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09-13 投稿


Rhine 发音

英:[ra?n]  美:[ra?n]

英:  美:

Rhine 中文意思翻译



Rhine 网络释义

n. 莱茵河(位于欧洲西部)

Rhine 词性/词形变化,Rhine变形


Rhine 短语词组

1、Confederation of the Rhine ─── 莱茵河联邦

2、Joseph Banks Rhine ─── [网络] 约瑟夫班克斯莱茵;莱因;美国杜克大学的莱恩博士

3、Rhine River ─── [网络] 莱茵河;莱茵河波影;莱茵河岸

4、North Rhine-Westphalia ─── 北莱因-威斯特伐利亚(德国地名)

5、Rhine wine ─── 莱茵白葡萄酒

6、rhine duck ─── 莱茵鸭

7、rhine gorge ─── 莱茵河峡谷

8、Rhine Province ─── 莱茵省 (原德国普鲁士的省, 即今德国的北 ─── 莱茵—威斯特法伦州和 ─── 莱茵兰—普法耳次州)[亦称作Rhineland, 德语Rheinland]

9、rhine river cruises ─── 莱茵河游轮

10、rhine river cruises 2021 ─── 莱茵河游轮2021

11、J. B. Rhine ─── [网络] 莱因

12、rhine lab ─── 莱茵实验室

Rhine 相似词语短语

1、whine ─── vi.发牢骚;哭诉;嘎嘎响;发呜呜声;vt.哀诉;n.抱怨;牢骚;哀鸣

2、rhino ─── n.犀牛(等于rhinoceros);钱;现金

3、errhine ─── n.引涕药;催嚏剂;adj.催嚏的;引涕的

4、shine ─── vi.发出光;反射光,闪耀;出类拔萃,表现突出;露出;照耀;显露;出众;vt.照射,擦亮;把…的光投向;(口)通过擦拭使…变得有光泽或光;n.光亮,光泽;好天气;擦亮;晴天;擦皮鞋;鬼把戏或诡计;n.(英)夏因(人名);(日)新荣(人名)

5、chine ─── n.脊骨;脊柱;n.(Chine)(柬)郑(人名)

6、rhinal ─── adj.鼻腔的;鼻的

7、thine ─── pron.你的;你的东西,你的家属(或有关的人)

8、rhin- ─── n.(法)莱茵河

9、Rhine ─── n.莱茵河(位于欧洲西部)

Rhine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Why defend a plain that had no fortifications when German's biggest river, the Rhine, was at your back? ─── 德国最大的河流莱茵河就在身后的时候,为什么要防守一片无要塞筑垒之平原?

2、Considering its connotations,the Rhine Model is rational in some aspects to some extent. ─── 从莱茵模式的内涵看,它在经济和社会方面都具有一定的合理性。

3、In the trading of stocks, the Rhine biological concern, especially to attract investors. ─── 在涨停的个股中,莱茵生物尤为吸引投资者的关注。

4、Many regions such as the Rhine and Loire valleys of Europe are well known for their fine wines, and derive a significant portion of their economy from wine making. ─── 在许多地方,如欧洲的莱茵河和卢瓦尔河流域(两者皆以酿造美酒著称),酿酒已成当地经济重要组成部分。

5、He was involved in the D-Day landings, on the battlefronts of Normandy, and in crossing the Rhine with the Canadians. ─── 他参与"开始进攻日"的登陆,到过诺曼底的战争前沿,并曾随加拿大军队横渡莱茵河。

6、Qidong known as a "North Rhine Shanghai Jiang wind" that was hailed as "water pearl. ─── 启东素有“江风海韵北上海”之称,被誉为“江海明珠”。

7、The cultures of Rome and the tribes north of the Rhine, even if they had not mixed before, must have done then. ─── 罗马与莱茵河以北的那些部落之间文化的交叉融合即使在之前没有发生过,在当时当刻必定是已经开始了的。

8、Currants have also been used for wine, said by some to be similar in flavor to Graves or Rhine wines. ─── 珍品,也被用于酿酒,有些人说类似的味道冢或莱茵葡萄酒。

