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08-18 投稿


coalescence 发音

[ ,ko?'l?sns]

英:  美:

coalescence 中文意思翻译



coalescence 短语词组

1、coalescence time ─── 聚结时间

2、coalescence skill mhw ─── 聚结技术mhw

3、bubble coalescence ─── [化] 气泡聚并

4、coalescence theory ─── 溯祖理论

5、coalescence coefficient ─── 合并系数,并 ─── 合系数

6、coalescence effect ─── 合并作用;聚结效应

7、coalescence of droplets ─── [建] 小滴之聚结

8、coalescence 1 ─── 聚结1

9、coalescence skin ─── 聚结皮

10、coalescence rate ─── 聚结速率

11、coalescence efficiency ─── 并合率

12、coalescence in emulsion ─── [建] 乳化液之聚结

13、coalescence temperature ─── 聚结温度

14、coalescence of bubbles ─── 气泡聚结

15、coalescence point ─── 聚结点

coalescence 词性/词形变化,coalescence变形

动词过去式: coalesced |动词过去分词: coalesced |名词: coalescence |动词第三人称单数: coalesces |动词现在分词: coalescing |形容词: coalescent |

coalescence 相似词语短语

1、mollescence ─── n.软化

2、contabescence ─── n.衰亡;憔悴

3、opalescence ─── n.蛋白色光;[光]乳白光

4、coalescent ─── adj.合并的;接合的;n.联合;合并

5、acaulescence ─── n.无茎,短缩茎

6、calescence ─── n.渐增温

7、canescence ─── n.灰白色

8、convalescence ─── n.恢复期,康复期;逐渐康复

9、convalescency ─── 疗养

coalescence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The growth and coarsening of precipitates are take place by means of the coalescence between neighboring particles. ─── 两种有序相发生粗化以相邻颗粒碰撞并融合为较大颗粒的方式进行。

2、"an abnormal flattening or coalescence of stems, as in broccoli." ─── 不正常的紧贴或生长在一起的花椰菜的茎.

3、Keywords confining pressure;coalescence;interaction;failure pattern; ─── 侧压;贯通;相互作用;破坏模式;

4、Certain terms are used to describe the configuration that an eruption assumes either primarily or by enlargement or coalescence. ─── 原发性损害皮疹扩大或相互融合呈现的形状可以用某些特定的术语来描述。

5、They appear to arise either during births of black holes in the cores of dying massive stars or from the coalescence of binary neutron stars or black holes. ─── 它们似乎起源于濒死恒星的核心形成黑洞的过程,或来自于双星系统里中子星或黑洞的合并。

6、The phenomena of drops coalescence were studied in liquid-liquid circulating fluidized bed. ─── 对雾化液滴在液-液循环床体内碰撞-聚并现象进行了研究。

7、In addition, partial fat coalescence was too quick at HLB>9.At this time, coarse structure was produced and poor stability of foam was noticed. ─── 如果HLB值大于9,脂肪部分附聚太快,所形成的泡沫结构粗糙且稳定性差。

8、coalescence of eggs ─── 卵接合

9、formed by the coalescence of particles. ─── 将各部分结合在一起形成的。

10、Keywords emulsion;membrane;coalescence;demulsification; ─── 乳化液;膜;聚结;破乳;

11、Brownian motion;Sintered composite ceramics;Intragranular particle;Rotation;Coalescence;Shape change ─── 关键词:布朗运动;烧结复合陶瓷;晶粒内微晶;转动;聚结;形状变化

12、dislocation coalescence ─── 位错聚结

13、An abnormal flattening or coalescence of stems, as in broccoli. ─── 扁化不正常的紧贴或生长在一起的花椰菜的茎

14、coalescence in emulsion ─── 乳化液的聚结

15、A new mechnism of electric demulsification was proposed and the coalescence behavior of fine water drops in oil under electric field was discussed in detail. ─── 提出了乳状液内相小水滴在电场中的聚沉破乳机理,建立了间歇电破乳速率方程。

16、It is formed by the coalescence of the first three neuromeres in the embryo ─── 它是由胚胎时的前三个神经原节愈合而成的。

17、coalescence of droplets ─── 小滴的聚结

18、Enhanced Coalescence of Fullerenes in Bonded and Mixed C60+PVK upon UV Laser Ablation[J]. ─── 引用该论文 张军,赵利,朱雷,李郁芬,陈彧,蔡瑞芳,黄祖恩.

