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09-12 投稿


crinkled 发音

英:[?kr??kld]  美:[?kr??k(?)ld]

英:  美:

crinkled 中文意思翻译




crinkled 词性/词形变化,crinkled变形

动词过去式: crinkled |动词现在分词: crinkling |形容词: crinkly |动词第三人称单数: crinkles |动词过去分词: crinkled |

crinkled 短语词组

1、crinkled with age ─── 随着年龄的增长而起皱

2、crinkled ear ─── 皱耳

3、crinkled paper ─── [化] 皱纸

4、crinkled page ─── 皱页

5、crinkled fog ─── 起皱的雾

6、crinkled def ─── 皱褶def

7、crinkled fabric crossword clue ─── 起皱织物纵横字谜线索

8、crinkled up ─── 皱起

9、crinkled fabric ─── 绉条织物

10、crinkled leather ─── 起皱皮革

crinkled 相似词语短语

1、crinkles ─── n.皱纹(crinkle的复数);v.使…起皱;使…发瑟瑟声(crinkle的第三人称单数)

2、crinkle ─── v.(使)(脸)起皱;卷曲;使沙沙作响;n.皱纹,折痕;波纹;沙沙声

3、crankled ─── vi.(河流等)弯弯曲曲,七弯八曲;n.(河流等的)弯曲,弯拐;vt.使弯曲

4、crinklies ─── adj.起皱的;卷缩的;绉褶多的

5、crackled ─── adj.有裂痕的;有脆皮的,表皮松脆的

6、crankle ─── vi.(河流等)弯弯曲曲,七弯八曲;n.(河流等的)弯曲,弯拐;vt.使弯曲

7、crinklier ─── adj.起皱的;卷缩的;绉褶多的(crinkly的变形)

8、wrinkled ─── adj.具皱的,有皱纹的

9、sprinkled ─── 撒

crinkled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、crinkled fibre ─── 卷缩纤维

2、Light to medium green, elliptical, very thin, crinkled, long flexible petiole. Usually single crown. Large. ─── 亮到中绿色椭圆型很薄的叶子,有波纹,长而有弹性的叶柄。通常单个顶芽。大型。

3、Leaves dark to bright green, with inconspicuous veins, surface often crinkled, villous to strigillose, sessile to shortly petiolate; ─── 把深色的留给翠绿,具不明显脉,通常皱曲,对具短糙伏毛,无梗在具短叶柄具长柔毛的表面;

4、A light, soft, thin fabric of silk, cotton, wool, or another fiber, with a crinkled surface. ─── 绉绸一种用丝、棉、毛或其它纤维织成的轻软而薄的织物,表面成皱状

5、cabbage plant with a compact head of crinkled leaves. ─── 一种甘蓝,其头紧密,具褶皱和卷曲的叶。

6、Skin crinkled with age, this 85-year-old man lives near Yenan. ─── 这位85岁的男人生活在延安附近,皮肤随年纪起了皱纹。

7、Petals 6(-12), rose, purple, or white, crinkled, slenderly clawed. ─── 花瓣6(-12),玫瑰色,紫色,白色,或皱曲的,瓣爪。

8、Single dark blue-violet, one or more per peduncle, very floriferous. Light to medium green, elliptical, very thin, crinkled, long flexible petiole. Usually single crown. Large. ─── 单瓣深蓝至紫罗兰色花,每个节有一甚至更多的花梗,很会开花。亮到中绿色椭圆型很薄的叶子,有波纹,长而有弹性的叶柄。通常单个顶芽。大型。

9、Madame Lebrun Was a fresh ,pretty women ,clad always in white with elbow sleeves. Her starched skirts crinkled as she came and went. ─── 勒布伦夫人是一位精力充沛而漂亮的女人,总是穿着白色的衣裙,戴着手套.因为她不停地来来去去,她那浆过的裙子都起皱了.

