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09-13 投稿


corvee 发音

英:[k??r?ve?]  美:[?k??ve?]

英:  美:

corvee 中文意思翻译



corvee 网络释义

n. 强迫劳役

corvee 短语词组

1、corvee define veer ─── 定义

2、corvee tax ─── 军费税

3、corvee 2020 2020 ─── 年4月

4、corvee inc ─── 英寸

5、corvee duty ─── 军装

6、corvee app ─── 科维应用程序

corvee 相似词语短语

1、corvées ─── 杂务

2、corvée ─── n.徭役

3、corvees ─── n.强迫劳役

4、corvine ─── adj.似乌鸦的;乌鸦的

5、corvette ─── n.轻巡洋舰;轻武装快舰;n.(Corvette)人名;(法)科尔韦特

6、arvee ─── 游乐汽车

7、corneae ─── 角膜

8、cortege ─── n.行列;一队随从

9、corves ─── n.小型矿车;提矿大筐

corvee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This corvee, much too frequent, the payment of taxes, much too heavy, both of them caused the people had no means to make a living and complaints spreaded everywhere. ─── 如此的徭役频繁、赋税沉重,使得民不聊生、怨声载道。

2、cross correlation function amplitude vector (CorV) ─── 互相关函数幅值向量

3、The early days of the war of resistance witnessed excessive assignments of corvee duties and wasting of manpower, but these were soon corrected. ─── 在抗战初期,曾有支差过多、浪费民力的现象,这个毛病很快就得到了克服。

4、Relation of Land Taxes and Corvee in Taibei Lubeizhou ─── 清代台北芦洲的土地赋税关系

5、Although the majority of the Xi Feng New Corvee had been abolished during "Yuan You Geng Hua" period, the advantageous parts of the new Corvee have been maintained. ─── 但是,“元?更化”虽然废除了大部分熙丰新法,仍保留了熙丰新法中确实可行的有利部分。

6、Managing the land by advocating the law that with possessing ceylon land one man must serve as corvee; ─── 主张以“配丁田法”管理土地;

7、Taxes and Corvee System from the Change of "Household" in Those Hilly Land of Zhejiang and Anhui Province During Late Ming and Early Qing ─── 从明末清初浙皖丘陵地区“户”的演变看赋役制度之整合

8、The decree about corvee indicates that the policy about tillage and war had always been carried out by Qinshihuang since Shang Yang's political reform. ─── “兴徭”令的发现,反映秦自商鞅变法以来所实行的“耕战”政策,秦始皇时仍得到贯彻执行,这有助于对既往秦之徭役制度的认识予以重新审视。

9、They strove for their personal rights by making petitions, fleeing, resisting rent and corvee and even waging armed struggle. ─── 他们采用请愿、逃亡、抗租抗差,直至武装斗争等形式争取自己的人身权利。

10、The use of "corvee to" players, each of the city are entitled to 5 construction queue at the same time to speed up the pace of opening up a new town. ─── 对使用“徭役令”的玩家来说,每个城池都是享有5个建筑队列,同时加快了新城开辟的速度。

11、she reduced corvee and taxes, and attached importance to farming and manufacturing; ─── 实施轻徭薄赋,重视农业生产;

12、resistance of corvee estimate error ─── 抗差估计

13、In some dynasties, liquor tax with corvee and other tax related forms. ─── 在有的朝代,酒税还与徭役及其他税赋形式有关。

14、corvee labor ─── 徭役劳动

15、Relation of Land Taxes and Corvee in Taibei Lubeizhou ─── 清代台北芦洲的土地赋税关系

16、The corvee assigned by Gaxag and manorial lords accounted for over 50 percent of the labor of serf households, and could go as high as 70-80 percent. ─── 农奴为噶厦和庄园主支的差,占农奴户劳动量的50%以上,高者可达70%至80%。

17、In this course, tribute receive , military service and taxes is mainly form of taxes and corvee to solicit to ethnic minority all the time. ─── 在这一过程中,贡纳、兵役、赋税始终是政府对少数民族征发赋役的主要形式。

18、The taxes system of Chu State maily includes corvee, farm tax ,land rent,household tax,tariff and so on. ─── 楚国的赋税制度,主要包括军赋、田税、地租、户口税和关市税等几种形式。

19、taxes and corvee ─── 赋役

20、and reducing the burden of corvee labor to ensure that peasants had time to work on their land. ─── 减少徭役使农民由更多时间耕种自己的土地。

21、He spared MinLi, thrift, reduce taxes, streamline superintendents corvee, regardless of Chinese tribes, settled everywhere. ─── 他爱惜民力,提倡节俭,精减官吏,减少税赋徭役,不分华夷,安定四方。

