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08-19 投稿


Burman 发音

英:[?b??rm?n]  美:[?b??m?n]

英:  美:

Burman 中文意思翻译




Burman 短语词组

1、Tibeto-Burman language ─── [网络] 藏缅语系

2、Tibetan-Burman ─── 藏-缅甸

3、Tibeto-Burman adj. ─── 藏缅语的 n. ─── 藏缅语 [网络] ─── 藏缅语族; ─── 藏缅语系;语系 ─── 藏缅

Burman 词性/词形变化,Burman变形


Burman 相似词语短语

1、urman ─── 一种封闭式容器

2、Burman ─── n.缅族人;缅甸人;缅甸语;缅甸猫(同Burmese);adj.(与)缅甸(有关)的;(与)缅甸人(有关)的;(与)缅甸语(有关)的(同Burmese)

3、Jarman ─── n.(Jarman)人名;(英)贾曼

4、Forman ─── n.工头;n.(Forman)人名;(英、捷、法、匈)福曼

5、Birman ─── n.伯曼猫(缅甸神猫,等于birman)

6、Herman ─── n.赫尔曼(男子名)

7、German ─── adj.德国的;德语的,德国人的;n.德语;德国人;德裔,有德国血统的人

8、buran ─── n.[气象]布冷风(中亚、西伯利亚的);n.(Buran)人名;(意、土、土库、阿塞)布兰

9、barman ─── n.酒吧店主;酒吧间招待员;n.(Barman)人名;(英、印、挪、芬、法)巴曼

Burman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Showing guests his collection of neon signs, Burman says they are invented long before valves. ─── 带著访客参访他霓虹灯的收藏,玻门说这些发明都早于真空管。

2、Actors need time to establish a star "brand," Burman said. ─── 曼说:“演员需要时间来树立明星‘品牌’。”

3、It can be surrounded on waist if it can be curved 360 degree.The Burman Dao in legend can do it. ─── 能弯360度的就能围在腰上了,呵呵!传闻中缅刀能做到。

4、What's traditional Burman iron rime?What's the difference with Wootz? ─── 什么是传统的缅铁结晶?和乌兹有什么不同?

5、Burmes Guerrilla War ─── 缅甸游击战争(1948-)

6、Dao used by Burman. It's very hard to find a good Burma Dah. ─── 用的刀嘛。好的缅刀太难求了。

7、Showing a group of guests around his collection, Burman takes out one of his prized valves. ─── 带著访客参观他的收藏,玻门拿出一个珍贵的真空管。

8、and decorations patterns,I think it was,but it's my first time to have a Burman sword,so I'm not so sure!! ─── 从包浆,装饰花纹来看,兄弟我倾向民国,但缅刀我还是第一次接触,所以不敢妄言!!

9、Definition: Essential oil obtained by suitable mechanical means, without the aid of heat, from the fresh peel of Citrus limon (L.) Burman fil. ─── 本品为芸香科植物柠檬Citrus limon (L.) Burman fil.的新鲜果实的果皮经适当的机械压榨方式以不加热的方法获得的挥发油。

10、Please talk about it again brother Youzhang.I think the hilt style is close to Vietnamese but not Burman style,from pics the blade is made of good stuff. ─── 酋长兄请给再说说,这把刀的刀把风格我觉得是接近越南真蜡式的而非纯缅甸风格,从图看刃质不错。

11、The Pumi nationality language having self , belong to the Sino-Tibetan Tibeto-Burman Chiang branch. ─── 普米族有自己的语言,属汉藏语系藏缅语族羌语支。

12、"He's certainly strong in the U. S. , but you see the global reach of him, " Burman said. ─── 伯尔曼说:“他在美国的吸引力当然很大,但你看他在全球的号召力更大。”

13、BURMAN I A,TROLLFORS B,ANDERSON B,et al.Diagnosis of pneumonia by cultures,brcterial and Viral antigen detection serology with speical reference to antibodies against pneurmonia antigens[J].J Infect Dis,1995,163:1087. ─── 郭玉芬,张美和,甄景慧,等.嗜血杆菌在儿科的检出特点和药敏研究[J].中华医院感染学杂志,2001,11(6):475-477.

14、Burman sword,with silver inlaid,and gold plated,nice blade grains,intact fittings,good!Good thing!Up! ─── 缅刀,错银,鎏金,刃纹华丽,刀装完好,好!好东西!顶!

15、Moringa Burm. ─── [医] 辣木属

16、TDF, IDF, SDF, CEL, NDF, ADF, ADL, HC, TP, protopectin and WSP contents were determined in the peel and pulp of lemon (C. limon Burm), pumello (C. grandis(L.) ─── 以柠檬(C. limon Burm),柚(C. grandis(L.)

17、Showing a group of guests around his collection, Burman takes out one of his prized valves. ─── 带著访客参观他的收藏,玻门拿出一个珍贵的真空管。

18、I have one 19c Burman saber and want to share it with others. ─── 我有一把十九世纪的缅甸刀,想与各位分享。

19、Banister, P., Burman, E., Parker, I., Taylor, M., &Tindall, C. (1994). Qualitative methods in psychology: A research guide. Buckingham, MK: Open University Press. ─── 叶启政,顾忠华,黄瑞祺,苏峰山,邹川雄编著(民83).社会科学概论.台北市:国立空中大学.

