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09-13 投稿



humanistic 发音

英:[,hju?m?'n?st?k]  美:[,hj?m?n'?st?k]

英:  美:

humanistic 中文意思翻译



humanistic 词性/词形变化,humanistic变形

形容词: humanistic |副词: humanistically |

humanistic 短语词组

1、humanistic feelings ─── 人文情怀

2、humanistic management ─── 人性化管理

3、humanistic education ─── 人本教育; ─── 人文主义教育

4、humanistic care ─── 人文关怀

5、humanistic approaches ─── 人性化方法

6、humanistic psychology ─── 人本心理学; ─── 人文心理学

7、humanistic botany ─── 人文植物学

8、humanistic setting ─── 人文环境

9、humanistic discipline ─── [网络] 人文学科

10、humanistic definition ─── 人性化定义

11、humanistic concern ─── 人文关怀

12、humanistic learning theory ─── 人本主义学习理论

13、humanistic principle ─── 人文原则

14、humanistic attitude ─── 人文态度

15、Humanistic Buddhism ─── 人文佛教

16、humanistic community ─── 人文社会

17、humanistic approach to being ─── 人本主义存在观

18、humanistic approach ─── 人性化方法

19、humanistic sociologist ─── 人文社会学家

humanistic 相似词语短语

1、humoristic ─── adj.诙谐的;滑稽的

2、human instinct ─── 人类本能(电视剧名)

3、antihumanistic ─── 反人道主义

4、humanist ─── n.人道主义者;人文学者;人文主义者

5、humanisation ─── n.人类化,教化(等于humanization)

6、humanists ─── n.人道主义者;人文学者;人文主义者

7、harmonistic ─── adj.调和的;悦耳的

8、shamanistic ─── 萨满教式的

9、Romanistic ─── adj.天主教的;罗马法的;拉丁语系的

humanistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the design field,the theory of humanistic care is drawing increasing attention. ─── 在设计领域里,人文关怀的理论日益受到人们的重视。

2、His sentiment was not that of the humanist or philanthropist. ─── 他的情操并不仅仅是人道主义者或慈善家。

3、Due to their participation, the gardens have the higher humanistic doctrine and artistic conception, giving birth to "the literator garden". ─── 他们的参与,也使得园林具有了更高的人文情怀和意境品位,于是便出现了“文人园”。

4、We are considering the depth of life with art, trying to perform more humanistic care with the artistic meaning. ─── 我们一直在用艺术思索生活的更深层面,让其在具有艺术性的同时,能更多的体现人性关怀。

5、Fourthly, building the new management system and implementing it with the humanistic spirit. ─── 四、建立科学完善的考核管理机制,实施人本主义精神的管理制度。

6、A tension was thus formed between the sublimity of humanistic cultivation and the legitimacy of historical evolution. ─── 人文教养的崇高性与历史演变的正当性呈现出一种紧张性。

7、The of snobbery in general, its humanistic "point", consists in its power to stimulate activity. ─── 总的来说,势利感的价值,即它与人相关的意义在于它有能刺激行动的能力。

8、We can see the predestination of western humanistic Marxism from this process. ─── 同时,我们可以从这一理论发展的走向上,看到西方马克思主义人本化的逻辑宿命。

9、In turn, humanistic psychologists argue that growth, rather than mere adjustment, is the criterion of health. ─── 所以,人本主义心理学家提出,成长(而不仅仅是调整)是健康的标准。

10、For reconstructing the publicness, Philosophy of Medicine would be open,critical, academic,intervenient,present and humanistic. ─── 医学哲学学科的“公共性”需要从开放性、批判性、学术性、介入性、当下性和人文性等几个方面来进行重建。

11、The point is to shock the viewer, brushing aside the humanistic nature of classical photography. ─── 目的就是为了震撼读者。经典摄影中的人性早就被丢到一边。

12、Humanistic factors is the spirit of interior design. ─── 人文因素是室内设计的灵魂。

13、From a humanistic perspective based on our users’ mental models, these actions are natural and normal. ─── 从更具有人文主义角度,按照使用者的心理模型的角度看,这些行为是自然而正常的。

14、Through humanistic approach,the educational creed of a teacher is to be constructed,which is of great significance for the specializations of teachers. ─── 以人为本,构建教师的教育信念,对教师专业化发展具有十分重要的意义。

15、"Works of humanistic concern is never a shortage of Tsui Hark, the choice to express his happiness of love, of thinking of gender relations. ─── 作品中从不缺少人文关怀的徐克,这次选择以快乐的方式表达他对爱情、对两性关系的思考。

16、In this way each homicide report challenged a magistrate to balance bureaucratic efficiency against humanistic values. ─── 因此,从县长的立场来看,审理每一件命案不仅要有效率,同时也必须兼顾人道的考量。