10、Her face crinkled up in a smile. ─── 她一笑脸就皱了起来。

11、Later, even his eyes could cast crinkled glances. ─── 孩子总在想一些东西,也在思考一些东西。

12、On the dusky road I see the fair crinkled face. ─── 黄昏路上我看见那皱了的美丽的脸,

13、The dead plant's crinkled leaves ─── 死亡植物的皱叶.

14、" His eyes slid past her to where she had been working on the Rogue Shadow.His brows crinkled on seeing the new panels she had welded into place. ─── 他的目光扫过朱诺刚刚工作的地方,看到了她焊接上去的嵌板,眉头皱了起来。

15、cultivated for its shining oblong leaves and arching clusters of white flowers with shell-pink shading and crinkled yellow lip with variegated magenta stripes. ─── 叶子长方形发光,拱形白色花串带有贝壳粉色调,带褶的黄色唇瓣上有品红色带斑点的条。

16、I could have done a whole pic spam just on the crinkled nose there are so many instances of it. ─── 我可能只要抓挤鼻这个动作就能完成一篇图文,有太多的例证了。

17、It's a photograph in which I am outside in the full sun, my eyes crinkled tight and my cheeks about to burst in a fit of laughter. ─── 那时我在户外,顶着太阳的一张照片;其中我的双眼紧眯,即将绽放出无法止住的大笑的双颊。

18、crinkled crepe ─── 泡泡绉

19、Long Shimmering Brown Shirt ----- Made from iridescent crinkled fabric designed with wrinkles and pleats, this simple shirt is brought to life with some exquisite details in unexpected places. ─── 泛着金属光泽的金属丝面料经过各种抓皱、打褶的处理,细节出现在各种始料未及的部位,一件简单的衣物立刻有了别致的设计感。

20、A thin light fabric of cotton or silk or combination, with finely crinkled or ridged surface. Also, a silk fabric, usually black, used for mourning veils or bands. ─── 绸一种用丝、棉、毛或其它纤维织成的轻软而薄的织物,表面成皱状。它也是一种丝绸织物,一般为黑色,多用于丧服或领饰。

21、Your eyes revealed so much when they crinkled with laughter, the mask removed, or conversely reminded inscrutable, like still pool of liquid chocolate, containing only a hint of belief. ─── 你有时眯着眼笑的时候,就抛掉了所有的掩饰,有时又故作神秘,像一杯平静的热巧克力,叫人难以捉摸。不管怎样,你的眼睛都流露出淑女风范。

22、My clothes were all crinkled when I got them out of the case. ─── 我的衣服从箱子里拿出来时都皱了。

23、Keywords linen;crinkled crepe;structure and character; ─── 亚麻;泡绉;结构特征;

24、crinkled wire mesh screen ─── 波状金属筛网

25、a soft thick crinkled dress crepe; heavier than crepe de Chine ─── 柔软的起皱的女装绉纱;比双绉纱重

26、crinkled paper ─── 皱纹纸

27、Some paper is crinkled. ─── 有些纸被弄得起了皱纹。

28、crinkled wool ─── 卷曲处理羊毛

29、Its crinkled, faded links display years of wear, along with tape, staples and paste. ─── 链环已经卷曲,并褪了色,连同其上的胶带、订书钉和浆糊,一并显出岁月的磨损。

30、Another mystery hidden within our crinkled cortices is that out of all the brain's cells, only 10 percent are neurons; ─── 在我们的皱褶的大脑皮质层内还隐藏着另外一个秘密,那就是在所有的大脑细胞中,仅仅只有10%的细胞是神经元细胞;

31、a soft thin light cloth with a crinkled surface. ─── 表面起皱的柔软的轻薄的衣料。

32、With crinkled eyes and white hair surrounding a balding head, Mr. Jandali has a physical resemblance to Mr. Jobs. ─── 詹达利眼角满是皱纹、已经谢顶,剩下的头发也已全白。他的相貌与乔布斯很像。

33、cultivated for its shining oblong leaves and arching clusters of white flowers with shell-pink shading and crinkled yellow lip with variegated magenta stripes ─── 叶子长方形发光,拱形白色花串带有贝壳粉色调,带褶的黄色唇瓣上有品红色带斑点的条

