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intermediaries 发音

英:[??nt??mi?di?riz]  美:[??nt?r?midi??riz]

英:  美:

intermediaries 中文意思翻译



intermediaries 短语词组

1、financial intermediaries ─── [经] 金融媒介

2、intermediaries offer ─── 中介人发行

3、intermediaries market ─── 中介机构市场

4、intermediaries who link ─── 链接的中介机构

5、intermediaries who ─── 中介机构

6、intermediaries deficit unit ─── 中介机构赤字股

7、financial intermediaries cfa ─── 金融中介机构cfa

intermediaries 词性/词形变化,intermediaries变形

名词复数: intermediaries |

intermediaries 相似词语短语

1、incendiaries ─── adj.纵火的;煽动性的;能引起燃烧的;非常辣的;n.燃烧弹;纵火者;煽动者;易燃物

2、intermediate ─── adj.中间的,过渡的;中级的,中等的;n.中级生;(化合物)中间体,中间物;中介,媒介;v.充当调解人,起媒介作用

3、lay intermediaries ─── 非专业中介机构

4、intermediated ─── v.充当调解人;斡旋(intermediate的过去式及过去分词)

5、intermediating ─── adj.中间的,过渡的;中级的,中等的;n.中级生;(化合物)中间体,中间物;中介,媒介;v.充当调解人,起媒介作用

6、intermediation ─── n.调解;仲裁;调停;作中间人

7、intermediateness ─── n.中间性

8、intermediates ─── n.中型物;中间事物;光泽辊;媒介(intermediate的复数);v.调解;充当调解人(intermediate的三单形式)

9、intermediary ─── adj.中间的;媒介的;中途的;n.中间人;仲裁者;调解者;媒介物

intermediaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So instead of hearing about the events through biased intermediaries, the public get to hear the other side of the story, unfiltered. ─── 另,配发该妇女图片,给怀里的婴儿特写,排版时最好放在上文军警照的旁边以产生对比效应)。

2、BIPAR; International Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Intermediaries; Bureau International des Producteurs d'Assurances et de Reassurances; ─── 国际保险和再保险中间人协会;

3、" Enhance the quality of management brokers and intermediaries, to nurture, guide, organizing periodic appraisals. ─── 加强对经纪人和中介机构的资质管理,注重培育、引导,定期组织评议。

4、The model of "company + intermediaries + fanners" is to effectively resolve the opportunism of the farmers in our contract farming arising from the small scale of production, decentralized of living. ─── “公司+中介+农户”模式是为解决我国合同农业中农户由于生产规模小、分散化,农户机会主义行为难以有效控制而产生的一种合同农业的模式。

5、financing through intermediaries ─── 中介融资

6、Financial systems are opened up, for the participation of domestic and foreign financial intermediaries, with a view to obtaining efficiency gains through greater competition and importing financial expertise. ─── 却是放诸四海而皆准。开放金融体系,鼓励本地及外资金融中介人参与,可透过加强竞争及引进金融专业知识与经验来取得更高的效率。

7、Even so complex systems, but also failed to prevent the intermediaries involved in fraud scandals, such as the United States Arthur Andersen. ─── 即使这样复杂的制度体系,也未能成功防止中介机构卷入欺诈丑闻,如美国的安达信公司。

8、We are ruthlessly willing to cut out intermediaries or are learning to love new ones who really “get” what we want to do, be or have in our lives. ─── 在互联网时代,我们对于不能满足我们要求的事物总是毫不留情地加以淘汰,并且非常乐意接受那些能够满足我们所想、所需的新生事物。

9、There are several intermediaries between the manufacturers and the ultimate users! ─── 在制造商和最终用户之间要经过几位中间商。

10、S. and intermediaries on the case of Robert Levinson, the former FBI agent who disappeared in 2007 while visiting Iran. ─── 列文森是一名前联邦调查局的特工,2007年在访问伊朗时失踪。

11、For the moment the financial intermediaries will continue to be the banks, not the capital markets . . . ─── 目前而言,金融中介机构仍将是银行,而非金融市场……

12、"intermediaries and real estate businesses or sellers collude with real estate development, market prices"; ─── “房地产中介机构与房地产开发企业或卖家相互串通,操纵市场价格的”;

13、In the past, Chinese petrol has been resold through intermediaries within Asia. ─── 以往,中国汽油也是通过中介在亚洲市场转售的。

14、Equally convincing arguments apply to the participation of foreign financial intermediaries in the equities and debt channels. ─── 同样令人信服的理据适用于海外金融中介机构参与股票及债券市场。

15、While the major intermediaries generally chosen to open up the chain, to expand its information gathering quantitative data. ─── 京城各大中介机构不约而同地选择了加快连锁店开设的方式,以扩大自己信息数据采集的数量。

16、However, many intermediaries, I wonder if you like. ─── 不知道那有那种便宜的小房子?

