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08-18 投稿


pacifier 发音

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pacifier 中文意思翻译



pacifier 网络释义

n. 调解人;抚慰者;橡皮奶头;安抚奶嘴;镇静剂;镇静物

pacifier 词性/词形变化,pacifier变形


pacifier 相似词语短语

1、pacifiers ─── n.调解人;抚慰者;橡皮奶头;安抚奶嘴;镇静剂;镇静物

2、opacifiers ─── n.[光]遮光剂;[化工]不透明剂

3、opacifies ─── vt.使…不透明;vi.变为不透明

4、pacified ─── vt.使平静;安慰;平定

5、tackifier ─── n.[助剂]增粘剂

6、opacified ─── adj.乳白的;v.使…变得不透明(opacify的过去式)

7、opacifier ─── n.[光]遮光剂;[化工]不透明剂

8、specifier ─── n.[计]说明符;指示语;[计]区分符

9、pacifies ─── vt.使平静;安慰;平定

pacifier 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、6.Advice on buying and selecting of temperature, blood pressure, breast pump, bottle, pacifier, nipple, skincare thing and so on. ─── 提供体温计,血压计,吸奶器,奶嘴,奶瓶,安抚奶嘴,防辐射肚兜,乳头纠正器的选购、使用和清洁维护等参考信息。

2、Sang De, Nai outstanding the answer with pacifier also paste is on same website. ─── 桑德、奈杰和调解人的答复也张贴在同样的网站上。

3、The baby was biting at the pacifier. ─── 那个婴儿正朝着奶嘴咬去。

4、Regularly inspect pacifier for signs of excessive wear and replace if unit becomes sticky, enlarged or cracked. ─── 定期检查奶嘴迹象的过度磨损和替换如果单位变得粘稠,扩大或破裂。

5、If flying, give children sugar-free gum to help with pressure in the ears. For babies, a pacifier may help. ─── 如果要乘坐飞机,给孩子嚼无糖的口香糖帮他们平衡耳膜两侧的压力。如果是婴儿,可以用一个橡皮乳头替代。

6、The baby reached for the pacifier. ─── 这个小婴儿伸手去够橡皮奶嘴。

7、Parents often wonder what effect thumb sucking or sucking on a pacifier might have on their baby's teeth. ─── 父母常想知道吸拇指或者橡皮奶头对他们孩子的牙齿有什么影响。

8、Probably not: when infants had a pacifier in their mouths while the experimenter stuck their tongue out, they still imitated him after it was taken out a short time later. ─── 大概不是:即使实验者吐舌头的时候婴儿含着奶嘴,如果随后取下奶嘴,婴儿也会跟着吐舌头。

9、The exposure of interest was pacifier use, and the primary study endpoints were breast-feeding duration or exclusivity. ─── 所关心的是安抚奶嘴的使用,初级研究终点是母乳哺喂期间或专一性。

10、If your child takes great comfort from his pacifier, you can let him continue to use it until he develops other coping mechanisms. ─── 如果奶嘴能够给你的宝宝带来极大的安慰,那你就让他继续使用,直到宝宝其他的协调处理能力得以发展为止。

11、Ornament with elephant and pacifier in Light Sapphire crystal. Elephant eyes in clear crystal. Light blue ribbons with silver coloured metal ring and studs. ─── 真得非常值得的款式,大象奶嘴都可以摘下来当挂坠哦。而且水晶都很大颗。

12、They devised an apparatus that connected a baby's pacifier to a counting device. ─── 他们设计了一种将婴儿的奶嘴与计数装置连接起来的装置。

13、"To assist in this decision balance, a systematic review of the literature regarding the impact of pacifier use on breastfeeding was undertaken in an attempt to summarize the current evidence. ─── 为了厘清此一问题,研究者进行了这次有关使用安抚奶嘴对于母乳哺喂影响之相关文献的系统性回顾,试图根据现有的证据做出总结。

14、"The Pacifier" played for, like, a year. ─── “超级奶爸”大概上映了一年。

15、Pacifier use was associated with reduced duration of breast-feeding in most observational studies. ─── 在多数观察研究中,使用安抚奶嘴与减少母乳哺喂期间有关。

