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09-13 投稿


nipping 发音

英:[?n?p??]  美:[?n?p??]

英:  美:

nipping 中文意思翻译




nipping 网络释义

adj. 锋利的;刺骨的;尖酸刻薄的v. 夹紧;阻止…的成长;造成冻伤(nip的ing形式)

nipping 常用词组

nip in the bud ─── 防患于未然;消灭于萌芽状态

nip and tuck ─── 势均力敌

nip in ─── 插队;插嘴;使变窄

nipping 短语词组

1、nipping dog training ─── 咬狗训练

2、nipping cat ─── 咬猫

3、nipping dog ─── 夹狗

4、nipping machine ─── 压平机

5、nipping puppy training ─── 咬狗训练

6、nipping tr ─── 夹持tr

7、nipping manipulation ─── 掐法

8、nipping definition ─── 扣人心弦的定义

9、nipping in the bud meaning ─── 含苞待放的意思

10、nipping calves ─── 咬小牛

nipping 词性/词形变化,nipping变形

副词: nippingly |

nipping 相似词语短语

1、lipping ─── n.唇形变;v.用嘴唇接触;轻轻说出(lip的ing形式)

2、gipping ─── n.吉平(英国地名)

3、kipping ─── v.睡觉;逃学;住宿(kip的ing形式)

4、ripping ─── v.(突然或猛烈地)撕破;击穿;裂开;猛地扯开;猛冲;抓取(音轨);将(文本或图像)光栅化(rip的现在分词);adj.极好的,令人愉快的

5、snipping ─── n.碎片;v.剪去;删节;削减(snip的ing形式)

6、dipping ─── v.蘸(dip的现在分词)

7、hipping ─── n.安装帮木;v.损伤…的髋部(hip的ing形式)

8、napping ─── n.刷布;起毛;拉绒;v.小睡;疏忽;使起绒(nap的ing形式);adj.起绒的

9、pipping ─── n.(Pipping)(美、瑞典、荷兰、德)皮平(人名)

nipping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The bad egg tried to nip away but was caught on the spot. ─── 坏蛋想赶紧溜掉,但被当场抓住。

2、The packaging of single nip: transparent PP plastic bag. ─── 产品的包装为:PP透明胶袋包装。

3、To nip romance in the bud, Addie focuses onkeeping her two friends as far apart as possible. ─── 为了将危机尽早遏止,她尽量想办法让她的两个好友互相远离对方。

4、I have a big problem. It's okay. You always nip it in the bud. ─── 你看起来忧心忡忡。我有个很棘手的问题。没关系。你总是有办法解决的。

5、After winning 8 of their last 10 games, the Hornets are nipping at the heels of the Spurs and the Suns for the best record in the Western Conference. ─── 他们在过去10场比赛中赢了8场,黄蜂的战绩,在西部紧随马刺队和太阳队之后。

6、Smashing: A bindery process used to compress air out of the folded sheets. See Nipping. ─── 压平:装订工序之一。它把折叠后,纸页间的空气压出。

7、She ask her mother to nip the dress in at the waist. ─── 她让母亲把那连衣裙的腰部收窄一点。

8、It has true cover nipping, with a cam-operated mechanism. ─── 它真正的封面萌芽,以凸轮经营机制。

9、But, I not 怨 , I not 怨 ah, dear, I not 怨 let you are in the world that keep in deep freeze drive that nipping and cold erodes. ─── 可是,我不怨,我不怨呀,亲爱的,我不怨让你在那冰冻的世界里面被那刺骨的寒冷所侵蚀着。

10、Opt for frequent cleanings to nip tarnish in the bud. ─── 只有经常的清洁才能防患于未然。

11、If I don't nip it in the bud, he'll keep doing it. ─── 如果我不防患于未然,他会继续干这种事的。

12、Up until January when insureance rulesk changed, Canadian physicians were nipping and tucking women droma around theoorld. ─── 保险法已经在一月份之后更改了,加拿大医生们可以为全世界的女士做这些捏夹和缝摺的手术了。

13、NIP Address does not resolve into a valid server. ─── nIP地址不属于一个有效的服务器。

14、The gardener was nipping off the side buds from chrysanthemums. ─── 园丁正在把菊花的边芽掐掉。

15、In china,it means u are well-loved if host nip the food and pour the wine for the guest. ─── 在中国,为客人夹菜和倒酒就意味着对客人的尊敬.