17、Working with us enables regulated intermediaries to focus on your core business functions and revenue generating activities while we manage the execution, client relations and maintenance side of the business. ─── 同我们合作,可以使有中介资格的机构专注于自己的核心业务和创收活动,由我们来负责交易执行和客户关系维护。

18、Please read the Licensing Examination for Securities and Futures Intermediaries (LE) Examination Handbook for the PBE carefully before completing this form. ─── 在填写此表格前请先阅读证券及期货从业员资格考试考试手册(适用于笔试模式)。

19、Owners released without intermediary costs! Near intermediaries have registered intermediary asked not to come back. Check-in time: housing distribution to the owners moved out. ─── 业主发布无中介费!附近中介已登记,中介勿再来问。入住时间:待业主单位分房搬出。

20、We should intensify our efforts to establish Party organizations in mass organizations and intermediaries. ─── 加大在社会团体和社会中介组织中建立党组织的工作力度。

21、theory of intermediaries ─── 中间层理论

22、Some intermediaries misappropriation, diversion clients purchase, and let the people get in real money. ─── 以“大包”的名义既当买方又当卖方,挣差价。

23、Purification college job market down and intermediaries we act! ─── 净化大学生求职市场,打倒黑中介,我们在行动!

24、Working Group on Review of Financial Regulatory Framework fro Intermediaries ─── 中介人财务规管制度工作小组

25、The role of such authorised intermediaries is at the heart of the report issued by Muddy Waters in June. ─── 这些授权中间商扮演的角色,是浑水公司6月发布的报告的核心。

26、Soon it will be the financial intermediaries, or may be even the markets themselves, that will start to migrate into cyber space. ─── 共聚天伦,都可以在网上进行大部分银行交易。很快就连金融中介人甚至金融市场本身,也会开始走进网上世界。

27、One huge factor is the way that American universities shun the intermediaries whose services are used by most students wanting to study abroad. ─── 一个重要因素是美国大学避开了借助大多数希望留学的学生所依赖的中介。

28、Intermediaries and the firm theory ─── 中间层组织与厂商理论

29、Intermediaries will be from the source containment Cunliangfangjiaoyi witnessed the diversion of funds, even absconding with money events; ─── 从源头遏制中介机构将存量房交易资金挪为他用,甚至携款潜逃的事件发生;

30、Many developers and intermediaries one opposing "Looking ride" mentality, being a "hawk" posture. ─── 不少开发商和中介商一反“朝南坐”的心态,摆出了“叫卖”的架势。

31、Second, that information must pass through intermediaries of current business flow is assured through dynamically configuring transmission rout. ─── 其次,通过动态制定传输路径的方式,来保证信息必须经过当次业务流程的中间节点;

32、Keep in mind that the purpose of intermediaries is to provide a means to isolate infrastructure-related concerns in non-application-specific artifacts. ─── 一定要记住,中介体的目标是提供一种方法来隔离在非应用程序专门的基础设施相关问题。

33、Travel agents are market intermediaries who make their living by gathering, organizing, and dispensing information about travel-related services. ─── 旅行社是市场中介机构,他们通过收集、组织和分发有关旅游相关服务的信息来谋生。

34、Special-purpose medicinal intermediaries in short supply and new antibiotics ─── 医药专用紧缺的中间体和新型抗生素

35、Two business conferences will be organized between investor and investee, also between enterprises to be listing and service intermediaries. ─── 5.各产权交易所、投资银行、证券公司、创业投资公司、投资基金、投资咨询机构、会计师事务所、律师事务所等机构。

36、Developing and perfecting educational intermediaries is an effective way which can prompt the reform of higher education to develop in depth. ─── 发展和完善教育中介组织是促使我国高等教育改革向纵深方向发展的有效手段。

37、domestic insurance intermediaries ─── 中资保险中介

38、Conference topics will focus on mergers and acquisitions, diversification, security, layoffs, risks, trusted intermediaries and international standards. ─── 会议将集中探讨兼并、收购、多样化、安全、解雇、风险、信任的调解人以及国际标准等话题。

39、"The nice thing about creating a derivatives market is that it creates the intermediaries," said Mr Gardner. ─── 加纳指出:“创造一个衍生品市场的好处是可以造就中间媒介。”

40、In the meantime, related market intermediaries and service institutions must be developed and established. ─── 同时,培育建立相关的市场中介组织和服务机构。

41、There has been a tremendous influx of entities and mother ships on this planet that are now acting as intermediaries or perhaps literal transducers of energy. ─── 在这个行星上已有大量的实体和母船涌入,他们正起着中间媒介调停者角色的作用或者意思就是能量变换器。

