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08-18 投稿


proceeds 发音

英:[?pro?si?dz]  美:[?pr??si?dz]

英:  美:

proceeds 中文意思翻译



proceeds 词性/词形变化,proceeds变形

动词现在分词: proceeding |动词第三人称单数: proceeds |动词过去式: proceeded |动词过去分词: proceeded |名词: proceeder |

proceeds 短语词组

1、insurance proceeds ─── [经] 保险赔偿金

2、constant proceeds ─── [经] 不变的收入, 不变的所得

3、proceeds of business ─── [经] 营业收入

4、gross proceeds ─── [经] 总收入, 总销售收入

5、net proceeds from sales ─── [经] 销货净收入

6、net proceeds deferential ─── 递延净收益

7、net proceeds of sale ─── 销售纯收入

8、proceeds of sale ─── [经] 售货收入, 销货收入

9、repatriation of proceeds ─── [经] 从国外汇回收入

10、condemnation proceeds ─── 谴责开始了

11、claim for proceeds ─── [经] 应得价款的要求

12、sales proceeds ─── [经] 售货收入款

13、net proceeds from trade ─── 贸易净收益

14、sale proceeds ─── 销售收入

15、net proceeds of issue ─── 发行净收益

16、net proceeds of sales ─── 销售净收益

17、exit proceeds ─── 退出收益

18、net proceeds ─── [经] 净得

19、cash proceeds ─── 现金收入

proceeds 同义词

keep | go | move on | ensue | travel | go along | continue | carry on | keep on | forward | move | go forward | stem | progress |advance | follow | go on | acquisition | head | go ahead | ahead

proceeds 常用词组

net proceeds ─── 净得;纯收入

sale proceeds ─── 销售收入,销售收益;售楼收益

sales proceeds ─── 销货进款;销售收入

proceeds 反义词


proceeds 相似词语短语

1、proceedings ─── n.诉讼;行动(proceeding的复数形式);会议记录;议程

2、processes ─── n.过程;[计]进程(process的复数);v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式);加工

3、processed ─── v.加工;审核;处理(数据);列队行进;冲印(照片);把(头发)弄成直发(process的过去式及过去分词);adj.(食品)经过特殊加工的;精制的;(矿石等)处理过的

4、proceeded ─── 继续;进行

5、proceeder ─── 进料器

6、procurers ─── n.拉皮条者

7、proceeding ─── n.进行;程序;诉讼;事项;v.开始;继续做;行进(proceed的ing形式)

8、proceed ─── vi.开始;继续进行;发生;行进;n.收入,获利

9、process ─── n.(为达到某一目标的)过程;(自然变化的)过程;工艺流程;诉讼程序;传票;突起;进展;(发型)直发式;v.加工;审核;处理(数据);列队行进;冲印(照片);把(头发)弄成直发;adj.经过特殊加工的;照相板的;染印法的

proceeds 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When will the proceeds of the sell shares be updated to my account? ─── 在我的股票沽出后,所得款项何时计入我的户口?

2、They bought a new minibus with the proceeds from the auction. ─── 他们用拍卖得来的钱买了一辆新面包车。

3、If they approve, Mr. Miles proceeds with the patent application. ─── 如果董事会认可了,迈尔斯先生去提出正式申请。

4、Andy nods, proceeds to eat. Carefully. Heywood approaches. ─── 安迪点点头,小心翼翼地开始吃饭。海沃德过来了。

5、She wanted to receive her fair share of the proceeds. ─── 她想从赢利中得到应得的份额

6、On the whole,their attitude toward China's WTO entrance negotiation proceeds from their own interests and policies. ─── 因为他们对中国加入世贸组织的谈判到底采取什么态度,主要取决于他们自身的利益和他们自身的政策。

7、They gave a concert and donated the proceeds to charity. ─── 他们举办了一次音乐会,把收入捐给了慈善机构。

8、The realization "the industrial chain" the management superiority proceeds steadily. ─── 实现“产业链”经营优势稳步前进。

9、The proceeds are then remitted anonymously. ─── 其收益将通过匿名的方式汇回。

10、Nevertheless, as it proceeds we shall inevitably encounter obstacles. ─── 但是随着改革的发展,不可避免地会遇到障碍。

11、But ultimately get the proceeds in cash. ─── 但最终获得的收益以现金支付。

12、The proceeds from the issue of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes have over time been switched into US dollar assets. ─── 一直以来,发行外汇基金票据和债券的收益都会在其后被转换为美元资产。

13、Will you notify me when you receive the proceeds? ─── 你们收到款后,可以通知我吗?

