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lilac 发音

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英:  美:

lilac 中文意思翻译





lilac 网络释义

n. 淡紫色;丁香花;[植] 紫丁香adj. 淡紫色的n. (Lilac)人名;(英)莱拉克

lilac 词性/词形变化,lilac变形


lilac 短语词组

1、Japanese lilac ─── [网络] 日本丁香

2、lilac-pink ─── [网络] 瞿麦;零妆感亮采持久饰底隔离霜;粉紫丁色

3、lilac band ─── [医] 紫色带(梅毒征)

4、lilac sage ─── 丁香鼠尾草

5、lilac-blue ─── [网络] 蓝紫色调

6、lilac-purple ─── [网络] 丁香紫;浅紫

7、Himalayan lilac ─── [网络] 喜马拉雅淡紫色

8、common lilac n. ─── 洋丁香

9、rose-lilac ─── [网络] 粉红色

10、purplish-lilac ─── [网络] 紫色丁香

11、Japanese tree lilac ─── [网络] 日本树丁香

12、Hungarian lilac ─── [网络] 匈牙利丁香

13、blue-lilac ─── [网络] 蓝紫丁香

14、Lilac-breasted Roller ─── [医]紫胸佛法僧

15、Lilac-crowned Parrot ─── 紫丁香冠鹦鹉

16、bluish-lilac ─── [网络] 蓝紫丁香

17、purple-lilac ─── [网络] 紫丁香;以紫丁香花

18、lilac-colored ─── [网络] 淡紫色

19、Persian lilac na. ─── 波斯丁香;花叶丁香 [网络] ─── 波斯紫丁香;潻斯紫丁香

lilac 相似词语短语

1、flicflac ─── n.碰腿

2、lilacs ─── n.紫丁香花(lilac的复数形式)

3、Gila ─── n.毒蜥(生于美国);GilaRiver(希拉河);n.人名;(西)希拉;(匈)吉洛;(俄、意、塞)吉拉

4、Dirac ─── n.迪拉克(姓氏,英国物理学家)

5、linac ─── n.[核]直线性加速器

6、Eilat ─── n.埃拉特(以色列港市)

7、Milan ─── n.米兰(意大利北部城市)

8、Balac ─── 巴拉克

9、lila ─── n.淡紫色,紫色

lilac 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A still frame of one of Prusinkiewicz's computer-grown lilac sprays with its myriad flores could pass for a photograph in a seed catalog. ─── 普鲁辛凯维奇用计算机栽培的那些繁花朵朵的紫丁香的其中一幅静止图像,完全可以被用作植物种子图录中的照片。

2、The hardness of leaves, with leather texture (such as fresh bamboo and lilac) is higher, while that with wax texture (such as lotus and canna) is lower. ─── 其中革质鲜叶片(毛竹,紫丁香)表面硬度较大,蜡质叶片(水莲,美人蕉等)硬度较小;

3、When I was eight years old, my grandma took me to a lilac festival in Denver. ─── 八岁那年,我的祖母带我去丹佛参加丁香花节。

4、The wind must have changed to the south, for this time I can smell the lilac through the shit. ─── 风向一定转到南边来啦,因为这次我在粪便的气味中闻到了花香。

5、Storage Life of Lilac Pear Based on Electronic Nose ─── 基于电子鼻雪青梨贮藏期检测的实验研究

6、I was thinking that Victor had been to see Lily Lilac on every occasion that the Headmaster would allow.She was fairhaired and fine boned, with a breezy, insincere manner I found exasperating. ─── 我想起只要校长允许,维克托一有机会就去见莉丽.莱勒克.她有着漂亮的头发和身材,还有另我讨厌的傲慢和虚伪的态度.

