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ethmoid 发音

英:[[eθ'm??d]]  美:[[eθ'm??d]]

英:  美:

ethmoid 中文意思翻译



ethmoid 短语词组

1、ethmoid bulla ─── [医]筛骨泡

2、ethmoid bone ─── [医] 筛骨

3、ethmoid crest ─── 筛骨嵴

4、spheno-ethmoid ─── [医] 蝶筛的

5、ethmoid cornua ─── [医] 中鼻甲

6、ethmoid process ─── [医] 筛突(下鼻甲)

7、vomer perpendicular plate ethmoid ─── 垂直筛板

8、ethmoid sinus ─── 筛迷路

9、ethmoid air cells ─── 筛窦空气细胞

10、ethmoid notch ─── [医] 筛骨切迹

11、ethmoid fissure ─── [医] 上鼻道

12、ecto-ethmoid ─── [医] 筛骨侧块, 筛骨外侧部

13、ethmoid spine ─── [医] 筛骨棘

14、ethmoid fossae ─── [医] 筛沟(筛骨筛板)

15、ethmoid angle ─── [医]筛骨角

ethmoid 词性/词形变化,ethmoid变形

异体字: ethmoidal |

ethmoid 相似词语短语

1、ethnocides ─── n.种族文化灭绝(指对某一种族集团文化的肆意破坏)

2、ethmoids ─── adj.筛骨的,筛状的;n.筛骨

3、ethoxide ─── n.[有化]乙醇盐;乙氧基金属

4、ethmoidal ─── adj.筛骨的

5、pyrethroid ─── n.[有化]拟除虫菊酯

6、ethanoic ─── 乙酸的

7、ethnocide ─── n.种族文化灭绝(指对某一种族集团文化的肆意破坏)

8、sesamoid ─── adj.籽骨的;芝麻形的;n.籽骨,种子软骨

9、isthmoid ─── adj.峡状的

ethmoid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective To study the treatment of cerebrospinal aporrhinosis after nasal sinus operation, especially frontal, ethmoid tumor resection. ─── 目的探讨鼻窦肿瘤特别是额、筛窦肿瘤手术并发脑脊液鼻漏的治疗。

2、Method:46 patients with perennial allergic rhinitis were treated with anterior ethmoid nerve surgery. ─── 方法:观察行双侧筛前神经压榨术的常年性鼻炎患者46例的1、3、5、8年的疗效,并进行疗效比较。

3、ethmoid plate ─── 筛板

4、the transcranial-transbasal approach in which the clivus is reached through a bifrontal craniotomy after resection of the sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses; ─── 双额开颅切开蝶窦颌筛窦的经额-经颅底入路;

5、Transsphenoidal approach via single nostril and posterior section of perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone for resection of pituitary adenoma ─── 单鼻孔直入经筛骨垂直板后段经蝶入路切除垂体腺瘤

6、When disease involves the sphenoid, the sinus can be penetrated either intranasally or through the posterior ethmoid. ─── 当病变累及蝶窦,可以经鼻内和后组筛窦进入蝶窦。

7、Keywords Endoscopy;Ethmoid Sinus;Mucous Membrane; ─── 关键词筛窦炎;内窥镜;筛窦粘膜;

8、Clinical study on cauterize anterior ethmoid nerve to treat allergic rhinitis and vasomotor rhinitis with YAG laser under nasal endoscope ─── 内窥镜下YAG激光烧灼筛前神经治疗变应性鼻炎和血管运动性鼻炎的疗效观察

9、semilunar open of ethmoid bone ─── 半月裂孔

10、The bacteria isolated from middle nasal meatus and ethmoid sinus of chronic nasosinusitis patients and their correlationship ─── 慢性鼻窦炎患者中鼻道和筛窦的细菌学表现及相关性研究

11、3.Purpose: To report a case of exophthalmos related to frontal and ethmoid sinusitis with subperiosteal abscess. ─── 摘要目的:报告一个因额窦与筛窦鼻窦炎及骨膜下脓疡而引起的突眼症病例。

12、Clinical anatomy of ethmoid bulla and its clinical siggnificance ─── 筛泡的临床解剖学研究及其意义

