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09-13 投稿



Ionian 发音


英:  美:

Ionian 中文意思翻译



Ionian 网络释义

adj. 爱奥尼亚的;爱奥尼亚式的;爱奥尼亚人的n. 爱奥尼亚人;爱奥尼亚

Ionian 词性/词形变化,Ionian变形


Ionian 短语词组

1、Ionian Revolt ─── 伊奥尼亚起义

2、Ionian Islands ─── 爱奥尼亚群岛(希腊西岸沿海的长列岛群)

3、Ionian order ─── [网络] 爱奥尼亚式;爱奥尼亚式柱身;爱奥尼克式

4、Ionian University ─── 爱奥尼亚大学

5、Ionian Sea ─── 爱奥尼亚海

Ionian 相似词语短语

1、Ixionian ─── adj.伊克西翁的

2、Ionian ─── n.爱奥尼亚人;爱奥尼亚群岛的人;adj.爱奥尼亚人的;爱奥尼亚的;爱奥尼亚群岛的

3、Etonian ─── n.伊顿公学学生;伊顿公学校友;adj.伊顿公学的

4、eonian ─── adj.永久的;永远的;永世的

5、Sidonian ─── adj.西顿城的;西顿人的;n.西顿人

6、Zonian ─── n.巴拿马运河区的美国公民;adj.居于巴拿马运河区内之美国人的

7、Bosnian ─── n.波黑人,波斯尼亚本地人;波斯尼亚语;adj.与波黑有关的;与波黑人有关的;与波斯尼亚语有关的

8、Nixonian ─── adj.尼克松的(美国第三十七任总统);像尼克松似的

9、Livonian ─── n.立沃尼亚语;立沃尼亚人;adj.立沃尼亚的;立沃尼亚人的

Ionian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An island of southern Greece in the Mediterranean Sea south of the Peloponnesus. Southernmost of the Ionian Islands, it was the chief center for the worship of Aphrodite. ─── 基西拉岛:希腊南部的一个岛,位于地中海上、伯罗奔尼撒半岛以南。爱奥尼亚群岛最南端,它是祭拜阿佛洛狄忒最重要的中心

2、Ionian Islands ─── 伊奥尼亚群岛(希腊西部沿海岛屿,构成希腊的一个行政区)

3、Flourishing fruit farms and a tourist boom along the Ionian coast have been the main lure. ─── 爱奥尼亚海沿岸繁茂的果园和旅游业的欣欣向荣是导致犯罪的主要原因。

4、The seas on either side of the peninsula, the Ionian and the Adriatic, are depicted by parallel zig-zag strokes. ─── 与现代地图一样,这块陶片地图上不同方位的地名前使用圆点标注。

5、Cleisthenes:Greek tyrant of Sicyon who led the Ionian population of the region in a revolt against the Dorians. ─── 克利斯提尼:西塞恩的希腊暴君,他曾领导此地区的居民反叛多利安人.

6、Also felt on Malta, in Montenegro and Albania and on the Ionian Islands. ─── 还认为,对马耳他,在黑山和阿尔巴尼亚和对爱奥尼亚群岛。

7、The waters of the Aegean Sea border Greece to the east, and those of the Ionian and Mediterranean Sea to the west and south. ─── 爱琴海位于希腊的东部,位于爱奥尼亚和地中海的西部和南布。

8、Ephesus was an Ionian Greek city in ancient Anatolia, founded by colonists from Athens in the 10th century BC. ─── 以弗所在古代安纳托利亚(Anatolia)是一座爱奥尼亚(Ionian)希腊城市,在公元前10世纪由雅典殖民者建立。

9、The Ionian Sea and the Aegean Sea carved deep bays and gulfs into the long coastline. ─── 漫长的海岸线被爱奥尼亚海与爱琴海切割出来的海湾包围。

10、inlet of the Ionian Sea between central Greece and the Peloponnesus. ─── 爱奥尼亚海的一个入口水湾,位于希腊和伯罗奔尼撒半岛之间。

11、The largest of the Ionian Islands off the western coast of Greece. It was held by the British from1809 to1864. ─── 塞弗洛尼亚岛希腊西海岸外爱奥尼亚群岛中最大的一个岛屿。1809年至1864年被英国占领