19、Mechanism of Coalescence Demulsification with Microfiltration Membrane ─── 微滤膜聚并破乳的机理研究

20、the act or process of concreting into a mass; coalescence ─── 使凝成一团的过程或动作;凝结

21、The tempering operation may be described as one of precipitation and agglomeration or coalescence of cementite. ─── 回火作业可以描述为渗碳体析出和凝聚或聚结的过程。

22、Keywords GSA;water shutoff;coalescence state;gel; ─── 堵水;聚集状态;凝胶;

23、Coalescence time measurement of two bubbles and its influence factors ─── 双气泡间的聚并时间测量及其影响因素

24、Keywords jetting fluidized bed with double nozzles;penetration depth;jet coalescence height;correlation dimension; ─── 大型双射流流化床;射流深度;射流合并高度;关联维数;

25、Percolation Description for the Early Stage of Void Coalescence during Dynamic Tensile Fracture in Ductile Materials ─── 延性材料动态拉伸断裂早期连通过程的逾渗描述

26、Keywords Liquid emulsion membrane;Extraction;Fermentation broth;Phenylalanine;Electrostatic coalescence; ─── 乳化液膜;萃取;发酵液;苯丙氨酸;静电破乳;

27、The average size of the bubbles may be increased and their number decreased as a result of bubble collision, adherence, and coalescence ─── 作为泡碰撞、粘附和合并的结果,泡的平均大小可能增加而数目则可能减少。

28、Keywords stratified two phase flows;liquid liquid dispersion;interfacial coalescence;laser particle image velocimetry; ─── 分层两相流动;液-液分散过程;界面聚结;激光粒子成像测速法;

29、The whole reaction process could be divided into six steps: the induction, spinodal decomposition, coarsening, coalescence and growth gelation and microvoid formation. ─── 低轮廓不饱和聚酯树脂在低温固化时的反应主要可以分为六大步:引发,旋节分离,(晶粒)粗化长大,连接和成长,凝胶和微孔形成。

30、Keywords Al-Sc binary alloy;dynamic recrystallization;subgrain coalescence; ─── 二元合金;动态再结晶;亚晶聚合;

31、The fat globule can take place partial coalescence over 60% only in whipping process,it made phase inversion of ropy whipped topping emulsions turn into stable solidity foam. ─── 只有在搅打条件下才能获得60%以上的脂肪球部分聚结率,使植脂奶油由一个黏稠的液体转变为稳定的泡沫结构。

32、coalescence efficiency ─── 并合率

33、Keywords emulsifier;hydrophile-lipophilic-balance;whipping cream;particle size distribu-tion;coalescence; ─── 乳化剂;亲水亲油平衡值;搅打稀奶油;粒度分布;部分附聚;

34、other process of droplet growth is by collision and coalescence. ─── 滴增长的另一个过程是各云滴间的碰撞和并合。

35、In the light of the dynamical analysis of microcrack coalescence, this paperpresents a statistical fractal modeI to describe the damage evolution of spailation. ─── 摘要 通过对微裂纹连接的动力学分析,提出了描述层裂损伤演化的统计分形模型。

36、holes coalescence ─── 孔洞聚合

37、new kind of ceramic filter media was utilized in the coalescence experiment of oil wastewater disposal. ─── 利用新型陶瓷滤料及其表而改性滤料进行石油废水的粗粒化试验。

38、Results show that three steps,i.e.mesophase micro-crystal formation,mesophase micro-crystal growth and mesophase spherule coalescence,are involved in the formation of mesophase. ─── 实验结果表明:中间相沥青形成经历了3个阶段,即微晶形成、微晶生长及中间相小球融并,前2个阶段是缓慢过程,后1个阶段是快速过程。


40、The rudiment of the Fabricius bursa develops from vacuoles between the dorsal epithelia cells of the cloaca,then small vacuoles coalescence to form a large vacuoles during E6 to E8. ─── 在E6到E8腔上囊原基由泄殖腔背面上皮间的小空泡合并成大空泡形成。

41、From stereo image matching, this paper presents a new fusion method for sequence image coalescence that can be obtained on the same position but different line of vision. ─── 从立体图像匹配的观点,找出定视点不同观察方向所获取的序列图像的重叠区,在对这些图像进行几何校正后用图像融合的方法进行图像拼接。

42、The coalescence processes of Cu-nanoclusters with different sizes and initial temperatures were studied by molecular dynamics simulation within the framework of embedded atomic potential. ─── 摘要在嵌入原子势的框架下,采用分子动力学模拟研究了不同初始温度、不同尺寸纳米铜团簇的并合过程。

43、It is also shown that stacking mismatch boundaries(SMBs) caused by the coalescence of GaN islands grown on stepped terraces of the 6H-SiC(0001) surface may be removed by stacking faults as the lm grows. ─── 6H-SiC(0001)衬底表面台阶引起的GaN岛合并在薄膜中产生边界堆垛失配(SMBs),而这种SMBs缺陷随着薄膜生长厚度的增加可以消除.

