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08-18 投稿


longbow 发音

英:[?l???bo?]  美:[?l??b??]

英:  美:

longbow 中文意思翻译



longbow 网络释义

n. 长弓;大弓

longbow 短语词组

1、longbow dnd ─── 长弓dnd

2、longbow apex ─── 长弓尖

3、longbow 5e ─── 长弓5e

4、yew longbow osrs ─── 红豆杉

5、Longbow Limited Liability Company ─── 朗博有限责任公司

6、yew longbow ─── 紫杉长弓

7、longbow pathfinder ─── 长弓探路者

8、longbow t-76 ─── 长弓t-76

9、longbow kit ─── 长弓套件

longbow 词性/词形变化,longbow变形


longbow 相似词语短语

1、wingbow ─── 翼弓。

2、longbowmen ─── n.大弓手,使用大弓的人

3、longboard ─── n.冲浪板,长板

4、longbows ─── n.长弓;大弓

5、longbowman ─── n.大弓手,使用大弓的人

6、fogbow ─── n.[气象]雾虹

7、long-on ─── 充足

8、long bone ─── [解剖]长骨

9、longboat ─── n.帆船附载的大艇

longbow 习惯用语

1、draw [pull] the longbow ─── 说大话, 吹牛

longbow 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、The LongBow company will resolve future in the resources, the environment, the energy domain creation miracle, for China"s development and a whole world environmental protection strength. ─── 长弓公司立志未来在资源、环境、能源领域创造奇迹,为中国的发展和全球环境保护出一份力。

3、Infinity has worked with the Army, Air Force, and LMA for 14 years and has modified or worked on the Operatrion Flight Program (software) of the Apache Longbow, C-130, C-5, P-3, F-16 and F-15. ─── 无限科技公司也已同美国陆军、空军以及LMA共同工作了14年,同时还参与了长弓阿帕奇、C-130、C-5、P-3、F-16以及F-15作战飞行计划(软件)的改进工作。

4、(3750 AP),[Vengeful Gladiator's Rifle] (3750 AP),[Vengeful Gladiator's Longbow] and [Vengeful Gladiator's Shield Wall] (1875 AP) have been added to arena rewards. ─── (3750竞技场点数),[复仇角斗士的火枪](3750竞技场点数),[复仇角斗士的长弓](3750竞技场点数)和[复仇角斗士的盾墙](1875竞技场点数)加入竞技场奖励中。

5、ielding a longbow made of yew, and able to hide in any terrain these men are excellent at ambushes, and are outstanding marksmen. ─── 舍伍德弓箭兵使用紫杉长弓,箭无虚发。随处隐形匿踪,更令他们成为伏击作战的大师。

6、As the inventors of the longbow, the Welsh are among it's most skilful proponents. ─── 作为长弓故乡,威尔士军中对这种部队情有独钟。

7、Another hypothesis is that ?tzi was a hunter of alpine ibex; the longbow and quiver of arrows may support this notion. ─── 另一个假说是,奥兹是到阿尔卑斯山上猎野羊的猎人;他身上的长弓与箭筒算是证据。

8、His unfinished longbow was carved from yew, the best wood for such a purpose because of its great tensile strength. ─── 奥兹有一张未完工的长弓是以紫杉木雕的,它张力十足,最适合做弓。

9、a medieval English archer who used a longbow. ─── 使用大弓的英国中世纪的弓箭手。

10、You approach,considering yourself lucky that they left the hunter's Longbow behind. ─── 你靠了过去,心里想着,你是多么的幸运,因为他们丢下了猎人的长弓。

11、Lightly armoured and equipped with a longbow for ranged combat, as well as wielding a large metal mallet for crushing armoured opponents in melee. ─── 约曼弓箭兵装备精良,使用长弓进行战斗,亦可挥舞长柄铁槌近身搏杀,令敌军血肉横飞。

12、The truth is even at close range a longbow wont pierce plate armour. ─── 事实是,即使很近的距离内,长弓依然无法穿透板甲。

