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marshaling 发音

英:[?mɑ??l??]  美:[?mɑ?r?l??]

英:  美:

marshaling 中文意思翻译



marshaling 词性/词形变化,marshaling变形

名词: marshalcy |动词第三人称单数: marshals/marshals |动词过去分词: marshaled/marshalled |动词过去式: marshaled/marshalled |动词现在分词: marshaling/marshalling |

marshaling 短语词组

1、marshaling row ─── 编组行

2、marshaling station ─── 编组站

3、marshaling box ─── 编组箱

4、marshaling sequence ─── 编组序列

5、marshaling yard ─── 编组站

6、marshaling activate signal ─── 编组激活信号

7、marshaling cabinet ─── 编组柜

8、marshaling plan ─── 编组计划

marshaling 常用词组

field marshal ─── n. 陆军元帅

air marshal ─── (英国)空军中将

marshaling 相似词语短语

1、marinating ─── v.用调料腌渍……;(食物)经腌渍(marinate的现在分词)

2、marbling ─── n.大理石花纹;大理石纹加工法;猪、牛肉的细脂肪纹路;v.把(书边等)弄上大理石花纹;把肉肥瘦均匀搭配好(marble的现在分词)

3、marcelling ─── n.大波浪发型;v.把(头发)烫成大波浪发型

4、marinading ─── n.腌泡汁;vt.腌泡

5、marching ─── adj.行军的;步进式的;v.行军;前进;使同行;游行示威;无法阻挡地行进(march的现在分词)

6、manstealing ─── n.绑架;诱拐

7、carsharing ─── 共享汽车

8、maraging ─── n.马氏体时效;马钉钢(超硬度铁镍合金);[冶]高强度热处理

9、marshalling ─── v.结集,列队;整理;引领;(车辆)编组;引导(飞机在机场地面移动);控制人群,维持秩序;合并(盾徽)(marshal的现在分词)

marshaling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But only this course can marshal our resources, meet global realities and maintain domestic rapport. ─── 但是; 唯有这条路线能使我们积聚一切资源,面对世界现实并保持国内的和谐一致。

2、To marshal an array, for example, you must supply the element type, rank, size, and bounds of the array. ─── 例如,若要封送数组,必须提供元素类型、秩、大小和数组的界限。

3、But the general counsels, and the plots and marshaling of affairs, come best from those that are learned. ─── 但是有学问的人才能最能提供有普遍意义的忠告,并擘划和调度众多的事务。

4、The dean of the school act as marshal of graduation ceremony. ─── 学校的教务长担任毕业典礼的司仪。

5、The CLR handles COM component activation and parameter marshaling. ─── CLR将处理COM组件激活和参数封送处理。

6、Managed debugging assistant is activated when the CLR sets up marshaling information for a method parameter or a field of a structure. ─── 如果CLR为一个方法参数或一个结构的字段设置封送信息,则将激活。

7、He didn't dare grow that kind of mustache for fear the marshal would consider him presumptuous. ─── 他不敢培植同样的胡子,怕大帅怪他僭妄;

8、He was supposed to act as the marshal's aide. ─── 他的职责是作指挥官的副官。

9、Marshaling an array is a more complex process than marshaling an integer parameter. ─── 封送数组是比封送整数参数更复杂的过程。

10、Only one man has an obvious right to assume the marshal's mantle. ─── 只有一个人具有明显的权力,以替取元帅之地位。

11、In some cases the interface used to marshal the class is known as the class interface. ─── 在某些情况下,用于封送类的接口称为类接口。

12、The marshal and his troops have been overcome in numerous battles. ─── 元帅带领着他的军队在战场上多次得胜。

13、The failure is sporadic if the time between marshaling the delegate and the ensuing callback is short. ─── 如果从封送委托到接着发生的回调之间的时间很短,则发生该故障会的机会就很少。

14、Marshaling is the act of moving a call across thread boundaries, and is very expensive in terms of resources. ─── 封送就是跨越线程边界移动调用的行为,需要消耗大量的资源。

