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polynesia 发音

[,p?li'ni:zj?; -?i?]

英:  美:

polynesia 中文意思翻译



polynesia 网络释义

n. 玻里尼西亚(中太平洋的岛群)

polynesia 短语词组

1、polynesia ocean ─── 波利尼西亚洋

2、French Polynesia ─── 法属玻里尼西亚(位于大洋洲)

3、Morane (French Polynesia) ─── 莫兰(法属波利尼西亚)

4、polynesia adventure app ─── 波利尼西亚探险应用程序

5、polynesia climate ─── 波利尼西亚气候

6、polynesia adventure game ─── 波利尼西亚冒险小游戏

7、polynesia def ─── 波利尼西亚定义

8、polynesia flag ─── 波利尼西亚旗

9、polynesia adventure ─── 波利尼西亚探险

10、polynesia history ─── 波利尼西亚历史

polynesia 词性/词形变化,polynesia变形

形容词: polymorphic |副词: polymorphously |

polynesia 常用词组

french polynesia ─── 法属玻里尼西亚(位于大洋洲)

polynesia 相似词语短语

1、Polynesians ─── n.玻利尼西亚人(Polynesian的复数形式)

2、Melanesia ─── n.美拉尼西亚(西南太平洋群岛)

3、polymastia ─── n.多乳房畸形(polymazia)

4、Polynesian ─── adj.波利尼西亚的;波利尼西亚人的;n.波利尼西亚人

5、Polynesia ─── n.玻里尼西亚(中太平洋的岛群)

6、polynomial ─── adj.多项的,多词的;多项式的;n.多项式;多词拉丁学名;表示任何多项数之和

7、polygenesis ─── n.多元发生说;多细胞繁殖

8、polychasia ─── 多相

9、polydipsia ─── n.[医]烦渴

polynesia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a group of islands in the south central Pacific; part of French Polynesia. ─── 位于太平洋中南部的一组群岛;法国玻利尼西亚群岛的一部分。

2、of Australia and Polynesia; nests in tree cavities. ─── 产于澳大利亚和波利尼西亚;在树洞中筑巢。

3、Polynesia truncapex ─── n. 切角菩尺蛾

4、tropical Africa to Australasia and Polynesia. ─── 分布在非洲到澳大拉西亚和玻利尼西亚。

5、The capital of the overseas territory of French Polynesia, a port on the northwest coast of Tahiti in the Society Islands of the southern Pacific Ocean. ─── 佩佩埃堤法国波利尼西亚海的领地的首都,南太平洋社会群岛塔希提岛西北海岸的一个港口。

6、languages that rely primarily on geographical coordinates are scattered around the world, from Polynesia to Mexico, from Namibia to Bali. ─── 主要依靠地理坐标的语言在世界各地,从波利尼西亚到墨西哥,从纳米比亚到巴里,都有分布。

7、Photo of the Day: Best of February 2008 A split shot shows a coral reef beneath a pearl workstation in French Polynesia's Tuamotu Archipelago. ─── 意译:2008年2月最好的每日一图。一幅分离的摄影显示珊瑚暗礁下方一个珍珠工作站在法属波利尼西亚的阿莫土群岛。

8、Gazetteer Indo-Pacific: East Africa to French Polynesia, north to southern Japan. Africa: inland Mozambique and lower Zambezi River. ─── 印度-太平洋:东非到法属玻里尼西亚,北至日本南部。非洲:内陆的莫桑比克与尚比西河下游河。

9、a group of islands in the south central Pacific;part of French Polynesia. ─── 位于太平洋中南部的一组群岛;法国玻利尼西亚群岛的一部分。

10、islands of central and S Pacific (Indonesia and Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia). ─── 太平洋中部和南部的岛屿,包括印尼、美拉来西亚、密克罗尼西亚以及玻利尼西亚。

11、On the northwest coast of Tahiti, Papeete is the capital of French Polynesia and one of the largest urban areas in the South Pacific. ─── 位于塔希提岛西北岸的帕皮堤,是法属波利尼西亚的首都,同时也是南太平洋海域中最大的城市之一。

12、Small genus of large epiphytic or terrestrial orchids of southeastern Asia to Polynesia,the giants of the Orchidaceae having long narrow leaves and drooping flower clusters often 6 feet long. ─── 亚洲东南部至玻利尼西亚大型附生或陆地兰花的一个小属,兰科巨大植物,具狭长的叶和下垂的花簇,往往长达六英尺。

13、an island group of French Polynesia in the S Pacific east of Samoa. ─── 属于南太平洋中的萨摩亚群岛的法国玻璃你西亚群岛中的群岛。