42、The central bank should construct paper market intermediaries, reinforce discipline of settlement of commercial bank, and increase the fee rate of bank acceptance. ─── 在具体政策上,中央银行应进一步简化有关贴现业务办理手续的规定,加强票据市场中介建设,加强商业银行结算纪律,并可以考虑适度提高银行承兑手续费率。

43、Six degrees of separation is the theory that anyone on the planet can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries. ─── 你和地球上任何一个陌生人之间所间隔的人不会超过五个,也就是说,最多通过六个人你就能够认识任何一个陌生人。这就是六度空间理论。

44、To a large extent we can rely on the market, assuming a high degree of freedom of entry for those wishing to become financial intermediaries. ─── 在很大程度上,我们可以倚赖市场来作出判断,但条件是有关市场应该是开放的,打算成为金融中介机构的可以自由进入市场。

45、On the evolvement about the mechanism of SES affecting parental involvement, it is from focusing on the effect of SES to analyzing the process of SES and variables intermediaries affecting parental involvement. ─── 在家庭社经地位对家长参与影响机制的演变上,是从由最初的只关注家庭社经地位这一变量本身的影响发展到对家庭社经地位及家庭中介变量对家长参与影响的过程的分析。

46、Third, China will quicken the fostering of intermediaries linking the farmers with the market, and guiding and encouraging them to join hands and participate in grain circulation. ─── 三是加快发展联结农户与市场的中介组织,引导和鼓励农民联合起来参与粮食流通。

47、In the 17th century, thanks to the good graces of intermediaries, the Franciscans got possession of the Garden of Olives. ─── 在十七世纪,由于一个美好的恩宠,方济会拥有橄榄园的照管权。

48、Paul Fremantle is an architect working in the IBM Hursley development laboratory on Web services and XML intermediaries. ─── Paul Fremantle是IBM Hursley开发实验室的架构设计师,主要从事Web服务和XML结构的研究。

49、Another issue raised by changes or elimination of intermediaries is that some intermediaries collected excise tax, such as sellers of fishing equipment. ─── 因为中间人的变化或者消除被提高的另一个问题是一些中间人征收货物税,例如捕设备的卖方。

50、Kings traditionally ruled as intermediaries of the Gods in maintaining the fertility of the land. ─── 国王传统上是作为众神仲载者的身份而统治,维系着土地的肥沃。

51、But, subject to prudential considerations, overseas financial institutions may be allowed access to the domestic market as financial intermediaries. ─── 不过,我们可以在经过审慎的考虑与审查后,让海外金融机构参与本地市场,作为金融中介机构。

52、The information provided by locals and intermediaries was of potential importance to geographical science. ─── 当地人和中间人提供的资料对地理科学具有潜在的重要性。

53、Another important factor behind market movements must be the difference in incentives between investing institutions, such as pension funds, and the intermediaries that work on their behalf. ─── 另外一个影响市场变化的重要因素肯定是投资机构间的不同的动机,比如养老基金和追逐自身利益的金融中介就不同。

54、Local housing intermediaries are participating "at intermediary" in the exposition, they also introduced many new "policy". ─── 参展的房屋中介机构都是本市的“放心中介”,他们在展会上也推出了许多新“政策”。

55、Work very closely to ensure that there is an open market with a level playing field for all intermediaries in the securities industry of Hong Kong. ─── 一直紧密合作,确保参与本港证券业的所有中介人均可在公开及公平的市场环境下运作。

56、Two years later, she came back as prime minister and managed to scrap RosUkrEnergo, the biggest and shadiest of the country's gas intermediaries. ─── 2年以后,她重回总理职位并且成功肢解RosUKrEnergo,乌克兰最大最黑的天然气商。

57、Different parts of the payload are secured such that only the intended set of recipients are able to read them while they remain encrypted to all other intermediaries. ─── 保护有效载荷的不同部分,从而使预期的接收群体能够阅读它们,而同时又对其他所有中间机器保持加密状态。

58、Commission for the Facilitators / Intermediaries shall be distribute in accordance to the agreed investment distribution and the distribution list are shown in Addendum 1. ─── 仲介人佣金按不可撤销的投资款项分配及委讬分流的付款指令(如附件1)支付之。

59、He would deliberate and then issue instructions in writing or through intermediaries. ─── 他要经过仔细斟酌,然后用书面或通过中间人发出指示。

60、In the interview, Mr Wong revealed some of the major initiatives in upgrading the professional standard of financial intermediaries in Hong Kong ─── 在访问中,黄先生透露多项计划,以提升香港金融中介人士的专业水平

