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09-13 投稿


inability 发音

英:[??n??b?l?ti]  美:[??n??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

inability 中文意思翻译



inability 网络释义

n. 无能力;无才能

inability 反义词


inability 同义词

ineptitude | incompetence | paralysis | helplessness | unfitness | disability | weakness | incapacity | failure |incapability | powerlessness

inability 短语词组

1、inability to flat ─── 无法平放

2、dullness and inability to inspire ─── 迟钝和无力激励

3、inability to swallow ─── 无法吞咽

4、inability to pay ─── 无力支付

5、inability to persist ─── 无法坚持

6、inability to keep turning out ─── 无法坚持下去

7、inability to read ─── 无法阅读

8、inability to poop ─── 不能拉屎

9、inability definition ─── 无能力定义

10、inability to box ─── 无法装箱

11、inability to do ─── 无能

12、pervasive inability ─── 普遍的无能

13、inability to copulate ─── 无法交配

14、inability meaning ─── 无能意义

15、inability to speak ─── 不能说话

16、inability to recognize faces ─── 无法识别人脸

17、employment inability ─── [经] 无就业能力

18、inability to relax ─── 不能放松

19、inability to feel pain ─── 感觉不到疼痛

inability 词性/词形变化,inability变形


inability 相似词语短语

1、hirability ─── 可租性

2、rinsability ─── 漂洗力

3、livability ─── n.(家禽,牲畜的)存活率;适于居住性

4、disability ─── n.残疾;无能;无资格;不利条件;回弹率

5、inviability ─── n.不能存活

6、instability ─── n.不稳定(性);基础薄弱;不安定

7、winnability ─── 可赢性

8、likability ─── n.可爱

9、singability ─── 可唱性

inability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Several months ago, on one of our evening walks, I griped to my husband about my inability to buckle down. ─── 几个月前,在一次傍晚散步时,我向丈夫抱怨自己无法专心工作。

2、But the inability of the Vendor to comply with any such requirement by such Purchaser shall not vitiate or delay the completion of the purchase. ─── 买主不得因卖主未能遵照其要求而取消或拖延完成买卖交易。

3、In the first case, the initial port malfunctioning was followed by a total occlusion and an inability to infuse. ─── 在第一个病例中,植入座的功能不佳并且注射时常常无法全速开启,最后导致完全阻塞。

4、His inability to speak English put him at a disadvantage at the international conference. ─── 他因为不会说英文,所以在国际会议上处于不利地位。

5、Given the idea's persuasiveness, the inability of researchers to confirm it is astonishing. ─── 不过,我们仍不肯接受:我们不是被那些需要、性格相辅的人吸引吗?

6、The inability of two bodies to occupy the same space at the same time. ─── 不可入性两个物体不能在同一时间占据同一个空间

7、His inability to learn still what an offside is, and generally lack of skill eliminates him. ─── 他始终没有学会什么是越位,而且总的来说他缺乏技术。

8、She does not learn much because of her inability to listen. ─── 她学不到多少东西因为她听不见。

9、His biggest sore spot is his inability to listen to others. ─── 他最大的痛处在于无法听进别人说的话。

10、Instead of recognizing their own inability to get the job done right, they turned to complain endlessly. ─── 不承认自己没有能力做好事情,却转而抱怨不断。

11、In life, the most pathetic thing is not separation nor death, it is your inability to appreciate what you have. ─── 人生最可怜的事,不是生离死别,而是...当面对自己所拥有的,自己却不知道它的珍贵。

12、The opposition leader launched a bitter attack on the government's inability to control the present situation. ─── 反对堂的领袖猛烈抨击政府不能控制目前的局势。

13、Some families go without medical treatment because of their inability to pay. ─── 有些家庭因无力支付医疗费用而得不到医治。

14、Some of the most unethical advisor practices occur because of the inability to represent all carriers. ─── 一些最不道德的顾问的做法出现,因为无法代表所有运营商。

15、An inability to bring products rapidly to market? ─── 不具备将产品迅速推向市场的能力?

16、Innumeracy, and inability to understand accounts that have become misleading to the point of treachery. ─── 因为他们不懂数学,看不懂账目,而账目已变得具有误导性,到了形同欺诈的地步。

17、Another problem may be an inability to transfer nutrients to a particular region due to lack of circulation. ─── 另一个问题,则可能是由于缺乏循环而不能将营养传送到某个特定部位。

18、But our inability to quantify or time the risk does not mean we should ignore it. ─── 不过无法去量化或是锁定这种风险不代表我们就可以忽视它的存在,

19、An innate, acquired, or induced inability to develop a normal immune response. ─── 免疫缺陷先天的、后天的或诱发的正常免疫反应能力的缺失

20、The headline, he said, should have read: “The Japanese people's amazing inability to be disappointed”. ─── 他说,这个标题应该改为“日本人民对失望无知无觉的本领如此惊人”。

21、His inability to undertake the work is due to his physical disabilities. ─── 他没有能力承担该工作,是由于他的残疾。

