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08-18 投稿


agora 发音

英:['?g?r?]  美:['?ɡ?r?]

英:  美:

agora 中文意思翻译



agora 网络释义

n. 市场;集会n. (Agora)人名;(法)阿戈拉

agora 词性/词形变化,agora变形

名词复数: agorae |

agora 短语词组

1、agora space ─── 现在空间

2、agora io ─── 现在io

3、agora financial ─── 现在是财务

4、agora movie ─── 现在看电影

5、Agora goat ─── 一只山羊

6、agora video call ─── 现在视频通话

7、agora inc now ─── 公司

8、agora portal ─── 现在门户

9、agora international school now ─── 国际学校

10、Agora rabbit ─── 阿戈拉兔子

11、agora definition ─── 现在定义

12、agora coin ─── 现在投币

13、agora caffe ─── 现在是咖啡馆

agora 相似词语短语

1、gora ─── n.(南亚用语)白人;白人男子,浅肤色的男子;哥拉弓琴;n.(Gora)(丹)戈拉(人名)

2、Masora ─── n.玛索拉(犹太人的希伯来文本圣经教义)

3、angora ─── n.安哥拉;安哥拉山羊;安哥拉猫;安哥拉呢

4、amora ─── n.阿莫拉(犹太教律法学者,犹太教口传律法集《塔木德》的编集者)

5、Zamora ─── n.(Zamora)人名;(英)扎莫拉;(西、罗)萨莫拉

6、agura ─── 论点

7、agoras ─── n.市场;集会;n.(Agora)人名;(法)阿戈拉

8、agonal ─── adj.(尤指临死时)痛苦的

9、agorae ─── n.大广场;市场(agora的复数)

agora 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Rational: Possess agora compete service and price, open、criterion and clarity. ─── 准确:先进的办公设施,成熟的操作系统,确保高效精准;

2、To the northwest, a plain in the form of a small depression surrounded by rocks served asthe Agora, the political and commercial meeting-place. ─── 在该城的西北方,一块被岩石所环绕的小盆地被称为安哥拉广场(即雅典广场),是当时雅典城的政治和商业中心。

3、Agora goat ─── 阿格拉山羊

4、Pedro:A senhora podia-me dizer onde estamos agora? ─── 小姐您可以指出我们现在哪里吗?

5、We like to think of Athens as a place where robed citizens wandered thoughtfully through the Parthenon and agora. ─── 我们喜欢把雅典想象成穿着长袍的公民在神庙和集市前若有所思地徘徊着,思考着深奥的哲学问题。

6、Web-site of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, who have been responsible for excavating the Agora for many decades now. ─── 美国雅典古典学研究学院的网站,学院负责发掘集市迄今已经几十年。

7、The 20th century was perhaps unusual in the ways in which it forced such people to quit their desks and their bookshelves and to enter the agora. ─── 在二十世纪里很多被迫离开了自己的书桌,书架,到市集张罗着柴米油盐,在这个意义上说,这是不正常的。

8、These developed from money changers exchanging foreign for Athenian coins from benches set up in the Agora or market place. ─── 这些银行家是由在集市长椅上用外币兑换雅典钱币的兑钱商发展而来的。

9、Through the reforming of products agora achieve our vendition goal in our plans ,make our substance construction receive bumperat the most . ─── 通过物业的市场整合,有的放矢,在计划时间范围内完成销售目标,最大限度的实现物质文明之丰收。

10、In the Agora: The Public face of Canadian Philosophy ─── 在广场中:加拿大哲学的公众面貌

11、On the right side the Lechaion Road can be seen. In between the two (and slightly down) is the ancient agora. ─── 右边可以看见勒凯翁大道,在两者之间的就是古老的希腊集市。

12、Kang He's "Agora", a public space for small groups, hosted heated discussions on all manner of culture and politics. ─── 康赫的“集会”,一个让人们畅所欲言政治和文化议题的开放性场合。

13、Some central places, as best exemplified by the ancient agora, have acted as the meeting point of these different people. ─── 一些中部地区,作为最好的例证是古代的变革,充当了相遇点的这些不同的人。

14、At the Stoa of Attalos in the Ancient Agora of Athens, a fully restored ancient Greek shopping arcade ─── 雅典罗马广场的阿特洛司柱廊,一个完全恢复原貌的希腊购物街道