16、A pacifier for an infant. ─── 婴儿用的奶嘴

17、I started giving it to my daughter at 5 weeks of age when I stopped nursing.At first, I gave it to her in a medicine dispensing pacifier. ─── 当我停止母乳后就开始把它给我5周大的女儿服用,我把它混合在药物中给她服用,但总是弄的满脸都是。

18、Parents often wonder what effect thumb sucking or sucking on a pacifier might have on their baby's teeth. ─── 父母经常想知道吮吸拇指或奶嘴会对婴儿的牙齿产生什么样的影响。

19、Allan : With a 1)pacifier and cute baby socks. But you'd have to “berry yourself up” with purple or red paint. ─── 艾伦:顺便吸个奶嘴,穿双可爱的婴儿袜。但妳必须用紫色和红色的彩绘膏把自己涂成莓果的样子。

20、an innocuous or inert medication; given as a pacifier or to the control group in experiments on the efficacy of a drug ─── 一种无害的惰性药;在药物功效试验中作为控制组或抚慰剂的药物

21、Parents often wonder what effect harm sucky thumb sucking or sucking on a patherfile pacifier might have on their baby's teeth. ─── 家长们经常困惑吮吸指头或者吮吸安抚奶嘴对牙齿有什么影响。

22、Pacifi c Monolithics, Richardson Electronics, Spectrum Microwave, UMS, WJ Communications/Triquint. Antennas, Active - Richardson Electronics ... ─── 1111人力银行-徵才厂商:美商理查森国际股份有限公司台湾分公司<公司...

23、The baby was sucking on a pacifier. ─── 那个婴儿正在吸橡皮奶嘴。

24、Pacifier FAV - A hovering tank that is able to fire long range shots, and switchs to a close range mini gun for smaller targets. ─── 奶嘴收藏-一种悬停坦克,能够远距离投篮火灾和开关到近距离迷你枪的小型目标。

25、While sucking a huge pacifier ─── 吸着巨大的奶嘴

26、Resist the temptation to "rinse" the pacifier in your own mouth.You'll only spread more germs to your baby. ─── 不要用自己的嘴“洗”安抚奶嘴。

27、Parents often wonder what effect thumb sucking or sucking on a pacifier might have on their baby's teeth. Dental experts generally agree that this is fine early in life. ─── 父母经常想知道吮吸拇指或橡胶奶嘴会对婴儿的牙齿产生什么样的影响。一般来说,牙医专家认为幼儿时期没什么问题。

28、Parents often wonder about what effect thumb sucking or sucking on a pacifier might have on their baby's teeth. Dental experts generally agree that this is fine early in life. ─── 父母经常担心吸拇指或者吸奶嘴会对婴儿牙齿造成什么样的影响。牙科专家通常认为这在早期是好的。

29、Description: Keira was crying for her pacifier while mommy forced her to say some chinese words.New teeth are coming out, so she is desperate for her dumdum. ─── 妈咪把可可含在嘴里的奶嘴拿走,要她说"阿公"、"阿妈"、"阿姨",结果她说得很不甘愿,最后的"阿姨"更是气到摇头不肯说了,因为她一心一意要她拿回她的嘴嘴!

30、Collective consciousness and the so-called public judgments and principles can crush individual opinions.Ultimately communications could be the pacifier for the public. ─── 这就是为什么大众传媒最终将成为平息公众声音的有力武器。

31、One of the things they can do is suck, and these babies would suck on a pacifier when hearing French. ─── 他们能做的事情之一就是吮吸,这些婴儿听到法语时会去吮吸奶嘴。

32、Give no artificial teat or pacifier to your breastfeeding baby. ─── 请勿给予正接受母乳哺饲之婴儿使用奶咀或其他同类物品。

33、"The highest level of evidence does not support an adverse relationship between pacifier use and breastfeeding duration or exclusivity," the study authors write. ─── 研究作者写道,最高等级的证据并未支持使用安抚奶最对于母乳哺喂期间或专一性有不良影响。

34、I need men playing pacifier very long long time, and then to moan loudly, if no conditions on the opening music, and then when the woman uncomfortable kiss her. ─── 我就非常需要男人玩奶头很久很久,而且那时就要大声呻吟,如果没有条件,就开个音乐,然后在女人舒服时吻她。

35、an innocuous or inert medication; given as a pacifier or to the control group in experiments on the efficacy of a drug. ─── 一种无害的惰性药;在药物功效试验中作为控制组或抚慰剂的药物。