17、I am such a humanist that saints without sins don't interest me. ─── 我是个非常鲜明的人类主义者,十全十美的圣人我并不在意。

18、Seven perspective :Psychodynamic,behaviorist,humanistic,cognitive,biological,evolutioary and socialcultural. ─── 七种观点:心理动力,行为主义,人本主义,认知,生理,进化,社会文化。

19、This principle of humanistic psychology is directed at psychology at large, but it is pointed most directly at psychoanalytic theory. ─── 人本主义心理学的这一原则主要是针对心理学的,而最直接地是针对精神分析理论的。

20、The concept of serving people, psychological considerations, humanistic coneern and poetic language should all be integrated in writing such reminders. ─── 制作“温馨提示”要求贯穿服务理念,把握心理需求,渗透人文情怀,运用诗化语言。

21、Humanist, the livelihood of the people are first. ─── 以人为本,民生为先。

22、Allport G W was the founder of Humanistic Psychology and Healthy Personality Psychology. ─── 奥尔波特是人本主义心理学的建立者之一,也是健康人格心理学的奠基者。

23、Perelman, director of the M.I.T. program in writing and humanistic studies. ─── 学生们和教员对此事都感到很难过和震惊。

24、As a brand, it has the thinking, sensibility and sense of worth. All this humanistic soul is given by culture. ─── 从人文精神的角度看品牌,它是有思想、情感和价值观念的,而赋予品牌这些人格特质的就是品牌赖以生存的母体文化。

25、Erwin Panofsky, The History of Art as a Humanistic Discipline, Meaning in The Visual Arts, Doubleday &Company, Inc. Garden City, N.Y.,1955. ─── 戴丹:艺术批评的另一种理论取向:情境分析-艺术批评-新诗代

26、Royal life lively community cultural center, rich content more humanistic quality of life of people advocating a choice. ─── 御院生活中生动的社区文化,浓郁的人文内涵更成为崇尚生活品质之人的选择。

27、Humanistic studies are never based on the theory of knowledge which is founded on the theory of language centrality. ─── 人文研究从不以由语言中心论为基础的知识论为本,作为唯逻辑论的理论主义更是人类文明的陷阱。

28、U &C pursue the humanist management policy in terms of esteeming talents, focusing on actual effects and MBO. ─── 公司奉行以人为本的管理理念,尊重人才,重视实效,以目标为中心进行管理。

29、The medical periodicals paly an important oriented function in the research and development of the humanistic medicine. ─── 医学期刊在人文医学研究和发展中起着重要的导向作用。

30、Why Should Humanistic Econmics Be Possible? ─── 人文经济学何以可能?

31、He fills humanistic eugenics thought in his imperial examination research,highlighting humanistic selective function of imperial examination system. ─── 他在科举研究中一以贯之以人文主义的优生学思想,强调科举制度的人文选择功能。

32、Meanwhile, The company invests a great deal of funds to the technique research perseveringly more humanistic, fashions, artistic floor. ─── 同时,公司投入大量资金搞技术研发,好运达人为创作出更加人文、时尚、艺术的地板孜孜以求。

33、Abstract:Based on the place theory, the paper investigates the reuse of humanistic resources in Bailongdong Scenic Aea of Emei Mountain. ─── 摘要:从场所理论的角度研究了峨眉山白龙洞景区人文资源再利用的问题。

34、Today, Marx's humanistic thought remains the difficult problem in theory, need our constant thinking and exploration. ─── 在今天,马克思人道主义思想仍然是理论上的难题,需要我们不断地思考与探索。

35、The company persists the principle that “humanist, professional offer, permanent pursing, good faith management”. ─── 公司坚持“以人为本、敬业奉献、永恒追求、诚信经营”的原则。

36、In the foreground, then, stands the imposing facade of grand humanistic ideals-and behind it crouches the modest family house of a socialist bourgeois. ─── 因此,在某个前景中,站立着那个崇高的人类理想欺骗()的外观,而在其背后,蹲伏着一个谦恭的社会主义的资产阶级家庭。

37、Since 1995,the discussion about scie nt ific education and humanistic education has been flourished in educational kingd om. ─── 从1995年开始,科学教育与人文教育的讨论在教育界逐渐活跃起来。

38、Abstract: Based on the place theory, the paper investigates the reuse of humanistic resources in Bailongdong Scenic Aea of Emei Mountain. ─── 摘要: 从场所理论的角度研究了峨眉山白龙洞景区人文资源再利用的问题。

39、To overcome the predicament, utopian writing has to break the humanist framework. ─── 乌托邦写作必须打破人文主义的架构以克服此难题。

