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09-13 投稿



hematemesis 发音

英:[[?hi:m?'tem?s?s]]  美:[[?hi:m?'tem?s?s]]

英:  美:

hematemesis 中文意思翻译



hematemesis 短语词组

1、hematemesis vomiting ─── 吐血呕 ─── 吐

2、Goldstein's hematemesis ─── [医] 戈耳茨坦氏呕血(由胃毛细血管扩张引起)

hematemesis 相似词语短语

1、hemanalysis ─── n.血液分析

2、haematopoiesis ─── n.造血作用;生血作用(等于hematopoiesis)

3、hematogenesis ─── 造血,血产生

4、hematolysis ─── 溶血

5、hematosis ─── 生血;血生成

6、hematopoiesis ─── n.造血作用;血细胞发生

7、haematogenesis ─── n.造血作用,生血

8、haematemesis ─── n.吐血;呕血

9、hemapheresis ─── 血采

hematemesis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was febrile and jaundiced.However, no hematemesis or melena was noted. ─── 他有发烧和黄疸的症状,但是并没有吐血或血便的症状。

2、Have looked at the hematemesis not calling names my! ─── 首页>>搞笑贴图>>看了吐血别骂我!

3、Leisure pass the time the best works, not to be missed, hematemesis recommended! ─── 休闲打发时间的最佳作品,不可错过,吐血推荐!

4、Various extents of hemorrhagic tendency: bleeding from nose, hematemesis and hemoptysis, continuous capillary hemorrhage and haematoma at the injection spot. ─── 可出现轻重不一的出血倾向,可有鼻出血、呕血及咯血,注射部位持续渗血及血肿。

5、Before Fans should not miss ah, hematemesis recommended! ─── 轩辕Fans们不可错过啊,吐血推荐!

6、21 underwent simple suture closure of the perforation, among whom, 4 died (19.1%), 8 had hematemesis and melanorragia (38.1%), 3 reperforation (1.4%) after operation; ─── 单纯修补缝合术21例,术后早期死亡4例(19.1%)、术后发生呕血、黑便8例(38.1%)、再穿孔3例(1.4%),平均生存期5个月;

7、Results All operations succeeded.12 cases were followed up over one year.None of 12 Cases was death,hematemesis or passage of tarry stools.Conclusi... ─── 结果手术均获成功,无死亡病例,经1a以上随访12例,均无呕血及黑便。

8、So angry I almost hematemesis:" people look for yourself and see! ─── 气得我差点吐血:“你自己去找人看吧!”

9、The patient later suffered from hematemesis . The CXR revealed a middle mediastinal mass with an air-fluid level. ─── 后来伴有吐血发生,此时X光显示中纵膈腔质块伴含有气液平面。

10、if the cancer can cause gastrointestinal erosion hematemesis, melena. ─── 如果癌肿侵蚀胃肠可引起呕血、黑便。

11、A 40 -year-old male presented with severe hematemesis and shock status after several days of abdominal discomfort. ─── 一位四十岁男性在腹部不舒服之后几天开始吐血及呈现休克状态。

12、It suggested that congenital hepatic fibrosis should be suspected in patients with symptoms or signs of portal hypertension; but could also masquerade in as recurrent fever without hematemesis. ─── 因此在有肝门脉高血压症状或徵象的孩童应怀疑是否有先天性肝纤维化症,而且先天性肝纤维化症也可以表现出反覆性的发烧而没有呕血的症状。

13、Massive hematemesis caused by fungal esophagitis: one case report ─── 真菌性食管炎致大量呕血

14、We reported a case of mycotic aneurysm of thoracic aorta with aortoesophageal fistula, presenting with intermittent hematemesis, tarry stool and sepsis. ─── 我们报告一位细菌性胸主动脉瘤并发主动脉食道瘘管病例,临床症状表现是间歇性吐血、解黑便和败血症。

15、pyrostagnated hematemesis ─── 蓄热吐血

16、A 61-year-old male presented with intermittent tarry stool and hematemesis which was associated with left epigastralgia. ─── 一位六十一岁男性病人因阵发性便血、吐血及左上腹痛而入院。

17、Results: Of all patients receiving NSAIDS, 32(59.3%) had upper abdominal pain. 8(14.8%) had hematemesis, 25(46.3%) had tarry stools. 10 had both hematemesis and tarry stool. ─── 结果:服用NSAIDs后临床表现为上腹痛,返酸、嗳气者32例(593%)、呕血8例(14.8%)、黑便25例(46.3%)、呕血伴血便10例(18.5%)。

18、Stools may show gross or occult blood and bilious vomiting or hematemesis may also be present. ─── 我们观察了一些此类的病例,有些与过敏性紫斑有关;

19、He experienced severe hematemesis on July 23 and later died in hospital. ─── 此伤致孙23日晚吐血不止,送医院抢救无效后去世。

20、Critically ill patients will be hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematochezia, urinating blood, such as bleeding. ─── 重症病人会出现咯血、呕血、便血、尿血等出血现象。

21、Super SLG intrepid types of small game, the professional attributes of a very distinctive, hematemesis recommended! ─── 超强悍的SLG类型的小游戏,各职业的属性非常鲜明,吐血推荐!

