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09-13 投稿



misbehavior 发音

英:[?m?sb??he?vj?r]  美:[?m?sb??he?vj?(r)]

英:  美:

misbehavior 中文意思翻译



misbehavior 短语词组

1、gross misbehavior ─── [法] 严重不法行为

2、misbehavior charge ─── 不当行为指控

misbehavior 反义词


misbehavior 词性/词形变化,misbehavior变形

动词第三人称单数: misbehaves |动词现在分词: misbehaving |动词过去分词: misbehaved |动词过去式: misbehaved |名词: misbehaver |

misbehavior 同义词

naughtiness | misdeed | misbehaviour | misconduct |mischief | disobedience

misbehavior 相似词语短语

1、risky behaviour ─── 危险行为

2、misbehaved ─── v.行为不端,举止失礼(misbehave的过去式和过去分词)

3、misbehaviour ─── n.不正当举止;行为无礼貌

4、biobehavioral ─── 生物行为学

5、misbehaver ─── 行为不端

6、misbehaving ─── v.(使)行为不端;举止失礼,不礼貌;(机器)出现问题(misbehave的现在分词形式)

7、behavior ─── n.行为,举止;态度;反应

8、misbehaves ─── v.行为不端,举止失礼;发生故障,失灵

9、misbehave ─── v.行为不端,举止失礼;发生故障,失灵

misbehavior 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As a mother, she sometimes is not able to be aware of the misbehavior made by her beloved children, which unfortunately results in a recommitted one. ─── 做母亲的有时候不能察觉她们所深爱的孩子们的过错.这样做的结果会使孩子们再次犯错.

2、Kids judge the fairness and effectiveness of their parents' approaches to punishing misbehavior, for example. ─── 比方说,孩子会判断家长对惩罚犯错的处理方式的公平性及有效性。

3、His misbehavior is difficult to forgive. ─── 他的举止失礼是不能原谅的。

4、youthful misbehavior ─── 青少年不良行为

5、Ernest Jeremiah expected to be punished for his misbehavior during the Copa Indonesia final, just not this harshly. ─── 欧内斯特耶利米预计将惩罚他的不端行为杯印度尼西亚在决赛中,只是没有这个严厉。

6、And, you know, I don't glorify any kind of misbehavior or misuse of anything. ─── 而且,你知道,我不会美化任何不当的举动。

7、gross misbehavior ─── [法] 严重不法行为

8、This misbehavior will go against his chance of promotion ─── 这一错误行为将不利于他提升的机会。

9、It's not the stuff of headlines, like fraud.But more mundane misbehavior by scientists is common enough that it may pose an even greater threat to the integrity of science, a new report asserts. ─── 据美国一家基金会最新发布的一项调查报告显示,美国科学家们在研究工作中普遍存在失职行为。

10、So, take a look at the following words if you want to describe misbehavior like this in future. ─── 如果你将来想表达品行不端这个意思,那么请看看下列语句。

11、Detection and Punishment of MAC Layer Misbehavior in Wireless Networks ─── 无线网络中MAC层违规行为的检测和惩罚

12、His mother confined him to his room for two hours for his misbehavior. ─── 因为调皮,母亲把他关在房里两个小时。

13、The headmaster made an example of Jane to try to stop misbehavior by the other pupils. ─── 校长对简作了惩罚,以儆戒其他同学不要调皮捣蛋。

14、I could have concealed my misbehavior but since you're my best friend, I have to be honest with you. ─── 我本可以不告诉你,但你是我最好的朋友,我必须坦诚相待。

15、He verbally laced into his son for his misbehavior . ─── 他严厉斥责儿子的行为不端。

16、Please, do disclose their misbehavior, because we need to assess the risk of our life under the current leadership). ─── 透露他们的不端行为。我们需要估计我们的生活风险在当前的领导之下.

