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antiseptic 发音

英:[?nt?'sept?k]  美:[,?nt?'s?pt?k]

英:  美:

antiseptic 中文意思翻译



antiseptic 网络释义

adj. 防腐的,抗菌的;非常整洁的n. 防腐剂,抗菌剂

antiseptic 词性/词形变化,antiseptic变形

副词: antiseptically |

antiseptic 同义词

purifier | sterilizer | sterilized | sterilised | bland | antibacterial | cleanser | tame |disinfectant | sterile | pure | clean | insipid | uncontaminated

antiseptic 反义词


antiseptic 短语词组

1、antiseptic plaster ─── [医] 防腐绊创膏

2、antiseptic suture ─── [医] 防腐缝线

3、antiseptic agent ─── [助剂]防腐剂

4、antiseptic bath ─── [医] 抗菌浴, 消毒浴

5、antiseptic substance ─── [机] 防腐剂

6、antiseptic effect ─── [机] 防腐效应

7、antiseptic treatment ─── [化] 防腐处理

8、antiseptic action ─── 防腐作用

9、most antiseptic ─── 防腐的( antiseptic的最高级 );使用抗菌剂的;冷淡的;未受感染的

10、antiseptic putty ─── [医] 防腐油灰

11、an antiseptic room n. ─── 异常干净的房间

12、Dakin's antiseptic ─── [医] 达金氏防腐剂(外科用含氯苏打溶液)

13、Crede's antiseptic ─── [医] 克勒德氏防腐剂(枸橼酸银)

14、antiseptic sursery ─── [医] 无菌外科

15、Cred'es antiseptic ─── [医] 克勒德氏防腐剂, 枸橼酸银, 柠檬酸银

16、antiseptic gauze ─── [医] 消毒纱布

17、more antiseptic ─── 防腐的( antiseptic的比较级 );使用抗菌剂的;冷淡的;未受感染的

18、Lister's antiseptic ─── [医] 李司氏防腐剂, 氰化锌汞

19、antiseptic solution ─── [医] 抗菌溶液, 防腐溶液

antiseptic 相似词语短语

1、antistatic ─── adj.抗静电的;拮抗的

2、antisepticism ─── n.抗菌法

3、antisepticize ─── vt.杀菌,防腐

4、antisemitic ─── 反犹太主义的

5、antiseptically ─── adv.防腐地

6、antiseptics ─── n.[助剂]防腐剂(antiseptic的复数)

7、antisepticise ─── v.防腐

8、antisepsis ─── n.[医]防腐;消毒;抗菌

9、antispastic ─── 镇痉剂

antiseptic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Assessment and Application of Two Methods Determining the Bacteriostatic Effects of Cosmetic Antiseptic. ─── 两种方法测定化妆品防腐剂抑菌效果及评价

2、Respiratory: antiseptic, helps to expel mucus, relieves coughing, used for colds, flu, catarrh, asthma. ─── bronchitis, laryngitis 呼吸:杀菌,帮助排出粘液,减轻咳嗽,用作伤风,流感,粘膜炎,哮喘,支气管炎,喉炎。

3、We assure that all the food we produce don't contain antiseptic. ─── 我们生产的所有食品保证不含人造防腐剂。。

4、Sorbic acid is a new type of antiseptic and freshening agent for food. ─── 山梨酸是一种新型的食品防腐保鲜剂。

5、Its antiseptic and germicidal properties reduce redness, soothe inflammation and promote healing of damaged skin. ─── 并能消肿、杀菌、缓和发炎疼痛、促进受损伤肌肤之愈合,非常适合敏感皮肤。

6、It is advisable to apply an antiseptic to any wound, no matter how slight or insignificant. ─── 对任何伤口都应敷上抗菌剂,不管伤势是如何的轻微或微不足道。

7、Kit includes CPRotector, two latex gloves and one antiseptic towelette in a convenient carrying pouch. ─── 工具包括CPRotector,两副橡胶手套和一条杀菌的湿纸巾,是一个方便的携带的小袋。

8、For example,using antiseptic such as ACQ, CCA, AAC, CDDC, CTL, IPBC and so on to lengthen service life lignin material. ─── 例如,利用ACQ、CCA、AAC、CDDC、CTL、IPBC等防腐剂来延长木质材料的使用年限。

9、He nodded an antiseptic greeting. ─── 他冷冷地点头打了个招呼。

10、Any of several compounds containing chlorine and nitrogen,used as an antiseptic in wounds. ─── 包含氯和氮的化合物,用于伤口杀菌。

11、A trademark used for a silver-protein compound employed as a local antiseptic. ─── 弱蛋白银商标名称,作局部消毒用于蛋白银化合物

12、Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. ─── 由于苯酚对人体有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。

13、Pack a small first aid kit with plenty of antiseptic. ─── 包一个小急救箱用大量的防腐剂。

14、Commis:Right,I'll use an antiseptic to sterilize. ─── 厨房里所有的东西都应该消毒).

