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abolitionist 发音

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abolitionist 中文意思翻译



abolitionist 网络释义

n. 废奴主义者;废除主义者

abolitionist 同义词


abolitionist 短语词组

1、abolitionist school ─── 废除死刑的学校

2、abolitionist john brown ─── 废奴主义者约翰·布朗

3、abolitionist art ─── 废奴主义艺术

4、abolitionist tubman ─── 废奴主义者塔布曼

5、abolitionist university ─── 废奴主义大学

6、abolitionist definition ─── 废奴主义者的定义

abolitionist 词性/词形变化,abolitionist变形


abolitionist 反义词


abolitionist 相似词语短语

1、demolitionist ─── 破坏者;毁坏者;爆破者

2、abolitional ─── 废除

3、abortionists ─── n.(尤指非法)为人堕胎者

4、abortionist ─── n.(尤指非法)为人堕胎者

5、abolitionary ─── 废除的

6、adoptionist ─── n.信仰耶稣是上帝义子学说的人

7、abolitionists ─── n.废奴主义者;废除主义者

8、abolition ─── n.废除;废止

9、abolitionism ─── n.废除主义;废奴主义

abolitionist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The abolition of school prayer and the imposition of school busing fuelled a conservative movement that fed on populism and resentment. ─── 学校祷告制度的废除和校车接送制度的确立助长了依赖于民粹主义和怨恨不满情绪的保守主义运动。

2、She utilizes the form of sentimental novel to agonize readers to the point that they will come to sympathize with the abolitionist point of view. ─── 史陀夫人以她女性特别的感性笔触打动了读者,进而使读者们接受她反奴隶制度的主张。

3、October 1, 1987, rabuka the abolition of the Constitution, announced that as head of state. ─── 1987年10月1日,兰布卡废除宪法,宣布出任国家元首。

4、They organized speeches by abolitionist leaders.And they helped hide slaves who were fleeing to freedom. ─── 它们组织废奴主义领袖发表演说,帮助隐藏投奔自由的黑奴。

5、Abraham Lincoln campaigned for the abolition of slavery,he succeeded. ─── 亚伯拉罕·林肯曾为废除奴隶制而战,他成功了。

6、Such was the general political and economic picture in the United States when the abolitionist movement began to make itself felt. ─── 这就是废奴运动开始时美国的政治和经济现状。

7、Professor Eagleson called for the abolition of the Word "hereby". ─── 伊格里森教授主张废弃“特此”一词。

8、Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. ─── 剥夺地产,把地租用于国家支出。

9、August 1968, Gangtok broke out a series of anti-India demonstrations to demand the abolition of the so-called "Peace Treaty". ─── 1968年8月,甘托克爆发反印示威,要求废除"印度和锡金和平条约"。

10、Few people would not exult at the abolition of slavery. ─── 奴隶制被废除了,人们无不为之欢欣鼓舞。

11、It has come nearer to the abolition of poverty, to the abolition of fear of want, than humanity has ever reached before. ─── 在消灭贫困、扫除对匮乏的恐惧方面,我们的成就是史无前例的。

12、Invited to speak as part of July 4 festivities in his adopted hometown of Rochester, N.Y., the abolitionist took the opportunity to rage at the injustice of slavery. ─── 作为7月4日国庆日庆典的一个节目,应邀在收留他的纽约州罗切斯特市发表演说,这位废奴主义者利用此机会怒斥奴隶制的不公正。

13、The Republican Committee, the Abolitionist Committee, sent him word that it was premature and not advisable. ─── 可是联邦协会和废奴主义协会以为时机不成熟而且不明智。

14、Heumann, Milton, and Colin Loftin. "Mandatory Sentencing and the Abolition of Plea Bargaining: The Michigan Felony Firearm Statute." In The Law and Society Reader. ─── 刑事法庭中以家庭为基础做出判决的架构和实务>,《法律与社会读本》。

15、To promote the further development of our asset management business, the Government consulted interested parties and the public at large last year on the abolition of estate duty. ─── 为进一步推动资产管理业务发展,政府在去年曾就取消遗产税一事徵询有关团体及公众的意见。

16、Policy also decided that the abolition of local self-publishing firm preferential tariff measures. ─── 发改委还决定,坚决取消地方自行出台的优惠电价措施。

17、Pinkerton was an abolitionist (activist against slavery). ─── 平克顿是一个「废奴主义者」(abolitionist),积极反对奴隶制度。