17、This misbehavior will certainly go against his chances of promotion. ─── 违反军规肯定会不利于他的升迁。

18、With many Americans frustrated over the Iraq war and disappointed with misbehavior in Washington, Republican control of Congress may be on the line. ─── 随着美国人对伊拉克问题的落空以及对布什在华盛顿外交峰会上的失礼行为的失望,共和党对议会的控制恐怕岌岌可危。

19、Meanwhile, the employee herself is ignorant of her misbehavior, but only indulges in the happiness of a better career development. ─── 同时,这个职员却并没有意识到她的不端行为,而是沉浸在得到一个更好的职业发展的快乐中。

20、Wadden, P &S.McGovern.The Quandary of Negative Class Participation: Coming to Terms with Misbehavior in the Language Classroom[J].ELT Journal,1991:45/4. ─── 蔡基刚.压缩大学基础英语,提高语言学习效率--试论重点大学大学英语课程设置改革[J].外语界,2002(1).

21、So how can you tell whether your child's misbehavior is due to giftedness? ─── 那怎样来判断你孩子的行为问题是因为具有某种天赋?

22、He was loud and angry, and his friends told him to modify misbehavior. ─── 他粗声大气,脾气暴躁;朋友们告诉他要改变自己的举止。

23、According to evidence compiled by POGO, the misbehavior by guards includes “peeing on people, eating potato chips out of ass cracks, vodka shots out of ass cracks” and other fratboy-style antics. ─── 根据POGO 整理的证据,卫兵的不端行为包括“往人身上撒尿,吃从屁股后面掏出的薯片,往屁股上倒伏特加”,以及其他懒散孩子作风的古怪滑稽动作。

24、excuse oneself for one's misbehavior ─── 为自己的错误行为辩护

25、After a string of misbehavior, the pop star was ordered to dumb his flashy wardrobe for a bright orange vest while he collected trash alongside the road. ─── 经过一连串的不当行为,

26、The unreasonable installation of road traffic facilities will lead to the driver s misbehavior, which may induce accidents. ─── 摘要道路交通设施的设置状态不良会引起驾驶员行为不当而造成事故。

27、1.blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against. ─── 责备对不道德或不礼貌的行为反对。

28、using the strategy of punishment cautiously and controlling misbehavior. ─── 慎用惩罚策略,控制问题行为等。

29、The district increased punishment for misbehavior and California passed a law to reduce class sizes. ─── 这个地区加强了对不良行为的惩罚力度,加州通过了一项法律减少班级人数。

30、But make sure you show that you love them, not their behavior, especially if it is misbehavior. ─── 肯定地告诉他们无论他们的行为是对是错,父母都一样爱他们。

31、Even though serious misbehavior by the finance industry triggered it, sooner or later it was bound to happen. ─── 即使金融业的违规行为曾经启动过这场危机,但是这仍然没有发生。不过,我想这场灾难迟早会来到。

32、10.Some types of misbehavior or unsportsmanlike actions either by the players or their coaches may bring down a technical foul, whereupon the team captain is awarded a free throw. ─── 有些不端行为或者违反体育风尚的行为,不管出自运动员也好,教练也好,都可以造成一次技术犯规,到时对方的场上队长就会得到一次罚球。

33、Since it was not in my interest to inform the parents of any misbehavior, however, my only logical response at B would be to not tell their parents. ─── 因为我的兴趣不在通知父亲关于任何举止不当的行为,所以我在B的唯一逻辑响应就是不告诉他们的父亲。

34、As parents we often react to your child's misbehavior or emotional outburst by an emotional overreaction ourselves. ─── 作为父母,面对孩子的不良行为或情绪爆发,我们自己常常做出过激反应。

35、Teenagers may not be worried that much, but they are likely to quarrel with their parents more frequently or start to misbehavior at school. ─── 而青少年也许没那么担心,但却会更多地与家长发生口角或在学校里表现不好。

36、The Great Wall is suffering serious damage from modern development and people's misbehavior. ─── 这句话意思是:长城遭受来自现代社会发展及人们错误行为的破坏。

37、I could have concealed my misbehavior but since you are my best friend, I have to be honest with you. ─── 我本可以不告诉你,但你是我最好的朋友,我必须坦诚相待。

