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ani 发音

英:[?ɑ?n?]  美:[?ɑ?n?]

英:  美:

ani 中文意思翻译




ani 网络释义

abbr. 自动号码识别n. (Ani)人名;(德、俄、罗、阿拉伯、尼日利)阿尼;(荷)安妮

ani 词性/词形变化,ani变形

名词复数形式:ani 原型:ani

ani 短语词组

1、eczema ani ─── [医] 肛门湿疹

2、ani externus sphincter ─── [医] 肛门外括约肌

3、musculi levator ani ─── [医] 肛提肌

4、ani fissura ─── [医] 肛门裂

5、ani sphincter ─── [医] 肛门括约肌

6、arcus tendineus musculi levatoris ani ─── [医] 肛 ─── [门]提肌腱弓

7、musculi sphincter ani internus ─── [医] 肛门内括约肌

8、corrugator cutis ani ─── [医] 肛门皱皮肌

9、ani rima ─── [医] 臀裂

10、intertrigo ani ─── [医] 肛擦烂

11、ani-mals n. ─── [动] 动物,动物世界;牲畜(animal的复数形式)

12、crena ani ─── [医] 臀裂

13、fistula ani congenita ─── [医] 先天性肛门瘘

14、Ani DiFranco ─── 安妮·迪芙兰蔻; ─── 安妮迪芙兰蔻; ─── 安妮·迪弗兰科;阿尼·迪弗兰克

15、musculi sphincter ani externus ─── [医] 肛门外括约肌

16、ani internus sphincter ─── [医] 肛门内括约肌

17、atresia ani ─── [医] 肛门闭锁, 锁肛

18、al-ani n. ─── 阿兰尼人(古代黑海东北部的游牧民族)

19、atresia ani vaginalis ─── [医] 肛门阴道闭锁

ani 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Washington, Dec 10 (ANI): Rice University researchers claim to have uncovered a potential clue to the roots of neurological disorders like epilepsy, autism and schizophrenia. ─── 12月10日华盛顿ANI报道:赖斯大学的研究人员声称已发现了癫痫,自闭症和精神分裂症等神经障碍的潜在根源。

2、corrugator cutis ani ─── [医] 肛门皱皮肌

3、In recent years,we used the operation way combining stripping external hemorrhoid,ligating internal hemorrhoid and cutting part of sphincter ani internus to treat 32 such patients. ─── 嵌顿性混合痔病人相当痛苦,近年来,我科采用外剥内扎并切断部分内括约肌手术治疗32例。

4、under ani circumstances,25 Never. take a sleep pill and a lax on the same night. ─── 任何情况下,无论。永远,不要在一个夜晚,同时吃,安眠药,和通便灵。

5、When patients are instructed to perform sphincter exercises postoperatively, they are actually contracting the levator ani musculature. ─── 当患者需要进行术后外括约肌收缩训练时,他们可以收缩提肛肌。

6、The swimming distance to platform in group E was longer than that in group NS, group ANI+NS and group ANI+E (P0.05). ─── E组寻找平台的游泳距离显著长于NS组、ANI+NS组、ANI+E组(P0.05)。

7、Ani can depress the marked increase of NO, ET - 1 and Lactate in the early stage of reperfusion,and also improve the contents of ATP. ─── Ani可以抑制再灌注早期(1小时组)NO、ET-1及乳酸的过量产生,提高脑组织ATP含量。

8、20 And Zacharias, and Oziel, and Semiramoth, and Jehiel, and Ani, and Eliab, and Maasias, and Banaias, sung mysteries upon psalteries. ─── 则加黎雅、雅阿齐耳、舍米辣摩特、耶希耳、翁尼、厄里阿布、玛阿色雅、贝纳雅弹瑟,调用高音。

9、kevator ani muscles training ─── 尿失禁

10、And the comparison of optical element properties suitable for optical energy transmission system is made between inland ani other countries. ─── 就国内外现有适于作光传输系统的光学元件的性能作了比较;

11、The opti mized scheme has significant ecological,economic and social benefit,this will underline the decision-makingfor sustainable development of ani mal husbandry productionin Akeqi county. ─── 优化方案具有明显的经济、生态和社会效益,为阿合奇县畜牧业可持续发展提供了决策依据。

12、This paper introduces several method to prevent ani malcule reproducing in the pipe. ─── 本文介绍了几种防止微生物产生的方法和处理方法。

13、SOD 75 U.kg-1 iv 1 min prior to reperfusion exerted similar effects like Ani 3 mg. ─── SOD 75 U·kg~(-1)的作用与Ani 3 mg·kg~(-1)相当.

