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08-21 投稿


concierge 发音

英:['k?ns?e??]  美:[k?n'sj?r?]

英:  美:

concierge 中文意思翻译



concierge 词性/词形变化,concierge变形


concierge 短语词组

1、concierge medicine ─── 特约医疗

2、concierge definition ─── 礼宾部定义

3、package concierge ─── 礼宾部

4、implant concierge ─── 植入门房

5、concierge city ─── 礼宾部城市

6、concierge md la ─── 洛杉矶礼宾部

7、eyestone concierge ─── 眼石礼宾部

8、concierge meaning ─── 礼宾部含义

9、concierge office ─── 礼宾部

10、concierge auctions ─── 礼宾拍卖

11、concierge jobs ─── 门房工作

12、accessory concierge ─── 附属礼宾部

concierge 相似词语短语

1、concern ─── vt.影响,牵扯(某人);关系到,涉及;使担心;n.担心,忧虑;关爱,关心;关心的事,负责的事;关系;公司,企业;(非正式)复杂的物体

2、converge ─── vt.使汇聚;vi.聚集;靠拢;收敛

3、commerge ─── 商业

4、concerns ─── n.关注;关注点;关注者(concern的复数形式);v.使关心(concern的三单形式);涉及;关系到…

5、concede ─── vt.承认;退让;给予,容许;vi.让步

6、concierges ─── 看门人(concierge的复数);门房(concierge的复数)

7、conceive ─── vt.怀孕;构思;以为;持有;vi.怀孕;设想;考虑

8、concert ─── n.音乐会;一致;和谐;vt.使协调;协同安排;vi.协调;协力;adj.音乐会用的;在音乐会上演出的

9、concerned ─── adj.有关的;关心的;v.关心(concern的过去时和过去分词);与…有关

concierge 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She was very pretty, she was the daughter of a concierge, which is not at all impossible when one is pretty. ─── 她非常美丽,她是一位门房的女儿,长得那么美丽,根本的太委屈了。

2、Mastiff Kennel outside firm isolation, and access to anyone through a concierge, the concierge is a surface disinfection blankets, concierge at the top of the ultraviolet light 24 hours exposure. ─── 獒园内外坚决隔离,任何人出入必须通过一个门房,门房的地表是一块消毒毯,门房的顶部是紫外线灯24小时照射。

3、One copy of this form will be forwarded to Concierge Desk. ─── 用车申请单的复印件将送到礼宾部柜台.

4、Online Concierge Chat: Subscribers can chat with a Microsoft Search Assistant online for help finding the technical resources they need or for assistance with non-technical questions. ─── Online Concierge Chat:订户可以与Microsoft搜索助手进行联机交谈,在联机助手的帮助下找到所需的技术资源,或者请求非技术问题方面的协助。

5、A previous Concierge experience in 4 star international hotel would be a plus ─── 4星级国际酒店礼宾部工作经验

6、When I asked for the key to the room, the concierge handed me several messages. ─── 当我要房间钥匙的时候,旅馆服务员递给我几张便条。


8、You must believe , The Concierge know everythings! ─── 明年想过去工作的酒店,景色的确不错!

9、Every time I pass the concierge's window and catch the full icy impact of her glance I have an insane desire to throttle all the birds in creation. ─── 每一回从看门人窗下经过并且被她恶狠狠地盯住瞧了个够之后,我就会产生一种疯狂的欲念,想掐死世上所有的鸟类。

10、"Mais, monsieur," the concierge pressed, lowering his voice to an urgent whisper. "Your guest is an important man." ─── “可是,先生,”前台接待员打断了兰登的话,压低了声音急促的小声说道,“这可是位贵客啊。”

11、It is no longer simply enough for a concierge to be able to book a restaurant table or a show. ─── 作为一个酒店门房,仅仅能够帮助客人预订一个餐厅座位或购买一张演出门票,已经远远不够了。

12、Entering the spacious lobby , you will find our staff from the Reception, Cashier, Concierge, and Tour Desk are all ready to offer friendly and professional services. ─── 当您踏入宽敞开扬的酒店大堂,全体训练有素的服务台、缴费处、礼宾部及旅游服务台员工即准备就绪,以友善的态度为阁下提供专业服务。

13、There is a fantastic and modern dumpling restaurant recommended by the concierge right around the corner, not to be missed. ─── 附近拐角处有家很棒的现代化的饺子店,这是礼宾推荐的,真的不容错过。

14、Three of them actually wrote to the viscount to tell him what had happened and to warn him that the concierge had lost his mind ─── 有三个人实际给子爵写了信,告诉他发生的事,要他提防这里看门人的神经失常。