38、The flip-side of the above is that it is acceptable form to slam real offenders quite hard, dissecting their misbehavior with a sharp verbal scalpel. ─── 上述现象的另一面是,人们允许狠狠打击真正的冒犯者,用尖刻的言语剖析他们的不当言行。

39、排斥) arbitrary undesired program behaviors;they can only guarantee that well-typed programs are free from certain kinds of misbehavior. ─── 它们只保证类型良好的程序不会有某些特定性质的非法行为。

40、3.When a child three years of age and older misbehaves, communicate his misbehavior in a language he understands so that he realizes why you are upset as well as how he can do better. ─── 针对3岁以上的孩子可以言语来批评他不良的行为,透过语言让他知道刚刚的行为是妈妈不喜欢的,应该如何做比较好。

41、Children's Misbehavior and Their Environment of Family ─── 儿童的问题行为与家庭环境

42、harmful words and misbehavior ─── 不良言行

43、Journal Editors'Countermeasures Against Misbehavior in Academy ─── 学报编辑如何防范学术不端行为

44、It is misbehavior that she left silently . ─── 她不向我们打声招呼就走了,这是非常不礼貌的。

45、Propriety isn't the symbol of the wisdom, but misbehavior ... ─── 有礼貌不一定总是智慧的标志,可是不礼貌总使人怀疑其愚蠢。

46、When Jonah can go down into the hold of the ship, laid himself down and slept soundly during the storm cause by his own misbehavior, what does this description say about his character, his faith? ─── 当约拿遇见一只船而且上了船、却能在由他的自己的不良品行所作而引起的风暴中在底舱躺卧沉睡。在这段描述中说明了他的个性如何,他的信仰又是如何?

47、After all, our bent is to see misbehavior as psychopathology that needs treatment; there is no such thing as a bad person, just a sick one. ─── 毕竟,我们的长项是把不端行为视作需要治疗的精神病理学行为;其中并没有类似‘坏人’这种定义,而只有病人之说。

48、The case of Georgia shows that bad behavior by many small banks can do as much damage as misbehavior by a few financial giants. ─── 乔治亚州的情况表明,众多小银行的不良行为与少数几家金融巨头行为不端一样会造成巨大的损失。

49、Misunderstanding leads to trouble. Misbehavior leads to resentment. Dishonesty leads to disapproval. Confusion leads to disputes. ─── 识见不高,易生事端;德望不足,易生怒气;诚信不够,易生流言;道理不明,易生诡辩。

50、punished for misbehavior . ─── 因行为不端而被处罚。

51、) indiscipline , misbehavior ; ─── 不遵守纪律 ( n.

52、“Does moneymaking or doing business justify the regulators in ignoring their duty for prudential supervision and their job of preventing misbehavior?” he said. ─── “难道为了盈利和贸易,管理当局就可以无视谨慎监督的义务和预防不当行为的职责吗?”他说。

53、He once a Shaolin student but expelled for misbehavior, goes back to Shaolin to humiliate the monks. ─── 但决战时被住持发现,?德被惩罚面壁修行。

54、Don't think the misbehavior will go away. ─── 不要以为不良行为会消失。

55、To some extent, it would be unfair to punish a childs misbehavior against law, neglecting the childsignorance and immaturity, and ignoring the adults influence. ─── 作者先阐明法律上的理想状态,再提出达到这一状态的两个前提条件,进而针对两个前提分别分析中国青少年现状,最后得出结论:目前尚不具备条件。

56、In the scheme, every node monitors its adjacent nodes and tries to detect their misbehavior by analyzing the difference between their route behavior and the route specification. ─── 利用邻接节点监测,通过分析节点路由行为与路由规范的偏差,发现恶意行为。

57、His mother confined him to his room for two hours for his misbehavior. ─── 因为调皮,母亲把他关在房里两个小时。

58、The important intent of the trust evaluation scheme is to resist the secure risk of misbehavior of node in an ad hoc network, and a cluster-based trust evaluation scheme is proposed in this thesis. ─── 移动自组网中信任评估方案主要用来防止网络中不良行为节点的安全威胁,本文提出一种基于分簇的信任评估方案。