20、A Morphological Comparative Study on Chinese and Burman ─── 汉语缅语的形态比较

21、Application of Plackett Burman Design for Determining Key Factors of Ultrasonic Extraction of Apple Polyphenol ─── Plackett-burman设计法筛选超声波提取苹果多酚工艺的主要影响因子

22、JENSEN M E,BURMAN R D,ALLEN R G.Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Water Requirements[M].Roma:ASCE Manual 1990. ─── 陕西省水利水土保持厅,西北农业大学.陕西省作物需水量及分区灌溉模式[M].北京:水利电力出版社,1992.

23、Plackett - Burman design ─── Plackett-Burman设计

24、TSH style heat cylinder is crooked &def avoid the material fall into and cause the heat tube burm down. ─── TSH型发热管弯型设计,避免因原料落入筒内而引起发热管损坏。

25、Inside his quiet home, Burman's near-one million valves tell the history of electronics . ─── 在他寂静的家中,玻门有近百万的真空管,叙述出电子的历史。

26、SWH style heat cylinder is crooked, avoid the material fall into and cause the heat tube burm down. ─── SWH型发热管弯型设计,避免因原料落入筒内而引起发热管损坏。

27、Holding a mobile phone, Burman says thanks to the valves, this is how electronics all started over a hundred years ago. ─── 握著手机,玻门说这都要感谢真空管,让电器运作了百年之久。

28、The Qiang and other related ethnicities speak the Qiangic languages, also part of the Tibeto-Burman languages. ─── 羌族与有关的少数民族使用羌语,羌语也属于藏缅语系。

29、Michael bringing the wrath of God upon a German Lucifer , or burm to avenge him if his dastardly adversary mows him down with a machine-gun before he can get to grips with him . ─── 假如你把两个格斗的士兵看成是一个英勇的英国“天使”在对一个德国“恶魔”施以天罚,那么,如果“天使”杀死了“恶魔”,你可能会为他的胜利而感到欣喜若狂;

30、"He's certainly strong in the U.S., but you see the global reach of him," Burman said. ─── 伯尔曼说:“他在美国的吸引力当然很大,但你看他在全球的号召力更大。”

31、AIM: To study the HPLC fingerprints and establish a sensitive and specific method for the quality control of Andrographis paniculata(Burm. ─── 目的:建立穿心莲药材的HPLC指纹图谱,为其全面质量评价及控制提供参考。

32、Inside his quiet home, Burman's near-one million valves tell the history of electronics. ─── 在他寂静的家中,玻门有近百万的真空管,叙述出电子的历史。

33、Cassia surattensis Burm flowers ─── 黄槐花

34、Silver Burman sword! ─── 搓银缅刀!

35、SWH style heat cylinder is crooked,avoid the material fall into and cause the heat tube burm down. ─── SWH型发热管弯型设计,避免因原料落入筒内而引起发热管损坏。

36、The Lahu language is an independent one belonging to the Yi Branch of the Tibeto-Burman Group of the Sino-Tibetan Language Family. ─── 拉祜语属汉藏语系藏缅语族彝语支的一种独立语言。

37、Keywords Cassia surattensis Burm flowers;Lutein;Solvent-extraction method;Ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry; ─── 黄槐花;叶黄素;溶剂浸提法;紫外可见分光光度法;

38、Actors need time to establish a star "brand," Burman said. ─── 伯尔曼说:“演员需要时间来树立明星‘品牌’。”

39、leaves of Cinnamomum burm anii ─── 阴香叶

40、Western governments including the United States and Britain have posted sentence Burm's imposed sanctions on Burma's government. ─── 西方国家包括美国和英国已经施压于缅甸政府。

41、Very good!I have a Burman saber with silver fittings.I will post it and take a compare. ─── 很好!我也有把银装缅刀,稍后发图比较一下。

42、Objective:Discussed burm rehabilitative effect to the osteoarthritis of shoulder、 elbow、 wrist、 finger omitis on body function training. ─── 目的:探讨肢体功能训练在累及肩、肘、腕、指关节烧伤的康复疗效。

43、Is it Burman sword?Thai sword and Vietnames sword are similar with this stlye,of which have flat tip. ─── 这是不是缅刀?泰刀,越刀也差不多类似这种样式,有的刀尖是平口的.

44、Of Jingpo clan?Tai clan?White clan?Or Burman? ─── 景颇族?傣族?白族?缅甸的?

45、The important fators which affect culture conditions of ?Halobacterium halobium? B were screened by Plackett?Burman design. ─── 利用Plackett-Burman设计筛选出影响盐生盐杆菌(Halobacteriumhalobium)B培养条件的重要因素,然后利用正交试验设计对这些重要因素加以优化。

46、Burman Sword-Ivory Hilt and Silver Fittings ─── 缅刀-牙柄银装

47、The resort is available for 115 villas and a main building of 82 guest rooms.The villas are designed in different styles of Thai, Burman and South Asia., each villa has private swimming pool. ─── 酒店拥有115幢泳池别墅和一幢有82个房间的主楼,别墅群设计独树一帜,展现泰国、缅甸、南亚等地不同异国风情。

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