15、Please go to concierge to keep your articles. ─── 寄存物品请到行李部办理手续。

16、Hilton Sanya Resort &Spa takes great pride in its Chief Concierge, Mr.Louis Mao, who is the first member of Les Clefs d’Or China working in a Yalong Bay hotel. ─── 在三亚希尔顿,有一位“金钥匙”奖的获得者,这也是亚龙湾所有国际酒店中的第一,他就是酒店礼宾部经理毛治。

17、Always cooperate with Chief Concierge about updating cities interests information directory ─── 经常与礼宾部的主管人员保持联系获取最新的城市信息

18、It is no longer simply enough for a concierge to be able to book a restaurant table or a show. ─── 作为一个酒店门房,仅仅能够帮助客人预订一个餐厅座位或购买一张演出门票,已经远远不够了。

19、I can ask the concierge to make some reservations.Then we can just pick up the tickets at the box office. ─── 我可以请服务人员帮忙订位,然后我们就可以在售票室拿票。

20、The concierge at the Cairo Marriott had laughed when we told him we were considering such a trip, and offered to book us a room on one of the Nile’s many cruise ships. ─── 听说我们打算做一次这样的旅行,开罗马里奥特酒店的服务员哈哈大笑,并主动表示可以为我们在一艘尼罗河游船上预订房间。

21、If there's anything else we can do for you, please don't be hesitate to contact our Concierge Counter at Ext. 6. ─── 如果有什么需要帮忙的,请与礼宾部联系,分机号码是“6”。

22、"I told you not to leave the boat, " the concierge said, glaring at us. ─── 礼宾员眼睛瞪着我们说,“我告诉过你们不要下船。”

23、"This is the concierge, monsieur. I apologize for this intrusion, but you have a visitor. Heinsists it is urgent." ─── “我是酒店门房接待员,先生。打扰您了,很抱歉,但是有位客人要见您。他非坚持说事情非常紧急。”

24、Roles &Responsibilities:The Online Concierge service provides assistance to customers via chat service. The Onl...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海微创软件有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2008-11-26

25、As I went into the dining-room the concierge brought me a police bulletin to fill out ─── 我走进餐厅的时候,看门人拿来一张警察局发的表格要我填。

26、Visitors and public can access Digital Concierge services via a mobile application which they can download for free into their own mobile devices from the Digital Concierge website. ─── 游客和公众可通过移动应用程序访问数码服务台,他们可以免费将相关服务从数码服务台网站下载到其移动设备内。

27、At a luxury hotel in Japan, for example, if you try to tip anyone from the wait staff at a top restaurant to the hotel concierge, your gesture will be perceived as a rude and flagrant show of wealth. ─── 比如在日本的一家豪华宾馆里,如果你给任何一位顶级餐馆的侍者或宾馆门房服务员小费,那么会被认为是一种粗鲁摆阔的行为;

28、The concierge staff can make travel arrangements, book theatre and restaurant reservations and plan local itineraries. ─── 服务人员会协助您制定旅行计划,预订剧院、饭店的座位,并安排本地的行程。

29、I cannot speak highly enough of the staff at this hotel. The manager, the concierge, the cleaner were all very approachable and made you feel very welcome. ─── 我都不知道怎么形容这家酒店的员工了。从经理到礼宾员,再到清洁工,都非常亲近,给人以极为热忱的氛围。

30、Should you need any information or assistance, please call Concierge. ─── 如果您需要任何信息或协助,请打电话到礼宾部,

31、Elysian Fields provides secure on-site parking and there is a 24-hour concierge service. ─── 宽敞的连接浴室设有加热地板和手巾架以及无雾的镜子。

32、"Mais, monsieur," the concierge pressed, lowering his voice to an urgent whisper."Your guest is an important man. ─── “可是,先生,”接待员赶紧打断了他,压低了声音,急迫地耳语道:“您的客人是位重要人物。”

33、You can keep your luggage at concierge counter in the lobby. ─── 您的行李可以放在一楼大堂礼宾部.

34、Chief Concierge will record the Transportation Order on a daily basis and it will be sent to Day Audit to be tallied against the charges/complimentary trips made. ─── 礼宾部主管会根据每日情况将用车单记录在案,并根据实际费用将凭单交给日审.

35、The Shanghai local staff, from front desk to concierge, were highly rofessinal and friendly. ─── 携程的价格包了两个人的早餐,丰富精致;

36、When Mr. James is staying in a U. S. hotel, he generally tips the concierge $10 to $20 a day, depending on how much he has used the service. ─── 詹姆斯在美国入住酒店时,一般每天给前台10至20美元的小费,具体数额取决于他享受到了多少服务。

37、The American Express Peninsula Concierge Service is here to assist you, whatever your needs, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. ─── 全日24小时,一年365日,美国运通半岛礼宾服务就是为了满足您不同的需要而设。

38、But the concierge was gone. ─── 可是前台已经挂断了电话。

39、The Chief Concierge or Bell Captain will confirm the limousine availability and will record the requests in the Limousine Reservation Log Book. ─── 礼宾部主管或行李员领班将确定是否有车,然后将客人的要求记录在用车日志中.

