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09-13 投稿



heeling 发音

英:[?hi?l??]  美:[?hi?l??]

英:  美:

heeling 中文意思翻译



heeling 常用词组

achilles heel ─── 致命要害;薄弱环节

high heel ─── 高跟鞋

achilles' heel ─── 唯一的致命的弱点

heeling 词性/词形变化,heeling变形


heeling 短语词组

1、heeling angle ─── [航]横倾角;倾侧角

2、maximum heeling angle ─── 最大横倾角

3、heeling couple ─── 倾斜力偶

4、heeling moment ─── [船]横倾力矩

heeling 相似词语短语

1、heeding ─── 留心(heed的现在分词)

2、keeling ─── n.防擦索;v.给船装龙骨;倾覆(keel的ing形式)

3、reeling ─── v.卷,绕上卷轴;蹒跚,踉跄;倒退;感到震惊,心烦意乱;眩晕(reel的现在分词);adj.蹒跚的;卷起的;眩晕的

4、peeling ─── n.剥下的(一块)皮;(生物)剥落,脱落;v.脱皮,剥落(peel的现在分词)

5、seeling ─── n.(Seeling)人名;(德)泽林

6、feeling ─── n.感觉,触觉;感情,情绪;同情;adj.有感觉的;有同情心的;富于感情的;v.感觉;认为(feel的现在分词);触摸

7、heling ─── n.(Heling)(美)赫林(人名)

8、Wheeling ─── n.旋转;道路的行车鉴定;v.旋转(wheel的ing形式)

9、jeeling ─── 嘲笑

heeling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His heel is raw because his shoe doesn't fit well. ─── 因鞋子不合适,他的脚後跟擦破皮了。

2、Your heel seems to have healed very well. ─── 你的足跟看来已经愈合得很好了。

3、In the old society what these parasites cared about was nothing but drinking and heeling around. ─── 在旧社会,这些寄生虫所关心的无非就是花天酒地的生活。

4、He was always a naughty boy but he had to learn to come to heel before his teachers. ─── 他总是调皮捣蛋,但是在老师面前却不得不守规矩。

5、The rebels have been brought to heel. ─── 反叛者被压制住了。

6、But Appalachia could yet prove to be his Achilles heel. ─── 但阿巴拉契亚始终是他的阿喀流斯之踵。

7、The goalkeeper is the heel of Achilles in this team. ─── (这支球队的唯一致命弱点在于守门员.

8、If you visit another, she accuses you of being a heel. ─── 你访友,是你堕落。

9、One woe doth tread upon another's heel. ─── [谚]祸不单行。

10、His new boots have give him blister on his heel. ─── 他的新靴子使他的脚後跟起了泡。

11、But it can also be their Achilles heel. ─── 但是这也可能成为他们的致命伤。

12、Her offspring will crush your head, and you will bite their heel. ─── 她的后代都将砸你的头,而你则会咬他们的脚跟。”

13、As soon as he saw me he turned on his heel. ─── 一看见我他就调头走开。

14、There Is A Hole In The Heelof My Sock.My anklet has a hole on heel. ─── There is a hole in the heelof my sock.我的短袜后跟上有个洞。

15、There is a hole in the heel of one of your socks. ─── 你一只袜子的後跟有个洞。

16、The bowsprit was undamaged, but loose at the heel. ─── 在船首斜桅被损坏,但松散的致命弱点。

17、In the old society what these parasites cared about was nothing but drinking and heeling around. ─── 在旧社会,这些寄生虫所关心的无非就是花天酒地的生活。

18、The next day trip is the first along the sea heeling! ─── 第二天的行程就是先沿着海暴走!

19、He was barefooted, and the snake bit him right on the heel. ─── 他是光着脚的,蛇就对准了他脚跟咬了一口。

20、His heel galled by an ill - fittingshoe. ─── 不合脚的鞋擦伤了他的脚跟。

21、She had developed a blister on one heel. ─── 她一只脚的后跟磨起了一个水泡。

22、When you feel like you are losing balance, step out of heeling by putting your toes down and lean forward. ─── 当你感觉失去平衡时,通过脚趾着地暂时倾斜并探身过去。

23、He is very skilled at pivoting on his heel. ─── 他能非常熟练地以脚跟旋转。

24、He pricked the blister on his heel with a sterilized needle. ─── 他用一根消过毒的针扎破他脚後跟上的水泡。

25、The goalkeeper is the heel of Achilles in thisteam. ─── 守门员是这支球队的唯一薄弱环节。

26、Adjustable heel strap.Quickfit? lacing system. ─── 快速便利的系系鞋带设计.

27、If you visit another,she accuses you of being a heel. ─── 你访友,她说你堕落。

28、She turned on her elegantly shod heel. ─── 她突然转身,迈开穿着雅致的皮鞋的双脚离去了。

29、He didn't reply. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room. ─── 他没有回答,反而转身离开了房间。

30、Her Achills' heel is her tallness. ─── 她的唯一缺陷是身材太高。

31、Heel repairs while you wait,eg in a shoe shop. ─── 修理鞋後跟,当时修好。

32、Even the most awkward person will come to heel if he is tackled in the right way. ─── 即使是最难应付的人,只要用正确的方法对待他,他也会顺从的。

33、She suddenly turned on her heel and left the house. ─── 她突然急转身,离开那房子。

34、A snare seizes him by the heel, And a trap snaps shut on him. ─── 伯18:9圈套必抓住他的脚跟、机关必擒获他。

35、If only he spoke one word, his dog would come to heel at once. ─── 他只要招呼一声,狗就会立刻跟上来。

36、It may sound like an oxymoron but money has its Achilles' heel. ─── 听起来有点矛盾,但钱有它自己的阿基里斯定律。

37、The sleigh was on one runner, heeling like a yacht in a wind. ─── 这架雪车在一根滑橇上滑行,倾斜得像大风中的一艘快艇。

38、His boots were patched down at heel. ─── 他的靴子七拼八补,后跟已坐了下去。

39、When his father cut off his allowance, Peter soon came to heel. ─── 彼得的父亲减少了彼得的零用钱,彼得很快驯服了。

40、Most said they would continue "heeling" or "street gliding" after their injuries healed. ─── 大部分的孩子会在他们伤愈后继续进行“暴走”或“街道滑行”

41、What do you think of women who wear high heel shoes? ─── 你觉得那些穿高跟鞋的女士怎么样?

