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08-18 投稿


blubbering 发音

英:[?bl?b?r??]  美:[?bl?b?r??]

英:  美:

blubbering 中文意思翻译



blubbering 网络释义

v. [油脂] 提取鲸脂;又哭又闹;哭诉(blubber的ing形式)

blubbering 短语词组

1、blubbering emoji ─── 哭 ─── 哭啼啼的表情符号

2、blubbering gif ─── 哭gif

3、blubbering goat ─── 鲸脂山羊

4、blubbering define ─── 哭 ─── 哭啼啼

5、blubbering syn ─── 哭泣综合征

6、blubbering fool ─── 哭 ─── 哭啼啼的傻瓜

7、blubbering meme ─── 哭模因

8、blubbering baby ─── 哭 ─── 哭啼啼的婴儿

blubbering 词性/词形变化,blubbering变形

动词过去分词: blubbered |名词: blubberer |动词现在分词: blubbering |副词: blubberingly |形容词: blubbery |动词过去式: blubbered |动词第三人称单数: blubbers |

blubbering 相似词语短语

1、blustering ─── adj.狂风大作的;狂暴的;v.风狂吹(bluster的ing形式)

2、blubbing ─── 哭,哭着说出(blub的现在分词形式)

3、blundering ─── adj.浮躁的;粗笨的;粗心的;愚蠢的;v.犯大错;笨手笨脚;摸索(blunder的现在分词)

4、clobbering ─── vt.击倒;痛打;n.软膏;环草胺除草剂

5、blubberier ─── 鲸脂

6、slubbering ─── v.草率地做;使有污点;n.纺织机;纺织工人

7、lumbering ─── adj.笨拙的;动作迟缓的;n.伐木业;木材业;v.伐树;使陷入麻烦;笨重地移动(lumber的ing形式)

8、clabbering ─── n.浓而变酸的牛奶;vt.使变酸;使凝结;vi.变酸;凝结

9、blabbering ─── v.(非正式)胡扯,瞎说,喋喋不休;n.胡言乱语;胡扯的人

blubbering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、sea blubber skin ─── 海蜇皮

2、8.an animal oil found in the blubber of the sperm whale. ─── 抹香鲸鲸脂中的一种动物油。

3、To protect the whale from the cold of the Arctic seas, nature has provided it with a thick covering of fat called blubber. ─── 大自然为了保护鲸鱼,使它不致在北冰洋受冻,便给它提供了厚厚的一层脂肪,叫鲸脂。

4、Tom, wiping his eyes with his sleeve, began to blubber out something about a resolution to escape from hard usage and lack of sympathy at home by roaming abroad into the great world never to return; ─── 汤姆用袖子擦了擦眼睛,边哭边说自己决意要离开这非人生活的鬼学校和没有同情心的家人,浪迹天涯,一去不回。

5、Then the swordsman with great strokes cuts the blubber in two, so that while the short lower part is still hooked on, the long upper piece swings clear on the first hook. ─── 然后,刀手用力的把鲸脂切成两半,短的下半部仍旧钩著,而长的上半部则在第一根钩上摇来摇去。

6、Stop blubbering, you big baby! ─── 大宝贝,别哭了!

7、Half the year was spent in darkness, mainly in communal turf houses dug into the thin soil, lit only by blubber lamps. ─── 一年中有半年是黑暗的,此时他们住着建在薄土层上的公用草皮房里,用鲸脂灯来照明。

8、blubber finger ─── 海豹状指

9、Caption :Deep cuts: Whalers peel back a layer of fat, or blubber, before harvesting the meat underneath on July 30 in Wada Port. ─── 描述:深深的口子:7月30日和田港,获得下面的肉之前,捕鲸人划开一层脂肪,或称鲸油。

10、either of two large northern marine mammals having ivory tusks and tough hide over thick blubber ─── 两种大型北方哺乳动物之一,有尖牙,厚厚的鲸脂外面有粗糙的硬皮

11、Polar bears prefer eating blubber to meat. ─── 对于北极熊来说,鲸的脂脂比肉更有吸引力。

12、1. Stop blubbering, you big baby! ─── 大宝贝,别哭了!