14、Wow tower worshiped on mountain villagers Ani Le spent together; ─── 上塔哇村民供奉神山阿尼花勒合;

15、ani externus sphincter ─── [医] 肛门外括约肌

16、sad ani wai.....still happi but i fel dizzi cos i didnt have mi cup of coffe....... ─── 今天本来应该是我和老婆们约会天,但应为家里的原因所以没有去成。。。。

17、Current status of agricultural tridimension pollution in the province is discussed in terms of industrial wastes, rubbish from daily life, fertilizer, insecticides, mulching film and ani. ─── “农业立体污染”是一个全新的理念,也是山西省面临的一个重要的环境问题。

18、Measurement of the pubic portion of the levator ani muscle in women with unilateral defects in 3-D models from MR images ─── 在磁共振构建的3-D模型中测量单侧肌肉缺陷患者耻骨部分的肛提肌

19、www.bte-book.com/class.asp?lx=small&ani... more from this site Find similar ─── 中国教育图书:教育读书:-好看簿图片博客:用...

20、The Research on Copolymerization between ANI and DPA by Pulse Potential Technique and the Electrocatalytic Property of the Modified Poly (ANI-co-DPA) Film ─── ANI-DPA脉冲电位法共聚合及其修饰膜的电催化性能研究

21、Quantitative analysis of sensory neurons innervating the muscle levator ani in rats with anorectal malformation ─── 先天性肛门直肠畸形胎鼠支配肛提肌感觉神经元定量研究

22、The anterior portion of the levator ani can be divid ed into two layers, the upper layer belonged to the pubococcygeus muscle; ─── 前列腺提肌(或耻骨阴道肌)止于会阴体;

23、As ani mperial garden, the Summer Palace was opened to the publicin 1924.It's really worth seeing. ─── 作为皇家园林,颐和园于1924年对公众开放。很值得一看。

24、Actie continence is achieed by oluntary contraction of the leator ani musculature, which surrounds the apex of the prostate and membranous urethra. ─── 前列腺尖部和膜部周围的提肛肌的主动收缩可以导致主动性控尿。

25、Ani shows anti-hepatibrosis effect in vitro and may be significant and applicable in liver fibrosis. ─── 山莨菪碱在体外具有抗肝纤维化的作用 ,它对于防治肝纤维化可能有一定的临床意义和应用前景

26、prolapsus ani ─── [医] 脱肛

27、External urethral sphincter and levator ani ─── 支配外尿道括约肌与提肛肌

28、It supports 50 graphics formats;including bmp, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, ico, cur, ani, tga, wpg, psp, clp, cut and many others! ─── 它支持50个图形格式包括BMP ,图像,图片,图片,巴布亚新几内亚,意,当前,茴香,大动脉转位,大联大,掌机,中电,减少和其他许多!

29、crena ani ─── [医] 臀裂

30、ANI Lingzhi ABM Coffee is specially made from Lingzhi ( Ganoderma ) extract and Agaricus Blazei Murrill extract blended with carefully selected premium quality coffee powder. ─── 威阿尼灵芝姬松茸精华 特制的 咖啡 是从灵芝(灵芝)提取和姬松茸提取混合精心挑选的高品质咖啡粉。

31、( 3 ) We know that oxygen is necessary for thebreathing of ani mals and p lants, and for burning . ─── 张译: 我们知道氧气对于动植物的呼吸和燃烧是必不可少的。改译: 我们知道氧气必不可少 , 对于动植物的呼吸 , 对燃烧都是如此。

32、"The next step is for researchers to look at ways of preenting and treating these injuries of the leator ani muscle in order to reduce the rate of pelic organ prolapse later in life," he says. ─── “下一步研究主要着眼于寻找预防和治疗提肛肌损伤的方法,从而可以减少以后生活中骨盆器官脱垂的发生率。”

33、Both the television and radio productions are narrated by a folk guitarist, Ani DiFranco. ─── 这一系列的电视版,广播版都是由一位叫迪弗朗科的乡村吉它手配的音。

34、But it is only during the last three centuries that cats have joined dogs as companion ani mals and members of the family. ─── 但直到最近三个世纪,猫才和狗一样成为人类的伴侣和家庭的一员。

35、Ani began pounding and yelling to be let out as the car screeched from the parking lot. But rock music blaring from the radio speakers drowned him out. ─── 当汽车从停车场急速驶过时,Ani开始猛烈敲打和大声呼喊,但是从车内喇叭发出的摇滚音乐淹没了他发出的声音。

36、fistula ani congenita ─── [医] 先天性肛门瘘

37、Al-Ani's last moments were captured by an outdoor camera overlooking a ramp leading up to the police station. ─── 阿尔安尼的最后一刻,被一只俯瞰一条通向警局的斜坡的户外摄像头抓拍到。

38、Second,the formula for the ARL of CRL control chart were deduced by using TPFG(Transition Probability Flow Graphs) method;Finally,the formula for ANI of CRL control chart were introduced. ─── 最后,推导了它们效率的度量指标ANI(发信号之前的平均检验的样品数)的计算公式.