15、Even though they look like local objects, there is still overhead involved in marshaling data back and forth from the server. ─── 即使它们看上去像是本地对象,但从服务器来回封送数据仍然需要开销。

16、Marshal - when told to will upgrade Your soldiers if You have proper facilities. ─── 元帅-当告知将升级您的士兵,如果你有适当的设施。

17、Two intrepid men, tried in great wars, the Marshal Lobau and General Bugeaud, were in command, Bugeaud under Lobau. ─── 两个经受过历次大战考验的猛将,罗博元帅和毕若将军,掌握着指挥权,以罗博为主,毕若为副。

18、Leadership seems to be the marshaling of skills possessed by a majority but used by a minority. ─── 领导似乎是被多数持有,但是被少数用的技术的整顿。

19、The Marshaling Changes topic identifies several cases that require you to edit the interop assembly and describes the changes needed. ─── 封送处理更改主题指出了需要您编辑互操作程序集的几种情况,并对所需更改进行了说明。

20、People busied themselves over Marshal Soult's hesitations.Why did not he attack at once? ─── “大家对苏尔特元帅的犹豫不决都很关心”,“他为什么不立即进攻?”

21、She would not allow the marshal to interfere with his adventure. ─── 她不允许警官干预他的冒险行为。

22、Behind the presumptuous General loomed the illustrious Marshal Petain. ─── 在这位跋扈的将军背后隐然可见很有名气的贝当元帅的身影。

23、One of the more colourful legends of Ney that have grown up after the Marshal's untimely de. ─── 刚从违纪百科了解到一个有趣的传说

24、This article would not be complete if it failed to mention an alternative to parsing in the form of XML marshaling libraries such as Castor. ─── 如果不提到另一种选择,即XML编组库形式的解析,如Castor,本文就不完整。

25、A generated Java wrapper will marshal the data to be passed between the two. ─── 一个生成的Java包装程序将对要在两者间传送的数据进行编组。

26、The order to lift a custody of property issued by the people's court shall be executed by a marshal. ─── 人民法院解除保全的命令由执行员执行。

27、Issue orders to Chancellor, Treasurer and Marshal. ─── 发布命令校长,司库和元帅。

28、To make a good speech you need to marshal your arguments very clearly. ─── 为作一次精彩的演说,你需要层次分明地列举你的论点。

29、A cadre in the army acts as marshal of the flag-raising ceremony. ─── 军队的一名干部担任升旗典礼的司仪。

30、Field Marshal Keitel described her appearance during an interrogation at Nuremberg. ─── 在纽伦堡一次提审时,凯特尔元帅描述了她的形象。

31、While there, Carrey perfected many characters, most notoriously "Fire Marshal Bill" who always went up in a blaze. ─── 剧中,凯利完美地扮演了许多角色,最令人津津乐道的就是“带火的元帅比尔”,他总是身上冒火。

32、Go to Elba and ask for Marshal Bertrand. ─── 你到厄尔巴岛,去打听伯兰特元帅。

33、German field marshal in World War II who directed the conquest of Poland and led the Ardennes counteroffensive (1875-1953). ─── 二战中德国最高陆军元帅,他指挥了攻克波兰的战役并领导了阿登尼斯反击战。

34、This sort of situation arises frequently when marshaling. ─── 这种情况在封送处理时经常出现。

35、Of what marshal, Pierre could not ascertain from the soldiers. ─── 哪位大元帅,皮埃尔未能从士兵口里听说出来。

36、They heard the marshal reply quietly enough and the two shook hands. ─── 他们听见那执行官很心平气和的回答,双方握握手。

37、He now broods atop the Frozen Throne, deep in Icecrown Citadel, clutching the rune blade Frostmourne and marshaling the undead armies of the Scourge. ─── 他现在趴在冰封王座上孵蛋(嗯嗯当时的状况就是这样),在寒冰皇冠大本营的深处,紧握着符文剑霜之哀伤,集合着亡灵天灾的大军。