7、Bridesmaids' gowns are in-variably cut tothe knee and mostly chosen in innocuous shades of lilac and mint green. ─── 伴娘的礼服总是裁剪到膝盖,颜色大多是不太刺眼的淡紫色和淡绿色。

8、Madame Lamotte was in black with touches of lilac colour. ─── 拉摩特太太穿的黑衣服,加上一点淡紫色点缀。

9、He wore a sprig of lilac in his buttonhole. ─── 他在他的钮扣上戴著一个紫丁香的小花枝。

10、In public parks and gardens a multitude of flowers-roses, lilac, azaleas, irisesfilled the air with fragrance. ─── 在一些公园和花园间,群芳吐艳--玫瑰、丁香、杜鹃、蝴蝶花竞相开放--空中弥漫着浓郁的香气。

11、lilac of northern China having ovate leaves and profuse early summer rose-lilac flowers. ─── 中国北部的一种丁香,具有卵形的叶和繁多的玫瑰紫色、初夏开的花。

12、I made wine from the lilac tree ─── 我用紫丁香酿成了酒

13、The world smiles when you smile.My hear is waiting and waiting.I love lilac you present most and you are white lilies in my heart. ─── 你微笑进,世界也在微笑。心,在等,再等。最爱你送我的丁香,你是我心中的白百合。

14、Like a lilac floating lightly ─── 像梦中飘过

15、Where they stopped, dense thickets of cedars and ju nipers and birch crowded the roadway on both sides. There wasn't a lilac bush in sight. ─── 他们停下车。车道两边长满了茂盛的雪松、杜松和白桦树。眼前没有一棵紫丁香。

16、She has a new lilac dress. ─── 她有一件淡紫色的衣服。

17、I do use them as a ground cover around my lilac bush because they do so well in the shade. ─── 反倒在紫丁香丛周围种下它们作为地被植物,因为它们可以遮阴。

18、As if a lilac floating away in my dream, ─── 像梦中飘过一枝丁香

19、The priest advanced in his lilac velvet calotte, threw back his hair, and, with an effort, dropped on his knees. ─── 一个戴着紫色丝绒法冠的神甫走出来,理理头发,吃力地跪下来。

20、Lilac chlorotic leaf spot closterovirus ─── 丁香花退绿病叶斑纺锤病毒

21、Leaf blade rhombic or rhombic-ovate, to 10.5 5 cm, subglabrous or sparsely sericeous. Peduncle slender, 8-12.5 cm. Corolla lilac. ─── 卵形的菱形的叶片或菱形,令10.55厘米的是,近无毛或疏生。纤细的花序梗,8-12.5厘米花冠淡紫色。

22、When the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac. ─── 当夏日的轻风在花园里树丛间吹拂的时候,从开着的门里就传来浓烈的紫丁香香味。

23、Do you know what the lilac signifies? ─── 你知道紫丁香代表什么吗?

24、Lilac: Why need not Chinese exchanges? ─── 为什么不用中文交流?

25、small densely branching Asiatic shrub having lanceolate leaves and panicles of fragrant lilac flowers. ─── 亚洲的一种小灌木,具有披针状的叶和芳香、淡紫色的圆锥花序。

26、In the yard, in an arbour formed by lilac bushes in full bloom, stood an open coffin. thither they had carried a dead man, who was to be buried that very afternoon. ─── 但在院子里,在一个开满了花的紫丁香组成的凉亭下,停着一口敞着的棺材。一个死人已经躺在里面,这天上午就要入葬。

27、Lilac is best used as a garnish. ─── 丁香花最好是用作配菜。

28、I give you my sprig of lilac. ─── 我把手中的紫丁香献给你。

29、And last of the goodly procession came Miss Monflathers, bearing herself a parasol of lilac silk, and supported by two smiling teachers. ─── 孟佛莱瑟女士跟在这相当长的行列之后,支着一把紫丁香色的绸伞,两位满面春风的教师随侍左右。

30、The TV setting wall of the sitting room is the concave and convex model that makes with plasterboard, use lilac. ─── 客厅的电视背景墙是用石膏板制成的凹凸造型,采用淡紫色。

31、In a lilac sun bonnet she was it ─── 她戴着一顶紫色遮阳帽,漂亮极了。

32、The sadness of a lilac. ─── 丁香一样的忧愁。

33、Meanings of lilac and ways of application in garden greening ─── 丁香的文化意蕴及其在园林绿化中的应用

34、Olny once can youth be in the life.why not entitle the hope to a lilac,As our tear to the sea,And a gust to sails over the sea. ─── 年轻只有一次,让我们把希望留给芬芳的丁香,如把泪留给海,把风留给海上的帆.