9、Emperor of Rome( a.d.270-275) who held the barbarians in check beyond the Rhine River and regained Britain,Gaul,Spain,Syria,and Egypt for the empire. ─── 奥理安罗马皇帝(公元270年-275年),统率未开化人越过莱茵河并为其帝国重新夺回英国、高卢、西班牙、叙利亚和埃及。

10、Eisenhower, prodded by Montgomery, had then agreed to a bold plan to seize a bridgehead over the Lower Rhine at Arnhem and thus obtain a position from which the Siegfried Line could be outflanked on the north. ─── 在蒙哥马利的催促下,艾森豪威尔这时同意采取一项大胆计划:在莱因河下游的阿纳姆夺取一个桥头堡,以此为立足点,从北面包抄齐格菲防线。

11、By March 7, the company was in Krefeld, on the banks of the Rhine. ─── 到3月7日,K连进入莱茵河边克里福德镇。

12、NATO leaders will begin today's ceremonies by walking over a footbridge across the Rhine, a symbol of the unity and peace in Europe that NATO has helped to defend. ─── 北约领导人将走过一座横跨莱茵河的步行桥以开始今天的庆祝活动,这是北约联合并协助守卫欧洲和平的象征。

13、As night falls over the Rhine, the Altstadt springs to life: jazz clubs and discos open their doors, restau rants are filled with conversation and laughter and the local Altbier flows from countless pumps. ─── 当夜幕降临菜茵河岸的时侯,阿尔特斯塔特古城突然间充满了生机:爵士乐俱乐部和迪斯科舞厅开门营业,餐馆里充满了欢声笑语,当地酿造的阿尔特啤酒从无数啤酒桶中流出。

14、He planned to conquer Germany beyond the Rhine and to lead an expedition to Persia, but these ambitious plans remained no more than dreams. ─── 他还打算攻打莱茵河对岸的德意志,并派兵远征波斯,但是这些雄心勃勃的计划仍然只是他的梦想而已。

15、The order was already being carried out in the case of the unfortunate commanders at one of the Rhine bridges. ─── 守卫莱因河的一座桥的不幸的指挥官就成了这道命令的牺牲者。

16、Fashion Poly bangle with rhine stones, sold very hot in market hope you are interested... ─── 发布者:滕冬娟所在地:浙江金华市行业:礼品、工艺品、饰品职位:业务主管工作年限:二年以上

17、American troops are still on the banks of the Rhine, along the DMZ in Korea and in Okinawa. ─── 如果发展它的经济束缚,平静的适度的,同时慢慢的增加它的影响,以慢慢消耗美国的耐心和耐力怎么办?

18、His armies were defeated, and he ceded the left bank of the Rhine to France in exchange for Venetia and Dalmatia. ─── 吃了败仗之后,他为了换回维也纳和达尔马提亚,他又割让了莱茵河左岸给法国。

19、The south by the Rhine, Maas, Schelde River delta connected. ─── 南部由莱茵河、马斯河、斯海尔德河的三角洲连接而成。

20、If necessary we'll fight on the Rhine. ─── 必要时我们将在莱因河作战。

21、Once over the Roer there was open, relatively flat ground between the Americans and the Rhine. ─── 一旦突破罗尔河,莱茵河与美军之间就是平原。

22、The TUV Rheinland Group was founded in 1872, on the banks of the Rhine in Germany. ─── 1872年,德国莱茵TUV集团创立于德国的莱茵河畔。

23、Rhine empties into the North Sea. ─── 莱茵河注入北海。

24、After losing three entire legions in the dense German forests, Augustus and his successors decided to establish a boundary along the western side of the Rhine. ─── 在手下三个军团全部丧生于德国密林之中后,奥古斯都及其继任者决定沿莱茵河以西划出一条边界线。

25、Flood-risk Management Strategies for an Uncertain Future: Living with Rhine River Floods in the Netherlands? ─── 为不确定的未来实施洪水风险管理战略:荷兰,与莱茵河洪水共生存?