13、The posterior ethmoid cells are easily identified as they are larger, wider, and fewer in number than anteriorly. ─── 后组筛窦的气房一般大而宽,在数量上也少于前组筛窦,容易确定。

14、The cranium, the upper part enclosing the brain, comprising the frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones, is globular and relatively large compared to the facial portion. ─── 盖住脑的头盖骨包含前沿、腔壁、枕骨、颞、蝶骨和筛骨。头盖骨呈球状,比面部要大。

15、Multiple anomlaies often lead to pansinusitis,of which maxi llary and ethmoid sinusitis were most frequently involved. ─── 多种解剖变异并存时往往同时引起多窦腔炎症,受累最重的是上颌窦其次是筛窦。

16、Objective To identify and manage the anterior ethmoid sinus overgrowth during dacryocystorhinostomy(DCR). ─── 目的 探讨泪囊鼻腔吻合术 (dacryocystorhinostomy ,DCR)中前筛窦过度发育的处理方法。

17、Histopathologic study of the ethmoid bone in chronic sinusitis ─── 慢性鼻窦炎患者筛窦骨质的病理学观察

18、We report a case of 40-year-old man who has small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of ethmoid sinus with invasion of upper aspect of right maxillary sinus and medial aspect of right orbit. ─── 我们报告一位原发筛骨腔小细胞神经内分泌癌的案例,肿瘤侵犯至右眼窝内侧及上颚鼻窦腔;

19、Cordes' ethmoid punch ─── 科德斯(氏)筛窦咬骨钳

20、Treating osteofibroma in ethmoid sinus by nasal endoscopy auxiliary image navigation ─── 影像导航辅助下经鼻内镜治疗筛窦骨化纤维瘤

21、Hajek's ethmoid cellulitis operating instruments set ─── 哈杰克(氏)筛窦蜂窝组织炎手术器械包

22、straight spoon type ethmoid forceps ─── 直锐匙型筛窦钳

23、The mucosa overlying and surrounding the defect is removed using ear surgery instruments. This exposes a 4-mm by 13-mm defect in the roof of the ethmoid. ─── 用耳用手术器械将缺损表面和周围的粘膜去除,暴露筛顶一4mm 13mm的缺损。

24、Keywords Endoscopy Posterior ethmoid sinus Postocular tissue proper Operative; ─── 内窥镜;后组筛窦;眼球后;手术;

25、Six months after ESS,12(5.0%) sides remained having nasal synechia,7 sides(2.94%) in middle tusbinate and lateral nasal-wall,3 sides(1.3%) in middle tusbinate and nasal septum,and 2 sides(0.84%) having occlusion in ethmoid sinus. ─── 术后6个月观察鼻腔粘连下降到12侧(5.0%),其中中鼻甲与鼻腔外侧壁粘连7侧(2.94%),中鼻甲与鼻中隔粘连3侧(1.3%),筛窦腔闭塞2侧(0.84%)。

26、There were statistical differences between the adult group and the pediatric group in ethmoid bulla hypertrophy and middle nasal concha etherealization. ─── 筛泡肥大和中鼻甲气化的出现率在成年组和未成年组差异有统计学意义。

27、Objective: To explore a feasible method and its significance of 3-dimensional reconstruction in nasal cavity and ethmoid sinus. ─── 摘要目的:研究鼻腔及筛窦三维重建的方法及意义。

28、Reciprocal Anatomical Relationship between Normal Ethmoid Sinus ─── 正常筛窦与蝶窦和视神经管毗邻关系的CT表现及临床意义

29、Keywords ethmoid bulla;ethmoid infundibulum;sinusitis;endoscopic sinus surgery; ─── 筛泡;前鼻棘;鼻窦外科;内窥镜手术;

30、Ethmoid sinusitis is frequently complicated in children by orbital cellulitis and abscess. ─── 筛窦炎在儿童中常并发眼眶蜂窝织炎及脓肿。

31、The tumor also extended to the frontal sinus and sella turcica.Nasal examination showed bulging mucocele from the bilateral ethmoid and sphenoid sinus. ─── 电脑断层检查发现在其双侧筛窦及蝶窦有巨大软组织佔据并且使双侧眼窝壁变形压迫视神经。