59、The video could cost him the election.So could any future misbehavior by his son.Our client wants the videotape. ─── 此刻宾哈姆参议员正参与一次严格的改选活动,这份录像足够毁灭他的选举,尤其是天知道他那宝贝儿子以后还会干出些什么。

60、His father whipped him for misbehavior. ─── 他因不守规矩,父亲抽打了他。

61、More than three years after the crash of 1929, a Senate investigation unveiled one jaw-dropping misbehavior after another. ─── 距1929年股市崩溃3年多以后,美国参议院展开调查,揭开了一个又一个令人错愕的不当行为。

62、If employee have dissidence with the standard,appeal with skip a grade was welcome,and the direct leader is required to submit a written report of the employee misbehavior. ─── 员工若对当月考评有异议的,可进行越级申诉.领班和主管需要就员工申诉进行书面报告,解释说明员工的过失行为和导致的后果,以及对他进行处理的公司规章制度依据.

63、trivial misbehavior ─── 轻微不良行为

64、In TCG systems roots of trust are components that must be trusted because misbehavior might not be detected. ─── 信任链则是信任传递的机制。常常采用密码技术。

65、If you are under control when the child is misbehaving, you will be able to distinguish between willful misbehavior and reaction to stress. ─── 当孩子胡闹时,如果你能克制,你就可以分辨出是任性的胡闹还是对压力的反应。

66、It is a misbehavior to smoke on a crowded bus. ─── 3. 在拥挤的公交车上抽烟,是不礼貌的行为。

67、A storm of high-priority interrupts can squeeze out normal processing; this misbehavior is called thrashing and is fortunately very hard to induce under modern Unixes. ─── 所以如果你有很多的进程,这样就可以非常完美地在在自己地时间片上切换运行。

68、But the Democratic Party's victory profited more from its rival's miscalculation and leader's misbehavior than by its own policies. However, judging from the. ─── 但是,民主党之所以胜出,并不是由于该党的方针政策获得了民心,而是得益于自民党的失策和领导人的失态。

69、My younger brother was expelled from school for misbehavior. ─── 我弟弟因行为不良而被学校开除。

70、On one page, he tells us that German dogs'"misbehavior"comes form their rigid Prussian upbringing; ─── 在第一页里,他告诉我们德系杜宾的“品行不良”是来源于普鲁士人的饲养所致,但是他又同样提出这种行为是因为它们自身所“不同的”性情。

71、The district increased punishments for miss behavior (misbehavior). ─── 全区增加了对于过错(不良)行为的惩罚。

72、If you give in, the child will stop misbehavior---having gotten what was wanted. ─── 你放弃了,孩子也停止他们的不良行为,因为他们达到了他们的目的。

73、Thus, whenever a school disciplines a student, the motives behind the students misbehavior must be carefully examined and an explanation given on what disciplinary action has been taken and why. ─── 学校管教学生时,应事先了解学生的行为与动机,并须明示必要管教之理由。

74、These competitions bring a series of social problems,one of which is competition misbehavior. ─── 这些竞争带来了一系列社会问题,竞争失范就是其中比较突出的问题。

75、5.The best estimate available shows nearly one in 10 kids faces misbehavior ranging from unprofessional to criminal sometime between kindergarten and 12th grade. ─── 据最佳估算,从幼儿园到12年级有十分之一的儿童面临来自非职业和职业的性不当行为的困扰。

76、Their misbehavior reflected the thoughts those problematic youth had. ─── 不正常的行为反映了那些问题青年们的思想。

77、Sandman cautions against emphasizing the circumstances more than the misbehavior or implying that they justify what you did. ─── 山德曼警告不要强调当时的客观因素,而要强调自己当时确实做错了,也不要为自己做的事情过分辩护。

78、The precepts prohibit killing, stealing, harmful language, sexual misbehavior, and the use of intoxicants. ─── 这些戒律禁止杀生,偷窃,辱骂和酒色。

79、A separate register for manpower handling is to be maintained. Misbehavior in the company premises employees will viewed very seriously. ─── 用于装卸的人员采取分别登记。在厂区内员工违反制度应严惩。

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