18、The distinguishing feature of Communism is not the abolition of property generally, but the abolition of bourgeois property. ─── 共产主义的特征并不是要废除一般的所有制,而是要废除资产阶级的所有制。

19、After the abolition in 2003 of the "Management Method for Internment and Repatriation", many cities in China cancelled temporary residence permits. ─── 2003年《收容遣送管理办法》废止之后,国内不少城市取消暂住证。

20、Wilberforce raised his standard at once for the abolition of slavery in 1787. ─── 威尔柏福斯在1787年率先倡导废除奴隶制。

21、In 1859, abolitionist John Brown led a group of about 20 men in a raid on Harper's Ferry. ─── 在1859年,废除主义者约翰布朗带领约20人袭击了哈柏渡轮。

22、He introduced a bill in Parliament for the abolition of income tax. ─── 他在国会提出一项法案要求取消所得税。

23、He declared for the abolition of slavery. ─── 他赞成废除奴隶制度。

24、Have the slaves really got freedom after the abolition of slavery? ─── 奴隶制废除以后,奴隶们真的获得了自由吗?

25、He long urged the abolition of capital punishment. ─── 他长期要求废除死刑。

26、The slaves got freedom after the abolition of slavery. ─── 奴隶制废除以后, 奴隶们获得了自由。

27、The abolition of capitalism and landlordism in Cuba represented an enormous step forward. ─── 古巴对资本主义和地主制度的废除是一个很大的进步。

28、Heumann, Milton, and Colin Loftin." Mandatory Sentencing and the Abolition of Plea Bargaining: The Michigan Felony Firearm Statute." In The Law and Society Reader. ─── 〈刑事法庭中以家庭为基础做出判决的架构和实务〉《法律与社会读本》。

29、The Convention set up more than two thousand branches in the whole country, and actively propagandized the idea of abolition of slavery. ─── 协会在全国各地设立了两千多个分会,积极开展废除奴隶制的宣传活动。

30、On the top of the list would be educational reform, followed closely by improved sanitary measures, slum clearance and most assuredly, the abolition of slavery. ─── 列表的首条将会是教育改革,紧接着是关于公共卫生的改革措施、民窟的检查以及最必要的--废除奴隶制。

31、After the abolition of slavery, many blacks in America were liberated. ─── 奴隶制度废除后,许多美国黑人被解放了。

32、They worked for the complete abolition of capitalist exploitation of men by men. ─── 他们为彻底消除资本主义人剥削人的制度而努力工作。

33、Societies which advocated the abolition of ancestor worship were generally considered revolutionary and hence a threat to the patriarchal state power. ─── 取消了祖先崇拜的组织会社被认为是造反的,因此也是对父系政权的一种威胁。

34、Their discussion centred around the abolition of slavery. ─── 他们的讨论是以废除奴隶制度为中心而进行的。

35、Contract abolition is a momentous system in our country's pact law. ─── 合同解除是我国合同法中的一项重要制度。

36、Because of it, these people began to support the abolitionist movement. ─── 因为那个时候,奴隶把自己就当成了奴隶,没有想到会是别的什么。

37、What did he predict about race relations in America after the abolition of slavery? ─── 对于奴隶制废止后美国的种族关系,托克维尔提出了怎样的预期?

38、Then there was a growing political force in the United States that would not be helpful to Clay's candidacy.That was the abolitionist movement, which opposed slavery. ─── 克莱参议员向来憎恨奴隶制,尽管他自己也拥有一些奴隶。

39、I never dreamed that he would be an Abolitionist. ─── 我从未想到他竟然是一个废奴主义者。

40、That same year, the Government of the abolition of serfdom in Prussia. 1848, the abolition of serfdom in the Austrian Government. ─── 同年,普鲁士政府废除农奴制。1848年,奥地利政府废除农奴制。

41、He lived twenty years as a slave and nearly nine as a fugitive slave, then achieved international fame as an abolitionist, editor, orator, and the author of three autobiographies. ─── 他当了二十年奴隶和将近九年的逃亡奴隶,后来成为国际知名的废奴主义者、编辑、演说家和三本自传的作者。

42、But the ten provincial premiers are divided between abolition and reform. ─── 但是十省的省长划分为废除派和改革派。

43、The churches, as everyone knows, opposed the abolition of slavery as long as they dared. ─── 众所周知,教会过去尽量反对废除奴隶制。