32、Objective:We observed 3-5 years follow-uip results of the patients with mucoceles of sphenoid frontal and ethmoid sinuses on the marsupialization using nasal endoscope. ─── 目的:应用鼻内窥镜对蝶、额、筛窦粘液囊肿的病人施行袋状化手术,分别随访3-5年,观察治疗结果。

33、Objective: To explore a feasible method and its significance of 3- dimensional reconstruction in nasal cavity and ethmoid sinus. ─── 目的:研究鼻腔及筛窦三维重建的方法及意义。

34、Vacher's nasal cutting and ethmoid forceps ─── 瓦切尔(氏)鼻咬骨及筛窦钳

35、ethmoid and turbinated bone remover ─── (猪头)筛骨和鼻(软骨)剔除器

36、Method 170 cases of allergic rhinitis were treated with ethmoid nerve microwave coagulation under nasal cndoscopy, 32 recured cases were treated with Chinese traditional medicine. ─── 方法在鼻内窥镜下用微波热凝筛前神经170例,随访一年,对32例症状复发者用中药治疗。结果近期显效139例(82%),有效19(11%),无效12例(7%),总有效率93%。

37、The skull base is identified, then the instrument is used to dissect the remaining ethmoid in a retrograde fashion. ─── 识别颅骨,再用器械后退式切除余下的筛窦。

38、Anterior ethmoid sinus ─── 前组筛窦

39、CT scan of the paranasal sinuses showed a huge tumor mass in the nasal cavity and ethmoid sinus and extended to the anterior cranial fossa via the cribriform plate. ─── 电脑断层扫描发现鼻腔及筛窦内有肿瘤,且经筛板向上延伸至前颅窝。

40、Objective : Provide image anatomy basis of the ultimate ethmoid sinus for the surgical approach via saddle area. ─── 目的:为临床开展鞍区手术提供一组最后筛房的影像解剖资料。

41、frontal sinus and ethmoid formation instruments set ─── 前额窦及筛骨成形器械包

42、ABSTRACT] Objective: To explore anatomical variations of the anterior ethmoid sinus in Chinese people and to provide reference for clinical management. ─── 探讨国人前组筛窦的相关解剖变异,为临床手术提供参照数据和资料。

43、Changes of maxillary and ethmoid sinus mucosa in patients with chronic sinusitis before and after functional endoscopic sinus surgery ─── 功能性内镜手术前后上颌窦及筛窦粘膜的改变

44、Keywords Anterior ethmoid nerve syndrome;Nasal endoscope;Etiology;Therapy; ─── 筛前神经综合征;鼻内镜;病因;治疗;

45、These approaches also provide ac cess to the sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses and the sella, and the medial part of the floor of the anterior fossa. ─── 同时,这些入路也可到达蝶窦、筛窦、蝶鞍以及前颅窝底内侧部。

46、Ultrastructural changes of ethmoid sinus mucosa of patients with chronic ethmoiditis ─── 慢性筛窦炎黏膜超微结构变化

47、Anterior cells of ethmoid sinus ─── 筛窦前小室

48、Objective To explore the effect of mending the perforation of nasal septum by shifting the mucoperiosteal flap and perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone under nasal endoscope. ─── 目的探讨应用鼻内镜下黏软骨(骨)膜瓣移位加筛骨垂直板修补中等以上鼻中隔穿孔的效果。

49、Objective: To explore a feasible method and its significance of 3-dimensional reconstruction in nasal cavity and ethmoid sinus. ─── 目的:研究鼻腔及筛窦三维重建的方法及意义。

50、Purpose: to report a case of exophthalmos related to frontal and ethmoid sinusitis with subperiosteal abscess. ─── 目的:报告一个因额窦与筛窦鼻窦炎及骨膜下脓疡而引起的突眼症病例。

51、posterio ethmoid nerve ─── 筛后神经

52、Keywords endoscopes;agger nasi;uncinate process;ethmoid bulla.; ─── 关键词内镜检查;鼻丘;钩突;筛泡;