14、Its people will live by the laws of French Polynesia. ─── 其人民将按照法属波利尼西亚的法律生活。

15、Euaspis polynesia ─── n. 波赤腹蜂

16、January 11, 2008 Butterfly, Polynesia, 2003 Photograph by Tim Laman Blue-and-white eyespots adorn the velvety black wings of a butterfly on a Polynesian island. ─── 意译:主标题:蝴蝶,玻利尼西亚多岛群岛,2003年。蓝和白眼点(退化的单眼)装饰像天鹅绒的黑色翅膀的一只蝴蝶在玻利尼西亚人的岛屿。

17、a group of about 80 coral islands in French Polynesia. ─── 位于法国玻利尼西亚群岛中的大约个珊瑚岛。

18、It is the largest of the 118 islands in the French Polynesia area of the Pacific Ocean. ─── 它是太平洋法属玻里尼西亚海域一百一十八座岛屿中最大的一个。

19、Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan provinces of China, India, throughout Southeast Asia and Polynesia. ─── 我国广西、广东和云南地区,印度,东南亚,与太平洋群岛。

20、a large group of islands in the south Pacific including Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia (and sometimes Australasia and the Malay Archipelago) ─── 南太平洋中的一大群岛屿,包括美拉尼西亚和密克罗尼西亚,有时也包括澳大拉西亚和马来西亚群岛

21、He fished the North Island -Oater-- out-out of the sea, as he did many other islands in Polynesia, but was killed seeking immortality for all humankind. ─── 他把奥蒂罗阿(即北岛)从大海里捞出,就像捞出波利尼西亚的许多岛屿一样。然而,他在谋求人类永生的过程中,自己却遭杀害。

22、small genus of large epiphytic or terrestrial orchids of southeastern Asia to Polynesia; the giants of the Orchidaceae having long narrow leaves and drooping flower clusters often 6 feet long. ─── 亚洲东南部至玻利尼西亚大型附生或陆地兰花的一个小属;兰科巨大植物,具狭长的叶和下垂的花簇,往往长达六英尺。

23、the family of languages spoken in Australia and Formosa and Malaysia and Polynesia. ─── 分布于澳大利亚、台湾、马来西亚和玻利尼西亚的一个语族。

24、an island in the south Pacific; the most important island in French Polynesia; made famous by Robert Louis Stevenson and Paul Gauguin ─── 南太平洋中的一个岛屿;是法国玻利尼西亚的最重要的一个岛屿;因为罗伯特路易斯史蒂文森和保罗而出名

25、The islands of the Pacific Ocean, including Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. ─── 南岛太平洋岛屿总称,包括印度尼西亚群岛、美拉尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚及波利尼西亚

26、Polynesia sunandava ─── n. 菩尺蛾

27、It has not been found at any islands of Micronesia nor Polynesia. ─── 它有不被发现于密克罗尼西亚及玻利尼西亚的任何岛。

28、February 16, 2008 Scorpion Fish, Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia, 1997 Photograph by David Doubilet A scorpion fish attempts to hide in the sand in French Polynesia's Tuamotu Archipelago. ─── 意译:主标题:蝎子鱼,土阿莫土群岛(南太平洋),法属玻利尼西亚多岛群岛,1997年。一条蝎子鱼试图隐藏在法属玻利尼西亚的土阿莫土群岛的沙滩里。

29、the family of languages spoken in Australia and Formosa and Malaysia and Polynesia ─── 分布于澳大利亚、台湾、马来西亚和玻利尼西亚的一个语族

30、small genus of large epiphytic or terrestrial orchids of southeastern Asia to Polynesia; ─── 亚洲东南部至玻利尼西亚大型附生或陆地兰花的一个小属;

31、It is some 3,500 kilometers from Polynesia to New Zealand, which they travelled in narrow boats. ─── 从波利尼西亚到新西兰约有3500公里,他们乘着狭长的小船前来。

32、The earliest people of New Zealand, the Maori, came from the islands of polynesia in the Pacific, which means "many islands". ─── 新西兰最早的居民,毛利人,来自太平洋的玻利尼西亚,玻利尼西的意思是"许多岛屿"。

33、The official language is a division of French Polynesia, mostly English. ─── 官方语言除法属波利尼西亚为法语外,多为英语。

34、I also worked in French Polynesia---Tahiti as a regional manager for 4 years, which is a pacific island on the other side of the world. ─── 之前我在法属玻利尼西亚---塔希提岛担任了4年地区经理。那是坐落于地球另一端的一个太平洋岛屿,位于悉尼和洛杉矶这一直线的中间点,具有美丽的热带气候。