44、Keywords porous ceramic filter media;disposal;environmental pollution;ecomaterials;property of pore;coalescence filtration;photocatalysis; ─── 多孔陶瓷滤料;治理;环境污染;环境材料;孔特性;聚结过滤;光催化;

45、void coalescence ─── 孔隙聚结

46、On the base of the studies on oil removal characteristics of coalescence, the experimental study on treatment technology of polymer driver oil recovery wastewater is presented. ─── 在研究聚结粗粒化对石油废水除油特性的基础上,进行了聚合物驱采油废水处理工艺的试验研究。

47、The average size of the bubbles may be increased and their number decreased as a result of bubble collision, adherence, and coalescence. ─── 作为泡碰撞、粘附和合并的结果,泡的平均大小可能增加而数目则可能减少。

48、The same kind of reasoning can be used to explain vertical coalescence of bubbles in fluidized beds. ─── 人们可用同样推理解释流化床中气泡在垂直方向上的合并。

49、Keywords Cheap mineral material,Zeolite molecular sieves,Stellerite,Vitric tuff, Hydrothermal method,Formation mechanism,Aggregation,Coalescence,Crystal growth model; ─── 廉价矿物原料;沸石分子筛;红辉沸石;玻屑凝灰岩;水热法;形成机理;聚合生长;聚集生长;晶体生长模型;

50、propagation and coalescence ─── 扩展贯通

51、Carbon-inorganic sorbent was utilized as a new type of coalescence material in comparison with traditional polypropylene, ceramsite and activated carbon. ─── 将碳-无机吸附剂用作粗粒化载体进行废水粗粒化除油试验,并对比其它常用材料如聚丙烯、陶粒和活性炭的除油效果。

52、The act or process of concreting into a mass;coalescence. ─── 凝结使凝成一团的过程或动作;

53、coalescence process ─── 并合过程

54、Keywords enhanced oil recovery;coalescence;demulsification;spreading;film;mathematical model;combination flooding; ─── 提高采收率;聚并;破乳;铺展膜;数学模型;复合驱;

55、There was distinctly different behavior of voids' growth among these voids.The rapid growth and coalescence of a few big voids predominated the fracture process of the material. ─── 孔洞长大行为存在明显的个体差异,个别大孔洞的快速长大和聚合对材料破坏起主导作用。

56、A modern galaxy such as the Milky Way involved the coalescence of a million such building blocks. ─── 像银河系这类现代星系,是由上百万个这样的矮星系接合而成的。

57、Repeated coalescence and redispersion of two phases enhance the rate of surfacerenewal and obvious coalesing layers during the pulse stop serve to overcome thebackmixing. ─── 两相流体周期性地聚合与再分散能增强表面更新速率和有效地抑制返混现象。

58、The particle size distribution of the particulates and the rate of their coalescence were determined by using the Coulter counter. ─── 应用库尔特计数器测定粒度分布及粒径变化规律。

59、The other process of droplet growth is by collision and coalescence ─── 云滴增长的另一个过程是各云滴间的碰撞和并合。

60、Keywords reverse micelles;reextraction;soybean protein;kinetics;coalescence; ─── 反胶束;反萃取;大豆蛋白;动力学;聚结;

61、Eventually, our group began to coalesce with other anti-abortion groups.The coalescence gave us a stronger voice, but we also lost an element of control over the group's activities. ─── 后来,我们的组织开始联合其他反堕胎组织,这一联合使我们的呼声更具威力,但组织活动还缺少些许控制。

62、Combined with the parameters determined by experiment, internal recycling continuous flow reactor for coalescence was designed. ─── 结合试验确定的参数,设计了内循环连续流粗粒化反应器。

63、The act or process of concreting into a mass; coalescence. ─── 凝结使凝成一团的过程或动作;凝结

64、Formed by the coalescence of separate particles or parts into one mass; solid. ─── 凝固的通过将各分离的部分结合在一起形成的;坚固的

