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08-18 投稿


swerves 发音

英:[sw??vz]  美:[sw??rvz]

英:  美:

swerves 中文意思翻译





swerves 短语词组

1、swerves meaning ─── 拐弯的意思

2、swerves song ─── 转弯歌

3、swerves at sea crossword clue ─── 海上转弯纵横字谜线索

4、swerves means ─── 转弯意味着

5、swerves syn ─── 转向同步

6、swerves synonym ─── 转向同义词

7、swerves band ─── 转弯带

swerves 词性/词形变化,swerves变形

动词过去式: swerved |动词过去分词: swerved |动词现在分词: swerving |动词第三人称单数: swerves |

swerves 相似词语短语

1、dwarves ─── n.矮人(dwarf的复数);v.使矮小(dwarf的第三人称单数)

2、swerve ─── vi.转弯;突然转向;背离;vt.使转弯;使突然转向;使背离;n.转向;偏离的程度

3、scarves ─── n.围巾;领带(scarf的复数);截面

4、perves ─── n.穿孔

5、serves ─── (网球)发球(serve的名词复数);为…服务;供应;对待;任(职)(serve的第三人称单数)

6、enerves ─── 埃涅夫斯

7、nerves ─── n.[解剖]神经;神经紧张;胆量(nerve的复数);v.使振作;鼓足勇气(nerve的第三人称单数)

8、swerved ─── vi.转弯;突然转向;背离;vt.使转弯;使突然转向;使背离;n.转向;偏离的程度

9、swerver ─── 转向

swerves 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With the way a ball swerves these days it was difficult, but saving it was not beyond Ben's capabilities. ─── 现代足球中球越来越转所以扑救变得困难,但福斯特应该是有能力救出那个球。

2、This is like a game of chicken in which Germany speeds up the bus in the hope that oncoming traffic swerves off the road. ─── 这就好像是德国人进行的一场孤注一掷的游戏,他们不顾一切的执著,是一种精神逼迫手段,好让欧盟其他成员国最终妥协。

3、28': Henry turned Miguel inside out with a series of body swerves and created a goalscoring opportunity. ─── 第28分钟:亨利的一连串身体晃动令米格尔手忙脚乱,并创造出进球机会。

4、More practical is the lane drifting technology, which swivels a car back into its lane if it swerves off. ─── 更实际的是双线掘进技术,其中旋转车回车道,如果明知过。

5、The car swerves, avoiding the truck but drives onto the sidewalk and hits a fire hydrant, knocking it down and sending a blast of water shooting skyward. ─── 车子突然转向,避开了卡车,但却开上了人行道,撞倒了上面的消防龙头,一股水柱喷向空中。

6、The monstrous beast hovers in the air, swerves to the east sun, and then, in a blink, reverses direction, turning itself inside out. ─── 这令人震惊的巨兽在空中盘旋着,转向东方的太阳,转眼又改变方向,让自己转来转去。

7、He never swerves from his duty. ─── 他从不背离职守。

8、More practical is the lane drifting technology , which swivels a car back into its lane if it swerves off . ─── 更实际的是双线掘进技术,其中旋转车回车道,如果明知过。

9、The monstrous beast hovers in the air, swerves to the east sun, and then, in a blink, reverses direction, turning itself inside out. ─── 这头令人震惊的巨兽在空中盘旋着,转向东方的太阳,眨眼间又急转,前队变为后队。

10、The road swerves to the right. ─── 道路向右转弯。

11、The water that enters there gushes through a steel penstock pipe 30 feet in diameter, then swerves into a 13-foot-wide tube leading to the powerhouse. ─── 进入进水塔的水快速通过直径九公尺的进水管,再流入直径四公尺的管子进入发电厂。

12、Give it a smack, and it curves, swerves and recovers. ─── 如果给它一个侧推,车子将会走出曲线,摆正,然后恢复平衡。

13、Idea 1: The truck swerves to avoid hitting Mark, but instead hits another car. ─── 想法一:卡车为了闪避马克,突然转向,却撞到了另一部车。

14、The obsession with suicide is characteristic of the man who can neither live nor die, and whose attention never swerves from this double impossibility. ─── 迷恋自杀是既无法活也没法死的人的性格特征,他的注意力永远离不开这双重的不可能性。

15、He insists the country needs to stick to his policies "without stagnation or sudden swerves" . ─── 他坚持哥伦比亚需要坚持他的政策「不容停滞或突然转向」。

16、If it is the first time you come here, you can hardly find this so-called furniture market unless you make quite a few swerves. ─── 第一次到这里,如果你不饶几个弯,就几乎找不到这个所谓的市场。

17、The road swerves to the right. ─── 道路向右转弯。

18、"With the way a ball swerves these days it was difficult, but saving it was not beyond Ben's capabilities. ─── “现代足球中球越来越转所以扑救变得困难,但福斯特应该是有能力救出那个球。”

19、If it is the first time you come here, you can hardly find this so-called furniture market unless you make quite a few swerves . ─── 第一次到这里,如果你不饶几个弯,就几乎找不到这个所谓的市场。

20、Henry turned Miguel inside out with a series of body swerves and created a goalscoring opportunity. His shot, however, went straight into the arms of the grateful Ricardo. ─── 第28分钟:亨利的一连串身体晃动令米格尔手忙脚乱,并创造出进球机会。但他的射门被表现出色的门将里卡多直接得到。

21、Instead, it swerves, dips and waves. ─── 相反,地面会扭曲、下沉、起伏。

22、Join Senninha, a young Ayrton Senna fan, and his friends in a high speed race filled with swerves, spins and crashes, and show them who's the best pilot in the neighborhood! ─── 小塞纳,一个年轻的车神塞纳的狂热仰慕者,和他的朋友在充满甩尾、急驰和碰撞的赛车竞赛中,展示证明自己是最棒的赛车手!

23、At the last moment, Nina swerves and slams into a parked car. ─── 在最后关头,尼娜突然转弯,将车猛烈撞入一辆停着的车中。

24、This can produce some weird results, where a unit swerves to avoid a unit that isn't there anymore and bumps into units that have moved across its path after the path is calculated. ─── 这会造成一些怪异的结果,路径计算后,在某处单元突然转向避开一个不再停留在那里的单元,却撞上了另一个经过它路径的单元。

25、The author try to comprehend the texts, and analyze how it swerves from the tradition which Russian literature pay attention to social problems, and how deconstructs official discusses. ─── 本文结合相关案例,分析这类拒绝触及社会现实问题的文本,查考它们在背离了俄国文学关注社会问题的传统时,是如何消解苏俄主流话语及其压力的。

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