12、An amalgam of natural beauties, traditional features and archaeological sites, Corfu island lies to the north of the Ionian sea at the entrance of Adriatic. ─── 距离科孚市中心约8公里,距离科孚的国际机场仅7公里,交通非常便利。

13、Darius had left to his son the task of punishing the Greeks for their interference in the Ionian rebellion and the victory of Marathon. ─── 大流士已经把惩罚希腊人的任务留给他的儿子,因为他们干涉了爱奥尼亚的叛乱,以及马拉松战役取得的胜利。

14、Which two people struggle with an adulterous love affair in the weeks before the fleet arrives at the Ionian Nebula? ─── 以下哪两个人在舰队到达爱奥尼恩星云之前的几周一直被不忠的风流韵事所困扰?

15、Ionian entablature ─── 爱奥尼亚柱顶盘

16、1. She sent a gadfly to torment Io, who, in her flight, swam through the sea, named after her, Ionian. ─── 她派遣了一只牛虻去折磨伊俄。伊俄四处躲藏,游过了大海,这海从些就以她命名叫伊奥尼亚海。

17、of thousands of ethnic Greeks were uprooted from Ionian coastal areas. ─── 成千上万的种族希腊人在爱奥尼亚海岸遭到灭顶之灾。

18、Adriatic and Ionian Highway project; ─── 亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海公路项目;

19、What happens to Roslin the moment the fleet arrives at the Ionian Nebula? ─── 舰队到达狮头幸运的那一刻,罗斯林怎么了?

20、Pictured during this inspection tour, the ISS is visible in front the Ionian Sea. ─── 上面的影像就是在那次检测绕行时拍摄的,可以看到国际空间站位于伊奥尼亚海上方。

21、Ionian Revolt ─── 爱奥尼亚起义(约公元前500-前493)

22、The four modes that we meet up with both in Anglo-American folk song and fiddle tunes are the Ionian (major scale), Mixolydian, Dorian, and Aeolian (natural minor scale). ─── 我们在盎格鲁美国民歌和提琴曲中都会遇到四种调式,它们分别是艾奥利安调式(大音阶)、米索利地安调式、多里安调式和伊奥尼安调式(自然小音阶)。

23、Greek philosophy from the earliest of Tanzania are Ionian, which is the city-states of Minor Asia. ─── 而希腊最早的哲学产生于爱奥尼亚的米利都,这是个小亚细亚的城邦。

24、the largest of the Ionian Islands off the western coast of Greece which was held by the British from 1809 to 1864 ─── 希腊西海岸外爱奥尼亚群岛中最大的一个岛屿,1809年至1864年被英国占领

25、Ionian Sea ─── n. 爱奥尼亚海, 伊奥尼亚海

26、Pre-Socratic natural Philosopher, member of the Ionian School. ─── 前苏格拉底自然哲学家,伊奥尼亚学派成员.

27、A city of southern Italy near the Ionian Sea. It was founded in the tenth century. Population, 00,'37. ─── 卡坦查若:意大利南部一城市,位于爱奥尼亚海附近,创建于0世纪。人口00,'37

28、"a peninsula of southeast Europe bounded by the Black Sea, the Sea of Marmara, and the aegean, Mediterranean, Ionian, and adriatic seas." ─── 欧洲东南部的一个半岛,以黑海、马尔马拉海、爱琴海、地中海、爱奥尼亚海和亚得里亚海为边界。

29、Adriatic and Ionian Universities Network; ─── 亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海大学网;

30、Having decided to visit Corfu Greece, one of the most interesting islands of the Ionian sea, prepare yourself for an unparalleled experience. ─── 整个度假村由一座主楼和十一个区组成,共有客房310间。

31、First, there is an observational trend, represented by the Ionian physicists and Democritus, which proposed specific substances operating in our environment as the basis of life. ─── 第一个是由爱奥尼亚物理学家和德谟克利特提出的观察倾向,它提出我们环境中存在的特别物质是生命的根本。

32、O Favourite, thou hast ionian lips ─── 呵,宠儿,你有爱奥尼亚人的嘴唇。

33、According to this model, part of the subducted slab of the Ionian plate has slowly migrated southward and come within reach of the plume beneath Etna. ─── 根据这个模式,爱奥尼亚板块的一部份已经慢慢向南移动,并且接触到埃特纳底下的地函柱。