35、Labellum usually white or lilac, sometimes marked with different color near base, showy, apically 2-lobed to 2-cleft to base. ─── 唇瓣通常白色或紫丁香色,有时具不同颜色斑点近基部,艳丽的,顶部2裂到2半裂至基部。

36、Once more, on the left, where are seen the well and lilac bushes by the wall, in the now open field, lived Nutting and Le Grosse. ─── 在左边,在可以看见井和墙边的丁香花丛的地方,在现在的空地里,曾经住过纳丁和勒。格洛斯。

37、I gave her a bunch of lilac. ─── 我送她一束丁香花。

38、I know she promised him a lilac crown ─── 我知道,她曾允诺他一顶紫丁香的花冠

39、He wore a sprig of lilac in his button hole. ─── 他在钮孔上面插了一小枝丁香。

40、Going to see the river man Going to tell him all I can About the plan For lilac time. ─── 去看河之子去告诉他我能做的事告诉他我的计划。

41、Lilac shade that can be rubbed down to a rosy-mauve if desired. Very slight sheen. ─── 丁香色,可以擦出美丽的淡紫色。很轻微的光泽。

42、The world smiles when you smile.My heart is waiting and waiting.I love lilac you present most and you are white lilies in my heart. ─── 你微笑时,世界也在微笑。心,在等,再等。最爱你送我的紫丁香,你是我心中的白百合。

43、The bud time of the other spring ornamentals such as apricot and pear is later than lilac but the end time of florescence is earlier than lilac. ─── 东北地区多种在春季开花的观赏性植物,如:杏、梨等植物,进入花蕾期的时间要比紫丁香晚,但进入未花期的时间却比紫丁香早。

44、Single dark lilac sticktite ruffled pansy. Medium green, pointed, girl foliage. Standard. ─── 单瓣不掉落的深紫丁香色皱折堇型花。中绿色尖型白脉叶。标准型。

45、The same dilution can occur with the chocolate brown colour and is usually called lilac. ─── 巧克力()也同样会有变浅的情况,我们通常把那种颜色叫做淡紫色。

46、I hope that in my shop , there are all kinds of different beautiful flowers such as rose , lily , tulip , violet , carnation , narcissus , lilac , orchid and so on . ─── 我希望在我的店里,有各种各样不同的美丽的花,如玫瑰,百合,郁金香,紫罗兰,康乃馨,水仙,紫丁香,兰花等。

47、Lilac is a guardian of Elysium with fantastic skills; the mystic power seems to come from her Demon parents who once rejected her. ─── 莉莱是个使用奇异战技保卫净土的守护者,她那神秘的力量泉源似乎是来自弃养她的恶魔双亲。

48、False binary branch more common in angiosperms Oleaceae, Caryophyllaceae, such as lilac, jasmine, carnation, and so on. ─── 假二叉分枝多见于被子植物木犀科、石竹科,如丁香、茉莉、石竹等。

49、teasel with lilac flowers native to Old World but naturalized in North America; ─── 原产于旧大陆开浅紫色花的川续断,已经引入美国;

50、A biennial Eurasian plant(Campanula rapunculus)having rosette leaves with winged stalks, panicles of lilac - colored flowers, and an edible root used in salads. ─── 匍匐风铃草,牧根草一种两年生欧亚植物(匍匐风铃草风铃草属),叶呈玫瑰状,茎上生翼,开丁香紫色花和圆锥花序,根可食,用于色拉