16、It was nip and tuck as to which boat would reach port first. ─── 两条船中哪一条先进港都很难说。

17、The winter with nipping cold wind has passed, and now flowers are competing to open. ─── 寒风刺骨的冬天已经过去,鲜花正竞相开放。

18、Two sets of bottle nipping and annlar belt structure.Good effect for some bottles erecting unsteadily. ─── 两套夹瓶环带结构,使高瓶或站立不稳的瓶子也适应。

19、Nip the problem in the bud before it snowballs. ─── (在问题扩大之前,应该尽早解决。

20、It's nip and tuck whether he'll finish the job in time or not. ─── 他会不会按时完成任务还很难说呢。

21、Eats when the moon cake most liked nipping the crystal sugar, pleasantly sweet, cool. ─── 吃月饼时最喜欢咬到冰糖了,甜丝丝,凉凉的。

22、Nipping inflation in the bud would require a rise in interest rates and curbs on public spending, as well as letting the peso appreciate. ─── 对通货膨胀防患于未然需要利率的上调和控制公共开支,同时允许阿根廷比索升值。

23、Don't nip any stalks off the plant. ─── 别掐断植物茎。

24、If we attack quickly, we can nip the enemy's plans in the bud. ─── 如果我们迅速进攻,就可以把敌人刚刚萌芽的计划一举消灭。

25、Had been nipping brandy. ─── 一直在小口地抿白兰地

26、Transporters belonging to the NIP subfamily of aquaporins in rice are permeable to arsenite but not to arsenate. ─── 亚砷酸盐是稻田土壤中砷的主要存在形式,而木质部把营养从根部运输到植株。

27、Discipline is about nipping things in the bud while love is always subtle and sincere. ─── 严在防患于未然,爱须真诚到细微。

28、There is a nip in the air today. ─── 今天寒气袭人。

29、There's a nip in the air today: winter's coming. ─── 今天空气中有一种刺痛,冬天来了。

30、Nipping conflict in the bud by silencing dark propaganda would do a lot of good. ─── 压制黑暗宣传,以达到把冲突扼杀在萌芽中的目的,这会有很大益处。

31、Nip Pressure point between two rollers or cylinders. ─── 在两根墨辘间或两个圆筒间的压力点。

32、It's meant to nip hurtful behavior in the bud. ─── 它的目的是将让令人受到伤害的行为最早就湮灭。

33、The oversubscription rate of the notes issued under the NIP, in which the HKMA acts as the arranger, custodian, agent and operator, averaged 4.9 times. ─── 债券发行计划由金管局负责安排、保管、代理及管理,根据该计划发行的债券的超额认购倍数平均为4.9倍。

34、There were those on the Plenipotentiary Council who had talked vaguely of sending reinforcements, but Edwards had managed to nip that one right away. ─── 全权大使委员会中有些人含糊地谈到了派遣援军的问题,可爱德华兹立刻便设法掐灭了这念头。

35、They never lost a chance to nip at him or steal his possessions. ─── 他们一有机会就咬他,偷他的东西。

36、There's a nip in the air today. ─── 今天寒风刺骨。

37、Do not nip any stalks off till the plant's through blooming . ─── 在植物盛开之前不要掐掉它的梗。

38、He picked up Charlotte by nipping her diaper and tossed her over his shoulder. ─── 牠咬住夏绿蒂的尿布,把她叼起来,然后将她甩向身后。

39、He picked up Charlotte by nipping her diaper and tossed her over his shoulder by more than a metre. ─── 牠咬住夏绿蒂的尿布,把她叼起来,从肩膀上方将她往后丢了逾一公尺远。

40、Henry Abbott, TrueHoop: Kevin Love is not just a kid to keep your eye on, he's nipping at Dirk's heels right now. ─── 凯文乐福并不是一个小孩子,而需要你去关注他。他现在已经在追赶德克的脚步了。

41、Based on analyzing the intersection curve between the rolled-piece and roll, the method of determining the nip point is put forward. ─── 基于对轧件与轧辊截交线的分析,提出了在二维直角坐标系中确定轧件咬入接触点的方法。

42、It hang the clothes rack, nip the bad munition rain coat and kinds of dowdy wool overcoat, nevertheless it seems a rose in the briers. ─── 它就挂在衣架上,夹在劣质的军用风雨衣和各式各样寒酸的羊毛大衣当中,然而它却像荆棘丛中的一朵玫瑰。