34、According to the policy to this war adopted by Persia, I divided the Graeco-Persian relations during this period into two stages: the Cold War and the Ionian War. ─── 以波斯对待这场大战的态度,可把这一时期的希波关系划分为两个时段:“冷战”时期和伊奥尼亚战争时期。

35、a peninsula of southeast Europe bounded by the Black Sea , the Sea of Marmara, and the aegean, Mediterranean, Ionian, and adriatic seas. ─── 欧洲东南部的一个半岛,以黑海、马尔马拉海、爱琴海、地中海、爱奥尼亚海和亚得里亚海为边界。

36、"an island of Greece in the Ionian Islands off the northwest coast of the mainland. Settled c. 700 b.c., the island was controlled by Rome, Byzantium, Sicily, Venice, and Great Britain before being ceded to Greece in 1864." ─── 爱奥尼亚群岛中的一个希腊岛屿,与大陆的西北部相望,大约公元前700年时开始有人定居,1864年割让给希腊前曾被罗马·拜占庭西西里、威尼斯和大不列颠统治过.

37、She wandered over the sea, which by chance got from her its name the Ionian Sea. ─── 从此这片狭长的水域被称作博斯普鲁斯海峡,意为牛犊之路。

38、Round Table on environmental cooperation and the safeguarding of water resources in the Adriatic and Ionian areas; ─── 亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海区域环境合作与保障水资源问题圆桌会议;

39、Traditionally founded by the Carians, it was one of the 12 Ionian Cities and was involved in the Persian and Peloponnesian wars. ─── 传统上是卡里亚人所建,为爱奥尼亚的十二个城市之一,曾参与波斯战争和伯罗奔尼撒战争。

40、The Strait of Otranto at its southeasterly limit links it with the Ionian Sea. ─── 奥特朗托海峡在东南部连接爱奥尼亚海。

41、Inlet of the Ionian Sea, western Greece. ─── 希腊西海岸爱奥尼亚海的深水海湾。

42、She wandered over thesea,which by chance got from her its name the Ionian Sea . ─── 从此这片狭长的水域被称作博斯普鲁斯海峡,意为牛犊之路。

43、Since Sparta dispatched her army to help Cyrus the younger contending for the royal crown of Persia with Artaxerxes II, the friendship established during the Ionian War between Sparta and Persia began to deteriorate. ─── 由于斯巴达派军支持波斯王子小居鲁士夺取王位,使它们在伯罗奔尼撒战争中建立起的友好关系再度恶化。

44、A city of eastern Sicily, Italy on the Gulf of Catania, an inlet of the Ionian Sea. Founded in the eighth century b.c., Catania was a flourishing Greek community and later a Roman colony. Population,378, 521. ─── 卡塔尼亚意大利西西里岛东部一城市,濒临卡塔尼亚湾,是爱奥尼亚海的一个海湾。卡塔尼亚创建于公元前8世纪,曾是一个繁荣的希腊社区,后来沦为罗马殖民地。人口378,521

45、The Spot: Zakynthos in the Ionian Islands, Greece ─── 现场:希腊爱奥尼亚群岛上的扎金索斯

46、Flourishing fruit farms and a tourist boom along the Ionian coast have been the main lure. ─── 沿岸繁茂的果园和旅游业的欣欣向荣是导致犯罪的主要原因。

47、That pigmy kneaded out of common earth, ignorant, unlettered, giddy, vulgar, low.Will that become an Ionian or a Boeotian? ─── 用凡尘俗土抟捏出来的这小子,无知、不文、鲁莽、粗野、平凡,他将成为奋发有为的人还是碌碌无闻的人呢?

48、Will that become an Ionian or a Boeotian? ─── 他将成为奋发有为的人还是碌碌无闻的人呢?