44、"Second Suite for the abolition of restrictions related to the policy imperative. ─── "取消二套房的相关限制政策势在必行。"

45、The abolition of textile quotas on January 1, 2005 brought profound changes. ─── 2005年1月1日纺织品配额取消带来了巨大的变化。

46、Though none was an out-and-out abolitionist, they were still closely concerned with the outcome of the struggle. ─── 他们之中虽然没有一个是彻底的废奴主义者,但是他们也非常关心这场斗争的结果。

47、In 1960, the establishment of Lintao region, the near abolition at Dingxi County jurisdiction. ─── 1960年,成立临洮地区,不久裁撤,仍为定西地区辖县。

48、You must control and direct your emotions, not abolish them. Besides, abolition would be animossible task. ─── 你必须控制并导引你的情绪而非摧毁它,况且摧毁情绪是一件不可能的事情。

49、Plymouth was the home of the great abolitionist preacher Henry Ward Beecher and a stop on the Underground Railroad. ─── 杰出的废奴主义者HenryWard牧师曾居住在普利茅斯教堂,现在这个教堂是地铁的一个站点。

50、But don't wrangle with us so long as you apply, to our intended abolition of bourgeois property, the standard of your bourgeois notions of freedom, culture, law, etc. ─── 但是,你们既然用你们资产阶级关于自由、教育、法等等的观念来衡量废除资产阶级所有制的主张,那就请你们不要同我们争论了。

51、And cheered as if he had announced the abolition of the income tax. ─── 在他演讲之后,出席会议的人们鼓掌欢呼起来,就好像他已经宣布取消了个人所得税似的。

52、But the abolitionist trend seems inexorable. ─── 但是,废除死刑的趋势看上去不可阻挡。

53、He had been a student at Cambridge University two years before.He entered the university's Latin essay contest, set by a vice-chancellor who was also an early abolitionist. ─── 两年前他还是格剑桥学生,他参加了学校的拉丁语论文竞赛,举办者是学校副校长,也是个早期的废奴主义者。

54、In 1638 he had to concede the abolition of the court. ─── 1638年他被迫认可该法院的废除。

55、Tentatively it can be suggested that this is the main influence upon those who urge the abolition of capital punishment. ─── 可以这样探讨性地提出,那些竭力主张废除死刑的人们主要是受怜悯的影响。

56、However, there are 120 moneybags written to oppose the abolition of estate duty. ─── 但是,竟然有120名富翁联名上书,反对政府取消遗产税。

57、There are three views about whether Abraham Lincoln was an abolitionist or not: 1. He was an abolitionist. ─── 史学界曾对林肯是否为废奴主义者进行过比较热烈的争论,形成了三种观点:一、林肯是废奴主义者;

58、Still, Clay was a national leader. He knew it would be bad to stand too strongly opposed to the growing abolitionist movement. ─── 克莱是一位国家领导人,他知道,他如此坚决地反对正在日益兴起的废奴运动将给他带来很坏的影响。

59、Contrary to abolitionist propaganda, Christian slave owners tried to find ways to keep families together.The system as a whole, however, tended to break up marriages. ─── 主张奴隶废除者宣传所有拥有奴隶的人都破坏奴隶的家庭,但拥有奴隶的基督徒其实为了保持奴隶家庭的完整而尝试各种办法。

60、However, despite his opposition to the slavery system, he himself was not an abolitionist. ─── 他虽然反对奴隶制度,但他并不是废奴主义者。

61、In 1872, long after abolition, Zey, the king of Asante, wrote to the British monarch asking for the slave trade to be renewed. ─── 在废奴已经很长一段时间后的1872年,Asante的部落酋长Zey还写信给英国郡主要求重新开始奴隶贸易。

62、For cases involving a time gap between Hong Kong and other places in the world, the effective time of the abolition in. ─── 假如有涉及外地与香港时差问题的个案,会以本港生效时间为准。

63、The United Kingdom legislates the abolition of slavery in its empire. ─── 1833年的今天,英国立法在其帝国内废除奴隶制。

64、In an article a letter from a purported madman suggests the abolition of money as a cure for many social evils. ─── 在一篇文章里,一个人称疯子的人写了一封信,建议取消货币,作为消除社会弊端的办法。

65、Emancipation refers to the abolition of slavery, serfdom, and caste system. ─── 人身自由指完全废除奴隶制,农奴制和等级制度等等。