22、A very good Chinese control, hematemesis recommended! Hope you can help. ─── 非常不错的一款农历控件,吐血推荐!希望能给各位有所帮助.

23、for the treatment of edema,stranguria,carbuncles and furuncles,cough,hematemesis,dysentery,traumatic swelling. ─── 用于水肿淋病,痈肿疖疮,咳嗽吐血,赤白痢疾,外伤肿胀等。

24、Bleeding can occur in parts bitten or mucosa, that hematemesis, black excrement and urine. ─── 出血可发生于被咬部位或粘膜,可见呕血,黑粪和血尿。

25、The patient suffering from severe emptysis, hematemesis, vomiting and groan. ─── 带有严重咯血、吐血、呕吐、呻吟症状的患者。

26、Clinical observation of thrombine and cimetidine in the treatment of neonatal hematemesis ─── 凝血酶联合西咪替丁治疗新生儿上消化道出血疗效观察

27、Hematemesis and melena due to swallowed maternal blood ─── 呕血和黑粪由于吞咽母血

28、He was febrile and jaundiced. However, no hematemesis or melena was noted. ─── 他有发烧和黄疸的症状,但是并没有吐血或血便的症状。

29、leprous epistaxis and hematemesis ─── 疠风衄血吐血

30、the other patient developed poor feeding and hematemesis aspirated from nasogastric tube and endoscopy showed multiple ulcers occurred on mid and lower esophagus. ─── 另一病患发生灌食不佳及鼻胃管反抽发现消化道出血,内视镜显示数个位于中段及下段食道的溃疡。

31、Some viewpoints on surgical treatment of severe hematemesis due to portal hypertension ─── 对门静脉高压症大呕血外科治疗的几点看法

32、Results The most common symptom was melena in four cases (including one case with hematemesis). ─── 结果以黑便为首发症状4例(其中1例伴呕血);

33、Result In the fifty-two patients, there were tarry stool in 51(98%) cases, hematemesis in 21(40%) cases, and hypovolemic shock in 42 (81%) cases. ─── 结果本组排柏油样便51例(98%),呕血21例(40%),发生低血溶量性休克42例(81%)。

34、Constipation diarrhea hematemesis melena hematochezia jaundice ─── 便秘腹泻呕血黑便便血黄疸

35、Venom from the intravascular coagulation can be stimulated to fibrin syndrome, which led hematemesis, hematuria and internal bleeding. ─── 蛇毒引起的血管内凝血可激发去纤维蛋白综合征,而导致呕血,血尿和内出血。

36、hematemesis on July 23 and later died in hospital. ─── 23日晚吐血不止,送医院抢救无效后去世。

37、for the treatment of edema, stranguria, carbuncles and furuncles , cough, hematemesis, dysentery, traumatic swelling. ─── 用于水肿淋病,痈肿疖疮,咳嗽吐血,赤白痢疾,外伤肿胀等。

38、In patients with liver cirrhosis hematemesis occurred at home how to do? ─── 肝硬化患者在家中发生呕血怎么办?

39、Diagnosis and management of hematemesis ─── 呕血的诊断及治疗

40、if the cancer can cause gastrointestinal erosion hematemesis, melena . ─── 如果癌肿侵蚀胃肠可引起呕血、黑便。

41、The Clinical Value of Detecting Endothelin and Total Bilirubin Levels in the Cirrhotic Patients of Portal Hypertension with Hematemesis ─── 血浆内皮素与总胆红素含量检测在门脉高压大出血中的意义

42、The main symptoms included heartburn,upper abdominal pain,abdominal fullness,hematemesis and/or melena and dysphagia. ─── 食管裂孔疝和十二指肠球部病变为主要的消化系统伴随疾病。

43、Recommend hematemesis, learn how the fastest procedure, watch the code, read this code, you will have unwittingly discovered a portal ─── 吐血推荐,学程序怎么最快,看代码,看完这套代码,你会不知不觉发现已经入门了

44、Bleeding can occur in parts bitten or mucosa, that hematemesis , black excrement and urine. ─── 出血可发生于被咬部位或粘膜,可见呕血,黑粪和血尿。

45、Subject: "Hematemesis recommended! NO.7 Dr. collection! Moderators hope consider, as appr [Print This Page ─── 吐血推荐!NO.7博士论文集!希望斑竹酌情考虑加分!真心奉献!!!