26、The early warning and alarm system is especially important to highly industrialized basins (for example, The Rhine and The Danube). ─── 对于工业化程度高的流域(如莱茵河和多瑙河),早期预警系统尤为重要。

27、From the establishment of our corporation, we have much pleasure to provide our professional service of Rhine Life Water System to many expensive residence such as villas and apartment and received high comment from all customers. ─── 公司自成立以来,已为众多的别墅、寓等高级住宅设计安装了莱茵生活水系统,受到客户的一致好评。

28、Located on the river Rhine - where Switzerland, France and Germany meet - Basel is easy to reach. ─── 处于莱茵河畔,巴塞尔瑞士,法国和德国的交接口,所以很容易到达。

29、The terrace high above the Rhine behind the Cathedral offers a magnificent view over the Old Town. ─── 位于教堂后面莱茵河上方的平台上,老城的美丽风光尽收眼底。

30、I stopped here for lunch. It's really pleasant to picnic between a castle and the Rhine. ─── 在这边停下来吃午餐,在莱因河及城堡之间野餐真是一大享受!

31、Upper middle Rhine Valley,Germany. ─── 德国莱茵河谷中上段。

32、But there are still the sternest challenges facing Rhine the alliance now lies thousand lie thousands of miles away in Afghanistan, the . ─── 但是联盟所要面对的最严峻的挑战正位于几千公里之外的阿富汗。

33、Under the command of Julius Caesar, they took Gaul and all of Europe west of the Rhine. ─── 在凯撒大帝的统率下,他们又攻占了高卢和莱茵河以西的整个欧洲。

34、Main Attractions: Rhine Falls, precious stones town, Bern City, Chillon Castle, Lake Geneva, Montreux and other summer resorts. ─── 主要景点:莱茵河瀑布、宝石小镇、伯尔尼城区、西庸城堡、日内瓦湖、避暑胜地蒙特勒等。

35、The special quality of Rhine Riesling relies on a mix of cool nights and warm days for slow ripening. ─── 凉爽的夜晚和温暖的白天让葡萄慢慢成熟,是莱茵雷司令特殊品质的来源。

36、Emperor of Rome( a.d.270-275) who held the barbarians in check beyond the Rhine River and regained Britain, Gaul, Spain, Syria, and Egypt for the empire. ─── 奥理安罗马皇帝(公元270年-275年),统率未开化人越过莱茵河并为其帝国重新夺回英国、高卢、西班牙、叙利亚和埃及

37、Wellington' s army entered France from the south while the forces of Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden attacked across the Rhine. ─── 威灵顿的军队从南部进入法国,而俄国、普鲁士、奥地利和瑞士跨过莱茵河作战。

38、A city of west-central Germany at the confluence of the Rhine and Ruhr rivers. It is a major inland port and a steel-producing center. Population, 522,829. ─── 多伊士堡:德国中西部城市,位于莱茵河与鲁尔河汇流处,是主要的内陆港口和钢铁生产中心,人口522,829

39、West was then exposed to the more volatile tribal Germanic peoples on a frontier that stretched along the Rhine and Danube rivers for 1,000 miles. ─── 当时,德国西部的边境沿着莱茵河和多瑙河延伸了1000英里,暴露在边境处变得更加动荡不安的日耳曼部落之下。

40、Located east of the Rhine River, between the towns of Karlsruhe, Germany and Basel, Switzerland, Black Forest offers areas jam-packed with evergreens and open farmland. ─── 位于莱茵河东岸,德国的卡尔斯鲁厄和瑞士的巴塞尔之间的这片黑森林给予这些地区四季常绿的树木和开阔的耕地。

41、The four trans-boundary rivers (The Rhine and The Danube in Europe, The La Plata in South America and The Mekong in Southeast Asia)were exemplified to describe the modern monitoring methodologies. ─── 以4条跨界河流[欧洲的莱茵河(Rhine)和多瑙河(Danube)、南美的拉普拉塔河(La Plata)、东南亚的湄公河(Mekong)]为例阐述了现代意义的监测方法学。