35、In the fertile waters of French Polynesia's Tuamotu Archipelago, a school of blue-striped grunts beats a fast retreat as a pair of blacktip reef sharks lurk in the distance. ─── 在富饶的法属玻利尼西亚土阿莫土群岛海域,一对黑礁鲨潜伏附近,一群蓝色条纹的呼噜鱼飞快的撤离。

36、New Zealand--Aotearoa, "land of the long white cloud" --was settled over 1000years ago by voyagers from East Polynesia. ─── 新西兰--长白云之乡--从东波利尼西亚来的航海者早在一千年以前就建立的。

37、Surfing originated sometime between 1500 B.C. and A.D. 400 among the oceanic island cultures of Polynesia. ─── 冲浪运动源于公元前1500年到公元400年之间的波利尼西亚的海岛。

38、New Zealand has a long history. Its first citizen are the Maori who came from Polynesia ,which is some 3,500 kilometresfrom New Zealand . But now the Maori survive little . ─── 新西兰有着悠久的历史,它的第一代居民是毛利人,来自距新西兰3,500公里的波利尼西亚岛。由于外来的侵略,现在毛利人却存活的很少。

39、Seemingly fearless, butterfly fish in the Tuamotu archipelago in French Polynesia swim around a coral reef. ─── 意译:鱼的学校图片。看上去无所畏惧,蝴蝶鱼在土阿莫土群岛法属波利尼西亚游泳围绕一个珊瑚礁。

40、It is some 3500 kilometers from Polynesia to New Zealand, which they traveled in narrow boats. ─── 从波利尼西亚到新西兰大约有3500公里,他们是乘着狭窄的木船过来的。

41、large genus of shrubs and trees and some woody vines of Central and South America, Africa, Australia and Polynesia: wattle; mimosa. ─── 中南美地区,非洲,澳大利亚和玻利尼西亚的一些木本藤和乔木和灌木的大属;金合欢树;含羞草。

42、But if it's the ultimate you 15)crave, The best Fantasy Getaway is Bora Bora in French Polynesia. ─── 但是假如你想要终极享受,最妙的去处是法属玻利尼西亚的波拉波拉山。

43、About 400 species exist throughout the northern hemisphere and in Polynesia, as trees or shrubs with long, lobed leaves. ─── 在整个北半球和波利尼西亚有大约400种橡树,这些树木或灌木有长长的、浅裂的叶子。

44、The French government is represented in French Polynesia by its High Commissioner to the terriktory, and controls various important spheres of government, including defence, diplomacy and justice. ─── 政治:法国政府向法属波利尼西亚领地派驻高级专员作为其代表管理当地政府的各个重要部门,包括国防、外交和司法。

45、a large group of islands in the south Pacific including Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia (and sometimes Australasia and the Malay Archipelago). ─── 南太平洋中的一大群岛屿,包括美拉尼西亚和密克罗尼西亚,有时也包括澳大拉西亚和马来西亚群岛。

46、Two species: Madagascar to Polynesia, on sandy seashores; one species in China. ─── 两种:到波利尼的马达加斯加,在沙的海岸上;中国有1种。

47、French Polynesia was expected to be first in the firing line, with an estimated arrival time for any potential tsunami of 1550 GMT. ─── 法属波利尼西亚预计是第一个被波及的地区,可能的海啸的到达时间是格林尼治时间1550。

48、It abuts the Tropic of Cancer, constituted the Polynesia archipelago north vanguard. ─── 它紧靠北回归线,构成了波利尼西亚群岛的北方前锋。

49、giant epiphytic or lithophytic fern; Asia to Polynesia and Australia ─── 大的附生或石生的蕨类植物;分布在亚洲到玻利尼西亚和澳洲

50、commonly cultivated fern of Australia and southeastern Asia and Polynesia. ─── 在澳大利亚、亚洲东南和玻利尼西亚广泛载植的蕨类植物。

51、Products including earring, ring, necklace, and hair accessories, which are made of differences material such as plastic, alloyed metal, Polynesia etc. ─── 产品包括由塑胶、合金、树脂等各种原料制成的吊坠、戒指、项链、手镯和发饰等。

52、Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia, 1997 Photograph by David Doubilet A school of fish swims over a coral formation in the Tuamotu Archipelago of French Polynesia. ─── 意译:土木土群岛,法属波利尼西亚,1997年。一个学校的鱼游泳越过一处珊瑚形成的法属波利尼西亚的土木土群岛。