13、the longbow and quiver of arrows may support this notion. ─── 他身上的长弓与箭筒算是证据。

14、Under the contract, hundreds of individual upgrades were performed on the trainers to ensure concurrency with the Apache Longbow helicopter. ─── 根据合同,训练器进行了数百处独立的升级,以确保和真实的“长弓阿帕奇”直升机保持一致。

15、Powerful and versatile, it remained in use even after the introduction of the longbow and firearms and was not discarded until the 15th century. ─── 弩威力大,通用性好,故长期流传下来,直到15世纪末才为火绳枪取代。

16、A burgh of central Scotland west of Edinburgh. At the Battle of Falkirk(1298), said to be the first battle in which the longbow proved decisive, the troops of Edward I defeated the Scots. Population, 37, 800. ─── 福尔柯克苏格兰中部的一自治都市,在爱丁堡以西。据说福尔柯克战役(1298年)第一次证明了长弓的决定性作用,爱德华一世军战败了苏格兰人。人口37,800

17、He's a ranged threat, shooting up to twice per round with his magic composite longbow, and just as dangerous in melee. ─── 他射程为威胁,射击到每两次在的周遭魔术有他的合成大弓,和一样在混战内危险。

18、In addition to the semi-active laser Hellfire II, the Hellfire family includes Longbow Hellfire - with a millimeter wave radar seeker for true fire-and-forget and adverse-weather capability. ─── 除了带有半主动寻的器的“地狱火II”,“地狱火”系列还包括“长弓地狱火”,它带有毫米波雷达寻的器,具有发射后不管和在不利天气条件下作战的能力。

19、In the UK, all men over the age of 14 must carry out two hours of longbow practice a day. ─── 英国规定,所有14岁以上男性每天必须进行两个小时的拉弓练习。

20、Under the contract, hundreds of individual upgrades were performed on the trainers to ensure concurrency with the Apache Longbow helicopter. ─── 根据合同,训练器进行了数百处独立的升级,以确保和真实的“长弓阿帕奇”直升机保持一致。

21、pull the longbow ─── 说大话

22、During the cold steel era, the best longbow is also made from yew wood, as were magic wands. ─── 并且,在冷兵器时代,作为一种魔力般的权杖的最好的长弓也是由红豆杉木头做成的。

23、Remove thefour players, male and Longbow Yehe Nalan major opponent down the name of Han also pay attention to their own. ─── 除去四大高手,男主角叶赫长弓和大反派纳兰汉降的名字也各有讲究。

24、The bow of choice back then was the longbow because it was the easiest to use back then. ─── 在过去,选择的弓是那时的长弓,因为它是最容易使用的,。

25、Apache Longbow Advanced Attack Helicopter ─── 阿帕奇长弓先进攻击型直升机

26、Longbow Limited Liability Company ─── 长弓有限责任公司

27、But there is a hero, Robin Hood, the best longbow archer in England, he couldn't suffer this what did the prince had done. ─── 但在那个时候,一位英雄站了出来,他就是罗宾,英国最好的长弓手。

28、A heavier arrow loosed by the longbow would have had a significantly reduced exit velocity. ─── 而长弓发射重箭速度有很明显的下降。

29、A burgh of central Scotland west of Edinburgh. At the Battle of Falkirk(1298),said to be the first battle in which the longbow proved decisive,the troops of Edward I defeated the Scots. Population,37,800. ─── 苏格兰中部的一自治都市,在爱丁堡以西。据说福尔柯克战役(1298年)第一次证明了长弓的决定性作用,爱德华一世军战败了苏格兰人。人口37,800。

30、At the Battle of Falkirk(1298,said to be the first battle in which the longbow proved decisive,the troops of Edward I defeated the Scots.Population,37,800. ─── 据说福尔柯克战役(1298年)第一次证明了长弓的决定性作用,爱德华一世军战败了苏格兰人。