36、When you can, remove the breast, bottle, or pacifier from his mouth and let him finish falling asleep without something in his mouth. ─── 当你可以的时候把乳头,奶瓶,橡皮奶头从他的口中移开不要让他嘴里含有东西入睡。

37、To Clean: Boil pacifier for five minutes before first use only. ─── 清洁:奶嘴煮沸五分钟,然后第一次使用。

38、Parents often wonder what effect find sunking thumb sucking or sunking sucking on a pacifier might have on the baby their baby's teeth. ─── 父母经常会疑惑吸允拇指或者吸允奶嘴会对婴儿的牙齿造成怎样的后果。牙科的专家一般同意在小时候这个是有利的。

39、It is unavoidable to have misunderstanding and tension with others during work and study. But humor can, as a "pacifier", inject a light note into the touchy situation to ease these problems quicker than angry words or quarrels. ─── 在学习、工作中,难免与他人之间出现误解和紧张关系,但幽默感作为“安定剂”可以给这种微妙棘手的情形注人一个轻松的音符,比愤怒的言辞和争吵能更快地缓和问题。

40、The main products pacifier pacify, pacifiers and other animals. ─── 主要产品为安抚奶嘴,动物奶嘴等。

41、She's not all grown up yet! The tot keeps company with her cuddly teddy and holds tight to a pacifier during a March trek around Vancouver. ─── 她还没长大!三月在温哥华时,这小孩带着软绵绵的泰迪熊还咬着个奶嘴。

42、Tom: I don't know. Maybe she wants her pacifier? ─── 汤姆:我不知道。可能她想要她的奶嘴?

43、Parents often wonder about what effect thumb sucking or sucking on a pacifier might have on their baby's teeth. ─── 父母经常担心吸拇指或者吸奶嘴会对婴儿牙齿造成什么样的影响。

44、newborn to eat the best breast, but also to prepare a bottle, pacifier, milk pot, as well as washing and disinfection with the bottle brush and steamer, and so on. ─── 新生儿以食母乳最佳,但也要准备奶瓶、奶嘴、奶锅,以及洗刷和消毒用的奶瓶刷和蒸锅等。

45、Parents often wonder what affect effect thumb sucking or sucking on a pasafier pacifier might have on their baby baby's teeth. ─── 父母通常都想知道吸吮拇指或吸吮奶嘴对婴儿的牙齿有什么影响。

46、CLEANING: Wash and boil pacifier prior to initial use. Wash regularly with hot soapy water and rinse well. DO NOT place pacifier in steam (autoclave or terminal) sterilizers or dishwasher. ─── 清洁:洗净并煮沸奶嘴初次使用之前。定期用热水洗净肥皂水和冲洗良好。不要将奶嘴蒸汽(高压或终端)消毒器或洗碗机。

47、The telly is a universal pacifier. ─── 电视是通用的使人安静的工具。

48、Isolation and Primer Designing of Microsatellite Marker in the Pacifi Abalone(Haliotis discus hannai) ─── 皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai)微卫星DNA的筛选与引物设计

49、My father gave my small hand a gentle squeeze, then tugged the pacifier out of my mouth. ─── 爸爸轻柔地握了一下我的小手儿,然后把安抚奶嘴从我的嘴里拨了出去。

50、a pacifier also may quiet the infant. ─── 橡皮奶嘴也可以安抚婴儿。

51、Ivan:That's cool! I want to get myself a pacifier and a cradle. I am sure I'll surprise everyone. ─── 伊凡:酷!我要买一个婴儿奶嘴和小摇篮。让每个人大吃一惊。

52、Humor helps us live in harmony with others because it can, as a“ pacifier”, inject a light note into the touchy situation to ease the problems quicker than angry words or quarrels. ─── 幽默可以帮助我们与他人和睦相处,因为幽默好比是安慰剂,在恼怒的情况下,注入轻松的语气要比恶言恶语更容易解决问题。

53、Step 2: Offer pacifier or thumb. ─── 第二步:给她安抚奶嘴,或者一个手指。

54、According to the provisions of the patent, the process entails securing a thin film to the inside rim of a pacifier or nipple. ─── 根据规定的专利,这一进程需要确保薄膜的内缘奶嘴或乳头。

55、Only those who know very aware of female talent pacifier role. ─── 只有那些非常懂得性的女人才知道奶头的作用。

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