46、There are also some patients with liver cirrhosis showed a number of complications, such as melena, hematemesis. ─── 也有部分患者表现为肝硬化的一些并发症,如黑便、呕血。

47、Super SLG intrepid types of small game, the professional attributes of a very distinctive, hematemesis recommended! ─── 超强悍的SLG类型的小游戏,各职业的属性非常鲜明,吐血推荐!

48、hematemesis with internal injury ─── 内伤吐血

49、Venom from the intravascular coagulation can be stimulated to fibrin syndrome, which led hematemesis, hematuria and internal bleeding. ─── 蛇毒引起的血管内凝血可激发去纤维蛋白综合征,而导致呕血,血尿和内出血。

50、hematemesis neonatorum ─── 新生儿呕血

51、-we thank lostmouse hematemesis for us such a good C works. hope that we will support him and hope that he can continue to bring us more and better articles. ─── 详细说明: 我们要吐血感谢lostmouse为我们翻译了这么好的C++名著,希望大家多多支持他,并希望他能继续给我们带来更多更好的文章。

52、epistaxis and hematemesis after menstruation ─── 经后吐衄

53、Hematemesis induced by longdanfengshi capsules in a patient with hepatocirrhosis ─── 龙胆风湿胶囊诱发肝硬化患者呕血

54、Shangyin for hot air, tongue Jiang Fan Ke, a spot of the measles, hematemesis, Nvxue, throat swelling and pain. ─── 用于热风伤阴、舌绛烦渴、发斑发疹、吐血、衄血、咽喉肿痛。

55、The patient had symptoms of dysphagia and hematemesis. ─── 我们完善各项检查后,肯定肿块是食管平滑肌瘤。

56、Results The most common clinical manifestations were abdominal pain,distention or discomfort in 16 cases(55.2%),abdominal mass in 9(31.0%),melena and hematemesis in 5 cases (17.2%). ─── 结果临床主要表现为腹部疼痛和腹部不适34例,腹部包块10例,消化道出血8例;

57、curing hematemesis by creating three essentials; ─── 创三要诀治吐血;

58、Goldstein rs hematemesis ─── 戈尔茨坦氏呕血

59、I agree with that, although I'm not sure whether the hematemesis is on the basis of the varices or perhaps some gastritis that he might have had. ─── 虽然我不能肯定呕血是否由静脉曲张还是因为其他可能患过的胃炎而引起,但我同意这个诊断。

60、hematemesis during menstruation ─── 经行吐血

61、Children with hematemesis, pain in abdomen,fever and melena should be treated by other meth... ─── 手术取异物用于异物已致消化道穿孔者,术后予腹部手术的常规护理。

62、No. how things Come everyone to download it, hematemesis developed would like to recommend to a good friend of the door! ─── 多么号的东西,大家快来下载吧,吐血推荐给想发达的朋友门好!

63、Health lotus cold, Gan Liang Abdominal, can heat lungs, Xiaoyu cooling blood, the Qing Fan Re, vomiting thirst for polydipsia, drunk, hemoptysis, hematemesis embolism. ─── 生藕性寒,甘凉入胃,能清热润肺、消瘀凉血、清烦热、止呕渴,适用于烦渴、酒醉、咳血、吐血等症。

64、74, preparing to go abroad, the Cauto test G aunts, back Hong Baoshu, hematemesis death; ─── 74、准备出国,考托考G阿姨,背红宝书,吐血死;

65、Hematemesis dedication 320X240 LCD driver, comments, particularly detailed, look less detours from Friend! ─── 吐血奉献液晶320X240的驱动程序,注释特别详细,望朋友借鉴少走弯路!

66、attending with Yangyin Moistening Lung, , Shengjin yiwei effect. hematemesis, hemoptysis, lung carbuncle, diabetes, fever Jin injury, constipation and other symptoms. ─── 具有养阴润肺、清心除烦、益胃生津的功效。用于治肺燥干咳、吐血、咯血、肺痿、肺痈、虚劳烦热、消渴、热病津伤、咽干口燥、便秘等病症。

67、The first patient was a 12-year-old boy who presented with hematemesis due to portal hypertension. ─── 第一例是一位12岁的男孩,临床上表现出因肝门脉高血压所引起的呕血症状。

68、Bleeding may be overt (eg, hematemesis or melena) or concealed (eg, ruptured ectopic pregnancy). ─── 出血有明显出血(如呕血、黑粪症)或隐性出血(如异位妊娠破裂)。

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