22、The history books are full of the total inability of parents, and maybe grandparents too, to convince their children how to live and what to do. ─── 历史书里充满了父母,甚至祖父母,完全无法让孩子依照他们的教诲做人的故事。

23、And no father is confronted with his inability to 'buy' an education for his child. ─── 也不存在父亲无力为孩子支付教育费用而犯难的问题。

24、The Chinese education fails shameful in addition inability. ─── 中国教育失败可耻外加性无能。

25、Insomnia doesn't mean inability to drop off to sleep. ─── 失 眠 不 仅 仅 意 味 着 无 法 入 睡。

26、The problem appeared to be people's reluctance or inability to travel to see their GP in the extreme weather conditions. ─── 问题似乎是民众不愿或不能在眼下这种极差的气候条件下去看他们的家庭医师。

27、Chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time. ─── 失眠长期不能入睡或维持相当长一段时间不能入睡

28、His main weakness as a person is his inability to admit his mistakes. ─── 他为人最大的弱点就在于无法承认自己的错误。

29、Goodness means inability to do a wrong. ─── 善意味着不做错着。

30、His inability to speak french put him at a disadvantage. ─── 他不会说法语, 这使他很吃亏。

31、Another sign may be the inability to release the relationship after the karma is complete. ─── 另一个迹象可能是当业力完成后,一个人却无能于释放关系。

32、He has difficulty in sleeping, inability to concentrate. ─── 他不易入睡,也难集中精神。

33、College cultivate varies ability, including inability. ─── 14大学培养各式才能,包括无能。

34、Her inability to understand the problem bothered her. ─── 她对这问题不能理解使她迷惑不已。

35、For the time being, we regret our inability to accept D/A terms in all transactions with our buyers abroad. ─── 因此,我们很抱歉与国外客户的一切交易中,时下无法接受以承兑交单方式付款。

36、His inability to speak English puts him at a disadvantage when he attends international conferences. ─── 他不会说英语,这使他在参加国际会议时于不利的地位。

37、His inability to speak English puts him at a disadvantage when he attends international conferences . ─── 他不会说英语,这使他在参在国际会议时处于不利的地位。

38、The report reflects age-old Western biases and a fundamental inability to understand Islam on its own terms. ─── 该报告反映出了西方根深蒂固的偏见,也反映出了西方用自己的条例与术语去理解伊斯兰的一种原则性无能。

39、In such a night, like me, you are not alone into a beautiful, lazy in the inability to look for tomorrow's surprise? ─── 在这样的夜晚,你是不是和我一样陷入美丽的孤独,在无力的懒惰里寻找明天的惊喜?

40、What distinguishes the majority of men from the few is their inability to act according to their beliefs. ─── 大多数人与一小部分人的区别在于,他们不能按照自己的信念行事。

41、Very often she felt ashamed of her illiteracy and inability to be like other girls. ─── 她常常很惭愧,因为自己没有学问,所以没办法跟其她的女孩一样。

42、People generally understand the concept of total deafness, that is, the inability to hear any sound at all. ─── 人们通常理解全聋的概念,即是根本听不到任何声音。

43、Not to abandon its own excuse, not the reason for their weakness, not their own inability to wear Gaomao. ─── 不要给自己放弃的借口,不要给自己软弱的理由,不要给自己的无能戴上高帽。

44、Erratic paddling and inability to maintain course (disorientation). ─── 奇怪举止,丧失方向感。

45、His inability to pay his debts made his parents worried. ─── 他无力偿还债务使他父母亲很着急。

46、Her inability to concentrate could cause an accident. ─── 她无法集中注意力可能会导致意外。

47、His inability to understand her bothered him. ─── 他不能理解她,这使他大伤脑筋。

48、Inability to think rationally or concentrate. ─── 不能理智地思考问题,无法集中精神。

49、Wall Street analysts have been highly critical of the company's seeming inability to control costs. ─── 华尔街的分析家们对该公司似乎无力控制成本一事一直批评甚多。

50、Inability to understand your feelings. ─── 不能理解你的感情。

51、"But the crazy thing is that people still do go just to be a spectator at other people's inability to sing. ─── “除非喝得酩酊大醉,否则要不了一会儿,观众们就会发现连听两个小时这样的歌声并不是度过良宵的最好办法。”

52、Offered a partial refund DESPITE inability to READ terms of sale &I get NFB?? ─── 信用指数经双方同意撤回:买卖双方皆同意撤回此次交易的信用评价。进一步了解。2007-09-13

53、It's inconstancy,but not inability,that's to be feared. ─── 不怕无能,就怕无恒。

54、Things are not well done due to lack of perseverance instead of inability. ─── 事情做不好往往不是因为没有能力,而是由于缺乏恒心。

55、Inability to predict environmental reaction. ─── 不能预言环境反应。

56、The persistent inability to conceive a child. ─── 不孕持续的不能怀孕的能力

57、Her inability to swim puts her at a disadvantage when she has to cross a river. ─── 她不会游泳,因此,当需要渡河时,就很不便利了。