38、Performance issues arose through slower response time due to marshaling and passing the data. ─── 由于数据的编组和传递,降低了响应时间,导致了性能问题。

39、He was an Air Marshal before retirement. ─── 他退休前是空军中将。

40、German field marshal noted for brilliant generalship in North Africa during World War II (1891-1944). ─── 二战中,在北非以出色的指挥才能著称的德国最高级的陆军将官。

41、The common language runtime determines how to marshal each parameter based upon the managed declaration of the method. ─── 公共语言运行库根据方法的托管声明确定如何封送每个参数。

42、The MDA configuration allows you to filter the reported marshaling information based on the involved field or method names. ─── MDA配置允许您根据涉及的字段或方法名来筛选报告的封送信息。

43、At noon he arrived on the Obersalzberg and delivered his news to the Reich Marshal. ─── 中午时分他到了上萨尔茨堡,把这个消息告诉了戈林。

44、When one of them pointed out no soldier would flight for the Reich Marshal, Hitler cut in. ─── 两个人中间有一个人指出,没有一个士兵愿为那位帝国元帅打仗,希特勒打断他的话。

45、Marshal: To enlist and organize: trying to marshal public support. ─── 参与,组织:试图获取公众的支持。

46、The Marshal decided it was time to pay a visit to Headquarters. ─── 元帅决定现在是访问总部的时候了。

47、Meanwhile, the Shipping Board had moved in more fruitful directions to marshal an American merchant marine. ─── 与此同时,航运局在集结美国商船队方面较有成绩。

48、During marshaling, the context from the current thread is used, not the context that was active when the object was created. ─── 在封送处理过程中,使用当前线程的上下文,而不是创建对象时活动的上下文。

49、Marshaling of input and output parameters. ─── 封送输入和输出参数。

50、Variety is the main light, red stars, red Marshal, Fuji, Hongyu, red bananas, yellow bananas, India. ─── 主要品种有国光、红星、红元帅、红富士、红玉、红香蕉、黄香蕉、印度等。

51、It is marshal Ye Jianying former residence in the right side of memorial museum. ─── 在纪念馆右侧是叶剑英元帅故居。

52、In 1980, Mihoko went on a special tour to China with her family to visit Marshal Nie. ─── 1980年,美穗子携家人专程去中国看望聂帅。

53、Bernard Montgomery (1887-1976), British field marshal, who was one of the leading Allied commanders of World War II. ─── 伯纳德 - 蒙哥马利(1887-1976),英国陆军元帅,二战期间盟军领导人之一。

54、In 1919 he was created a Field Marshal and ennobled. ─── 1919年,他成为陆军元帅并被封为爵士。

55、At noon he arrived on the Obersalzerg and delivered his news to the Marshal. ─── 中午时分他到了上萨尔茨堡,把这个消息告诉了马歇尔。

56、He looked very fine, Marshal Ney in his top-boots, gesturing with his sword among the green new horse-chestnut leaves. ─── 奈伊元帅的雕像看来很威武:脚蹬长靴,在七叶树绿油油的嫩叶丛中举剑示意。

57、When one of them pointed out that no soldier would fight for the Reich Marshal, Hitler cut in. ─── 两个人中间有一个人指出,没有一个士兵愿为那位帝国元帅打仗,希特勒打断他的话:

58、The Marshal Zhao is worshiped on the altar at their home. ─── 在他们家的神台上供着赵公元帅。

59、Attribute is set, the state is always copied back to the instance on return, marshaling as necessary. ─── 属性,则始终在返回时将状态复制回实例,并在必要时进行封送处理。

60、Marshal - can also summon Your Lords for a campaign and tell location of your lords. ─── 元帅-您也可以传唤上议院的一项运动,并告诉您的位置上议院。

61、ParameterBuilder object can be used to set the marshaling, to set the constant value, and to apply custom attributes. ─── ParameterBuilder对象可用于设置封送处理、设置常量值、应用自定义属性。

62、You want the marshaling of data between your ASP. ─── 你想要你的 ASP.