42、They danced in their misery because people living along the Rhine and Moselle rivers had a longstanding fear of devils and saints who inflicted a terrible, compulsive dance. ─── 他们痛苦地跳着舞,因为生活在莱茵河与摩泽尔河畔的人们对魔鬼和圣徒有种为时甚久的恐惧,这些魔鬼和圣徒都是被施以了可怕的舞蹈瘾。

43、By the end of the month the British and Americans had reached the Rhine at several places north of Duesseldorf, and a fortnight later they had firm possession of the left bank from the Moselle River northward. ─── 到2月底,英美军队在杜塞尔道夫以北好几个地方进抵莱因河。 两个星期以后,他们已经牢牢控制了摩泽尔河以北的莱因河左岸。

44、In the lower Rhine, it was once customary to play cards frenziedly until the stroke of midnight. ─── 在莱茵河下游,过去人们疯狂地玩牌直至午夜钟声敲响。

45、Basel:a city of northern Switzerland on the Rhine River. It is one of the oldest intellectual centers in Europe. ─── 巴塞尔:瑞士西北部一城市,位于莱茵河畔,是欧洲最古老的文化中心。

46、Afterwards, the Thames and Scheldt flowed through the gap into the English Channel, but the Meuse and Rhine still flowed northwards. ─── 在此后,泰晤士河及斯海尔德河流经山口到英伦海峡,但马士河与莱茵河流向仍然向北。

47、The Rheinland Group was founded in 1872, on the banks of the Rhine in Germany . ─── 1872年,德国莱茵集团创立于德国的莱茵河畔。

48、If necessary we'll fight on the Rhine, it doesn't make any difference. ─── 必要时我们将在莱因河作战,这没有什么了不起。

49、Rhine's experiments at Duke University in the 1930s to Daryl J. ─── Rhine)所做的实验,到1990年代贝姆(DaryJ.

50、It was about this time that "Melanchthon hastily conducted through the streets of Spires toward the Rhine his friend Simon Grynaeus, pressing him to cross the river. ─── 但也有许多迹象说明上帝已伸出他的圣臂要保护忠心的人。约在此时,“梅兰克吞领了他的朋友西门格里诺急急的通过斯拜耳兹的街道,向莱茵河走去,并催他赶紧过河。

51、Just as the legendary siren LORELEY lured men to behold her from her rock on the Rhine, this elegant bottle seal will catch the eye of any true wine connoiseur. ─── 就如同传说中的海妖塞妊用她美妙的歌声迷惑海员一样,LORELEY这个产于莱茵的瓶塞品牌毫无疑问会立即吸引任何一个真正的行家。

52、A city of northern Switzerland on the Rhine River.It is one of the oldest intellectual centers in Europe.Population, 176, 200. ─── 巴塞尔瑞士西北部一城市,位于莱茵河畔,是欧洲最古老的文化中心。人口176,

53、On the early afternoon of March 7, a spearhead of the U.S. 9th Armored Division reached the heights above the town of Remagen, twenty-five miles down the Rhine from Koblenz. ─── 3月7日午后,美军第九装甲师先头部队到达雷马根附近的高地,距莱因河上游的科布伦茨二十五英里。

54、Concerns about its positioning, and envious gazes across the Rhine, have been spurred by a strong revival in Germany's economy. ─── 德国经济的强劲复兴激起了法国对自身定位的忧虑,以及对莱茵河对岸(译者注:即德国)的嫉妒目光。

55、It ends where the Neckar enters the Rhine near Mannheim.Along the way, you'll pass many castles, vineyards, country inns and beautiful old towns. ─── 从曼海姆城附近的莱恩河进入到内卡河,整条单车路径,沿途你经过很多别有风格的城堡,葡萄庄园,乡村小旅馆和美丽的旧城镇。

56、During years of experience, we have a comprehensive comparison of many famous international brands in their performance and price and then optional regroup them to bring out our Rhine Life Water System to the market. ─── 公司在多年设计安装技术服务中,比较了世界各国著名企业产品的性价比,优化组合,推出了莱茵生活水系统。