15、Tumeric is antiseptic, and keeps spots in check, while the fruit acid in orange juice clears blemishes. ─── 姜黄是防腐剂,可以控制黑斑,而桔汁中的果酸可以清除黑斑。

16、Efficacy: Purify air with antiseptic, antimildew and insect resistant function; leave clothing fragrant and bring charming scent. ─── 功效:净化空气,防霉、防虫;使衣物留有清香,带来迷人的芳香气息。

17、Because of its irritating efect on humans,the usse of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. ─── 因为对人有很强的刺激性,作为一种普通的防腐剂的苯已被大量停用。

18、They're doing tests to evaluate the effectiveness of this herb as an antiseptic. ─── 他们正在检测这种草药作为杀菌剂的有效性。

19、In the bathroom, I discovered a pair of hand-blown glass bottles used for storing antibiotic pills and antiseptic. ─── 在浴室里,我发现了一对装抗生素片和防腐剂的自制玻璃瓶。

20、He swilled his mouth out with antiseptic. ─── 他用杀菌剂漱口.

21、Nostradamus was well acquainted with the antiseptic quality of vinegar and used it a great deal in case of epidemic. ─── 占卜者非常熟悉醋的防腐效果,在疫病流行时大量使用它们。

22、Ancient cultures used the spice as an antiseptic and to treat cholera and bronchitis. ─── 在古代,辣椒还被用作防腐剂、疗霍乱和支气管炎。

23、The 2 bright skin water that make appliance has antiseptic and convergent effect, can counteractive acne is generated. ─── 2使用具有杀菌收敛作用的爽肤水,能反抗粉刺生成。

24、To benefit from its antiseptic properties, rub the neat juice from a crushed clove on cold sores, scratches, spots or fungal growths such as athlete's foot. ─── 利用它的抗感染特性,可将榨好的纯生蒜汁涂抹到唇边泡疹、擦伤、疮疹或真菌生长的地方如香港脚。

25、It"s also long been used as an antiseptic -- yep, that could be thyme oil in your mouthwash. ─── 它也很早就被用作杀菌剂----可能你用的嗽口水就有百里香油。

26、These are combined with astringent herbs such as myrrh and antiseptic herbs to heal wounds. ─── 具有止血愈伤、活血散瘀、排脓解毒、调经定痛、抗炎消肿等特殊功效。

27、It is antiseptic to inflammations, fevers, infections, wounds, sunburn, and burns. ─── 它能抗菌从炎症,发烧,传染,创伤, 晒斑,和烫伤。

28、An early champion of antiseptic procedures, Halsted introduced the use of thin rubber gloves in surgery (1890). ─── 他积极提倡无菌手术,1890年创用薄橡皮手套施行手术。

29、Ancient cultures used the spice as an antiseptic and to treat cholera and bronchitis. ─── 在古代文化中,辣椒被用作防腐剂、治疗霍乱和支气管炎。

30、Dimethyl fumarate is a new anti mildew and antiseptic agent with the best inhibiting effect on aflatoxin in food and feed. ─── 富马酸二甲酯是当前对黄曲霉菌抑制作用最佳的新型食品和饲料防霉、防腐剂。

31、A good alternative for non-flossers is an antiseptic mouthwash, but it will work best when combined with brushing and flossing. ─── 不用牙线就应使用抗菌漱口液,但是漱口液发挥最好效果的时候还是在刷牙和使用牙线之后。

32、Additional, in ultrasonic humidifier product, in cistern if Tu Youyin is ionic, can keep long-term and effective antiseptic effect. ─── 另外,在超声波加湿器产品中,水箱里假如涂有银离子,能保持长期有效杀菌的效果。

33、Also used as bleaching agent and antiseptic for wool, cotton, textile, chemical fabrics etc. ─── 同时也可用于织物、纺、织物、学织物的漂白。

34、A brownish-red crystalline powder, C14H15N3Cl2, used as an antiseptic. ─── 吖啶黄素一种用作防腐剂的红褐色晶状粉末,c14h15n3cl2

35、A brownish - red crystalline powder, C14H15N3Cl2, used as an antiseptic. ─── 吖啶黄素一种用作防腐剂的红褐色晶状粉末,