43、If they are properly dewatered with suction boxes before entering the nip. ─── 如果进入压区之前,他们得到适当的吸水箱脱水。

44、So far, nipping means working with international standard setters to compel companies to disclose exactly what set of rules they are using. ─── 到目前为止,“掐死”还停留在和国际准则制定者一起强迫公司表明自己到底采用哪种会计准则的阶段上。

45、The best way to stop an argument is to nip it in the bud. ─── 停止争论最好的方法是及时防止问题的发生。

46、An extra year or more would give engineers more time to nip problems in the bud. ─── 再多一年甚至更长的时间,能让工程师有更多时间在问题发生之初就先根除。

47、The day was cold, with a nipping wind down the northward running streets. ─── 天气很冷,向北面的街上刮起了一阵刺骨的冷风。

48、If he shows signs of keeling over or going into the shakes, give him a nip--a small one. ─── 只要发现他想胡说八道或捣乱别人,就拧他一把,但不要太重。

49、The surfer call it quits after one is nip by a shark. ─── 在某人遭鲨鱼攻击後,冲浪者停止一切活动。

50、He jokes about nipping down on to the Wembley pitch for a quick kick-about just in case he never gets another opportunity. ─── 他开玩笑说现在就想赶紧到新温布利球场上踢球,万一以后他再也没有这样的机会(哎!

51、Nip wire adopts cam style nip equal to, nip strength big,test stability. ─── 夹线采用凸轮方式夹合,夹力大,测试稳定。

52、The NIP notes will be allocated to them at the Average Accepted Price of the successful bids of the Recognised Dealers in the competitive tender. ─── 分配予一般投资者的债券价格以认可证券商以竞价投标方式成功投得债券的平均接受价而厘定。

53、Kevin: Well, if I had the money, I wouldn't hesitate to have a little nip and tuck. ─── 嗯,我如果有钱的话,我一定会去拉拉捏捏的!

54、It did not nip me this time. Its black, bulgy eyes remained motionless, and it seemed to be planning something. ─── 它没再咬我,那对鼓鼓的黑眼睛还是盯着一个地方,也许在盘算什么。

55、The two salesmen fought nip and tuck for the contract all the way. ─── 两个推销员为得到这个合同一直竞争到底。

56、Mr Obama might make a breakthrough in Iowa (where he is nipping Mrs Clinton's heels) and gain enough momentum to win the nomination. ─── 奥巴马也许会在爱荷华洲大胜(在爱荷华中他紧随希拉里之后),并蓄积力量赢得提名。

57、Central Nip Gap Adjustment with Digital Electronic Nip Gap instrument on the Control Panel for readouts in increments of 0,1 mm. ─── 中央夹紧调整通过控制面板上的数字显示控制装置实现,显示调节间隔0.1毫米。

58、The Queen's corgis always nip at her staff's ankles. ─── 女王的威尔士矮脚狗总爱咬女王工作人员的脚脖子。

59、And sometimes - like this chap in Calgary, Canada - there is a need to nip out quickly to get that last minute gift. ─── 加拿大卡尔加里的圣诞老人放弃麋鹿选择了摩托车,相信他能在最短的时间里为你送到礼物。

60、This can lead to too much excitement for a Westie and may lead to unintentional nipping. ─── 因为在这样好玩的场合里,贪玩的小西高会兴奋得一塌糊涂,或者会犯些咬到小朋友的无心之失呢。

61、A female French jurist urges her to look chic even when nipping out to buy a baguette, "because you never know" . ─── 一位法国女性律师劝说她即使你急匆匆的出门去买法棍的时候也要让自己看起来很精致,“因为你永远不知道在什么时候会有艳遇”。

62、If we don't nip bourgeois liberalization in the bud, we may find ourselves in trouble. ─── 在苗头出现时不注意,就会出事。

63、Now you get hold of all the door-keys you can find, and I'll nip all of auntie's, and the first dark night we'll go there and try 'em. ─── 你去把所有能找到的门钥匙全弄到手,我去偷姨妈的,等天一黑我们就去试门。

64、a social interaction might go sour, with one marmot nipping or chasing another. ─── 社交互动也可能会变得很不愉快,就像一只土拨鼠会厮咬或追逐其他同类。 “土拨鼠们对待彼此总是很粗暴。”

