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08-18 投稿


awkwardness 发音

英:[???kw?rdn?s]  美:[???kw?dn?s]

英:  美:

awkwardness 中文意思翻译



awkwardness 词性/词形变化,awkwardness变形

副词: awkwardly |名词: awkwardness |

awkwardness 反义词


awkwardness 短语词组

1、awkwardness day ─── 尴尬日

2、awkwardness of dirty stuff ─── 脏东西的尴尬

3、the weight of that awkwardness ─── 那种尴尬的重量

4、awkwardness meme ─── 尴尬模因

5、awkwardness def ─── 尴尬

6、awkwardness why ─── 尴尬为什么

awkwardness 同义词

clumsiness | discomfort | unease | gaucheness | uneasiness | discomfiture | gawkiness | ungainliness | unwieldiness | ineptness | stiffness | maladroitness | inelegance | cumbersomeness | gracelessness | slowness | embarrassment | ineptitude | nuisance value | self-consciousness

awkwardness 相似词语短语

1、forwardness ─── n.冒昧;鲁莽;过分热情

2、outwardness ─── n.客观性;客观的存在

3、backwardness ─── n.落后;迟疑;畏缩;腼腆

4、awkwardish ─── 笨拙的

5、towardness ─── 拖向性

6、upwardness ─── 向上

7、inwardness ─── n.本质;灵性;亲密

8、frowardness ─── 泡沫性

9、downwardness ─── 向下

awkwardness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An awkward or perplexing situation; a predicament. ─── 困境令人难堪或困窘的形势; 窘境

2、Your refusal puts me in an awkward predicament. ─── 你的拒绝让我感到十分为难。

3、He's rather awkward with his hands. ─── 他的手很不灵活。

4、He smiled in an awkward almost apologetic way. ─── 他笑得很尴尬,几乎象在道歉。

5、He is awkward in his gait [at pingpong]. ─── 他的步态不雅观 [他的乒乓球技巧拙劣] 。

6、Please don't be awkward about letting him come. ─── 关于让他来这事请你不要作梗。

7、An awkward or perplexing situation;a predicament. ─── 困境令人难堪或困窘的形势;窘境

8、You dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully. ─── 你很巧妙地处理了一个困难的局面。

9、I knew we might go on like this, without speaking, all through the meal without any sense of awkwardness. ─── 我知道我们可以这样一声不吭地埋头吃饭,一直到把饭吃完而不感到有什么不自在。

10、It's very awkward of you not to play for the team tomorrow. ─── 你明天不为本队参加比赛可太不像话了。

11、And no wonder, considering its awkwardness and limitations; a new one was one of the features promised for Vista and dropped. ─── 这并不奇怪,考虑到命令行的笨拙与限制;这里有一个例子就是Vista允诺提供后来又放弃的那个命令行。

12、You have put me in a very awkward position. ─── 你把我弄得很狼狈。

13、There is an awkward confrontation. ─── 出现了令人尴尬的局面。

14、He is very awkward about give us further credit. ─── 他为给我们进一步地增加贷款而为难。

15、Prince Andrey, who obviously wished to relieve the awkwardness of Pierre's position, got up to go, and made a sign to his wife. ─── 显然,安德烈公爵想冲淡一下皮埃尔说的尴尬话,他欠起身来,向妻子做了个手势,打算走了。

16、Do not attempt to lift heavy or awkward loads. ─── 勿尝试举起超重或笨拙的物体。

17、He seemed as awkward and rough as ever. ─── 他跟从前一样拙笨和粗鲁。

18、You didn't see how awkward this is for me. ─── 你不知道这让我多为难。

19、Even the most awkward person will come to heel if he is tackled in the right way. ─── 即使是最难应付的人,只要用正确的方法对待他,他也会顺从的。

20、He passed off the awkward situation . ─── 他不去注意那个尴尬的处境。

21、She is still awkward with chopsticks. ─── 她用筷子还不熟练。

22、He's very awkward,he keeps dropping things. ─── 他很笨,总是丢东西。

23、Peeling in the other direction is awkward. ─── 如果逆向刨就会很难。

24、His marriage is an awkward business. ─── 他的婚姻是件棘手的事情.

25、He passed off the awkward situation tactfully. ─── 他巧妙地把尴尬局面对付过去了。

26、At the formal party I felt very awkward and out of place. ─── 在正式的舞会上,我感到局促不安,很不自在。

27、He felt awkward and uncomfortable. ─── 他感到尴尬和不舒服。

28、A misplaced or awkward step. ─── 失足把脚放错地方或错误的一步

29、You've put me in an awkward position. ─── 你使得我狼狈不堪。

30、In a difficult, awkward, or vulnerable position. ─── 处于困境处于危险、尴尬或易受攻击的境地

31、The awkwardness of searching for him lay in enlighten Elizabeth, a proceeding which her mother could not endure to contemplate. ─── 去寻他,就要向伊丽莎白说明,这是一个难题,怎么说法呢,是她母亲不敢考虑的。

32、He's as bright as a button and can ask the most awkward questions. ─── 他聪明伶俐,会提出一些令人难以回答的问题。

33、She spoke so low that he hardly heard the last phrase; but in his awkwardness he took it up. ─── 她说得声音很低,他几乎没听清最后几个字,不过却在尴尬中理解了其要点。

34、The speaker was peppered with awkward questions. ─── 发言人被尴尬的问题所围困。

35、But this can be expensive and awkward. ─── 但这种方法可能很费钱,也很烦人。

36、Most of my customers are friendly, though not to the point of awkwardness. ─── 我的客户大多友善可亲,不至于到尴尬的地步。