36、Put a little antiseptic cream on the grazed skin. ─── 在擦伤的皮肤上塗点儿抗菌乳膏。

37、Have extremely good sealed compatibility and antiseptic, protect and brake the system and metal part of clutch effectively. ─── 具有极佳之密封相容性及防腐性,有效保护刹车系统及离合器金属部件。

38、Cover the burn with an antiseptic dressing. ─── 在烧伤处包上无菌敷料。

39、She bought some detergent and antiseptic from a dyeing and cleansing store. ─── 她从一家洗染商店买了洗洁精和消毒剂。

40、The main traditional uses for patchouli were as a tonic. Patchouli has also been used as a stimulant and as an antiseptic. ─── 广霍香精油主要的传统的用法是作一种滋补品。广霍香也被用作兴奋剂和防腐剂。

41、An antiseptic version of history. ─── 历史的客观说法

42、She gargle with an antiseptic mouthwash. ─── 我喉咙发痛,得漱漱口。

43、Topical therapy with eardrops is as important as local care with cleaning, drying and antiseptic solution, ointment or powders. ─── 对于耳滴剂的选择,应视病人的耳道情况,选择合适且较不具毒性的耳滴剂,并配合耳部局部治疗的施行。

44、Ca-propionate was used as antiseptic agent to restrain growth of bacteria and mold. ─── 并通过添加丙酸钙作为防腐剂有效抑制了细菌和霉菌的生长。

45、Another time I drank antiseptic thinking it was soda, and I was really sick. ─── 另一次我把防腐剂当做碳酸饮料喝了下去,生了一场大

46、Purifying Function : Regulates excessive sebaceous section, antiseptic effect on acne and pimple skin. ─── 净化,控制油皮脂生产。适合于油性,粉刺,敏感的皮肤

47、She went into the kitchen and filled a bowl with warm water and a little antiseptic to bathe his wounds. ─── 她走进厨房,倒了一钵热水,加上消毒剂,准备给他洗涤伤口。

48、She went into the kitchen and filled a bowl with warm water and a little antiseptic to bathe his wounds. ─── 她走进厨房,倒了一钵热水,加上消毒剂,准备给他洗涤伤口。

49、The wound was carefully washed; then an antiseptic, tincture of iodine, was applied. ─── 伤口被仔细地清洗,然后涂上消毒剂和碘酒。

50、Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinues. ─── 为了企业长期生存,利润分析部必须长远打算,生产消费者认为有用的,或者非常需要的产品.

51、Compared the EETP with common food antiseptic its antibacterial effect is better in the food of the pH near neuter. ─── 与常用的食品防腐剂相比较,在近中性的食品中荸荠皮提取物的抗菌效果更好。

52、It is the first antiseptic to be used in surgery. ─── 它是用在外科手术上的第一个防腐剂。

53、It was used as an anti-infectous, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent and as a tonic. ─── 它用来对抗传染病,对抗煸动,防腐,而且还可以用作收剑剂和进补剂。

54、Ancient cultures employ the spice as an antiseptic and to treat cholera and bronchitis. ─── 在古代,辣椒还被用作防腐剂、医治霍乱和支气管炎。

55、The result showed that the antiseptic paper had good antimicrobial ability when the DS of CMCTS was about 1.02 and the dosage about 0.15%. ─── 实验表明,采用取代度约为1.02的羧甲基壳聚糖且用量为0.15%时,制得的抗菌纸对葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌的抑菌率能接近100%。

56、I tipped some antiseptic into the bucket and lathered my arms carefully. I knelt behind the cow. ─── 我把消毒剂倒进桶里,小心地在胳膊上打肥皂。然后在母牛身后跪下来。

57、Should the antiseptic agent povidone iodine be used in lactating mothers? ─── 1消毒剂(聚维酮碘)能否用于哺乳期妇女?

58、Nisin,which is a type of natural food antiseptic,produced by microbial fermentation. ─── 乳链菌肽是一种天然食品防腐剂,通过乳酸链球菌发酵获得。

59、Nostradamus was well acquainted with the antiseptic quality of vinegar and used it a great deal in case of epidemic. ─── 占卜者非常熟悉醋的防腐效果,在疫病流行时大量使用它们。

60、These days, its antiseptic properties make it a popular ingredient for cosmetics, soap, toothpaste and natural medicinal products. ─── 现今,它的防腐抗菌性能使它成为化妆品、肥皂、牙膏及天然医药产品的广受欢迎的配料。

61、Antiseptic solutions for central neuraxial blockade: which concentration of chlorhexidine in alcohol should we use? ─── 中枢神经阻滞时溶解于酒精中的防腐剂氯己定浓度应该为多少?