40、According to a developmental law of human need,this kind of management is called humanist management. ─── 只要按照人之需要的发展规律来进行的管理都可以称为人本管理。

41、Based on existentism, he interpreted Marxism and promoted the formation of humanistic Marxism. ─── 他基于存在主义对马克思主义所作的哲学诠释促使人本学的马克思主义的形成。

42、Confucius was the earliest humanist in the world. ─── 孔子是世界上最早的人文主义者。

43、The establishment of humanistic size is aim to rebuild and discover the humanistic value, and to search and design the ideal abuttal of our living. ─── 人文尺度的确立,目的在于重建和发掘建筑的人文价值,为人类寻求、发现和设计出生活的理想之境。

44、At the Olympic spirit, the humanistic connotations are immortal truth. ─── 在奥林匹克精神中,人文内涵是不朽的底蕴。

45、The basic intension of Zhou Zuo-ren's humanistic thought was before and after "the May 4th Movement": Humanitarianism of personal standard. ─── 摘要“五四”前后周作人人道主义思想的基本内涵为:个人本位的人道主义。

46、Carl R Rogers is humanistic psychologist,whose view is the best about creativeness. ─── 人本主义心理学家卡尔. 罗杰斯关于创造性的观点独树一帜,认为创造性是自我实现的人的本真表现,培养创造性的过程就是人的和谐成长过程;

47、The motive to call for and research on library spirit is to develop the humanistic ideal of forerunner in librarianship. ─── 研究与倡导图书馆精神,目的在于弘扬图书馆事业前辈们的人文理想。

48、So, Hamlet's tragedy is the time tragedy and humanist tragedy. ─── 所以,哈姆莱特的悲剧是时代的悲剧,是人文主义者的悲剧。

49、Consequently, only the local humanistic spirit is the cultural factor for the rapid rising and constant developing of Taizhou individually-run economy. ─── 所以,只有源于台州本土的山魂海魄,才是台州民营经济迅速崛起和永续发展文化基因。

50、Though not necessarily bilingual,their perspective and concern are beyond being Chinese,but humanistic and universal. ─── 他们未必都精通双语,视野却超越华人华文,关怀的是有关全人类的普遍课题。

51、You don’t need a humanistic education in order to become a herdsman. ─── 要成为一个牧人,你不需要接受人文主义的教育。 照料骆驼是一份微贱的工作,一点也不适合高度敏感的人,比如我自己。

52、In the research on natural disasters,the humanistic solicitude is always the most important driving factor. ─── 在自然灾害的研究中,人文关怀一直是最重要的动力因子。

53、Humanistic disciplines are seriously underfunded, not just by the government and the foundations but by academic institutions themselves. ─── 人文学科的资金严重不足,不仅是政府和基金会的资金不足,学术机构本身也是如此。

54、Therefore the solutions are given to the reuse of humanistic resources in Bailongdong Scenic Aea. ─── 从而为峨眉山白龙洞景区人文资源的再利用提供了有效的解决方法。

55、Since the Second World War, under the influence of the humanistic psychology, individualized teaching has sprung up. ─── 二战以后,在人本主义心理学的影响下,教育界兴起了对个别化教学的研究。

56、In a word, the humanistic spirit glimmered on Luther himself everywhere, and he was named as a prominent humanist. ─── 总之,路德身上处处闪烁着人文主义精神,堪称为杰出的人文主义者。

57、To strengthen the medical humanistic education is urgent matter for the reformation of medical eduction. ─── 强化医学人文教育是医学教育改革的当务之急。

58、As a Jew, a liberal, a humanist, an internationalist, he attracted the enmity of rationalistanti-semites. ─── 一个犹太人,一个自由主义者,一个人道主义者,一个国际主义者,他招致了民族主义者和反犹太者的敌意。

59、Humanistic spirit and scientific spirit are two fundamental p il lars of human spiritual home and the wheels of human progress vehicles. ─── 人文精神和科学精神是人类精神家园中的两根基柱,是人类进步之车的左右两轮。

60、The Wenying Lake of Taiyuan City has rich historical culture and fine natural landscapes and humanistic sceneries. ─── 太原市“文瀛湖”有着丰富的历史文化和优美的自然景观和人文景现。

61、The development of medicine calls the regress of the humanistic spirit. ─── 医学发展呼唤人文精神的回归。

62、Cervantes is regarded as one of the most outstanding representatives in Spanish humanistic literature during the Renaissance period. ─── 塞万提斯是文艺复兴时期西班牙现实主义文学的杰出代表,《堂吉诃德》是西班牙古典艺术的高峰,对欧洲现实主义文学有深远的影响。

63、The south Yangtze River area's festivals, which aim at "tourism", provide a humanistic color to the vernacular novels. ─── 以“游赏”为主题的江南节日,为话本小说故事的生发提供了带有地方人文色彩的叙事时间刻度。

64、So, cultivating the transfixing sense of humanistic education and science ed-ucation is an important task be resolved in current college e... ─── 因此,融合人文教育与科学教育,更需贯通两者,培养两者之间的通感是当前大学教育亟待解决的重要课题。

65、Why China Has to Take the Humanistic Socialist Approach? ─── 为什么中国要走人本社会主义道路?

