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08-18 投稿


buccaneer 发音

英:[?b?k??n?r]  美:[?b?k??n??(r)]

英:  美:

buccaneer 中文意思翻译




buccaneer 短语词组

1、buccaneer bunny 1948 ─── 海盗兔1948

2、buccaneer definition ─── 海盗定义

3、buccaneer email ─── 海盗电子邮件

4、buccaneer crossword clue ─── 海盗纵横字谜线索

5、buccaneer vs giants ─── 海盗巨人vs

6、buccaneer sailboat ─── 海盗帆船

7、buccaneer spy ─── 海盗间谍

8、buccaneer score ─── 海盗得分

buccaneer 词性/词形变化,buccaneer变形


buccaneer 相似词语短语

1、auctioneer ─── n.拍卖商;v.拍卖

2、to buccaneer ─── 给海盗

3、buccaneering ─── n.海盗行为;掠夺;adj.海盗的;v.当海盗;当冒险家(buccaneer的ing形式)

4、buccaneerings ─── 海盗行为

5、buccine ─── 布辛

6、bucrane ─── 布克兰

7、buccaneered ─── n.海盗;vi.做海盗

8、buccaneerish ─── 海盗

9、buccaneers ─── n.海盗(buccaneer的复数);vi.当海盗(buccaneer的第三人称单数)

buccaneer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Held for over 60 years, Buccaneer Days now draws more than 1.2 million people to its 24-day celebration. ─── 举办60年有余的海盗日会吸引120万人前来参加它连续24天的庆祝活动。

2、and I began to obey him at once, walking straight in at the door and towards the parlour, where our sick old buccaneer was sitting, dazed with rum. ─── 要是现在我离了酒,我就是下风岸上的一艘可怜的破废船。你得对我负责,吉姆,而那个医生是个笨蛋。”他又骂了一阵。

3、and I began to obey him at once, walking straight in at the door and towards the parlour , where our sick old buccaneer was sitting, dazed with rum. ─── 我不再啰唆,立刻领着他径直穿过店门,向客厅走去。正在害病的老海盗此时正坐在客厅里,已经醉得不知东南西北了。

4、it seemed a thing so hopeless he was asking - he, the old buccaneer, the ringleader throughout. ─── 像他这么一个老海盗,一个彻头彻尾的叛乱头子,居然会提出希望这么渺茫的要求。

5、"The buccaneer on the wave might relinquish his calling, and become at once, if he chose, a man of probity and piety on land;" ─── 那些在风口浪尖上谋生的海盗们,只要心甘情愿,可以洗手不干,立刻成为岸上的一名正直诚实的君子

6、As I did so, I could hear hails coming and going between the old buccaneer and his comrades, and this sound of danger lent me wings. ─── 一只野鸭嘎的一声飞了起来,跟着又飞起来一只,很快,整个沼地上空便黑压压地布满了这尖叫着盘旋的飞鸟。

7、Conservatives have long celebrated Mr Murdoch as a kindred spirit and business buccaneer. ─── 长期以来,保守人士一直称赞默多克先生为同道中人和商业冒险家。

8、And gone was the gritty buccaneer look that so perfectly complemented his savage forehand. ─── 再也看不到了,他那幅俨然刚硬海盗似的模样,那种狂野的扮相是和他凶悍的正手很是相配。

9、The terror of the dead buccaneer had fallen on their spirits. ─── 那具海盗的骷髅带来的恐惧已经影响了他们的情绪。

10、4.The buccaneer on the wave might relinquish his calling, and become at once, if he chose, a man of probity and piety on land; ─── 那些在风口浪尖上谋生的海盗们,只要心甘情愿,可以洗手不干,立刻成为岸上的一名正直诚实的君子;

11、As I did so, I could hear hails coming and going between the old buccaneer and his comrades, and this sound of danger lent me wings. ─── 当我正爬着的时候,我可以听到那个老海盗正和他的伙伴们互相打着招呼,这危险的声音使我像长了翅膀一样地快起来。

12、It was called The Buccaneer Ship. ─── 这只船正是所谓的海盗船。

13、a buccaneer who raided Spanish colonies in the West Indies for the English. ─── 为英国在西印度群岛袭击西班牙殖民地的海盗。

14、a mysterious ship came out of nowhere.It was called The Buccaneer Ship. ─── 有一个 闲事咯口 滴 铳 突银出新了,它叫海盗号。

15、France orders you to ambush Bertram van Tilburg the buccaneer's military convoy. ─── 法国命令你埋伏的伯特伦蒂尔堡、海盗的军事车队。

16、The Buccaneer and its crew is now being escorted by navy vessels and is on its way to Djibouti. ─── “巴克尼亚号”拖轮以及机组人员目前正在海军舰艇的护卫下向吉布提港行驶。