57、It experienced the baptism of fire during bridge gains and crossing of the Maas, Waal and Rhine rivers. ─── 它真正接受战火的洗礼是在跨越马斯河,瓦尔河和莱茵河的作战中。

58、In the medieval-era alliance spread, Strasbourg and U.S.Mainz, Frankfurt, with the Rhine River as the main port and the rise. ─── 在中世纪的汉撒同盟时代,斯特拉斯堡和美茵茨、法兰克福一同作为莱茵河流域的主要港口而兴起。

59、Emperor of Rome ( a.d. 270-275) who held the barbarians in check beyond the Rhine River and regained Britain, Gaul, Spain, Syria, and Egypt for the empire. ─── 奥理安:罗马皇帝(公元270年-275年),统率未开化人越过莱茵河并为其帝国重新夺回英国、高卢、西班牙、叙利亚和埃及

60、These treasures the brothers buried in the Rhine river, and went on their way to Hunland, though they well knew they were destined never to return. ─── 兄弟们将这些宝物埋藏在莱茵河里,然后就上路前往亨兰,尽管他们清楚地知道自己已注定不可能重返家园。

61、In front of the house was a 4-meter high Athena Statue, standing on four statues which represent four major rivers in ancient Austrian-Hungarian Empire: Danube, Rhine, Elbe, Moldau. ─── 大厦前是一座高达4米的雅典娜女神像,她脚下的雕塑象徵著奥匈帝国的四大河流:多瑙河、莱茵河、易北河、莫尔达瓦河。

62、I've learned to ski at 40, and flown up the Rhine River in a balloon. ─── 我在40岁的时候学会了滑雪,还坐着热气球飞越了莱茵河。

63、The Rhine River, at the northeast corner of France forms the Franco-German boundary. ─── 在法国东北角,奔涌的莱茵河形成了法国与德国天然的楚河汉界。

64、"Prior to the rise of biological Rhine is speculation based on the theme. ─── “莱茵生物此前的上涨是基于题材炒作。

65、Rotterdam is situated at the cross - section of three rivers: the Rhine, the Meuse and the Scbaldt. ─── 学习每篇课文时还应注意课文本身的内容。

66、A city of west-central Germany near the confluence of the Ruhr and Rhine rivers north of Cologne. ─── 埃森:德国中西部一城市,位于科隆北部的鲁尔河和莱茵河交汇处。

67、Early last month, about 20 towns of chemicals escaped into the Rhine River following a blaze at a chemical factory in Switzerland. ─── 上月初,瑞士有一家化工厂发生大火,大约有20吨的化学药品流入了莱茵河。

68、ADN/ADNR : A set of European regulations for the carriage of dangerous goods by inland waterway. (R for Rhine). ─── 两者放在一起,应该是指欧洲内水危险品载运的一套规则,R指莱茵河。是哪国文字的缩写,以及具体的全称,我没有查到,也许是德文。

69、By dusk the Americans had a strong bridgehead on the east bank of the Rhine. ─── 到天黑时,美军已在莱因河东岸有了一个坚强的桥头堡。

70、If everything worked, the payoff would be British armored forces on the north German plain, on the far side of the Rhine, with an open road to Berlin. ─── 如果这一切完成了,英国装甲部队将出现在德国北部平原,远远抛开莱茵河,奔上通向柏林的坦途大道。

71、The next morning we demolished the breakfast buffet before making our way across the Rhine to take on the Baden hills of the Schwarzwald. ─── 次日一早我们用过自助早餐,跨过莱茵河后开始在黑森林巴登山区骑行。

72、In a few town of Rhine middle reaches and Hei Sendong ministry, withholding up to now " painted eggshell is cultivated " this one old and consuetudinary. ─── 在莱茵河中游和黑森东部的一些城镇,至今保留着“彩蛋树”这一古老习俗。

73、A city of northern Switzerland on the Rhine River. It is one of the oldest intellectual centers in Europe. Population,176, 200. ─── 巴塞尔瑞士西北部一城市,位于莱茵河畔,是欧洲最古老的文化中心。人口176,200