66、They can support different levels of humanistic and enlightened critique against utilitarian or technical approaches to globalising modernisation. ─── 它们可以在不同的层次上对效益主义和科技挂帅的全球现代化趋势提出批判。

67、He established humanistic critical theory on the existence of human being. ─── 他以对人的存在、人的价值的关注为出发点,建构了他的人本主义批判理论。

68、An Hui shows loving care for the life of the ordinary people from the humanistic visual angle. ─── 她一以贯之地运用人道主义视角关怀普通人的生活,给予弱势群体应有的发言权;

69、Strengthening the construction of library culture should start from the cultivation of humanist spirit. ─── 加强图书馆文化建设要从人文精神的培育开始。

70、Medical education must interject with humanistic education for cultivating the eligible medical... ─── 医学教育必须融通人文教育,才能培养出新世纪的合格医学人才。

71、The influence of postmodernism has shifted from humanistic disciplines to natural disciplines. ─── 后现代主义的影响已从人文学科转到自然学科。

72、The company emphasizes humanist, Customer-friendliness and first service forever. ─── 公司强调以人为本,以客为尊,服务永远第一。

73、Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic morals. ─── 宗教价值观常常和人文主义道德观相去甚远。

74、The humanistic legacies of Ancient Greek and Roman have made great contributions to the birth of science. ─── 古希腊和古罗马的人文遗产共同为科学的诞生做出了巨大贡献。

75、The author argues that English learning belongs to a branch of humanities,and English language teaching should resort to humanistic orientation. ─── 作者认为英语学科本身属于人文学科,英语教学应采取人文性的教学定位。

76、Abstract: Chinese ancient penal system embodied the humanistic tendency of respecting for man's life at its beginning. ─── 摘 要: 中国古代刑制很早即表现出尊重生命的人文主义倾向。

77、Phil: And would you characterize the program in which you teach now as continuing those humanistic, experiential lines? ─── 你会认为你现在讲授的课程在延续人本、验之路吗?

78、The article also ponders on the humanistic care for patients with transsexualism from the pers... ─── 作者试从社会、医疗机构、医务人员对易性病人的人文关怀进行探讨。

79、The value of snobbery in general, its humanistic "point", consists in its power to stimulate activity. ─── 总的来说,势利的价值,它与人相关之处在于它能刺激行为。

80、And would you characterize the program in which you teach now as continuing those humanistic, experiential lines? ─── 你会认为你现在讲授的课程在延续人本、体验之路吗?

81、So in the eye of a scientist, a fresco on the wall is no longer a graphic humanistic picture but a coat of compounds of different molecular formulae. ─── 于是,在科学家眼中,墙上的壁画便不再只是生动的人文景象,而成了具有不同分子式的化合物涂层。

82、They should reflect and portray the humanistic principles of Olympism and contribute to their spread. ─── 它们应反映和描绘出奥林匹克主义的人文原则并促进其传播。

83、How right it is to advocate the "Humanistic Olympics" in our bidding for the Olym-pics now! ─── 所以现在“申奥”提倡“人文奥 运”多么正确啊!

84、Humanistic and scientific management mode, and for the engineering quality and the company development provides a strong security. ─── 人文、科学的企业管理模式,为工程质量和公司发展提供了有力的保障。

85、The author thinks that humanism has already appeared and that Geoffrey Chaucer is a famous humanist of Britain. ─── 人文主义思想在 1 4世纪后期的英国已经出现和传播 ,乔叟是英国著名的人文主义者。

86、As a Jew, a liberal, a humanist, an internationalist, he attracted the enmity of rationalist and anti-semites. ─── 作为一个犹太人,一个自由主义者,一个人道主义者,一个国际主义者,他招致了民族主义者和反犹太者的敌意。

87、The humanistic character of medicine (HCM) is outstanding. ─── 医学具有显著的人文科学性质。

88、I firmly hold that “Humanistic Jixi” is the permanent theme of the charm of Jixi. ─── 我确信,“人文绩溪”是绩溪魅力一个永恒的主题。

89、Executive Director, Humanistic Olympics Studies Centre at Renmin University. ─── 中国人民大学人文奥运研究中心执行主任。

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