15、The atrium is the bank's agora, home to shows and presentations, and people often arrive in national dress for big events. ─── 这个大厅是世界银行进行演出和演说的会场,来自全世界的人们经常会身穿本民族传统服装来参加重大活动。

16、Local resident: You will often read various advertisements for room leasing on the poles in the Agora. ─── 学校的单元房:学校也有部分多卧式的单元房,适合多个学生一起合租(每人分摊的费用低于单人间宿舍)。

17、Thismarket area is known as the "Square Agora" because of itsdimensions 360 ft square. ─── 这个集市因为有个方圆360英尺的广场而得名,被称为“广场集市”。

18、Three years after the death of Kalos, Musides despatched a messenger to the Tyrant, and it was whispered in the agora at Tegea that the mighty statue was finished. ─── 喀洛斯死后三年过去了,穆赛德斯向国王派遣了使者,而忒格亚集市上则有传言说那座伟大的雕像已经完成了。

19、No longer do people have to gather round the agora to do their business. ─── 人们不再需要聚集到集市上来做生意了。

20、This old building is JINGXING flower-bird agora OF KUNMING, be likely to the Frenchman built a month of Sunday.Very some year, the listen must to dismantle ago, I don't know is true or false. ─── 这张是在昆明景兴花鸟市场那里照的旧建筑,好像说是当年法国人建立的,很有些年头了,前段时间听说要拆,不知道是真是假!

21、Aprenda sobre o tempo com o Internet Polyglot, agora! ─── 现在开始学习时间在国际互联网的Polyglot!

22、(2.) The assembly of the people (agora). ─── 人民大会(agora)。

23、The commercial agora on Ephesus was one of the largest and most impressive in the world. ─── 以弗所的贸易市场是世界上规模最大,影响最深的贸易市场之一。

24、ruins of its acropolis, agora, theater, and temples remain. ─── 卫城、市场、戏院和神庙等遗迹仍保存至今。

25、The features and several main modules of GOS2 which are agora, grip and grip container, security, grid file system, gird batch job system, grid accounting system were introduced. ─── 摘要介绍了GOS2的特点和社区、网程与网程容器、安全机制、网格文件系统、网格批作业系统以及网格记账系统几个主要模块。

26、Town and Square, from the Agora to the Village Green ─── 城镇与广场:从集市到绿色村庄

27、Overhead of Agora ruins at Greek-Roman site, Apollonia. ─── 俯视古希腊罗马旧址的广场遗迹,阿波罗尼亚。

28、The ruins of its acropolis, agora, theater, and temples remain. ─── 卫城、市场、戏院和神庙等遗迹仍保存至今。

29、While the Acropolis was the city's ceremonial showpiece, it was the Ancient Agora that was the real heart of classical Athens. ─── 当卫城是城市的仪式典范时,那古市场就是雅典经典的真实心脏。

30、sim !eu vou entrar agora mesmo!!! ─── 翻译 - 巴西葡萄牙语-西班牙语 - ah!

31、Since they are appearing before Troy only as an army, the proceedings in the agora secure to the Greeks all necessary democracy. ─── 对于在特洛伊城下仅仅作为军队出现的希腊人说来,人民大会是进行得十分民主的。

32、The Kogan Agora Pro is not the best phone in terms of specs, but if you’re in Australia and have to have and Android, you may want to pick this one up. ─── 现在很多家长不懂电脑,有了该软件后,您只需要进行简单的设置,即可有效地防止子女过多地沉迷于电脑。

33、Eric J. Fry, Agora Financial's Editorial Director, has been a specialist in international equities for nearly two decades. ─── 埃里克J.弗莱阿格拉是一名财经新闻主编,他任国际股票专家约20余载。

34、Ela n?o pode falar agora. ─── 她 现 在 不 能 说 话。

35、Church of the Holy Apostles, Ancient Agora, Athens, Greece. ─── 教堂,古安哥拉遗址,雅典,希腊。

36、/ Onde eu moro agora. ─── 描述: Where I live now.

37、This is JINGXING flower-bird agora mostly road, now is fence, estimate will backout, pity this old road, Kunming more and more no had special features hereafter. ─── 这个是原景兴花鸟市场最主要的一条街道,现在被圈起来,估计逃不过一个“拆”字,可惜了,又是一条老街,以后昆明越来越没特色了:

38、Agora rabbit ─── 阿格拉兔

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