62、Use field: use for antiseptic film of the pipeline inside that carrying oilk,waters,gas,etc. ─── 应用领域:它适用于输油、输气、输水等钢质管道内壁防腐涂层。

63、He swilled his room out with antiseptic. ─── 他用消毒剂冲了房间。

64、The adhesive consists of dispersant,antiseptic,defoamer,crosslinking agent,liquefacient and some otheradditives. ─── 其组分包括分散剂、防腐剂、消泡剂、耐水助荆、交联剂和液化剂等。

65、Because of its irritaing effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. ─── 因其对人的刺激作用,石碳酸作为常规防腐剂的应用在很大程度上已经停止了。

66、Many clinical tests were inconclusive, probably because it had been used as a surface antiseptic. ─── 许多临床实验的结果之所以不确定,很可能是因为它是被用于了表面防腐。

67、Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. ─── 因其对人有刺激影响,苯酚用于作为常用的防腐剂已经很大程度上不再使用了。

68、Antiseptic: Any of a variety of agents applied to living tissue to destroy or inhibit growth of infectious microorganisms. ─── 人体消毒剂: 用于消灭传染微生物或抑制其在生命组织中发育的药剂。

69、During the First World War it was used as an antiseptic. ─── 在第一次世界大战期间,它被用来当作消炎药。

70、Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely disc...... ─── 人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。

71、Containing raw goji juice kept at normal temperature >90%, citric acid and protein sugar, without any essence, pigment and antiseptic. ─── 常温保鲜枸杞原汁>90%,柠檬酸、蛋白糖、不添加任何香精、色素、防腐剂。

72、A solution of iodine in ethyl alcohol,applied topically to wounds as an antiseptic. ─── 从威士忌酒精中提取的碘酒溶液,适用于伤口防腐用的药物。

73、Objective]To determine the bacteriostatic effects of cosmetic antiseptic,and to assesse the accuracy of the assay results. ─── [目的 ]检测化妆品防腐剂抑菌效果 ,并对方法进行评价。

74、Antiseptic Branch of Baotou City New Con. ─── 包头市新型建材有限责任公司防腐分公司。

75、The food we produce are guaranteed without artifical antiseptic. ─── 我们生产的所有食品保证不含人造防腐剂。

76、Why Antiseptic Wood is Popular in 2006 ? ─── 2006年为何防腐木材市场走俏

77、Does the serum egg whitening of health bit have antiseptic? ─── 康比特的乳清蛋白粉有防腐剂吗?

78、I put some antiseptic on the cut and it stung for a moment. ─── 我在割破的地方抹了点抗菌剂,一时间十分刺痛。

79、Nisin is a kind of savageness biology antiseptic and has the special characteristic of safe, high effect and savageness. ─── 乳酸链球菌素(Nisin)作为一种天然生物防腐剂,有安全、高效、天然等独特性能。

80、In the bathroom, I discovered a pair of hand-blown glass bottles used for storing antibiotic pills and antiseptic. ─── 在浴室里,我发现了一对用来存放抗生素药丸和防腐剂的人工吹制的玻璃瓶。

81、Before leaving the ward, he should wash his hands with the antiseptic provided by the ward. ─── 在离开病房前,要用该病房供应的消毒药水洗手。

82、The positive bacteria in the ointments with antiseptic could be found by the method of contrifugal precipitation for col lecting bacteria. ─── 含有防腐剂的软膏剂需采用离心沉淀集菌法,才能检出加入过阳性菌种的阳性菌。

83、With two gemicides. Double antiseptic efficacy. ─── 双重杀菌剂,消毒更彻底。

84、The condenser, easy to operate, isfeatured with its antiseptic performance and long duration with a reasonsble composition. ─── 具有结构合理、腐性能好,使用方便、久耐用等特点。

85、She gargled with an antiseptic mouthwash . ─── 她用具有消毒灭菌作用的漱口剂来清洁口腔。

86、The infection, which usually lasts about five days, is treated with Bed rest and antiseptic gargling. ─── 感染时间通常持续约五天。其治疗方法包括卧床休息和用消毒液漱口。

87、Meanwhile,the n-butanol extract,F1 and F2 had antisepsis effect for food,and can be developed to be a natural food antiseptic agent. ─── 同时,蝙蝠葛茎叶的正丁醇提取物和F1、F2对食品有一定的防腐效果,可以作为天然食品防腐剂开发利用。

88、In 1902 he made a fortune with his invention of the antiseptic Argyrol. ─── 1902年因发明人体消毒剂Argyrol而发了一笔财。

89、Of all leading non-prescription mouthwashes, Listerine Antiseptic is the only one accepted by the American Dental Association. ─── 在几种主要非处方漱口水中,只有利斯德获得美国牙医协会认可。

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