74、Both young keepers are already more than just alternatives or placeholders for big names that used to be number one at the Rivers Ruhr and Rhine. ─── 他们的名字都是名副其实的:诺伊尔的名字理解是“新星”。阿德勒的名字意味着“雄鹰”,他扑救的时候就象大家都知道的猛禽那样。

75、Thyssen and Krupp merged their steel operations in 1997 and consolidated production in Duisburg, on the Rhine. ─── 在1997年,蒂森和克虏伯合并了,开始在莱茵河畔的杜伊斯堡统一生产。

76、Eurasia, for example, could easily conquer the British Isles, which are geographically part of Europe, or on the other hand it would be possible for Oceania to push its frontiers to the Rhine or even to the Vistula. ─── 例如,欧亚国完全可以轻易地征服英伦三岛,后者在地理上是欧洲的一部分,另一方面,大洋国也可以把它的疆界推到莱菌河,甚至到维斯杜拉河。

77、Monastic wineries were responsible for establishing vineyards in Burgundy, Champagne and the Rhine Valley. ─── 修道院为开设酒厂在 勃艮第 、香槟还有莱茵山谷地区开辟了葡萄园。

78、He was involved in the D-Day landings,on the battlefronts of Normandy,and in crossing the Rhine with the Canadians. ─── 他参与?quot;开始进攻日"的登陆,到过诺曼底的战争前沿,并曾随加拿大军队横渡莱茵河。

79、That afternoon, the 9th SS Panzer Division in Arnhem overwhelmed the last survivors of Frost's battalion.Some days later the survivors of 1st Airborne crossed the Rhine to safety. ─── 下午,阿纳姆德军第9坦克师制服了弗罗斯特营最后幸存者,几天后,英军第1空降师残部逃过莱茵河。

80、Precipice 132 meters high, 90 meters wide, high and steep rock wall gracefull to stand erect on to curve corner office Rhine River like one beautiful young girl in vain. ─── 崖高132米、宽90米,徒峭的岩壁像一个美丽的少女亭亭屹立于莱茵河的弯角处。

81、A narrow deeper channel along the middle of the strait was the bed of the Rhine in the last Ice Age. ─── 其中一条在多佛尔海峡中间较深及较窄的通道便是莱茵河在上一个冰河时期的河床。

82、Perhaps, once more Saint Mark lent a hand in protecting the stronghold, leaving the greatest treasure of the Rhine intact to this day. ─── 也许圣马克再度保护这座城堡,使莱茵河畔的珍宝至今仍保完整。

83、The retreating German army tried to blow up all the bridges across the Rhine river to stop the Allied troops from crossing into Germany. ─── 撤退的德国部队尽力破坏跨越的莱茵河所有桥梁以阻止盟军部队通过而进入德国。

84、Germany lies in the Central and western part of Europe, it is one of the most affluent and beautiful country in Europe. Rhine winds its way through se. ─── 德国位于欧洲中西部,是欧洲最富庶和美丽的国家之一,莱茵河流经欧洲多国,而以德国境内的一段最为著名和美丽。

85、The Germans had not mounted any defense at all on the east bank of the Seine, but that left the Meuse, Moselle, Roser, Saar, Waal, and Rhine Rivers and their tributaries to go. ─── 德国人在塞纳河东岸根本未实施防御,但是还有默兹河、摩泽尔河、罗兹河、萨尔河、瓦尔河、莱因河以及它们的支流阻挡于前。

86、On the fourth of February, the Skink reached the Canadian 2nd Armoured Brigade a few miles south of Nijmegen, Holland, and joined the Allied push on the Rhine. ─── 在2月份的第四个星期,她到了荷兰的奈梅亨(Nijmegen)南边几公里的加拿大第二装甲旅,加入了向莱茵河进发的大军。

87、Vertical and horizontal borders of rivers, mainly in the Rhine, Maas. ─── 境内河流纵横,主要有莱茵河、马斯河。


89、Schenck: The Nymphs of the Rhine, Vol. ─── 1 (Sonatas for Two Violas da Gamba) / Les Voix Humaines 这个却没有。


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