58、Sacramento's inability to cope with the Hornets ' hustling defense on the ball-handler proved to be a key factor in the game. ─── 萨克拉门托无力破解黄蜂对持球者的紧逼防守,这证实是这场比赛的一个关键;

59、Her inability to pay the rents caused trouble. ─── 她无力付房租引起了麻烦。

60、Immaturity is the inability to make use of one's own understanding without the direction of another. ─── 不成熟状态就是没有他人引导便无法使用自己的理智。

61、An inability to stay quiet is one of the most conspicuous failings of manking. ─── 不能安于现状是人类最显著的缺点。

62、Yet the Arab leaders' inability to protect the Lebanese people makes them look impotent on the regional stage and weak at home. ─── 但阿拉伯领导们无力保障黎巴嫩人民,使他们在该地区显得无能,在家显得软弱。

63、Beriberi is caused by an inability to assimilate thiamine. ─── 不能吸收维生素B1就导致脚气病。

64、His inability to speak English put him at a disadvantage. ─── 他不会说英语,这使他很吃亏。

65、Inability to continue operations due to heavy losses caused by force majeure soon as natural calamities and wars, etc. ─── 因自然灾害、战争等不可抗力遭受严重损失,无法继续经营;

66、Inability to digest or difficulty in digesting something, especially food. ─── 不消化,不吸收对某事物,尤指食物,不能消化吸收或消化吸收有困难

67、The worst error ever committed by a boss is his inability to praise. ─── 一个老板最糟糕的错误就是不会夸奖。约翰。

68、Don't blame your broken heart on his inability to handle your extreme fabulosity. ─── 不要因他对付不了你的极度优秀而责怪自己一颗破碎了的心。

69、Inability to relax, to let go of a problem, often prevents its solution. ─── 不会放松,不会放过问题,常常妨碍问题的解决。

70、In the small-scale world, our inability to observe precise features of individual events is one reason for the special importance of conservation laws. ─── 在小规模世界中,我们无法观察到个别事件的真实面貌,这也是稳健显得特别重要的原因之一。

71、Her despondency arises from her inability to find employment. ─── 她之所以意志消沉是因为她无法找到工作。

72、The Fox on her return, discovering what had happened, was less grieved for the death of her young than for her inability to avenge them. ─── 狐狸回来时发现了这件不幸的事,它悲痛小狐狸的死,还不及痛恨自己没有报仇的能力。

73、JCF: There’s been a ton of talk centered on the Rockets’s inability to win close games. ─── JCF:现在有好多的观点都是火箭不足以赢下比分比较接近的比赛。

74、Uncontrollable shivering and inability to warm up. ─── 不受控制的颤抖和不能变暖。

75、She is depressed by her inability to get pregnant. ─── 她为自己的不孕而倍感苦恼。

76、Our inability to admit that we don't know. ─── 不能承认自己的无知。作者认为

77、The inability of Node2 to control the note board means that it should not bring up a clustered mailbox server. ─── Node2无法控制记录板,这意味着它不会使群集邮箱服务器联机。

78、Inability to resolve transactions may be related to the MS DTC down time or an unknown transaction outcome at the time of recovery. ─── 事务无法解决可能与MS DTC停止工作或恢复时的未知事务结果有关。

79、Rather, BBS is often a life-long condition characterized by excessive hesitancy or a total inability to urinate. ─── BBS经常在一生的时间都带给患者小便障碍的困扰。

80、The inability of banks to understand their risks in the lead-up to the financial crisis is one example. ─── 银行没能了解自身的风险而导致的金融危机便是一例。

81、To fail because of an inability to reconcile or choose between two courses of action. ─── 失之交臂在可供选择的两个当中因未能协调一致或未能作出正确的决定而失败

82、You have given seven clear days prior notice to the Commissioner for Transport of your inability to attend the test. ─── 你已于指定考期七整天前以书面通知运输署署长无法依期参加考试。

83、Immaturity is the inability to use one's understanding without guidance from another. ─── 不成熟就是不经他人的指引就无法运用自身的理解力。

84、This is viewed as a consequence of our inability to understand and treat a complex problem. ─── 人们把这看成是我们不能很好理解和处理复杂问题的结果。

85、He cited an instance where a girl had grown frustrated over her inability to complete a layup drill. ─── 他向我们举了个例子,说一名女孩因为没有办法完成上篮,开始觉得有点泄气。

86、Instead of recognize their own inability to get the job do right,they turn to complain endlessly. ─── 他们不承认自己没有能力做好事情,却转而抱怨不断。

87、The inability to deal with sounds, such as ah, er, ooh, uh or extraneous noise, causes more errors than other factors. ─── 不能处理诸如阿噢、呜等发音或额外的噪声,(这些声音或噪声)会比其它因素引起更多的错误。

88、But for a growing number of Americans the superpower's inability to impose its will on Mesopotamia is symptomatic of a deeper malaise. ─── 但越来越多的美国人意识到:若说是美国已经重病的话,这个超级大国对美索不达米亚的无能为力仅是重病的一个症状。

89、His inability to speak French puts him at a disadvantage. ─── 他不会说法语,这使他很吃亏。

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