40、The concierge should be a one-stop shop. ─── 门房岗位应该是一站式服务。

41、Minimum 1 year working experience as a security guard or concierge in an office or residence. ─── 1年以上办公大楼保安或酒店行李员工作经验机灵、守纪律、尽心尽责。

42、But the fundamental change to the concierge desk has come about because of technology. ─── 但造成门房职业发生根本性变化的原因却是科技的发展。

43、Our fully trained Customer Service Officers now handle requests from owners and tenants as well as provide special customer and concierge services as from November 2002. ─── 我们一些已经全面培训的客户服务主任能够处理业主及租客的要求,并同时由2002年11月开始,能够提供顾客及尊贵的服务。

44、The Chief Concierge will assign drivers available at that time for the journey. ─── 礼宾部主管将安排一名当班司机驾车送客人到机场.

45、no need to interrupt the background music just to page the concierge. ─── 没有必要为了播叫看门人而把背景音乐停下。

46、The concierge can arrange to get you tickets to the ballet. ─── 旅店服务员可以帮你买到芭蕾舞的票。

47、Polanski rents a decrepit , barren flat from concierge Shelley Winters and landlord Melvyn Douglas . ─── 卓高夫斯基开始认为其他住客要他代替前租客的角色,逼他走上绝路。

48、The Chief Concierge or Bell Captain will then complete Transportation Vouchers for guests' signature. (or assign a Bellman to send Transportation Vouchers to guests' rooms for signatures if guests are in the rooms. ─── 礼宾部主管或行李员领班将及时填写用车单以便客人签名(如果客人在房间内,可安排行李员将用车费用单送到客人房间以便其签名).

49、Responsible for guest registration, cashiering, concierge, secretarial service at the Business Center, rooming g...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海越洋恒捷房地产开发有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-29

50、Concierge Service Scheme ─── 大厦管理员服务计划

51、Our concierge also provides information and services for car hire, email, express, medicine help, and baggage service. ─── 礼宾服务:可为客人提供出租车、邮件快递、医疗就诊协助、差使、行李等服务。

52、Responsible for guest registration, cashiering, concierge, secretarial service at the Business Center, rooming guests, h...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海越洋恒捷房地产开发有限公司工作地点:上海市静安区发布时间:2009-7-25

53、Set up safe, Concierge, market, cosmetology, etc. especially. ─── 特设保险箱、礼宾部、大堂清吧、商场、美容美发等。

54、I am familiar with the work of Concierge. ─── 我非常熟悉礼宾部的接待工作。

55、Let your concierge do all the work and then make sure to say thanks. ─── 一切都交给你的门房服务人员,并且别忘了说谢谢。

56、On the other hand, if you skimp on tipping at any restaurant in the United States or to a concierge who has helped fulfill multiple requests, you probably won't be welcome again. ─── 可是在美国任何一家餐馆,如果在用餐或者对帮助你完成了多个任务的服务生没给足小费的话,下次也许就不会受到欢迎了。

57、If the bread gets too sour he takes it downstairs to the concierge who, so he says, has been very kind to him. ─── 哪怕一点儿面包屑也不能扔掉,如果面包变得太酸了,他便拿下楼去给那个看门人,据他自己说这人对他一直很好。

58、Available throughout the year and on a seasonal basis (e.g. summer and Winter Interludes), Leisure Concierge is a collection of promotions designed to meet the needs of discerning leisure travelers. ─── 全年按季节(如夏季和冬季特惠)提供休闲礼宾服务,该服务包括一系列的促销活动,用以满足有品位的休闲游客的需求。

59、If the guest take the taxi back hotel inform concierge the taxi number, color, company name ,how many guest, guest name and pieces of luggage. ─── 如客人乘出租车,通知出租车公司名,车号,客人人数,行李件数。

60、Packages are available in all room categories, from standard rooms to suites and include a destination pack personally compiled by the hotel Concierge. ─── 从标准间到套间的所有类型房间均提供系列服务,且包括酒店礼宾部编辑的本地介绍资料。

61、Upon request from the Front Desk, Concierge or other Front Office departments the Guest Services Officer will store the valuable in the Front Office Safety Deposit Boxes. ─── 根据前台的要求,门房工作人员和前厅其他部门的员工将为客人在前台保险箱保存贵重物件。

62、Regina Taylor championed the creation of Concierge Services, an Internet-based system that helps home buyers manage related parts of the process, from furnishing to landscaping. ─── 泰勒拥护建立一个门户服务网站,可以满足那些在家的顾客看到陈列的商品,实现销售的过程。