65、Juno:Oh, you know, I was thinking I'd just nip it in the bud before it gets worse. ─── 呃,你知道,我就是要,我觉得我会把它扼杀在萌芽之时,在一切变得更坏之前。

66、Has pot later Huang Li to pass burnt, Jiao Litou yellow, is nipping crisply, is eating fragrant, has the Shanxi eight big strange fine reputations worthily. ─── 出锅以后的黄里透焦,焦里透黄,咬着酥脆,吃着香甜,不愧有陕西八大怪的美名。

67、Sometimes a angry monkey may nip(?) humam beings. ─── 一只发怒的猴子有时会咬人.

68、There is a cold nip in the air. ─── 寒气逼人。

69、I don't want to catch any of you with a bright red nose brought on from nipping at a bottle of Old Granddad. ─── 我不想看到你们任何一人由于偷酒喝而弄成红鼻子。

70、Thereupon, the small pig tries to nip own tail. ─── 于是,小猪试着咬自己的尾巴.

71、Nip someone's thin neck, like nipping a beer bottle. ─── 像捏着啤酒瓶那样,扼住谁的细脖颈。

72、Nipping inflation in the bud would require a rise in interest rates and curbs on public spending, as well as letting the peso appreciate. ─── 通货膨胀防患于未然需要利率的上调和控制公共开支,同时允许阿根廷比索升值。

73、He charged a slow roller up the line and made a strong throw to nip Lopez at first as the crowd roared. ─── 他将一个边线旁软弱的滚地球接起,快速的传往一垒造成出局。

74、Lucius pulls him close, nipping at his throat, tasting of sunlight and colour. ─── Lucius把他拉近,咬着他的喉咙,品尝着那阳光和色彩。

75、I must just nip off to the shops before the children come home from school. ─── 在孩子们放学回来之前,我必须快去买点东西。

76、There is a nip in the air in winter. ─── 冬天寒气袭人。

77、Guessing his intentions, she had resolved to nip them in the bud. ─── 她猜到他的用意之后,就决定防患于未然,使之不能实现。

78、If you feel a cold coming on try to nip it in the bud by keeping warm and getting a lot of sleep. ─── 如果你感到快伤风时,那就穿得暖些,再多睡些觉,那就不会病了。

79、Otherwise, build in the magnetoresistive angle sensor to test the window position, for come true prevent nip function. ─── 另外巧妙的安装上磁阻角度传感器,测量车窗玻璃位置,实现防夹功能。

80、He gave a small nip to each corner of the cloth. ─── 他把布的每一个角都铰了一块

81、Don't pick (or nip off) the flowers. ─── 不要掐花。

82、It redresses the error in the deisign of single-toggle jaw crusher nip angle and rightly explains various factors affecting the jaw crusher operation. ─── 作者以工态啮角为设计思想,设计了财板下置式高效、低磨损曲线破碎腔的单财板颚式破碎机,取得了非常好的效果。

83、Smashing: A bindery process used to compress air out of the folded sheets. See Nipping . ─── 压平:装订工序之一。它把折叠后,纸页间的空气压出。

84、The soft nip technology of successful application in the field of producing the high-grade culture paper with bleaching bagasse pulp was Introduced. ─── 介绍首次成功将国产软压光技术在漂白蔗渣浆抄造高级文化用纸中的应用。

85、Even as layoffs are reaching historic levels, some employers have found an alternative to slashing their work force. They're nipping and tucking it instead. ─── 即使失业率已经达到历史性水平,有些公司还是找到一个折中的方法来减少劳动力成本。他们通过压缩劳动力成本的方式来代替。

86、So far, nipping means working with international standard setters to compel companies to disclose exactly what set of rules they are using. ─── 到目前为止,“掐死”还停留在和国际准则制定者一起强迫公司表明自己到底采用哪种会计准则的阶段上。

87、Today's silvering problems result from running sheets too quickly, not applying enough nip pressure or using the wrong adhesives. ─── 今天的镀银的问题是由于运行表太快,没有足够的应用扼杀压力或使用错误的粘合剂。

88、If we attack quickly, we can nip the enemys plans in the bud. ─── 如果我们迅速进攻,我们可以把敌人的计划消灭在萌芽状态。

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