49、A river of the Peloponnesus in southern Greece flowing about113 km(70 mi) to the Ionian Sea. ─── 阿尔斐俄斯河希腊南部伯罗奔尼撒的一条河,全长约113公里(70英里),流入爱奥尼亚海

50、The waters of the Aegean Sea border Greece to the east, and those of the Ionian and Mediterranean Sea to the west and south. ─── 爱琴海位于希腊的东部,位于爱奥尼亚和地中海的西部和南布。

51、a city of eastern Sicily,Italy on the Gulf of Catania,an inlet of the Ionian Sea. Founded in the eighth century b.c.,Catania was a flourishing Greek community and later a Roman colony. Population,378,521 ─── 卡塔尼亚,意大利西西里岛东部一城市,濒临卡塔尼亚湾,是爱奥尼亚海的一个海湾。卡塔尼亚创建于公元前8世纪,曾是一个繁荣的希腊社区,后来沦为罗马殖民地。人口378,521

52、What is not one of the eerie things that happens as the fleet arrives at the Ionian Nebula? ─── 以下哪个不属于舰队到达Ionian星云以后发生的怪诞事件?

53、A country of southeast Europe on the southern Balkan Peninsula and including numerous islands in the Mediterranean, Aegean, and Ionian seas. ─── 希腊:欧洲东南部国家,位于巴尔干半岛南部,包括地中海、 爱琴海和爱奥尼亚海上无数的小岛。

54、7.A city of southeast Italy east-southeast of Naples on the Gulf of Taranto, an arm of the Ionian Sea. ─── 塔兰托意大利东南部一城市,位于那不勒斯东南偏东,塔兰托湾沿岸,该湾为爱奥尼亚海的一个海口。

55、the Ionian Sea ─── 爱奥尼亚海

56、The Temple of Artemis was built about 400 B.C. in the Ionian city of Ephesus, once a seaport on modern Turkey's west coast. ─── 阿耳忒弥斯神庙大约建于公元前400在爱奥尼亚城市以弗所,一旦海港现代土耳其西海岸。

57、Ephesus was an Ionian Greek city in ancient Anatolia, founded by colonists from Athens in the 10th century BC. ─── 以弗所在古代安纳托利亚(Anatolia)是一座爱奥尼亚(Ionian)希腊城市,在公元前10世纪由雅典殖民者建立。

58、Japanese author Patrick Lafcadio Hearn was born on June 27 in Lefkada, one of the Greek Ionian Islands. ─── 1850年6月27日,日本作家小泉八云出生于希腊伊奥尼亚群岛中的勒夫卡斯岛。

59、Jane and Andreas Palikiras, who run London-based Ionian Weddings, say Greek weddings are a “growth industry” and that they had organised more than 100 such ceremonies this summer. ─── 经营伦敦情调婚礼安尔尼亚分公司的简和庵得儒帕里克里阿斯说,希腊式婚礼是一个新兴产业,今年夏天他们已经承办了100多场这样的婚礼。

60、Greek, referred to in southeastern Europe, Greece, on the Balkans, southwest near the Aegean sea Ionian sea and the Mediterranean's love. ─── 希腊共和国,简称希腊,位于欧洲东南部巴尔干半岛南端,濒临爱琴海,西南临爱奥尼亚海及地中海。

61、The Ionian poets created from the adaptive material of legends and myths, no longer understandable in their original meaning, a new Hellenic mythology. ─── 爱奥尼亚诗人从适宜的传说和神话的材料中提炼创作出一种新形式的希腊神话,而这些传说神话的原本意思再也不为人所知了。

62、A peninsula of southeast Europe bounded by the Black Sea, the Sea of Marmara, and the Aegean, Mediterranean, Ionian, and Adriatic seas. ─── 巴尔干半岛:欧洲东南部的一个半岛,以黑海、马尔马拉海、爱琴海、地中海、爱奥尼亚海和亚得里亚海为边界。

63、4. A river of the Peloponnesus in southern Greece flowing about113 km(70 mi) to the Ionian Sea. ─── 阿尔斐俄斯河希腊南部伯罗奔尼撒的一条河,全长约113公里(70英里),流入爱奥尼亚海收藏指正

64、Located in the east coast of Sicily, south of Mount Etna, the Ionian Sea foreshore. ─── 位于西西里岛东岸、埃特纳火山南麓,滨爱奥尼亚海。

65、Inexplicable splendor of Ionian white and gold. ─── 爱奥尼亚的皎洁与金色的辉煌。

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