14、Kratos proceeds ahead to the oracles temple and sees her again being taken away by harpies. ─── 克瑞托斯向着雅典娜神殿前进,看到女祭司被鸟身女巫们带着飞走。

15、In other words, accumulation proceeds in a wave-like manner or in spirals. ─── 就是说,积累是波浪式的,或者叫作螺旋式的。

16、but will be paid by the partnership out of existing cash plus the proceeds of the sale, prior to any distribution of cash to the partners. ─── 同时,负债不转给北方公司,而由合伙企业从库存现金和出售企业的收入中支付,剩余现金再分配给合伙人。

17、A line or course that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating directions. ─── Z字型线条在方向交替中,通过急转来继续的线或路线

18、Creditors get some of the proceeds, but would not be made whole. ─── 债权人会拿到收益的一部分,但决不会是全部。

19、They give a concert and donate the proceeds to charity. ─── 他们举办了一次音乐会,把收入捐给了慈善机构。

20、Proceeds from the concert will go to charity. ─── 音乐会的收入将捐赠给慈善事业。

21、The proceeds from the school play will be used to support poor students'study. ─── 学校演出的收益将用来资助贫困学生上学。

22、The proceeds of the concert went to charity. ─── 音乐会的收入给了慈善机构。

23、It stipulated that the proceeds of loans could only buy United States manufactured products. ─── 它规定贷款金额只能购买美国的制成品。

24、proceeds of the concert will go to charity. ─── 这次音乐会的收入将捐给慈善机构。

25、After agriculture comes economics. Deng Xiaoping proceeds step by step. ─── 农业之后继以经济,邓小平步步前驱。

26、Proceeds from estates or fines. ─── 利润,收益从房地产或罚金中得到的收入

27、In other words, the axis indicates the general direction that the location step proceeds from the context node. ─── 也就是说,轴指示定位步骤从上下文节点开始的常规方向。

28、If you like to open an account with the proceeds, there will be no charge. ─── 如果您愿意用这笔汇款开立一个账户,那您就不用付钱了。

29、We will notify you when we receive the proceeds. ─── 一收到款子,我们会通知您的。

30、We hand you herewith a cheque , $1,150,000 , for the proceeds , less charges as usual . ─── 依照往例,扣除各项费用,实得余额,以支票寄1,150,000元给您。

31、He selled his shop and invest the proceeds in a computer repair business. ─── 他卖掉了他的商店,并将这笔收入投资于计算机修理业。

32、An anonymous gossip multicast protocol proceeds in two phases. ─── 一份匿名的流言蜚語多路傳送協議用二相進行。

33、To surrender or sell(an old or used item),using the proceeds as partial payment on a new purchase. ─── 以(旧货)抵购(新货)放弃或卖掉(一旧的或用过的物品),将所得款项用作一购入物品的部分账款

34、They donated the proceeds to the local charities. ─── 他们把收益捐给了当地的慈善机构。

35、We will remit you the commission as soon as we have collect the proceeds from the l/c . ─── 一俟收取了信用证上的货款,我们就会将佣金汇寄给您。

36、They held a bazaar and gave the proceeds to the local charities. ─── 他们举行了义卖, 并把所得捐给了当地的慈善机构。

37、If the return value is zero, the control variable has been set to 1 and the event handler proceeds. ─── 如果返回值为零,则此控制变量已被设置为1并且事件处理程序继续进行。

38、Master Mew laughs a little. After that, Musashi proceeds to the Inventions and inside. ─── Mew师傅笑了笑。之后武藏去到发明屋。

39、With a part of the proceeds of his plan of piracy, he carried on a subtle system of corruption. ─── 他利用一部分不义之财,实行一套巧妙的行贿办法。

40、Receiving or having the right to receive proceeds or other advantages. ─── 可享受利益的得到或拥有收益权或其他有利条件的

41、Said the Master, "And of what use is action that proceeds from an unenlightened heart" ? ─── 大师反问:“那么,如果这个行为是出自一颗无知的心呢?”

42、Element. If a valid entry is found, binding proceeds as it would for any full reference. ─── 如果找到了有效项,则绑定继续进行,与对任何完全引用进行的操作一样。

43、If the file renaming fails, an event log error is generated, and the Replay process proceeds to the next file. ─── 如果文件重命名失败,将生成事件日志错误,然后重播进程继续处理下一个文件。

44、Upon receipt of credit conform documents at our counter, we shall remit proceeds as instructed. ─── 在我行柜面收到与信用证相符合的单证即视为我们获得指示可以汇款。

45、She sold her car and bought a piano with the proceeds. ─── 她卖掉了汽车,然后用这笔收入买了一架钢琴。

46、As you all know, the proceeds from this exercise will have a direct bearing on the size of our deficit. ─── 各位都知道,本年度赤字幅度大小,与这计划带来的收入息息相关。

47、It begins in middle age and proceeds to death in several years. ─── 它在中年开始发病,并且一直延续数年到死亡。

48、Also, a borrower taking out a low-interest rate loan can simply deposit the proceeds to earn a profit. ─── 一个获得了低息贷款的借贷者可以索性将所得款项存入银行赚取利润。

49、Failure to receive the proceeds of a transaction, as in the sale of stock or securities, by a specified date. ─── 交割失信在股票或抵押品售出后,未能在规定日期内办理交接手续

50、A sharing in the proceeds of a lawsuit by an outside party who has promoted the litigation. ─── 助讼行为由一局外当事人承办诉讼并分享法律案件胜诉后的获益

51、The company says that most of the IPO proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes, rather than cashing out existing shareholders. ─── Zynga表示,首次公开募股的绝大多数收益将用于公司一般用途,而不是提现分给现有股东。

