless, other times quite corporeal. Other names include devils, daemons, incubi, succubi. ─── 恶魔:来自幽冥的蛊惑者:有时无形无体,有时则拥有完整的肉身。他们的名号还包括:魔鬼、妖魔,梦魔。

24、This is an example of the popular bodiless lacquerware technique. ─── 这就是备受喜爱的脱胎漆器工艺品。

25、Well , Ms. Smith , along with bodiless lacquerwork , Fujian crafts men also make wooden bodied lacquerwork . ─── 史密斯小姐,除了脱胎漆器外,福建手工艺者也生产漆器。

26、It is therefore bodiless . It is wonderful workmanship ! ─── 所以,它是脱胎。这真是高超的工艺!

27、bodiless lacquerware ─── 脱胎漆器

28、Sociologists deal with abstractions even more phantasmally bodiless. ─── 社会学家对待抽象概念甚至更为虚幻无形。

29、Cockroach decapitation may seem macabre, but scientists have conducted many experiments with headless roach bodies and bodiless roach heads. ─── 把蟑螂的脑袋切掉看起来是很残忍的。但是科学家们已经对没有头的蟑螂和没有身体的蟑螂头进行了许多次的实验。

30、The sixth bodiless foot has been discovered in Canada . ─── 加拿大发现了第六只无身断脚 .

31、bodiless lacquer ─── 脱胎漆

32、from the best angle, shielded by her bodiless state, in her spacelessness. ─── 从最好的角度,被她那无形的状态保护着,在她无限的世界里。

33、Fuzhou bodiless lacquerware, a famous type of lacquerware, is noted for using a body of clay and/or plaster to form its shape;the body later removed. ─── 福州脱胎漆器闻名于世,其制作方法是先用泥土或石膏制成内胎,然后经过若干道工序后做成成品。

34、The moldering factor and countermeasure of conservation are studied on bodiless lacquerware. ─── 结合前人研究成果,综合分析了测试结果,对该批漆器的结构和腐朽因素等进行了探索性研究工作。

35、We want to ascend to heaven bodiless, our mind is full of the thought of being a superman, which make us to search the right ways to get access the path to be a superman. ─── 凡夫就是追求神奇鬼怪,所以心才会乱,因心乱故才要去找八万四千法门,找得团团转;

36、bodiless chinaware ─── 脱胎瓷

37、Yak mask for the false-shaped head with clay or cloth shell bodiless纸壳drawn from the whole body fur to weave together acuminatum line. ─── 牦牛面具,为假形,头用泥塑脱胎纸壳或布壳绘制而成,全身皮毛以粗毛线编织而成。

38、Another bodiless for the body’s slough? ─── 另外一个蜕皮于无形?

39、If both participate, it may be an actual encounter of bodiless consciousness. ─── 如果是双向的,这会是一个真实的与灵魂的相见。

40、bodiless ware ─── 脱胎器

41、I was at this point bodiless, formless, floating in a black warm void. ─── 这个时候,我感觉自己是无形的,没有形状,漂浮在温暖的黑暗虚空中。

42、Fujian bodiless lacquerware and the cloisonn of Bejing, porcelain of Jingdezhen, are reputed as 3 renowned traditional handicrafts in China. ─── 福建的脱胎漆器与北京的景泰蓝、景德镇的瓷器并称为中国三大传统工艺品。

43、The Fuzzy Appraising about the Bodiless Benefits Brought by ERP ─── ERP无形效益的模糊评价

44、many thanks for your kindness . i will give this lovely bodiless lacquerware to my " living buddhas . " ─── 非常感谢你的好意,我要把这可爱的脱胎漆器给我的“活佛”。

45、Cockroach decapitation may seem macabre, but scientists have conducted many experiments with headless roach bodies and bodiless roach heads to answer serious questions. ─── 没有头的蟑螂或许令人毛骨悚然,但科学家利用肢解的蟑螂身体及头部进行过很多实验,以探讨一些严肃的议题。

46、Content And Identify on Bodiless Asset ─── 无形资产的内容和鉴定

47、Zhou advocated the artistic beauty of individuals and bodiless utility at that time. ─── 他提倡文学的独立的艺术美和无形的功利。

48、The essence of psychology contract is modern organization and its members expectation of bodiless psychology. ─── 心理契约的本质是现代组织及其成员对无形的心理内容的一系列期望。

49、from the best angle, shielded by her bodiless state, in her spacelessness. ─── 从最好的角度,被她那无形的状态保护着,在她无限的世界里。

50、According to家口Chuan martial arts, this pole flock Five Tigers whip and stick with Hui Wrangler sheep, and the Department of horsewhip by grazing sheep Faso and bodiless derived from a stick. ─── 据武术家口传,这种杆子鞭和五虎群羊棍均与回族牧马放羊有关,系分别由牧马鞭索和放羊棍脱胎衍化而成。

51、And studies of bodiless roach heads shed light on how their neurons work. ─── 对没有身体的蟑螂头的研究,揭示了它们的神经元是如何工作的。

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