61、insurance intermediaries ─── 保险中介

62、If it is not the last computer in the chain, all the computers that are intermediaries must be trusted for delegation. ─── 如果它不是链中的最后一台计算机,则必须信任中间的所有计算机,使它们可用于委托。

63、Qualifying examination for insurance intermediaries ─── 保险中介人资格考试

64、In practice we have to consider the cost-effectiveness of the provision of such a financial infrastructure and, importantly, the interests of the financial intermediaries. ─── 但实际上,我们还要考虑提供金融基础设施的成本效益,以及金融中介机构的利益。

65、To further regulate housing intermediary service market order, the Housing Authority recently Tanggu District action on housing intermediaries quality inspections. ─── 为了进一步规范房屋中介服务市场秩序,近日塘沽区房管局采取行动,对房屋中介机构资质进行检查。

66、But when the same channel level when there are multiple intermediaries, channel conflict is often unavoidable. ─── 但是当同一渠道层次中有多个中间商时,渠道冲突往往难以避免。

67、In the meantime, we should reshape the role structure whereby intermediaries play the leading part, firms cooperate positively and government provides timely guidance, and raise the efficiency and effect of performance evaluation. ─── 同时,要重塑中介机构主导、企业积极配合、政府适时指导的角色结构,提高企业效绩评价的效率和效果。

68、They are exploited by intermediaries , hitch hiker sand other parasites . ─── 他们利用中间人顺山砂等寄生虫.

69、Financial institutions act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers. ─── 金融机构充当贷方和借方的中间人。

70、Please read the Licensing Examination for Securities and Futures Intermediaries (LE) (CBE) Examination Handbook carefully before completing this form. ─── 在填写此表格前请先阅读证券及期货从业员资格考试(电脑应考模式)考试手册。

71、International Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Intermediaries ─── 国际保险及再保险中间人协会

72、Financial Intermediaries in Different Financial Systems ─── 在不同融资模式中金融中介的作用分析

73、Financial Intermediaries with Difference Financial Systems ─── 不同融资制度下的金融中介发展

74、Often the intermediaries, being well organised, perhaps even at the political level, have quite a strong voice. ─── 中介人往往组织完善,甚至在政界也可能有强而有力的声音。

75、The intermediaries then resell the grains at higher prices, allowing exporters to declare diminished taxable earnings. ─── 中间商然后再以高价转售这批粮食,这样一来,出口商上报的纳税收入就有水分了。

76、But hardly any important American institution will pay intermediaries. ─── 但是几乎没有任何重要的美国学校愿意雇佣中介。

77、A View on Corporate Governance Through Financial Intermediaries ─── 从金融中介透视公司治理

78、Industrial Specialization Development of Economic Intermediaries ─── 产业分工细化与经济中介组织的发展

79、RMBP offers 5% commission in extra for all the mandates and intermediaries of both sides. ─── 人民币方提供额外5%的佣金赠给双方顾问代理及仲介。

80、Intermediary in the sale of housing, to prevent the two sides meet intermediaries, earn post. ─── 在中介住房买卖中,中介机构有意不让双方见面,从中赚取差价。

81、Assist in International Business Valuation; Coordinate with other professional intermediaries; ─── 协助以国际标准对公司进行估值;

82、GEM can be successful, sponsors and other institutions essential to the role of intermediaries. ─── 创业板能不能成功,保荐机构等中介机构的作用至关重要。

83、CMC Markets offers the opportunity for financial intermediaries to grow their earning potential without the requirement to manage the on-going client relationship. ─── CMC Markets为金融中介提供的解决方案可以帮助客户实现业务增长,而无需管理后续的客户关系。

84、In any real infrastructure architecture, it would be very unlikely that intermediaries existed at all the levels shown in the diagrams. ─── 在任何实际基础体系结构中,在关系图的所有层上都存在中介不太可能。

85、To facilitate reading daughter, and she intends to rent a house in Qinghua named, thus helping to find housing intermediaries. ─── 为了便于女儿读书,她打算在清华园里租一套房子,于是找房屋中介机构帮忙。

86、Firm Theory of Intermediaries and Their Roles on Transport Market ─── 企业的中间层理论以及中间层组织在运输市场中的作用

87、Party B's shall within SEVENTY-TWO [72] International Banking Hours release the Consultant Fee to the Intermediaries' designated account. ─── 乙方应在72个银行工作小时内向中间人指定帐户释放咨询顾问费用。

88、sport intermediaries ─── 体育中介

89、In a pull strategy, the manufacture uses advertising and promotion to induce consumers to ask intermediaries for the product. ─── 在拉式战略中,生产商利用广告和促销,诱使顾客向中间商去买产品。

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