51、Lilac flower, how beautiful the name of, ah, sentimental, delicate, but it can not withstand wind and rain. ─── 丁香花,多美的名字啊,多愁善感、娇嫩,却经不起风吹雨打。

52、Wu Chih-sheng led Fan Po-wen through a lilac grove to a quiet corner on the east side of the garden, where there was a greenhouse, covered over now with a mat awning. ─── 吴芝生匆匆地说,拖住范博文穿过了一排密茂的丁香树,来到花园最东端的幽静去处。这里有玻璃棚的“暖花房”,现在花房顶罩着芦帘的凉棚。

53、Grandma, who reeks of face powder and lilac water(Garrison Keillor) ─── 奶奶浑身充满了脂粉和丁香水的味道(加里森 谢勒)

54、1. Madame Lamotte was in black with touches of lilac colour. ─── 拉摩特太太穿的黑衣服,加上一点淡紫的点缀。

55、Mr. Drake spoke to The Wall Street Journal from his home in London about lilac socks, well-dressed men and his plans for the future. ─── 德雷克在伦敦的家里接受了《华尔街日报》的采访,谈及了淡紫色袜子、男士的衣着品位以及他本人未来的计划。

56、I give you my sprig of lilac. ─── 我献给你我的紫丁香花枝。

57、Study on the preservation, breeding and extension of Lilac germplasm resource ─── 丁香属植物种质资源保存及繁育推广应用研究

58、I remember the shabby little clapboard house we all grew up in.But it had an enviable nice little plot with a kitchen garden bordered by lilac bushes. ─── 我还记得我们在那儿长大的破烂不堪的小隔板屋但在那儿有一小块让人羡慕的带有菜园的地,四周由丁香花丛围着。

59、Single lilac long petals/ lighter lilac back. ─── 单瓣紫丁香色长花瓣,花瓣背面是较明亮的紫丁香色。

60、Teasel with lilac flowers native to Old World but naturalized in North America. ─── 原产于旧大陆开浅紫色花的川续断,已经引入美国。

61、Any of several poisonous perennial herbs of the genus Aconitum, especially A.lycoctonum, having broad, rounded leaves, elongate racemes, and purple - lilac flowers. ─── 乌头一种乌头属的有毒多年生草,尤指狼毒乌头,有宽且圆的叶子、修长的串状花序和淡紫红色的花

62、"Grandma, who reeks of face powder and lilac water" (Garrison Keillor) ─── “奶奶浑身充满了脂粉和丁香水的味道”(加里森·谢勒)

63、Uncle James might just as well have lain on his back in the garden and chattered to the lilac tree about the habits of caterpillars. ─── 现在,J姑父也许正仰卧在花园里与丁香树探讨毛毛虫的生活习性呢。

64、The lilac also has you, so many visitors came you to also settle down as a meantime ugg otherwise seemed to be us ill-mannered. ─── 丁香,还有你,这么多客人来了你也去安顿一下,不然就显得我们没有礼貌。

65、The customer that likes quietly elegant is mixed with lilac teak striped floor photograph goes all out, added a few minutes again downy. ─── 喜欢淡雅的消费者用淡紫色柚木和彩条地板相拼,又增添了几分柔和。


67、Grandma,who reeks of face powder and lilac water(Garrison Keillor) ─── 奶奶浑身充满了脂粉和丁香水的味道(加里森·谢勒)

68、There are lilac trees in dalian, but no parks speclial for them. fortunately, there are some in the garden around my company. ─── 大连有丁香树,但是没有专门种植丁香的公园。幸运的是,我公司所在的院子里有一些丁香树。

69、In public parks and gardens a multitude of flowers-roses, lilac, azaleas, irises filled the air with fragrance. ─── 在一些公园和花园间,群芳吐艳--玫瑰、丁香、杜鹃、蝴蝶花竞相开放--空中弥漫着浓郁的香气。