66、That was the abolitionist movement, which opposed slavery. Abolitionists did not like Clay, because he owned slaves. ─── 这支政治力量就是风起云涌的废奴运动,废奴运动者并不喜欢克莱,因为他本身就拥有奴隶。

67、Hence in persuading others to adopt an abolitionist perspective, it is necessary to encourage a change of heart that sees the person in a new light. ─── 因此推动废除死刑者不仅要以理性证明其有理,更要引起人心转变使反对者以新的眼光看到人的意义。

68、In the minds of the working people, the most needed reform was the abolition of imprisonment for debt. ─── 对于劳动者来说,最必要的改革是废除因债务而坐牢的制度。

69、In August 1968, the Sikkim capital Gangtok outbreak of anti-Indian demonstration, calling for the abolition of tin-Indian treaty. ─── 1968年8月,锡金首都甘托克爆发反印示威,要求废除印锡条约。

70、Towards the end of the 19th century enlightened Chinese intellectuals urged the abolition of the old competitive examination system and the establishment of modern schools. ─── 十九世纪末,中国提倡“维新”的知识分子主张废除科举,兴办学校。

71、He was a national leader in the abolitionist movement. ─── 他曾是废除主义者运动中的全国性领袖。

72、All tympanograms of 28 ears showed "A" type and bilateral abolition stapedius muscle reflex. ─── 28耳鼓室图呈“A”型、同侧及对侧镫骨肌反射消失。

73、Northqi tian bao seven years (AD 556), the abolition ofwu yi County, revocation Wu Wuqiang County was incorporated into the county. ─── 北齐天保七年(公元556年),废除武邑郡,撤销武遂县并入武强县。

74、Reeducation-through-labor system is reasonable, therefore legitimacy is being questioned and its abolition has led to heated debate. ─── 劳动教养制度的合理性、合法性因此受到质疑,其存废问题也引起了激烈争论。

75、Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. ─── 取消现在这种形式的儿童的工厂劳动。

76、They preach the abolition of established systems but prose nothing to replace them. ─── 他们竭力主张废除固有的制度,但没有提出代替这些制度的任何建议。

77、They declared for the abolition of slavery. ─── 他们声明赞成废除奴隶制度。

78、Abraham Lincoln campaigned for the abolition of slavery, he succeeded. ─── 亚伯拉罕·林肯曾为废除奴隶制而战, 他成功了。

79、He began his own abolitionist newspaper,The North Star. ─── 他自己创办了主张废除奴隶制的报纸《北方之星》。

80、No one could be sure what would happen then.Such was the general political and economic picture in the United States when the abolitionist movement began to make itself felt. ─── 克莱也反对那些试图阻止讨论奴隶制问题的南方参议员们,他说,他们的立场是很情绪化也很极端,这与废奴主义者一样有害。

81、Instead, Southern slaveholders misconstrued abolitionist views of the 1830s as mainstream rather than marginal Northern public opinion, and castigated Northerners generally for opposing slavery. ─── 相反,南方的奴隶主误认为9世纪30年代的废奴主义观点是主流,而不是北方边缘的公众意见,于是他们普遍谴责北方人反对奴隶制。

82、The abolition of slavery had been exercised in many countries. ─── 奴隶制在许多国家已经被废除。

83、However, some people are concerned that the abolition of the long National Day holiday will deprive many of their right to take a vacation. ─── 但有人担心“十一”长假的取消意味着百姓将失去休假的权利。

84、He had also been an ardent abolitionist and a founding-father of the Republican Party. ─── 他也曾是一名积极的废除主义者和共和党的创立者。

85、Drivers from the abolition of a print job, the supply will be temporarily lights flashing. ─── 从驱动程序取消一个打印作业时,电源指示灯会暂时闪烁。

86、Obama opposed the abolition of the ban on offshore drilling. ─── 奥巴马反对取消海上钻井禁令。

87、The abolition of composite rate tax, enabled gross interest payments for savers on low incomes. ─── 复合税率的取消,使总利息支付对低收入储户成为可能。

88、To achieve visa abolition has taken a huge amount of work, the introduction of modern biometric passports being only a first step. ─── 为实现签证互免,还有大量工作要做,引入现代化的生物识别护照只是第一步。

89、American abolitionist Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery. ─── 1849年,美国废奴主义者哈瑞特·图博门逃离其奴隶身份。

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