39、Study of morphlogical changes in levator ani muscle of patients with stress urinary incontinence ─── 压力性尿失禁及盆底组织膨出患者肛提肌肌纤维直径和分型的研究

40、----ANI is a series of digits,in either analog or digital form,which tell a user the originating number of the incoming phone call. ─── ----ANI是以模拟或数字形式存在的一串数字,告诉用户呼入电话的始发号码。

41、musculi sphincter ani internus ─── [医] 肛门内括约肌

42、A millennium ago, Ani rivalled Byzantium as one of the great cities ofthe Christian world.At its height, the Armenian capital had over 100,000 inhabitants. ─── 一千年前,阿尼是和拜占庭相匹敌的基督世界中的一个伟大的城市,她的人口最高时超过了100,000人。

43、PHC 0.2mg/kg group can obviously decrease plasma viscosity. Other indexes have greatly improved in groups of PHC 0.023mg/kg,0.07mg/kg,0.2mg/kg,Ani 2mg/kg,compared with those in model group. ─── PHC 0.2 mg/kg组能明显改善血浆黏度,在PHC 0.023、0.07、0.2mg/kg及An i 2 mg/kg组除血浆黏度外均得到明显改善,与模型组比较P

44、Now you can make your dreams come true. Ani, You're free. ─── 你现在可以使梦想成真。小安,你自由了。

45、ANI impaired retention as the mice injected with ANI requiredlonger time in the maze test. ─── ANI破坏小鼠的记忆,而预先给予DGAVP则能防止ANI的破坏作用;

46、If you're looking for a way to put Ani Phyo's philosophy into practice, don't bother looking at supermodels for inspiration. ─── 如果你在寻找一种将AniPhyo’s的哲理付诸实践的方法,就不要费力去看超模来寻求动力。

47、NO seems to play an important mediator role in the Ani protective mechanisms. ─── NO可能在介导山莨菪碱抑制利血平大鼠胃粘膜损伤形成中有重要作用。

48、LABORATORY ANI MAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT Volume 23 2006 CONTENTS IN BRIEF ─── 《实验动物科学与管理》2006年第23卷总目次

49、ANI Identification Want to know what number you're calling from? Call your cell phone. ─── 希望知道你正在使用的电话机的号码吗?用这个电话机打你的手机。

50、But four years ago, Ani told me, she had developed rheumatism in her left knee and it got so painful she just could not work any more. ─── 我曾经去过他们的工地,房间很大,室内的管道都很规范,给我留下深刻印象。他们盖的这所房子与他们在西爪哇农村住的小房子完全不一样。

51、In the result of Morris water maze, there was significantly more prolonged in latency to platform in group ethanol (E) than that in group normal saline (NS), group anisodamine (ANI)+NS and group ANI+E (P

52、Peopl quickli becom awar of who make an effort to be there and who us ani excus to miss a day. ─── 从缺勤情况可以很快看出,谁在努力工作,谁在寻找理由混日子。

53、Keywords adductor magnus;sphincter ani externus;blood vessel;applied anatomy; ─── 大收肌;肛门外括约肌;血管;应用解剖;

54、Determination of serum proinflammatory factor ani its significance in children with scholein henoch purpura ─── 小儿过敏性紫癜血清炎前因子的检测及其意义

55、Study of morphological changes in levator ani muscle of patients with stress urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse ─── 压力性尿失禁及盆底组织膨出患者肛提肌形态学的观察

56、Sell: animal feed machinery, cow feed machinery, sheep feed machinery, livestock machine Ani... ─── 发布者:回宏峰所在地:河北石家庄市行业:机械及行业设备职位:经理工作年限:

57、www.tosz.com/class.asp?lx=small&ani... 2008-10-04 ─── 拿刀如拿笔,在一块小小的竹木上雕刻出精细流畅的文字,挥洒自如。竹雕...

58、ani fissura ─── [医] 肛门裂

59、Medog on foot, running border card from the Nyingchi were rural, rugby way, Ani Bridge, while Baden, County, up trees, to reach the final 80K. ─── 徒步墨脱,办好边防证,从林芝的派乡出发,途径拉格、阿尼桥、巴登则、墨脱、达木,最后到达80K。

60、Al-Ani's family say that despite the verdict, it is still not clear what happened to him in the car. ─── 阿尔安尼的家人说,不管判决怎么说,他们始终没有弄清当时车里在他身上他究竟发生了什么。

61、Crotophaga ani ─── n. 滑嘴犀鹃(杜鹃科)