53、His ethmoid bone was broken in the accident. ─── 他在这次车祸中筛骨骨折。

54、Maxillary ethmoid sphenoid sinus radical operation ─── 上颔筛窦骨蝶骨根本手术

55、According to the X-ray report, I can say that you are having maxillary sinusitis and ethmoid sinusitis. ─── 根据X线片报告,我可以诊断你患了上颚窦炎和筛窦炎。

56、Objective : To provide imaging anatomy basis of the posterior ethmoid sinus for endoscopic sinus surgery and basicranial surgery. ─── 目的:为了提供对内窥镜鼻窦外科及颅底外科手术更具指导意义的后筛窦影像解剖资料。

57、Method: To analyse eleven cases with cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, pituitary tumor, encephalomeningocele, sphenoid sinus cyst and ethmoid sinus tumor, were analyzed from 1998 to 2004 and beening followed up for 6 months to 6 years. ─── 方法:分析我科1998年~2004年间经鼻内镜手术治疗脑脊液鼻漏、垂体瘤、鼻内脑膜脑膨出、蝶窦囊肿、筛窦癌等,资料完整、随访时间为6个月~6年的病历11例。

58、Methods Various benign neoplasms from ethmoid sinuses were removed under nasal endoscope,these were 7 cysts,3 cases of osteofibroma,1 adenoma and 2 cases of osteoma. ─── 方法经鼻内镜治疗筛窦囊肿7例,骨化纤维瘤3例,腺瘤1例,骨瘤2例。

59、Initial penetration of the anterior ethmoid is performed inferomedially using Blakesley forceps. This avoids injury to the lamina papyracea laterally, and to the cribriform plate superiorally. ─── 氏钳向中下开放前组筛窦,以免损伤侧面的纸样板和上方的筛板。

60、Methods: Three-dimensional reconstructions of nasal cavity and ethmoid sinus were made by using spiral CT images and sectional anatomic data. ─── 方法:用薄层CT及断层解剖分别对鼻腔及筛窦行三维重建,比较两种方法的优缺点。

61、Objective: To study the anatomy of ethmoidal artery in the ethmoid and to provide instructions for endoscopic sinus surgery. ─── 目的:研究筛动脉在筛窦内的走行特点,为减少鼻内窥镜手术并发症提供解剖指导。

62、Keywords Dacryocystorhinostomy;Anterior ethmoid sinus;Overgrowth; ─── 泪囊鼻腔吻合术;前筛窦;过度发育;

63、Identification and management of the anterior ethmoid sinus overgrowth during dacryocystorhinostomy ─── 泪囊鼻腔吻合术中前筛窦过度发育的处理

64、Associated findings suggestive of polypoid expansion were infundibular enlargement (67%), ethmoid trabecular erosion (40%), ethmoid lateral wall bulging (35%) and nasal bone erosion (22%). ─── 相关之放射线学所见包括筛窦漏斗扩大(佔67%),筛窦小梁骨破损(佔40%),鼻骨破损(佔35%)及筛窦侧壁膨大(佔22%)。

65、1.Basal skull fracture with dural tear at cribriform plate of ethmoid bone and intracerebral cyst filled with air were found during operation. ─── 手术中发现颅底筛骨筛板处有骨折并硬脑膜裂开,及充满气体之大脑囊肿。

66、The cells of anterior ethmoid sinus were classified into three degrees, according to the relationship between the anterior ethmoid sinus and the lacrimal sac fossa. ─── 发现前筛气房与泪囊窝关系密切,气房侵及泪骨占87.5%;

67、The artery supplying thephiltrumand premaxilla comes from the posterior septalartery ,anterior ethmoid artery ,nasal alar artery and/or lateral nasal artery. 3. Normal palate is supplied bysix pairs of arteries. ─── 双侧完全唇裂的人中部和前颌骨的动脉来自鼻中隔后动脉,筛前动脉、鼻翼动脉或鼻外侧动脉。

68、To ensure ethmoid sinus and maxillary sinus orifice complete epithelization. ─── 保证筛窦腔和上颌窦开口手术区完好的上皮化;

69、The posterior limit of the posterior ethmoid is the skull base.At this point, it is more solid than it is anteriorly and serves as a reliable and safe location for its identification. ─── 后组筛窦的后界是颅骨,在此处,比前方坚实的骨质,可以做为确定后界可靠和安全的标帜。