22、On the thesis, the concept of rural society of Liang zhe Lu points to rural people, whose main duties were taxation and corvee. ─── 两浙路的基层民众在本文主要被定义为全体乡户,赋税与役法是宋朝这些基层乡户的基本义务。

23、the contrary, an ancient Chinese emperor levied taxes and corvee, dispensing with people's consent. ─── 与此不同,中国古代帝王征收赋役无需征得民众的同意。

24、In some dynasty, wine tax (or wine monopoly income) also and the corvee tax forms and other relevant. ─── 在有的朝代,酒税(或酒的专卖收入)还与徭役及其他税赋形式有关。

25、Serf-owners ruthlessly exploited serfs through corvee and usury. ─── 农奴主用差役和高利贷对农奴进行残酷的剥削。

26、The farmer is on the taxes and corvee of the country that finish, foundation that makes sure oneself lives daily, domestic income is returned somewhat odd. ─── 农民在完成国家赋役、保证自身日常生活的基础上,家庭收入还略有剩余。

27、Sere leaf issues rustle to make sound in the sole of corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs of his that softness, faint can hear, very euphonic. ─── 干枯的树叶在他那柔软的乌拉鞋底下沙沙作响,隐约可闻,十分悦耳。

28、Holding Opportunily, Construct Special Corve out Investment Model of Municipality --"TianJin Model" Bring out Enlighten with Considers ─── 抓住机遇构筑自治区特色创业投资模式--"天津模式"带给我们的启示与思考

29、Corve System ─── 徭役

30、See inside also have a noncombatant duty, say questioningly: "How, came again a v/arc corvee? ─── 见里面也有个公差,诧异地说:“怎么,又来了个差役?”

31、In this dissertation, the author try to discuss ethnic minority taxes and corvee production , development , content , characteristic , and influencing etc. of Han dynasty, preliminary. ─── 本文即试图对两汉政府对少数民族赋役政策的产生、发展、内容、特点、影响等问题进行一些初步探讨。

32、Qing Dynasty officials to send regular patrols along the tree corvee situation. ─── 清代官府常派差役沿路巡察护树情况。

33、The plunder of manpower is even more horrifying. A great many able-bodied men have been press-ganged and the amount of corvee can hardly be calculated. ─── 而人力的掠夺尤足惊人,大批壮丁被捉走服役,支差难以数计。

34、The ownership of means of production by monasteries and mosques was abolished, so were the practices of usury, corvee and other exploitative systems ─── 废除寺庙和清真寺的生产资料所有制和高利贷、无偿劳役等剥削制度

35、payment for nonperformance of corvee ─── 更赋

36、After inherit the system of Qin dynasty, Han Dynasty continue to strengthen controlling and management minority in the border area , and levy the taxes and corvee on this basis. ─── 汉承秦制对周边少数民族继续加强控制和管理,并在此基础上开征赋役。

37、In addition, still have corvee, it is gubernatorial wait for build city outline and palace room.. ─── 此外,还有徭役,它是统治者为兴建城廓和宫室等...

38、There were three ways of collection: official gathering, commercial gathering and offer by Tusi, of which the first two were the major means, in fact, they belonged to feudal corvee. ─── 皇木采办的方式有三:官办采木、商办采木和土司进献。前两种是主要途径,实质上,它们都属于封建徭役。

39、isoacoustic corve ─── 等响线

40、Local county officer hears the news, send v/arc corvee to come subpoena businessman. ─── 当地县官闻讯,便派差役来传审商人。

41、isolux corve ─── 等照度曲线

42、Chu State ,s corvee aim to reinforce national military strength while its farm tax aim to strengthen national economic strength. ─── 楚国的军赋以加强国家军事实力为目的,田赋则以增强国家经济实力为旨归。

43、Second, It discusses the township and township corvee wicn were reflected by Mongol archives. ─── 第二部分论述了蒙文档案所反映的清代喀喇沁左旗苏木及苏木徭役。

44、The public corvee system comprises two levels of national public works: the construction system and the service system. ─── 提要工役制度包括国家公共工程的兴建制度和勞役徵发制度兩个层面。

45、Taxes and Corvee System from the Change of "Household" in Those Hilly Land of Zhejiang and Anhui Province During Late Ming and Early Qing ─── 从明末清初浙皖丘陵地区"户"的演变看赋役制度之整合

46、This paper attempts to not only outline Shiguo Tax &Corvee system , but also explore its effect to Shiguo government finance , social economy and people life. ─── 本文试图对十国赋役制度做尝试性勾勒,进而探讨十国赋役制度对十国国家财政、社会经济以及百姓生活的影响。

47、" v/arc corvee report says: "Less than. ─── 差役禀告说:“不到。”

48、The ownership of means of production by monasteries and mosques was abolished, so were the practices of usury, corvee and other exploitative systems. ─── 废除寺庙和清真寺的生产资料所有制和高利贷、无偿劳役等剥削制度;

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