53、This was dissolved in 1970, when Tonga, the only ancient kingdom surviving from the pre-European period in Polynesia, achieved complete independence within the Commonwealth. ─── 1970年解散,前欧洲时期玻里尼西亚中唯一存留的古王国东加在国协内实现了完全的独立。

54、Found in French Polynesia 165 miles (265 kilometers) west of Tahiti, the island of Bora-Bora is what remains of an ancient sunken volcano. ─── 发现于法国波利尼西亚165英里(265千米)塔西提岛西部的波拉波拉岛是远古沉没火山的遗迹。

55、Before the arrival of Europeans, the islands in the two largest cultural areas, Polynesia and Micronesia, together contained a population estimated at 700,000. ─── 在欧洲人到来之前,波利尼西亚和密克罗尼西亚这两个最大的文化区,住着大约70万人。

56、"Churchgoers in Sunday finery sweat out a sermon with the help of handheld fans in Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia's steamy capital. ─── “在湿热的法属波利尼西亚塔希提首府帕皮提,身着礼拜天华服的礼拜者们在手摇扇慰藉下热汗淋淋地听着布道。

57、Adventureland was inspired by areas of Africa, Polynesia, and Southeast Asia. ─── 探险世界的设计灵感来源于非洲地区、玻利尼西亚和东南亚。

58、New Zealand has a long history.Its first citizen are the Maori who came from Polynesia ,which is some 3,500 kilometresfrom New Zealand . ─── 新西兰有着悠久的历史,它的第一代居民是毛利人,来自距新西兰3,500公里的波利尼西亚岛。

59、The capital of the overseas territory of French Polynesia, a port on the northwest coast of Tahiti in the Society Islands of the southern Pacific Ocean. It is a commercial and tourist center. Population,23, 496. ─── 佩佩埃堤法国波利尼西亚海的领地的首都,南太平洋社会群岛塔希提岛西北海岸的一个港口。是商业和旅游中心。人口23,496

60、The noni plant was used in traditional healing throughout Polynesia and is being promoted worldwide for all kinds of health problems and diseases. ─── noni工厂在在整个波利尼西亚传统愈合中被使用和对于各种各样的健康问题和疾病在全世界被促进。

61、4. perennial herb of East India to Polynesia and Australia cultivated for its large edible root yielding otaheite arrowroot starch. ─── 从东印度到波利尼西亚和澳大利亚的多年生草本植物,巨大的食用根可出产食用淀粉。

62、And poverty, starvation and backward compared to Africa, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna, beautiful scenery, rich residents living immortal life. ─── 与贫困、饥饿、落后的非洲相比,法属波利尼西亚、新喀里多尼亚、瓦利斯和富图纳等,风景优美,物产丰富,居民过着无忧无虑的神仙生活。

63、perennial rhizomatous herbs of Asia and Australia and Polynesia having ginger-scented rhizomes ─── 亚洲、澳大利亚和玻利尼西亚的多年生生地下茎的草本植物,根茎有生姜气味

64、Churchgoers in Sunday finery sweat out a sermon with the help of handheld fans in Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia's steamy capital. ─── 法国的波利尼西亚图片。常去做礼拜的人在星期天鲜艳服装冒汗说教和帮助手持式扇子在帕皮提,塔希提岛,法国波利尼西亚的雾重的首都。

65、giant epiphytic or lithophytic fern; Asia to Polynesia and Australia. ─── 大的附生或石生的蕨类植物;分布在亚洲到玻利尼西亚和澳洲。

66、Heyerdahl believed that people from South America could have settled Polynesia in the south Pacific in Pre-Columbian times. ─── 以现代航海家海耶德尔横渡太平洋时用的木筏“康蒂基号”命名。

67、French Polynesia in the South Pacific will be one of the only places on earth where tourists can experience the 2010 total solar eclipse. ─── 位于南太平洋的法属波利尼西亚是观光者能亲历2010年日全食的地区之一。

68、a group of about 80 coral islands in French Polynesia ─── 位于法国玻利尼西亚群岛中的大约80个珊瑚岛

69、Gazetteer Eastern Central Pacific: Samoa to the Line and Society islands, French Polynesia and the Pitcairn Group. ─── 中太平洋东部:美属萨摩亚到列岛群岛与社会群岛,法属玻里尼西亚与皮特凯恩岛群。

70、There will be a floating city in French Polynesia. ─── 法属波利尼西亚将会有一个漂浮的城市。

71、an island in the south Pacific; the most important island in French Polynesia; made famous by Robert Louis Stevenson and Paul Gauguin. ─── 南太平洋中的一个岛屿;是法国玻利尼西亚的最重要的一个岛屿;因为罗伯特路易斯史蒂文森和保罗而出名。