34、The article intruduces the special structure of linen crinkled crepe fabric and its distinctive character and wearability, its product will have very wide market prospect. ─── 本文讨论了亚麻泡绉织物的特殊结构设计,介绍了亚麻泡绉织物独特的风格特征和优良的服用性能,该产品具有广阔的市场前景。

35、His eyes were bright blue, crinkled up into a permanent squint like a sailor's from gazing into the far distance. ─── 他的眼睛是蓝的,常常会象水手那样皱着眉头,眯起眼睛注视远方。

36、An edible plant(Brassica oleracea var. acephala) in the mustard family, having spreading, crinkled leaves that do not form a compact head. ─── 羽衣甘蓝,无头甘蓝十字花科的一种可食用植物(芸苔属甘蓝变种羽衣甘蓝),生有展开的皱形叶和没形成密集的叶球

37、His eyes were bright blue, crinkled up into a permanent squint like a sailor's from gazing into the far distance. ─── 他的眼睛是蓝的,常常会象水手那样皱着眉头,眯起眼睛注视远方。

38、Everyone life all looks like a plump but luscious fruit. Be only some be crinkled by consuming, showing inside very earlyly but hard life fruit. ─── 每一个生命都像是一棵饱满而甜美的果实。只是有些生命被太早地耗损,露出里面皱而坚硬的果实。

39、The soft, crinkled hairs around the spikelet and the deciduous upper floret are clear-cut characters for recognition. ─── 在小穗和落叶的上面小花周围的柔软,皱曲的毛是承认的明确的特征。

40、Chartreuse, longifolia, tends to spoon, thin, deep veining, crinkled, rough, long hairs. ─── 长而有些汤匙状,叶子薄,有很深的叶脉条纹和边边,质地粗糙,长有长毛,

41、His nose crinkled and I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. ─── 他皱了下鼻子,我马上意识到我应该把嘴必上了。

42、A light, thin fabric, generally cotton or rayon, with a crinkled surface and a usually striped pattern. ─── 绉条纹薄织物,泡泡纱:一种轻而薄的织物,一般是棉质或人造丝质,面料带有波状表面并通常为条纹图案。

43、The pages crinkled and curled and turned to ashes in the fire. ─── 那些纸页在火中起皱卷曲变成了灰烬。

44、crinkled yarn ─── 卷缩纱

45、The pages crinkled and curled and turned to ashes in the fire. ─── 那些纸页在火中起皱卷曲变成了灰烬。

46、crinkled textured yarn ─── 卷缩丝

47、crimpy wool; crinkled wool ─── 鬈曲羊毛

48、Bryant was asked by a reporter about this "two-game funk." He crinkled his brow, clearly disagreeing with the terminology: "Two-game funk?" ─── 当有记者要求科比谈论一下“这两场令人恐惧的比赛”时,科比皱缩了下他的额头,显然他很不同意这样的手法,“令人恐惧的两场比赛?”

49、A light, thin fabric, generally cotton or rayon, with a crinkled surface and a usually striped pattern. ─── 绉条纹薄织物,泡泡纱:一种轻而薄的织物,一般是棉质或人造丝质,面料带有波状表面并通常为条纹图案

50、blade reflexed, purple-green, with yellow-green margins, linear, crinkled. ─── 叶片反折,紫色绿色,具黄绿色的边缘,线形,皱曲。

51、10. An edible plant(Brassica oleracea var. acephala) in the mustard family, having spreading, crinkled leaves that do not form a compact head. ─── 羽衣甘蓝,无头甘蓝十字花科的一种可食用植物(芸苔属甘蓝变种羽衣甘蓝),生有展开的皱形叶和没形成密集的叶球收藏指正

52、“I am good at walking like a pigeon,” he thought;no one can walk like a pigeon with crinkled neck and with a tempo just like pigeon; ─── 我很会学鸽子走路,他想,没有人可以像我一样地缩脖子而且节奏和鸽子一模一样;