65、Discussion on the Structure of Building Enterprise MIS Based on Coalescence of C/S & B/S Mode ─── 基于C/S与B/S结合模式的企业mis结构探讨

66、On the other hand, it is inferred that the shorter migration length for the In atoms under high growth rate results in less prominent QDs coalescence. ─── 另一方面,我们也推论在较高的成长速率下,较短的铟原子迁移长度造成较不显著的量子点聚合效应。


68、Keywords Crude dehydration/ water solubility deemulsifying agents/ coalescence material/ wetting/ single drop/ hydrophilicity; ─── 原油脱水;水溶性破乳剂;聚结材料;润湿;单滴;亲水性;

69、The same kind of reasoning can be used to explain vertical coalescence of bubbles in fluidized beds ─── 人们可用同样推理解释流化床中气泡在垂直方向上的合并。

70、multi-crack propagation and coalescence ─── 多裂纹扩展和搭接

71、A void coalescence-based spall model proposed by Chen et al was used to simulate these experiments numerically. ─── 采用基于空穴聚集的层裂模型,数值模拟这些平板撞击致层裂实验。

72、Keywords crude oil emulsion;thin liquid membrane;bi-layer lipid membrane(BLM);coalescence; ─── 原油浮状液;薄液膜、双分子类质膜(BLM);聚并;

73、bubble coalescence ─── [化] 气泡聚并

74、Keywords tertiary recovery;oil in water emulsion;ultrasonic wave;particles;collision;coalescence;demulsification; ─── 三次采油;水包油乳状液;超声波;粒子;碰撞;合并;破乳;

75、In addition, a grain boundary is formed at the coalescence boundary of neighboring growth fronts. ─── 在相邻生长前沿所形成的合并界面处形成晶界;

76、Abstract:In the combustion process of diesel engines, the preliminary clusters undergo surface deposition, aggregation, coalescence,fragmentation and oxidation, and then form particle matters(PM). ─── 摘要:在柴油机燃烧过程中,基簇粒子经过表面增长、凝聚、枝接、断裂和氧化等过程而形成碳烟微粒。

77、coalescence resistance ─── 抗聚结性

78、Keywords glass;coplanar small crack;noncoplanar small crack;growth and coalescence; ─── 小裂纹;应力腐蚀;玻璃;裂纹演变;裂纹聚合;

79、The two surfaces of the composite coalescence plates separately offered good hydrophilic and oleophylic properties, therefore, the separation efficiency rised by 25%, the capacity increased 40%. ─── 复合聚结板的两表面分别具有良好的亲水和亲油性能,从而使聚结板式油水分离器的分离效率提高25%,处理能力增加40%。

80、As the pores grow, they connect to form elongate channels.In turn, similar feedbacks drive the coalescence of several small tributaries to form larger channels. ─── 当孔隙变大,彼此会连接起来形成狭长的通道,接著,相同的回馈作用使得接合在一起的小支流形成更大的支流。

81、The average size of the bubbles may be increased and their number decreased as a result of bubble collision , adherence, and coalescence . ─── 作为泡碰撞、粘附和合并的结果,泡的平均大小可能增加而数目则可能减少。

82、A new kind of ceramic filter media was utilized in the coalescence experiment of oil wastewater disposal. ─── 利用新型陶瓷滤料及其表面改性滤料进行石油废水的粗粒化试验。


84、The stability of any foam ultimately relies on the hindrance of bubble coalescence. ─── 任何泡沫的稳定性归根到底都依赖于阻止泡泡们的合并。

85、microvoid coalescence fracture ─── 微孔集聚型断裂

86、As expected, a preferential coalescence and growth of the mannitol granules from the blend of mannitol + A-TAB was obsered. ─── 同预计的一样,在甘露醇+A-TAB中甘露醇颗粒优先结合和成粒。

87、Keywords Skidded;Oily Water;Liquid-liquid Hydrocyclone;Coalescence Inclined Plate Sedimentation Tank;Multi-filter Media Filter; ─── 关键词撬装;含油污水;水力旋流;聚结斜板沉降;多滤料过滤;

88、Diffusional separation and coalescence processes ─── 扩散分离和聚并过程

89、With more advanced diseasethere is a coalescence of crypt abscesses and desquamation of overlying cells toform an ulcer that is limited to the mucosa and submucosa. ─── 伴随更多疑难的疾病,隐窝脓肿集结和覆盖细胞的脱离形成溃疡并仅限于粘膜和粘膜下层。

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