63、To supervise all Concierge services by ****** sure that these services are available and carried out with the utmost efficiency. ─── 监督本部门所有对客服务的运行要发挥最大的功效。

64、Reporting directly to the Chief Concierge, the Bellboy is directly responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Concierge whilst on duty. ─── 直接向礼宾司汇报工作。在当班期间,行李员要负责礼宾部日常的工作。

65、Her first startup in 1981 began as a concierge service for working executives, but business was sporadic. ─── 她的第一次创业是在1981年,那时她为那些经理人员做接待服务,但生意寥寥。

66、Office Manager at Holiday Inn Shanghai (soft &grand opening ) with direct in charge of Concierge, Reception, and Assistant Manager. ─── 上海银星皇冠假日酒店前厅部副经理,责任范围包括前台,礼宾,大堂经理。

67、Concierge recommends restaurant and provides directions ─── 推荐饭店并指路

68、As expected, it was the concierge. ─── 不出所料,正是门房接待员。

69、Other administrative work ,such as document archives, concierge policy, fire protection safety management, sanitary control,printing management. ─── 其他公司行政管理工作,如档案管理,门卫,消防安全,卫生管理,印刷管理等

70、To lure new hires, it has boosted benefits -- including a concierge service for employees too busy to run errands . ─── 为了能吸引新人加盟,安永已经提高了福利待遇,比如当员工太忙无暇外出跑腿时,公司可以提供侍从服务,专门为员工跑腿办事。

71、"We made this special plan for couples who would like to have a special and memorable Christmas," said concierge Hiromi Koshikawa. ─── 宾馆管理员甑洋美说,“圣诞套房是为那些想共度一个特别而难忘的圣诞节的情侣们专门准备的。”

72、If is the VIP guest check out , the bellboy informs the concierge to prepare the hotel limousine or taxi. The bellboy must sell hotel transportation in a courteous. ─── 如果是VIP客人离店,行李员及时通知问讯处准备好酒店轿车等待客人。

73、Job Summary:To efficiently manage the long and short-term operation of the front desk, concierge, Drivers, Executive Lou...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京首都机场希尔顿酒店工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-7-29

74、Hotel taxi and car rentals are 24 hour avaliable at your service .Please contact with the Concierge Desk . ─── 宾馆总台24小时随时为您提供租车、包车服务。

75、Intent on avoiding a long commute, Heather Hedden, a Raleigh, N.C., marketing specialist, spent a year looking for her current spot, as a home-based concierge for VIPdesk, Alexandria, Va. ─── 为了避开长途上下班的麻烦,北卡罗来纳州的营销专员海登(HeatherHedden)花了一年的时间才找到了现在的这份工作,为弗吉尼亚州的VIPdesk当起了在家工作的管理员。

76、NYC hotel uses sleep concierge ─── 纽约旅馆特聘守眠人

77、Every morning, the Chief Concierge will review all limousine bookings for next day for arranging drivers' duty roaster. ─── 每天早上,礼宾部主管检查第二天订车单来安排司机的排班表.

78、Guest asks concierge on how to get to the Olympics main stadium ─── 奥运会会场交通

79、Mammoth VIP Service - Information about their concierge, vacation and event planning services. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

80、Concierge Group can also provide you with mail delivery, buy things, outside repairs, etc.Car Valet Service. ─── 礼宾组还可为您提供邮件派送、外买、外修、代客租车等综合服务。

81、Asking concierge to hold a package for pick-up ─── 保管包等人来取

82、I love talking and helping people so I thought ‘why not a woman concierge? ─── 我喜欢交流,喜欢帮助别人,所以我想,‘为什么不做个女门房呢?'”

83、He is a concierge at a five-star hotel. ─── 他是一个五星级饭店的大厅副理。

84、“Our concierge staff get the same training as our front-of-house people,” he says. ─── “我们的门房员工与前台员工接受同样的培训。

85、The concierge medical advisor is able to provide a preliminary assessment that will point in the direction of the right doctor or hospital. ─── 导医顾问能为病人提供初步诊断,并为他们提供合适的医生或医院选择。

86、Citi Prestige card members around the world can tap into their global concierge through a single point of contact. ─── 世界各地的花旗威望卡会员可以通过单一联系点进入其全球礼宾服务。

87、Airport shuttle bus service, Foreign currency and exchange, Laundry Valet, Safe deposit box - front desk, Concierge and tours arrangement service ─── 来往机场穿梭巴士,外币找换,洗衣服务,接待处保俭箱,保管物件和旅游服务安排

88、Hotel concierge ─── 旅馆看门人

89、“We have put a lot of thought into how we can improve our corporate customers' experience at the ground and we are sure that touches like valet parking and concierge services will be attractive. ─── “我们对改进客户使用场馆的经验费尽心思,我们肯定像代客停车和门房服务这样独到的东西是很有吸引力的。”





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