62、ani mal and vegetable fibrics ─── 动物和植物纤维织品

63、tendinous arch of levator ani ─── 提肛肌腱弓

64、Methods Through an incision between the vaginal skin and mucosa, bilateral levator ani was isolated to form two levator ani flaps. ─── 方法经阴道口皮肤黏膜交界处切开,剥离阴道黏膜,分离出撕裂的提肛肌,形成两个肌瓣。

65、Material and Methods: 54 healthy male SD rats were randomly divided into three groups: control group (n=18), SAP group (n=18), and Ani group (n=18). ─── 材料和方法:成年雄性SD大鼠54只,各取18只分别作为假手术对照组、SAP组和山莨菪碱(Ani)治疗组。

66、Second, the formula for the ARL, of CRL control chart were deduced by using TPFG (Transition Probability Flow Graphs) method: Finally, the formula for ANI of CRL control chart were introduced. ─── 最后,推导了它们效率的度量指标ANI(发信号之前的平均检验的样品数)的计算公式。

67、Duš anić ─── 杜沙尼奇

68、China plays ani mportant role in the pork production and consumption inthe world. ─── 介绍了近年来中国猪肉的供应及价格波动情况;

69、Keywords stress urinary incontinence;levator ani muscle;pelvic floor fascia;estrogen receptor; ─── 压力性尿失禁;肛提肌;盆底筋膜;雌激素受体;

70、Some fibers of the leator ani (leator urethrae, pubourethralis) surround the proximal urethra and the apex of the prostate and insert into the perineal body in the midline posteriorly (Myers, 1991). ─── 提肛肌的部分纤维环绕着近端尿道和前列腺尖部,并在后正中方向汇入会阴体。

71、Today the great story-telling ani helped me to shop around Boudha.I happily got my first mandala plate for this life. ─── 今天会讲故事的阿尼带我去买东西,我请了生平第一个曼达盘,很高兴。

72、Marie Al-Ani said the IPCC's investigation into her son's death had been "a shambles" that left many unanswered questions. ─── 玛丽·阿尔安尼说,IPCC对她儿子死亡的调查混乱不堪,他们留下了很多没有解答的问题。

73、sphincter ani ─── n. [解]肛门括约肌

74、The culture ministry has listed Ani, with an Armenian church on an island in Lake Van, among the sites it is keenest to conserve. ─── 文化部已经把阿尼和一个在Van湖岛上的亚美尼亚教堂列入最热切进行保护的名单里面。

75、At 0.5 mmol / L of Ani,the zymosan-induced release of total 3H was reduced by 46%(2 h),45%(5 h),and 34%(15 h),respectively. ─── 总~3H释放量下降46%(2 h),45%(5 h)及34%(15 h).

76、For on year I had no ani client.I wa shocked, and humbl to tears. ─── 一年来,没有找到一个客户,这对自己是个不小的打击,曾流下自卑泪水。

77、Greater Ani ─── n. 大犀鹃

78、The clusters 1, 2, 3, ani 4, are characterized by IR, UV, ~1H NMR, m. ─── 对所得族合物1,2,3,4进行了IR,UV,~1H NMR,m.

79、Only a few elderly musicians have preserved the breadth of the San’ani song tradition and the subtleties of its interpretation. ─── 只有少数几个年长的音乐家们仍在保持着演唱萨那歌的传统和其中微妙的内涵。

80、Ani, like her music, her name, and this description, is short and sweet. ─── 像她的音乐,她的名字,还有她的自我描述,都小巧精干又甜蜜。

81、includes cuckoo; ani; roadrunner. ─── 包含布谷鸟;美洲黑杜鹃;走鹃。

82、Do you have ani special meal today? ─── 今天有什么特餐吗?

83、Trial Distinction between Such Terms as “Ani River”and“Hani Bridge” ─── 对“阿泥河”、“哈尼桥”及类似名称的辨析

84、Evaluation on levator ani muscle injuries after vaginal delivery with MRI ─── MRI对分娩并发肛提肌损伤的评价研究

85、Groove-billed Ani ─── n. 沟嘴犀鹃

86、Effect of levator ani muscles training on transient postoperative incontinence in patients undergoing transurethral resection of prostate ─── 提肛肌训练对前列腺电切术后暂时性尿失禁的影响

87、International Herald Tribune ANI Szeto Tien from Paris Although Beijing has been feeling the Chinese people are indeed many, but in a foreign country only to find the Chinese people is too many. ─── 国际先驱导报特约撰稿司徒北辰发自巴黎虽然在北京的时候已经感觉中国人实在很多,但到了国外才发现中国人真是太多了。

88、To understand the vulnerability, a basic knowledge about the. ANI file format is required. ─── 要了解这个漏洞, 一些关于ANI 格式文件的基本知识是必需的。

89、The pudendal nere proides the major nere supply to the striated sphincter and leator ani. ─── 外括约肌和提肛肌的主要支配神经为阴部神经。

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