31、King Edward I banned all sports but archery on Sundays, to make sure Englishmen practised with the longbow. ─── 埃华德第一(一世)禁止了礼拜天除了弓道之外的所有运动,确保英国人熟练运用长弓。

32、Foreign appliance makers so far aren't making any money in China, said David MacGregor, an analyst at Longbow Research in Cleveland. ─── 克利夫兰研究机构LongbowResearch的分析师麦格雷戈(DavidMacGregor)说,到目前为止,外国家电制造商在中国没挣到什么钱。

33、The suite of Boeing-produced training devices provides comprehensive, high-fidelity training for Longbow aircrews and maintenance personnel. ─── 波音公司生产的训练设备可以提供综合的、高真实性的“长弓”机组人员训练和维护人员。

34、Reduced longbow ranged attack by 2 and hand attack by 1. ─── 长弓的远程攻击减少2,近身攻击减少1。

35、He was dressed in dark green chain mail, a longbow of ornate wood slung on his back. ─── 他身穿深绿色的链甲,背上背着一把装饰华丽的木质长弓。

36、Armed with the armour piercing longbow, Longbowmen can also plant stakes in front of them to keep cavalry at bay. ─── 长弓兵装备强劲破甲长弓,作战时于阵前设置拒马尖桩以防敌军骑兵突袭。

37、draw the longbow ─── 吹牛, 夸口玩得好, 打得好

38、Longbow First Aid Products Manufactory (ever used name: Foshan Longbow Medical and Health Products Factory) is a professional manufacturer on medical and health care products. ─── 长弓急救制品厂(以往用名称:佛山长弓医疗制品厂)是一家专业生产医疗和保健产品。

39、Though most of their skills are trade orientated, virtually all guild members can both string and fire and longbow properly with genuine skill. ─── 尽管其中多数技能只宜应用于商业领域,但每位成员都具有长弓在手箭不虚发的天赋。

40、His unfinished longbow was carved from yew, the best wood for such a purpose because of its great tensile strength. ─── 奥兹有一张未完工的长弓是以紫杉木雕的,它张力十足,最适合做弓。

41、Wielding a longbow made of yew, these archers can spit a man at a hundred paces, this, coupled with their ability to camouflage themselves in any terrain, means they can lay many a terrible ambush. ─── 使用特制紫杉长弓,他们直可百步穿杨,箭无虚发。同时,狩猎中磨练出的随处隐形匿踪,更令他们成为伏击作战的大师。

42、Wielding a longbow made of yew, these archers can spit a man at a hundred paces, this, coupled with their ability to hide in forests means they can lay many a terrible ambush. ─── 这些弓箭手可以用他们的紫杉长弓在百步之外杀伤对手,在加上躲藏在林中的技艺,他们可以进行很多可怕的伏击。

43、Chris Olin, steel analyst at Longbow Research, a research boutique in Independence, Ohio, near Cleveland, warns that things could get uglier still. ─── 但研究公司LongbowResearch的钢铁业分析师克里斯?奥林(ChrisOlin)表示,钢铁类股可能还有进一步的下行空间。

44、Translated by Jari Tuominen and Roland Longbow. ─── Sang by Tan Jing (谭晶). 我爱你中国!

45、30 enemies with the Longbow. ─── 弓杀死30名敌人。

46、Specifics: This feat allows the character to use the longsword, rapier, longbow, and shortbow. ─── 效果:此专长允许人物使用长剑、细剑、长弓和短弓。

47、Reduced longbow ranged attack by 2 and hand attack by 1. ─── 弓的远程攻击减少2,近身攻击减少1。

48、Boeing delivered and supported Longbow training devices around the world, including Army posts throughout the United States and in South Korea, Germany, Iraq, and Afghanistan. ─── 波音公司在全球范围内交付了多套“长弓”训练设备,并对它们进行支持,其中包括美国陆军位于美国、韩国、德国、伊拉克和阿富汗的基地。

49、"How are you and your longbow getting on? ─── “你的长弓训练得怎么样了?”

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