53、Petals inserted at rim of floral tube, alternating with sepals, crinkled, clawed or not, frequently caducous, rarely absent. ─── 花瓣着生花被管的凸缘,与萼片互生,皱曲,有瓣爪或无,经常早落,很少无。

54、a soft thin light cloth with a crinkled surface ─── 表面起皱的柔软的轻薄的衣料

55、Preppy multifunctional carrying case in printed plaid canvas with crinkled patent trim. ─── 校园风多功能携带钱包由印花样的格子帆布与专利卷缩纱装饰。

56、He crinkled the paper viciously and resumed his reading ─── 他凶狠地翻着报纸,翻得沙沙响,然后又读了起来。

57、an edible plant(Brassica oleracea var. acephala) in the mustard family,having spreading,crinkled leaves that do not form a compact head ─── 羽衣甘蓝,无头甘蓝,十字花科的一种可食用植物(芸苔属甘蓝变种羽衣甘蓝),生有展开的皱形叶和没形成密集的叶球

58、His eyes revealed so much when they crinkled with laughter, the mask removed, or conversely remained inscrutable like still pools of liquid chocolate, containing only a hint of belief. ─── 他有时眯着眼笑的时候,就抛掉了所有的掩饰,有时又故作神秘,像一杯平静的热巧克力,叫价难以捉摸。不管怎样,他的眼睛都流露出他的绅士风范。

59、a soft thick crinkled dress crepe; heavier than crepe de Chine. ─── 柔软的起皱的女装绉纱;比双绉纱重。

60、Only upon closer inspection do they reveal their true identities as crinkled up plastic sacks. ─── 只有仔细的观察之后才发现,原来是一些被揉摺的塑料袋子。

61、THE CRINKLED NOSE FACE.Crinkled noses, people! ─── 挤鼻子的脸,把鼻子弄皱,大夥!

62、Skin crinkled with age, this 85-year-old man lives near Yenan. "The classic Chinese regard for the elderly endures," notes the author, "but not to the fanatical extent of the past." ─── 这位85岁的男人生活在延安附近,皮肤随年纪起了皱纹。“传统中国人关心老年人生活”,作者解释说:“但是不再有过去盲目的程度。”

63、His face crinkled in tenderness , and his hands cupped around an invisible object. ─── 他的脸泛起和蔼的微笑,双手拢着一个看不见的东西。

64、Brown Shoes Another staple for going out -- you can sport these with khakis, jeans, or dress slacks.At less than 40 bucks, Alfani's Crinkled Leather Slip-Ons are a steal. ─── 棕色鞋 另一个外出的主要选择就是棕色鞋子 你可以将其与卡其裤,牛仔裤或者休闲裤搭配。

65、I could have done a whole picspam just on the crinkled nose there are so many instances of it. ─── 我可能只要抓挤鼻这个动作就能完成一篇图文,有太多的例证了。

66、Corrensite forms networks of crinkled or folded sheets. ─── 柯绿泥石呈卷曲网状或折迭片状。

67、His face crinkled into a grin. ─── 他笑了,脸上都是皱纹。

68、There are glen plaids, tartans, feminine shades, crinkled finishing, and subtle patterning. ─── 有幽谷格,苏格兰格,女性色,压皱处理和精细图形。

69、C-ration cans and crinkled tinfoil from cigarette packages made do for ornaments. ─── 型口粮的罐头和香烟盒包装上皱巴巴的锡箔纸被挂在了松树上当成饰物。

70、Brown Ben crinkled up his eyes. "Would you prefer to be returned to Yezzan's heirs or just beheaded? " ─── 布朗·本眯起了眼。“你介意被遣回耶赞的继承人那里或者掉脑袋么?”

71、paper with a crinkled texture; usually colored and used for decorations . ─── 有皱纹的纸张,通常为彩色的,用于装饰。

72、Her face crinkled up in a smile. ─── 她一笑脸就皱了起来。

73、cabbage plant with a compact head of crinkled leaves ─── 一种甘蓝,其头紧密,具褶皱和卷曲的叶

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