70、Lilac flowers to suffer to suffer a large pool of leaves, like a peach and a little green, lilac in between these small peach head exposed. ─── 丁香花的叶子挨挨济济的,像一个个碧绿的小桃子,紫丁香在这些小桃子之间露出了头。

71、Lilac blossoms blow against our faces, people have a sense of intoxication. ─── 丁香花的香气扑面而来,让人有种陶醉的感觉。

72、You say you love lilac best, Because it's just your name. What a gloomy flower! What a softy you are! ─── 你说你最爱丁香花因为你的名字就是它多么忧郁的花,多愁善感的人啊

73、a pinkish lilac crystal form of the mineral spodumene that is used as a gemstone. ─── 一种略带桃色的淡紫色锂辉石,呈晶体形式,用作宝石。

74、“We spent the whole afternoon sniffing, eyes closed, bent over lilac blossoms. ─── “我们用了整整一个下午弯着腰、闭着眼睛闻丁香花。

75、Semidouble white frilled star/ dark blue eye, variable lilac rays, darker tips. ─── 半重瓣星型花,白色皱边,有深蓝色的眼,变异的淡紫色线条,花瓣端较深色。

76、And the glooms of lilac. ─── 丁香一样的忧愁,

77、15.Reduce sallowness with lilac. ─── 15.用淡紫色来掩盖菜色。

78、Studies on Asexual Propagation Technique of Lilac ─── 丁香的无性繁殖技术

79、I hope one day when I am wandering in a rainy alley can also encounter a maiden who blooms like lilac. ─── 我也希望哪一天走在雨巷时,也能遇上一个像丁香一样的女孩。

80、The Lilac is your favorite. ─── 你说你最爱丁香花

81、You can see the lilac valley from our balcony. ─── 从我们的阳台上就能看见丁香谷。

82、Single white star/ dark lilac patches. Medium green, plain, hairy. Standard. ─── 单瓣星型花,白色为底,暗紫丁香色缀贴其上。中绿色叶,平坦叶面多毛。标准型。

83、It was past the disillusioned moment which divides the day and night-still and lingering and warm, with hawthorn scent and lilac scent clinging on the riverside air. ─── 一天中那个日夜交错的迷幻时刻已经过了--外面静静的,又旖旎,又温暖,山楂花和紫丁香的香气仍旧留在河边空气里。

84、He jerked his head away from the lilac. ─── 他把头一偏,离开了那枝丁香。

85、Delicate white lilac blooms and the rosy blush of peach tree blossoms herald the arrival of spring in Beijing. ─── 微妙的白丁香盛开和玫瑰色红晕的桃树开花预示着春季的到来在北京举行。

86、All shades of mauve, lilac, lavender and purple were fashionable. ─── 所有紫红色、淡紫粉色、淡紫色和紫色都很流行。

87、Mariposa having loose umbel-like clusters of 1-3 handsome lilac flowers atop stout erect stems,arid northwestern North America east of Cascade Mountains from southern British Columbia to northern California. ─── 一种蝴蝶百合,在短粗而直立的的茎干顶端长着由一至三朵漂亮的丁香紫色花构成的簇状松散的伞状花序,生长于北美北部的干旱地区。

88、The upper part of the body wears lilac sweater, the private parts matchs blue-black narrow skirt, although do not have the design of flowery, also can show mature lasting appeal in natural midstream. ─── 上身穿淡紫色毛衣,下身配深蓝色窄裙,即使没有花哨的图案,也可在自然之中流露出成熟的韵味。

89、You'll find that walking barefoot in the cool grass, inhaling spring lilac blossoms, or planting a vegetable garden are wonderful ways to feel grounded. ─── 你将会发现赤脚走在冰凉的草地,呼吸着春天丁香花的味道,或者种植蔬菜园是获得心底踏实感的奇妙方式。









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