72、From 2001 to 2004, there were 98% and 99% of cases of deaths, occurred in Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, French Polynesia, Fiji, New Caledonia And China. ─── 2001至2004年间,该区有98%的病例和99%死亡病例,分别发生在越南、马来西亚、菲律宾、柬埔寨、寮国、新加坡、法属玻利尼西亚、菲济、新喀里多尼亚和中国。

73、an island group of French Polynesia in the S Pacific east of Samoa ─── 属于南太平洋中的萨摩亚群岛的法国玻璃你西亚群岛中的群岛

74、The field work for this study was based out of the UC Berkeley Richard B.Gump South Pacific Research Station on the island of Moorea in French Polynesia. ─── 事实上,发生在“蓝月亮”蝴蝶身上的故事并非绝无仅有,不少节肢动物都感染过专杀雄性后代的病菌。

75、It is considered bad manners to be seen eating at all in parts of Polynesia. ─── 在波利尼西亚的一些地方,埋头只顾吃会被看成一种不理貌的行为。

76、a group of volcanic islands in the south central Pacific; part of French Polynesia. ─── 南太平洋的一组火山群岛。

77、perennial herb of East India to Polynesia and Australia cultivated for its large edible root yielding otaheite arrowroot starch ─── 从东印度到波利尼西亚和澳大利亚的多年生草本植物,巨大的食用根可出产食用淀粉

78、Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures In a world of clouds and crystalline blue, a pair of stingrays glides just below the surface in the waters of French Polynesia's Tuamotu archipelago. ─── 意译:水下生物照片集。在当前的世界上水晶似的蓝天白云,一对黄鲷鱼滑动仅低于海域的表面是法属波利尼西亚的土阿莫土群岛。

79、a group of islands in the south central Pacific; part of French Polynesia ─── 位于太平洋中南部的一组群岛;法国玻利尼西亚群岛的一部分

80、All of our agents specialize in Hawaii Vacations and French Polynesia Travels only. ─── 所有仅仅我们的代理人专攻夏威夷假期和法语的波利尼西亚旅行。

81、But that it must have existed, we are compelled to admit: for the Hawaiian system of consanguinity still prevalent today throughout the whole of Polynesia expresses degrees of consanguinity which could only arise in this form of family; ─── 不过,夏威夷的亲属制度(这种制度至今还在整个波利尼西亚通行),使我们不能不承认这种家庭一定是存在过的,因为它所表现的血缘亲属等级只有在这种家庭形式之下才能产生;

82、A school of fish swims over a coral formation in the Tuamotu Archipelago of French Polynesia. ─── 一个学校的鱼游泳越过一处珊瑚形成的法属波利尼西亚的土木土群岛。

83、Photo Gallery: Schools of Fish Seemingly fearless, butterfly fish in the Tuamotu archipelago in French Polynesia swim around a coral reef. ─── 意译:鱼的学校图片美术馆。似乎无所畏惧,蝴蝶鱼在土阿莫土群岛在法属玻里尼西亚游泳周围的珊瑚礁。

84、large genus of shrubs and trees and some woody vines of Central and South America,Africa,Australia and Polynesia: wattle; mimosa ─── 中南美地区,非洲,澳大利亚和玻利尼西亚的一些木本藤和乔木和灌木的大属;金合欢树;含羞草

85、perennial rhizomatous herbs of Asia and Australia and Polynesia having ginger-scented rhizomes. ─── 亚洲、澳大利亚和玻利尼西亚的多年生生地下茎的草本植物,根茎有生姜气味。

86、islands of central and south Pacific,including Indonesia and Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia ─── 太平洋中部和南部的岛屿,包括印尼、美拉来西亚、密克罗尼西亚以及玻利尼西亚

87、Diving in French Polynesia isn’t all sharks. ─── 在法属波利尼西亚潜水遇到的不都是鲨鱼。

88、Rays of yellow brighten an overcast day as Pacific double-saddle butterfly fish (Chaetodon ulietensis) swim near water's surface in French Polynesia's Tuamotu archipelago. ─── 意译:水下动物:图片美术馆。黄色的射线变亮了阴天当太平洋双鞍蝴蝶鱼游泳接近法属波利尼西亚的土木土群岛之时。

89、commonly cultivated fern of Australia and southeastern Asia and Polynesia ─── 在澳大利亚、亚洲东南和玻利尼西亚广泛载植的蕨类植物

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