13、Eskimos use many parts of the whale.They make its hide into clothing and its flesh into food.The blubber is used for fuel.Oil from the whale's head is burned in lamps. ─── 爱斯基摩人的生活中使用鲸鱼的许多部分。他们用鲸鱼皮做衣服,用它的肉做食物,用鲸脂做燃料。从鲸鱼头里取出的油被用来点灯。

14、There he sat, blubbering like a baby. ─── 他坐在那里像个婴儿似的大哭。

15、blubbering about how I never cared about her ─── 又哭又闹,说我从来不关心她

16、He did not want to start blubbering again. ─── 他没有想要开始再一次鲸脂。

17、they are light minded, their will is paralyzed, they are given to blubbering over events and hoping for miracles. ─── 他们头脑轻浮,意志麻痹,在事变面前嚎啕痛哭,并期待奇迹。

18、To protect the whale form the cold of the Arctic seas, nature has provided it with a thick covering of fat called blubber. ─── 大自然为了保护鲸鱼,使它不致在北冰洋受冻,便让它长了厚厚的一层脂肪,叫做鲸脂。

19、And mice without leptin are sluggish balls of blubber. ─── 没有瘦素小鼠简直就是又懒又肥的绒毛球。

20、What are you blubbering for, lass? ─── 姑娘,你哭哭啼啼是什么缘故?

21、Come, now, that's enough of that. This ain't any time for blubbering. ─── “哦,得了,不要再说了。现在不是哭鼻子的时候。

22、Narrator: Amelie has one friend, Blubber. Alas the home environment has made Blubber suicidal. ─── 画外音:爱美丽有一个朋友,巴波。忧郁的家庭氛围导致了巴波的自杀。

23、blubber sth out ─── 哭诉(某事)

24、6.A child your age shouldn't sit about blubbering over a lost toy. ─── 像你这么大(岁数)的小孩,不应该因为丢了玩具,就坐在地上哭哭啼啼。

25、Listen. What was blubbering? ─── 你听,是什么在哭诉。

26、Without weight training, no plan designed to add muscle will do anything but add blubber to your frame. ─── 没有重量训练,增肌营养计划除了给你的身体增加肥肉不会做任何事情。

27、Every one of these cold-weather sumo wrestlers is protected by a hefty layer of blubber and inch-thick skin. ─── 所有的这些寒冷天气中的相扑选手都由一层厚厚的脂肪层和一英寸厚的皮肤保护。

28、5. The thick fat, or blubber, under the whale's skin protects the animal against cold waters. It is for the valuable oil in blubber that whales are hunted. ─── 厚厚的脂肪,或者说是鲸脂,在鲸鱼的皮下用于保护它,去抵御寒冷的海水。恰恰为了从鲸脂中获得有价值的油,鲸鱼遭到捕猎。

29、Pelageya's face worked all over and she began blubbering. ─── 彼拉盖雅整个脸都颤动起来,放声大哭。

30、He commenced blubbering himself, and hurried out to hide his cowardly agitation. ─── 他自己也开始哭起来,又连忙跑出去去掩盖他那怯弱的感情。

31、Narrator: Amelie has one friend, Blubber. Alas the home environment has made Blubber suicidal. [Pet fish leaps out of fish bowl in an attempt at suicide] ─── 画外音:艾米莉有一个朋友,巴波。忧郁的家庭氛围导致了巴波的自杀。(为了试图自杀,鱼缸里的金鱼跳了出来)

32、Once whales wear hunted for whale-bone as well as for blubber. ─── 曾经有一段时期,捕鲸不仅仅是为了它的鲸脂,也为了它的骨头。

33、blubber sth. out ─── 哭诉某事

34、The blubber is used for fuel.Oil from the whale's head is burned in lamps. ─── 恰恰为了从鲸脂中获得有价值的油,鲸鱼遭到捕猎。

35、What turns a stone-hard woman like yourself...into the blubbering mess I see before me? ─── 是什么让眼前这个坚如磐石的女人哭成了泪人?

36、either of two large northern marine mammals having ivory tusks and tough hide over thick blubber. ─── 两种大型北方哺乳动物之一,有尖牙,厚厚的鲸脂外面有粗糙的硬皮。

37、Blubber refers to noisy, unrestrained shedding of tears accompanied by broken or inarticulate speech ─── Blubber指的是嘈杂地、无拘束地流眼泪并伴有断断续续的或口齿不清的讲话声

38、But my fur and a thick layer of blubber make it so I don't need a real house. ─── 但是我的皮毛和厚厚的脂肪层使得我可以这样,所以我并不需要一座真正的房子。

39、but they don't get chilled, for pressure has no effect on blubber's insulating qualities. ─── 它们并不会感到寒冷 海水的压力不能影响皮下脂肪 的保温功能

40、If she does for any length of time,the calf will begin to sink,because it is not born with enough body fat or blubber to float easily. ─── 如果她停下未一段时间,小仔将开始下沉,这是因为它没有足够的脂肪或鲸脂使其轻松漂浮。

41、Job was blubbering - I am sorry I cannot name his distress by any more delicate word-audibly in the corner . ─── 乔布站在墙角嚎啕大哭,很遗憾,我无法用更细致入微的词语来表达他的痛苦。