70、Objective: To explore anatomical variations of the anterior ethmoid sinus in Chinese people and to provide reference for clinical management. ─── 摘要目的:探讨国人前组筛窦的相关解剖变异,为临床手术提供参照数据和资料。

71、Objective: To explore a safe, microtraumatic and effective theapeutic method when the ethmoid sinus invades orbital lamina and basicranial substance of bone. ─── 目的探讨筛窦骨化纤维瘤累及眶纸板、颅底骨质时安全、微创、有效的治疗途径。

72、ethmoid Unpaired skull bone on the anterior part of the neurocranium forming part of the nasal cavity and located above the vomer. ─── 筛骨不成对的头盖骨硬骨,在脑颅形成部份的鼻洞较前端而且位于犛骨上面。

73、The bony canal of anterior ethmoid artery could be divided into "cast" or "suspend in midair of the cast" type(58.2%) and carina or semicanal type (41.8%). ─── 筛前动脉骨管可呈管状或管状悬空占58.2%,呈嵴状或半管状占41.8%。

74、Schmithuisen-Pynchon ethmoid and sphenoid punch ─── 施-派二氏筛蝶窦咬骨钳

75、Watson-William nasal cutting and ethmoid forceps ─── 瓦-威二氏鼻咬骨和筛窦钳

76、Keywords anterior ethmoid nerve syndrom;headache;treatment; ─── 筛前神经综合症;头痛;治疗;

77、Basal skull fracture with dural tear at cribriform plate of ethmoid bone and intracerebral cyst filled with air were found during operation. ─── 手术中发现颅底筛骨筛板处有骨折并硬脑膜裂开,及充满气体之大脑囊肿。更详细。

78、Methods Since October, 2001, pituitary adenomas in 43 cases were removed via single nostril, posterior section of perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and sphenoidal approach. ─── 方法2001年10月以来对43例垂体腺瘤采用单鼻孔直入经筛骨垂直板后段经蝶入路手术。结果本组无手术死亡,平均住院时间1周。

79、Should be complete and the posterior limit of the ethmoid attained. At this point, the straight suction can be used to break through the bony division between the two sinuses. ─── 完成筛窦切除并到达后组筛窦的后界,在此处用可以用直吸引器将两窦之间的骨壁破开并以。

80、Ten of the mucoceles were in the sphenoid sinus,seven in the ethmoid sinus.Postoperative endoscopic follow-up period varied from 3 to 9 years. ─── 方法:回顾总结17例鼻内窥镜手术治疗蝶、筛窦囊肿及3-9年随访的资料。

81、Left ethmoid sinus ─── 左筛窦

82、anterior ethmoid nerve syndrome ─── 筛前神经综合征

83、Middle cells of ethmoid sinus ─── 筛窦中小室

84、Keywords Cyst;ethmoid sinus;Sonography; ─── 关键词筛窦囊肿;超声;

85、Metthods To be hard set the branch of anterior ethmoid nerve and the mucosa of turbinate by microwave. ─── 方法利用微波行鼻腔筛前神经分支及下鼻甲黏膜凝固术。

86、Methods Ethmoid sinuses of 250 cases were scanned transversally by MSCT with coronal and sagittal views were reconstructed. ─── 目的评价多排螺旋CT三维重建技术在显示筛窦解剖方面的作用,同时探讨筛窦解剖变异及其临床意义。

87、Semilunar hiatus of ethmoid sinus ─── 筛窦半月裂孔

88、Dissection is then carried posteriorally along the inferior border of the ethmoid to the lamina basalis.Through the lamina basalis lies the posterior ethmoid. ─── 接著向后沿筛窦的下缘切除筛窦至基板,通过基板即进入后组筛窦。

89、Maxillary sinus is the most frequent site of sinus aspergillosis.Infection of the ethmoid and frontal sinuses is uncommon and the sphenoid sinus is occasionally affected. ─── 摘要麴菌的鼻窦感染中以上颔窦最常见,筛窦及额窦次之,而蝶窦只为偶而感染。

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