63、Among the bad oil paintings were one by Churchill and one by Field Marshal Alexander. ─── 在那些拙劣的油画中,一幅是丘吉尔画的,一幅是亚历山大陆军元帅画的。

64、He was appointed fire marshal. ─── 他被任命为消防队长

65、Marshaling the structure can transform the layout and alter the offset. ─── 封送结构可转换布局并更改偏移量。

66、When he covered the German surrender to Field Marshal Montgomery in May 1945,he felt obliged to point out that the document had the wrong date on it. ─── 1945年5月,当他报道德军向陆军元帅蒙哥马利投降时,他感到有责任指出投降书上的日期写错了。

67、"The idea is to marshal the body's own immune system to fight cancer. ─── 其思路是重新配置机体自身的免疫系统来对抗肿瘤。”

68、He sat nervously, marshal his thought. ─── 他紧张地坐着,整理着他的思绪。

69、Many valiant generals served under the leadership of the marshal. ─── 元帅手下有许多骁将。

70、Among the new men stands boldly out William the Marshal, Earl of Pembroke. ─── 在这些新角色中,彭布罗克伯爵,典礼官威廉最出人头地。

71、Nevertheless the Reich Marshal drafted his telegram to Hitler with great care. ─── 但是这位帝国元帅还是煞费脑筋地起草了一份给希特勒的电报。

72、He heard the tread of armies marshaling for war. ─── 他听到被围困的城中妇孺的啼饥声。

73、To make a good speech, you need to marshal your arguments very clearly. ─── 为了做一次精采的演说,你需要层次分明编列你的论点。

74、If true, this would provide an excellent means for marshaling data back into the GUI thread. ─── 如果真的是这样,那它真的是提供了一种优秀的方式将数据编排到GUI线程上了。

75、He does not marshal his divisions alongside other divisions. ─── ?不会派遣?的军队与人的军队对峙。

76、This element enables you to trade faster interop marshaling for run-time resilience against incorrect platform invoke declarations. ─── 此元素使您用更快的互操作封送处理来交换运行时对不正确的平台调用声明的弹性。

77、Marshal He Long was the first minister of the China State Sports Commission along with his other positions. ─── 任命贺龙元帅兼任第一任国家体委主任。

78、For all other method calls, you should use one of the invoke methods to marshal the call to the control's thread. ─── 对于所有其他方法调用,则应使用调用(invoke)方法之一封送对控件的线程的调用。

79、The marshal rode at the head of the parade. ─── 典礼官在检阅队伍的前面骑马行进。

80、Marshal your arguments before debating. ─── 在辩论前,整理一下你的论点。

81、A marshal handed mike makes a welcome and introduces these leaders. ─── 一位风度的司仪手握话筒,热情欢迎和介绍了领导的名单、职务(全是副职)。

82、Marshal - can also be ordered to fill up garrisons of your new Empire with troops. ─── 元帅-也可以订购填补驻军的新帝国的军队。

83、For the soldiers, this marshal was evidently the highest and somewhat mysterious symbol of power. ─── 对士兵说来,大元帅显然是代表最高层的有点神秘的权力。

84、Exactly how Raynor managed to avoid Findlay's fate and land a job as marshal is unknown. ─── 但具体雷纳是怎样使范德雷免于处分并给他捞到警长的头衔还不为人知。

85、In place of the former Reich Marshal Goering the Fuehrer appoints you as his successor. ─── 元首任命你为继承人,以代替前帝国元帅戈林。

86、In Ru ia and Britain they still have the ranks of Marshal. ─── 在俄罗斯和英国他们还设元帅军衔。

87、In such circumstances, one of the biggest performance impediments is marshaling data from unmanaged to managed environments. ─── 在这种情况下,最大的性能障碍之一是将数据从非托管环境封送到托管环境。

88、In British army a field marshal ranks above a general. ─── 在英国陆军中,元帅的军衔比上将高。

89、Creating a ObjRef for an object is known as marshaling. ─── 为对象创建ObjRef称为封送。

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