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09-13 投稿



hydrarthrosis 发音

[?ha?drɑ? ?θr??s?s]

英:  美:

hydrarthrosis 中文意思翻译



hydrarthrosis 短语词组

1、intermittent hydrarthrosis ─── [医] 间歇性关节积水

hydrarthrosis 相似词语短语

1、diarthrosis ─── n.[解剖]动关节

2、hydrarthroses ─── 水仙花

3、arthrosis ─── n.[解剖]关节;[外科]关节病

4、pseudoarthrosis ─── 假关节

5、synarthrosis ─── n.[解剖]不动关节

6、hydronephrosis ─── n.[泌尿]肾盂积水

7、enarthrosis ─── n.杵臼关节

8、nearthrosis ─── n.[基医]假关节,人造关节

9、hydrargyriasis ─── 汞中毒

hydrarthrosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、MRI can display not only in hyperosteogeny,but changing in articular meniscus,anticular cartilage,ligament and hydrarthrosis as well. ─── 结论:MRI对于早期膝关节骨关节炎的诊断具有很高的价值及临床意义。

2、Results showed that in relief of gonalgia and hydrarthrosis,the effects were better in treatment group than in control group( P

3、Hydrarthrosis of yaws ─── 雅司病关节积水

4、Keywords High frequency ultrasound;Knee;Hydrarthrosis; ─── 高频超声;膝关节;关节积液;

5、In external treatment.Euphorbia Helioscopia is uaed in "Xiaosan Paste" to treat hematoma, tennis elbow, tenosynovi-tis, hydrarthrosis and hematoma organization; ─── 泽漆在骨伤科临床应用于外治,以经验方消散膏配掺药黑虎丹,治疗血肿、网球肘、腱鞘炎、关节积液、血肿机化结块等;

6、peak of arthritis, the rats showed tri-legged gait, and severe edema in the tissue, as well as hydrarthrosis with massive leukocytes infiltrating into joint cavity and the tissue around. ─── 关节炎高峰期见三足步态,组织严重水肿,关节腔明显积液;关节液、关节滑膜及其周围组织见大量炎性细胞浸润,较好地模拟了人急性痛风性关节炎的病变特点。

7、periodic hydrarthrosis of knee ─── 策尔尼氏病

8、MRI showed that 48.1%(13/27) bone infarction had invasion to near joints combined with hydrarthrosis. ─── MR I可清楚显示邻近关节面受累侵蚀,占48.1%(13/27),均合并关节积液;

9、intermittent hydrarthrosis ─── [医] 间歇性关节积水

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