17、Rupert Murdoch, buccaneer owner of Fox and much else of the world's communications business, ─── 默多克,海盗般的福克斯公司老板,也是全世界许多传播媒体的拥有人,

18、cried the squire. 'Heard of him, you say! He was the bloodthirstiest buccaneer that sailed. Blackbeard was a child to Flint. ─── 乡绅大声说,“他是有史以来最凶残的海盗,与福林特相比,海盗黑胡子只能算个毛孩子。

19、The Italian-flagged tugboat Buccaneer was hijacked in the Gulf of Aden on April 11. ─── 这艘悬挂意大利国旗的“巴克·尼亚号”拖船是4月11日在亚丁湾被海盗劫持的。

20、Conservatives have long celebrated Mr Murdoch as a kindred spirit and business buccaneer. ─── 长期以来,保守人士一直称赞默多克先生为同道中人和商业冒险家。

21、Today, the Buccaneers sail in, capture the mayor and force him to walk the plank as he announces the arrival of Buccaneer Days! ─── 现在,海盗会驶向陆地、捉住市长、逼迫他走到甲板上并宣布海盗日正式开始!

22、Being a Bloodsail Buccaneer is not meant to be easy.Dealing with the Booty Bay guards is the price you pay for the second coolest hat in the game (mine being the coolest). ─── 当一个血帆海盗没那么简单的,对付藏宝海湾的守卫是你获得游戏里第二酷的帽子所必须付出的代价。

23、I had seen the captain, and Black Dog, and the blind man Pew, and I thought I knew what a buccaneer was like - a very different creature, according to me, from this clean and pleasant-tempered landlord. ─── 我已经见识过了船长、黑狗和瞎子皮武,所以认为自己知道一个海盗是什么样子。 在我看来,他们和眼前这位衣着整洁、笑容可掬的店主完全不是一路人。

24、The Italian-flagged tugboat Buccaneer was hijacked in the Gulf of Aden on April 11. ─── 这艘悬挂意大利国旗的“巴克尼亚号”拖船是4月11日在亚丁湾被海盗劫持的。

25、Are buccaneer, corsair, and privateer all just different words for the same thing -- a pirate? ─── 问:海盗,北非海盗和私掠者他们做着同样的事儿只有名字不同而已?海盗,按照定义,是在海面上进行抢劫和

26、Pirates: legend of the black buccaneer ─── 黑海盗传奇

27、He gained a reputation as a buccaneer who thrived in tough, politically risky settings. ─── 他因擅长在政治风险很高的艰难环境下发展壮大而赢得了“海盗”的名声。

28、buccaneer spy ─── 冒险型间谍

29、He gained a reputation as a buccaneer who thrived in tough, politically risky settings. ─── 他因擅长在政治风险很高的艰难环境下发展壮大而赢得了“海盗”的名声。

30、Legend of the Black Buccaneer WideScreen Games ─── 海盗:黑海盗传奇

31、a buccaneer who raided Spanish colonies in the West Indies for the English ─── 为英国在西印度群岛袭击西班牙殖民地的海盗

32、He lingered all day, breathing loudly like the old buccaneer at home in his apoplectic fit; ─── 他拖了一整天,就像住在我们店里那位老海盗中风时一样大声喘着气。

33、Would she suddenly take to buccaneer boots, some totem-crested helm, long-bladed dirks and throwing knives? ─── 她会不会突然喜欢上海盗靴、带图腾顶饰的帽子、带长刃的匕首和扔飞刀?

34、Unfortunately, his “rescuer” was the former buccaneer, Captain Holford, who knew Vane well. ─── 韦恩和一些幸存者被困在一个小渔夫的岛屿。他们正在等待任何种类的船舶,以营救他们。

35、Referring to “China's buccaneer nation”, he quotes a senior executive from an American pharmaceutical company who says: “Let's be practical here. ─── 在谈到“中国是海盗国家”时,他援引了一家美国制药企业高管的话:“让我们实际一点吧。

36、I’ve purchased three jerseys over the course of my Buccaneer fandom: Warrick Dunn (Replica), John Lynch (Authentic), and oh the pain, Chris Simms (Authentic). ─── 阿公在前几年就得了脑中风,整天不知道自己姓甚名谁。

37、Then he hailed the buccaneer. ─── 接着他向海盗喊话。

38、Boone Pickens, a famous local corporate buccaneer, plans eventually to install 4,000MW-worth of windmills in the panhandle, and to build his own transmission line to the main grid. ─── BoonePickens)是当地一位著名的商业大鳄,他计划在狭长地带最终建成可产能40亿瓦特的风车,并且铺设自己的输电线来连接上主电网。

39、Treasure Island Hotel is home to Buccaneer Bay, where every 90 minutes starting at 4 p.m. there is a spectacular pirate ship battle. ─── 金银岛饭店有一个海盗湾。在那里,从下午四点开始,每隔90分钟就会安排一场场面宏大的海盗船战。

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