37、He tactfully coped with an awkward situation. ─── 他很巧妙地应付了一个尴尬局面。

38、She laughed to cover up her feeling of awkwardness. ─── 她用笑声掩饰她的难堪。

39、The only problem was slight awkwardness in loading the film. ─── 唯一的问题是装胶卷时有点笨拙。

40、The pencil felt thick and awkward in his fingers. ─── 他的手指缝里的铅笔使他感到又粗又笨。

41、Don't criticize awkwardness or off-the-wall suggestions. ─── 不要批评笨拙或疯狂的建议。

42、The best solution is to send a light-hearted apology to explain your awkwardness. ─── 最好的解决办法是发送一个轻松的道歉来缓解你的尴尬。

43、He finds it awkward working there; there isn't much elbow-room. ─── 他觉得在那做事很不方便,连个转身的地方都没有。

44、He is awkward at handling tools . ─── 她被响声弄醒了。

45、Don't buy such an awkward pen next time. ─── 下次不要买这么难用的的钢笔了。

46、The box is not much heavy as it is awkward. ─── 与其说这盒子很沉重不如说它很笨重。

47、Don't be awkward: we have to get this finished by five o'clock. ─── 不要出难题了,我们必须赶五点钟前把这项工作干完。

48、He is awkward with handling tools . ─── 他使用工具笨手笨脚。

49、He is awkward in his gait. ─── 他的步态不雅观。

50、Your decision puts me in an awkward position. ─── 你的决定把我弄得很尴尬。

51、He is large and awkward, with a great round face. ─── 他大而笨拙,脸孔圆大。

52、He is awkward in his movements. ─── 他动作笨拙。

53、It would be awkward to have you go away. ─── 你若离去,那将会有困难。

54、She feel very awkward with a needle. ─── 她做针线活时感到很不对劲。

55、He said between his teeth, "Very awkward! ─── 他透过牙缝说:"非常难堪!

56、He was surprised that she seemed so little awkward. ─── 他看见她似乎一点也没有尴尬的样子、感到惊讶。

57、He' s very awkward, he keeps dropping things. ─── 他很笨,总是丢东西。

58、Swans are surrprisingly awkward on land. ─── 天鹅在陆地上笨的出奇。

59、But there are enough wanting to put you out of business to make it very awkward of you. ─── 可是要你做不成生意,让你处境非常狼狈的也大有人在。

60、He's an awkward, contrary child. ─── 他是个又麻烦又不听话的孩子.

61、Her awkwardness had all but passed. ─── 她的小家气派早已成为过去。

62、An awkward pause followed his remark. ─── 他讲了话,接着是一片让人尴尬的沉寂。

63、"It's like a skullcap and looks so awkward. ─── "这就像一个头盖骨,看起来很尴尬.

64、Awkward, but he's going to thank me. ─── 他或许会有些尴尬,不过他会感谢我的。

65、You've put me in a very awkward position. ─── 你把我弄得很狼狈.

66、He felt rather awkward in presence of ladies. ─── 他在女士面前有些窘。

67、What's that awkward bulge in your pocket? ─── 你口袋里那块鼓鼓囊囊的东西是什么?

68、She was awkward at handling the tools. ─── 她使用工具时笨手笨脚。

69、An awkward person or player;a bungler. ─── 与他相比,我只能算是一个笨拙的人。

70、A. awkward B. uneasy C. unnatural D. former40. ─── 因为我以前的英语老师还都在那里,我想这个领导可能会很难当。

71、He sat down, at first, with some constraint and awkwardness. ─── 他刚入座时还感到有点拘束和别扭。

72、He dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully. ─── 他很巧妙地处理了一个困难的局面。

73、He was an awkward child, always falling over himself and breaking things. ─── 他是个笨拙的孩子,经常笨手笨脚地把东西摔破。

74、An awkward several-minute pause ensues. ─── 几分钟的尴尬的等待过去了。

75、You were so very awkward in doing it. ─── 你把这件事做得糟透了。

76、The conference was sunk into an awkward situation. ─── 会谈陷入了一片尴尬。

77、He walked with an awkward gait like a penguin. ─── 他走路的步子难看得就像企鹅。

78、The thing is a little awkward. ─── 事情有点不好办。

79、You've posed an awkward question. ─── 你已经提出了一个难题。

80、He asked several awkward questions at the press conference. ─── 他在记者招待会上提了几个难回答的问题。

81、He has gone to ground in his country estate to avoid awkward questions. ─── 他躲到他的农庄以逃避使他感到尴尬的问题。

82、North Americans find this awkward and often back away a few inches. ─── 北美人觉得这太尴尬,常常会后退几英寸。

83、An awkward situation arose during the peace talks. ─── 在和平谈判中出现了棘手的情况

84、For one or two minutes an awkward silence reigned. ─── 令人难堪的沉默延续了一两分钟。

85、His clumsy fingers produced an awkward knot. ─── 他用笨拙的手指打了一个很糟糕的结。

86、Swans are surprisingly awkward on land. ─── 天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。

87、Aunt Lena came to visit us at an awkward time. ─── 丽娜大婶在我们很不方便的时候来了。

88、With seeming awkwardness he fumbled long with the bow. ─── 他假装笨拙,把弓瞎摸了很久。

89、In this instance, the best solution is to send a quick apology to explain your awkwardness. ─── 在这种情况下,最好的解决办法是尽快道歉,以解释你的尴尬。

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