42、He asked why I was going downtown (I live uptown).After blubbering some excuses, I finally just came clean. ─── “他问,为什么我去市中心(我在小区住)。

43、blubber one's face ─── 哭肿[脏]脸

44、Their meat and blubber is a Faroese speciality for tourists and is boiled or served as steaks. ─── 对游客们来说,鲸鱼肉和鲸脂是当地的一道特色佳肴。当地人将这些肉烹煮或煎制成鱼排提供给游客们。

45、He commenced blubbering himself, and hurried out to hide his cowardly agitation ─── 他自己也开始哭起来,又连忙跑出去去掩盖他那怯弱的感情。

46、To strip the blubber or skin from(a whale, for example). ─── 割取(如鲸)的油脂或剥皮

47、Come, now , that's enough of that. This ain't any time for blubbering. ─── 哦,得了,不要再说了。现在不是哭鼻子的时候。

48、in a blubber ─── 又哭又闹

49、grooved blubber ─── 夹有薄层肌肉的皮下脂肪

50、In the morning Marlowe and Van Norden leave to search for the false teeth . Marlowe is blubbering. He imagines they are his teeth. ─── 早上马洛和范诺登出去寻找那副假牙。马洛又哭又闹,他还以为那是他的假牙呢。

51、a sock sniffing bog trotter big blubbering vagina. ─── 此句不可翻译!

52、Thanks to its thick coat of fur, its tough hide, and a four inch layer of blubber, a polar bear is extremely well insulated. ─── 多亏了厚厚的皮毛和一个四英寸厚的鲸脂,北极熊能极好的隔热。

53、There he sat, blubbering like a baby. ─── 他坐在那里像个婴儿似的啼哭。

54、sea blubber ─── 海蜇

55、They make its hide into clothing and its flesh into food.The blubber is user for fuel. ─── 他们用鲸鱼皮做衣服,用它的肉做食物,用鲸脂作燃料。

56、Of fate, you blubber in surprise. ─── 畏缩,你哭泣于惊愕。

57、Eskimos use many parts of the whale.They make its hide into clothing and its flesh into food.The blubber is used for fuel. Oil from the whale's head is burned in lamps. ─── 爱斯基摩人的生活中使用鲸鱼的许多部分。他们用鲸鱼皮做衣服,用它的肉做食物,用鲸脂做燃料。从鲸鱼头里取出的油被用来点灯。

58、But no more of this blubbering now, we are going a-whaling and there is plenty of that yet to come ─── 不过,现在不必这么哭丧着脸啦,我们要去捕大鲸了,这类事情将来多的是。

59、The thick fat, or blubber, under the whale's skin protects the animal against cold waters. It is fore the valuable oil in blubber that whales are hunted. ─── 厚厚的脂肪,后者说是鲸脂,在鲸鱼的皮下用于保护它,去抵御寒冷的海水。恰恰为了从鲸脂中获得有价值的油,鲸鱼遭到捕猎。

60、blubber gut(s) ─── n. 肥胖的人

61、To protect the whale from the cold of the Arctic seas, na-ture has provided it with a thick covering of fat called blubber. ─── 大量的动物油是从鲸鱼身上得来的。鲸鱼是海里的庞然大物,是世界上现有动物中最大的一种。

62、If she does for any length of time, the calf will begin to sink, because it is not born with enough body fat or blubber to float easily. ─── 如果她停下未一段时间,小仔将开始下沉,这是因为它没有足够的脂肪或鲸脂使其轻松漂

63、Leptin acts like a natural appetite suppressant.Kids born without the hormone can top 100 pounds before they hit kindergarten.And mice without leptin are sluggish balls of blubber. ─── 瘦蛋白就像是一种天然的食欲遏制剂,天生缺乏这种激素的婴儿甚至会因为吃得太多在上幼儿园之前体重就达到100磅,体内没有这种激素的老鼠会长成一个无精打采的大肉球。

64、A crew of men sets to work stripping the great whale of its blubber. ─── 一个水手带着工具,去剥离这条巨大的鲸鱼的鲸脂。

65、Its muscular body, devoid of visible fat, blubber, or underwater streamlining suggests an animal only recently adapted to survival in the Naboo abyss. ─── 牠肌肉发达的身躯看不见一丝多馀的肥肉、鲸脂、或水中的流线型体型,显示这种动物是近来才适应生存于那卜深渊中而已。

66、9.a white to brown oil obtained from whale blubber; formerly used as an illuminant. ─── 一种白色到棕色的油,从鲸脂中获取,以前用作润滑剂。

67、said Parsons, almost blubbering ─── 派逊斯说,几乎发不出清楚的音来。

68、Armed with her whale blubber lamp, she enters the structure, lights her lamp to the highest possible setting, beats a hasty retreat, and seals the entrance with a block of ice. ─── 她们手中拿着鲸脂灯,走进冰屋,点亮灯,把灯放的尽可能高,然后赶快退出来,并且用一块冰把入口密封起来。