52、If not, it proceeds to generate a new formula image and store the new LaTeX text image pair in the cache. ─── 如果没发现,则继续生成一个新的公式图像并将新的LaTeX文本图像对存储在高速缓存中。

53、A company must identify a use for the proceeds from an offering. ─── 一个公司必须明确募集资金的用途。

54、As long as you make no mistakes and read each installation screen carefully, installation proceeds well enough. ─── 只要您不犯错误,而且仔细阅读每一屏安装说明,安装过程可以顺利完成。

55、A quarter percent interest charges will is deduct from the proceeds after conversion. ─── 兑换以后所得的金额中将扣除0.25%的利息。

56、Reinvestment Risk The risk that future proceeds will have to be reinvested at a lower potential interest rate. ─── 再投资风险未来收益以较低利率进行再投资的风险。

57、The paper proceeds the research of Huang Yuji systematically and completely. ─── 全文较全面系统地对黄虞稷进行了研究。

58、Everything proceeds as usual. ─── 一切照常进行。

59、Of good seed proceeds good corn. ─── 好种生好苗。

60、He sold his house and lives on the proceeds. ─── 他卖了房子靠房款收入过日子。

61、Most people sell their souls and live with a good conscience on the proceeds. ─── 大多数的人在出卖了自己的灵魂之后,就凭那收入过其心安理得的日子。

62、The wave for transmitting TV signals proceeds straightly. ─── 传播电视信号的微波总是以直线的方式行进。

63、As the image download proceeds, you can move the form freely, minimize it, and maximize it. ─── 在图像下载过程中,您可以自由移动窗体、最小化窗体和最大化窗体。

64、Mr. Blair has said he would give the proceeds to a charity benefiting U. K. armed forces. ─── 布莱尔说,他将把所得收益捐给一个惠及英国部队的慈善机构。

65、After the file is checked out, the developer proceeds to make her changes. ─── 在签出文件后,开发人员开始进行她的变更。

66、Enclosed we wait on you with the account sale,net proceeds $ 1,260.00,to your account. ─── 同函奉上销售帐单一份,贵公司主尖收净款1,260美元。

67、Left unregulated, a program proceeds through its statements from beginning to end. ─── 如果处于不受控制的状态,程序将从头到尾执行其语句。

68、They gave the proceeds of the sale to the orphanage. ─── 他们把销售的收入给了这家孤儿院。

69、Eventually their proceeds became enough to cover the school's expenses. ─── 他们的收入最后完全足够支付学校的费用了。

70、In many cases, most installation proceeds without problems. ─── 在许多情况,没有问题的大多数的安装收入。

71、The proceeds from the coffee sales will go to charity. ─── “猫粪”咖啡的销售收入将捐给慈善机构。

72、In any other case alcohol formed as the reaction proceeds cannot be oxidized. ─── 在其它任何情况下,反应进行时所生成的醇,不能被氧化。

73、Small billboard proceeds shall may be owned? ─── 小区广告牌收益应归谁所有?

74、All purchases shall be financed with the proceeds of loan. ─── 全部货款用贷款支付。

75、Should the company ultimately opt for an IPO then the proceeds would also be used to fund new acquisitions, he said. ─── 他说,如果公司最终选择IPO,那么其收益也会为新的并购提供资金。

76、The paper proceeds method of the free cash flow to valuate company worth . ─── 其中,公司价值评估部分,本文采用贴现的自由现金流量法进行评估。

77、The proceeds from technology transfer by a foreign invested enterprise will be exempted from business tax. ─── 外商投资企业取得的技术转让收入免征营业税。

78、Their business proceeds in a very good way. ─── 他们的生意兴隆。

79、But together, more and more overseas markets and the project proceeds higher. ─── 但综合来看,海外市场更为庞大且项目收益率更高。

80、A share in the proceeds paid to an inventor or a proprietor for the right to use his or her invention or services. ─── 专利权税:为使用发明或服务而付给发明者或业主的一部分收益。

81、He proceeds to deal with Madiun. ─── 他开始对付茉莉芬。

82、A detective catches on and proceeds to blackmail them right back. ─── 一位侦探盯上他们,继而背后敲诈他们。

83、Banks could then convert the proceeds into US under the CU in respect of the Aggregate Balance. ─── 于是,银行便可以根据总结馀的兑换保证,把有关款项兑换为美元。

84、Commission charge and additional service are the main proceeds sources for the bank online. ─── 手续费和附加服务是网上银行的主要收入来源。

85、If the user ID has been granted permission to carry out the action, then the action proceeds. ─── 如果该用户ID已被授予执行某操作的权限,则可以执行此操作。

86、The situationer is altered as the day proceeds. ─── “人员部署”随着一天的进程不断变动。

87、Should proceeds from sale of fixed assets be included in total gross income? ─── 出售固定资产所得的收入,是否应包括在总入息内?

88、They lived well, on the proceeds of raids on neighbouring regions. ─── 他们靠对邻近地区的掠夺所得过着舒适的生活。


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