69、I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dogsled. ─── 我不生活在一个支柱或吃哭哭啼啼,或拥有狗爬犁。

70、It is now ready to be lowered through the deck into the blubber room below. ─── 现在已准备把它放到甲板下的鲸脂房里。

71、a pale yellow to red-brown fatty oil obtained from seal blubber; used in making soap and dressing leather and as a lubricant. ─── 一种从海豹脂中提取的浅黄色到红棕色的脂油,用于制肥皂、处理皮革及作润滑剂。

72、Poor simple fool. He doesn't know yet that all he arouses with his blubber is my contemptuous pity. ─── 啊,可怜的人,他还不知道在他面前的这女人,是用如何的轻蔑去可怜他的使用这些做作,这些话!

73、A child your age shouldn't blubber over a lost toy like that! ─── 像你这么大的小孩不应该为丢了玩具就哭成那样!

74、a pale yellow to red-brown fatty oil obtained from seal blubber; used in making soap and dressing leather and as a lubricant ─── 一种从海豹脂中提取的浅黄色到红棕色的脂油,用于制肥皂、处理皮革及作润滑剂

75、For example the emperor penguin huddle's together in a winter storm.Although they all had thick waterproof feathers and a thick layer of blubber,being huddled inside a group is lot warmer than alone! ─── 帝王企鹅在冬天的时候会挤成一团,虽然他们有厚厚的羽毛和脂肪,但是他们挤在在一起很温暖总是比独个儿强啊!

76、entertainment/strange events: Sorting Hat Poem &Sorting Ceremony; a few words from Albus Dumbledore, "Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" ─── 娱乐项目:分类帽之歌和分院仪式,邓不利多的简短发言:“笨蛋!哭鼻子!惨渣!拧!”

77、Stop blubbering and tell me what's wrong. ─── 别哭啦,告诉我出了什么事。

78、The older bear devours his meal, licking the carcass clean of blubber. ─── 成年熊消灭了他的美餐,把尸体上的脂肪添的干干净净。

79、She seemed to go off his nut. She grabbed the kid and shook him till his cap fell off and he began blubbering with fright. ─── 她像是发疯似的,紧抓着那个小孩摇晃,直到他的帽子掉了下来,并且吓得哇哇地哭了起来。

80、They make its hide into clothing and its flesh into food.The blubber is used for fuel. ─── 他们用鲸鱼皮做衣服,用它的肉做食物,用鲸脂做燃料。

81、I worried that if I said too much I'd seem unprofessional, like I was blubbering about my personal problems, and it might open the door to questions about how I would be able to handle my job. ─── 我担心,如果我说的太多,我可能就会显得不职业,好像我在哭诉我的个人问题一样,这可能会引发关于我是否能干好工作的质疑。

82、Hey. I'm not a lumberjack or a fur trader, and I don't live in an igloo, or eat blubber, or own a dogsled. ─── 你好。我不是伐木工人也不是毛皮贸易商,而且我也不住在圆顶冰屋内,或者吃鲸脂或拥有狗拉雪橇。

83、She seemed to go off his nut.She grabbed the kid and shook him till his cap fell off and he began blubbering with fright. ─── 她像是发疯似的,紧抓著那个小孩摇晃,直到他的帽子掉了下来,并且吓得哇哇地哭了起来。

84、This year, researchers finally uncovered the mysterious roots of so-called brown fat. Hardly blubber, the energy-using tissue turns out to be one step away from muscle. ─── 今年,研究人员终于发现了这个所谓的棕色脂肪的神秘根源。令人郁闷的是,这个消耗能量的组织却是与肌肉相差无几。

85、This ain't any time for blubbering. ─── 现在不是哭的时候。

86、5. The thick fat, or blubber, under the whale's skin protects the animal against cold waters. It is for the valuable oil in blubber that whale are hunted. ─── 厚厚的脂肪,或者说鲸脂,在鲸鱼的皮下用于保护它,去抵御寒冷的海水。恰恰为了从鲸脂中获得有价值的油,鲸鱼遭到捕猎。

87、After blubbering some excuses, I finally just came clean.The next morning, that coworker blackmailed me, and I was forced to be his personal secretary for the day. ─── 支吾了一些借口后,第二天早上,该同事勒索我,我被迫做了他一天的私人秘书。”

88、Pelageya's face worked all over and she began blubbering... ─── 彼拉盖雅整个脸都颤动起来,放声大哭。

89、an animal oil found in the blubber of the sperm whale ─── 抹香鲸鲸脂中的一种动物油

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