42、Heeling brush is also excellent for removing ugly lines under the eyes. ─── 倾斜刷也非常好去除眼睛下的丑陋行。

43、He prick the blister on his heel with a sterilize needle. ─── 他用一根消过毒的针扎破他脚後跟上的水円。

44、Child: Place the heel of one hand on the lower half of the sternum. ─── 儿童:将一手掌根放于下。

45、They shall strike at your head, and you shall strike at their heel. ─── 女人都打蛇头,蛇则咬女人的脚跟。

46、In such a strong wind the sailboat kept heeling to the left. ─── 在这样的大风中帆船保持向左倾斜。

47、But as Penn's memo implied, that's also his Achilles' heel. ─── 但是,正如彭恩在备忘录里写道,这也是他的唯一致命弱点。

48、He threw the cigarette down and ground it under his heel. ─── 他把烟卷丢到地上, 用脚踩灭。

49、A trap seizes him by the heel; a snare holds him fast. ─── 9圈套必抓住他的脚跟。机关必擒获他。

50、Do not allow the heel to be raised. ─── 不要使脚跟立起。

51、He would have made a good pilot but his drinking habit was his Achilles’ heel. ─── 他本来会成为一名很好的飞行员,不过他的饮酒习惯却成了他的致命弱点。

52、His heel is raw because his shoe do not fit well. ─── 因鞋子不合适,他的脚后跟擦破皮了。

53、A stiff piece of leather around the heel of a shoe. ─── 后帮皮鞋跟周围的破皮

54、Of course, even adaptive strategies have their Achilles' heel. ─── 当然,即使是适应性策略也还是有其弱点。

55、If you scuff (your feet) like that, you'll wear the heel s out. ─── 你那么拖着脚走路,就要把鞋跟磨坏了.

56、You're always so down at heel; are you really that poor? ─── 你总是穿得破破烂烂的,你真是那么穷吗?

57、Heel repairs while you wait,eg.in a shoe shop. ─── 修理鞋后跟,当时修好.

58、You now inebriate of heel dead the pig be similar! ─── 你现在醉的跟死猪一样!

59、In such a strong wind the sailboat kept heeling to the left . ─── 在这样的大风中帆船保持向左倾斜。

60、In that little shop, he was forced to take his shoes for soling and heeling. ─── 在那家小店里,他被迫把鞋子拿去修理鞋底和后跟。

61、NL]Bazoeka.nl | De Grootste Pc-winkel Van Heel Nederland! ─── 人均页读数:Page Views per user for [BAZOEKA.

62、She dug her heel into the ground. ─── 她把鞋后跟戳进地里。

63、He pricks the blister on his heel with a sterilize needle. ─── 他用一根消过毒的针扎破他脚后跟上的水泡。

64、When little Tommy's brother showed up,the bully turned on his heel. ─── 小汤米的大哥出现时,恶汉拔腿就溜。

65、He turns on his heel and is about to go in extreme dudgeon. ─── 他转身要走并大发脾气。

66、He's always so down at heel; is he hard up or just slovenly? ─── 他总是这么邋遢,是生活潦倒还是不修边幅?

67、Im training my dog to come to heel. ─── 中文:我在训练我的狗让它紧跟著我.

68、When John saw Fred approaching, he turned on his heel. ─── 当约翰看见福瑞德走进他时,他转过身子,避而不见。

69、At a word from his owner the dog moved to heel. ─── 主人一招呼,狗就跟在他身后了。

70、You give one heel of pep talk. ─── 你的话真鼓舞人心。

71、Heel repairs while you wait, eg in a shoe shop. ─── 修理鞋後跟, 当时修好.

72、He used to dress quite smartly, but he looks very down at the heel nowadays. ─── 他过去衣著讲究,现在却是衣衫褴褛。

73、They suffered a lot under the invader's heel. ─── 在侵略者的铁蹄下,他们受尽了奴役。

74、And with that he turned on his heel and rejoined the other two. ─── 他说完就转身回到了那两个人身旁。

75、When you feel like you are losing balance, step out of heeling by putting your toes down and lean forward. ─── 当你感觉失去平衡时,通过脚趾着地暂时倾斜并探身过去。

76、The keel helps the boat resist the leeward force of the wind and provides stability against excessive heeling. ─── 龙骨帮助船只抵御背风力(leewardforceofthewind),并稳定过度倾侧。

77、An example of an advanced body signal is seen during heeling. ─── 一个高级身体信号的例子就是随行训练中的目光。

78、I lumped all the component parts of the heeling exercise into one training exercise. ─── 我把随行训练的所有部分归并在一起。

79、She fainted heeling over from her chair onto the floor. ─── 她晕倒了,从椅子上滑到了地上。

80、He hastily ground the cigarette out beneath his heel. ─── 他赶紧把烟头在脚跟下捻灭。

81、He turned on his heel and left the room. ─── 他转过身去,离开了房间。

82、He runs ahead,with the others hard on his heel. ─── 他在前面跑,其他人紧随其後。

83、Heel : manufactured of a hard molded leather. ─── 后跟:一努力塑造皮革的制造.

84、His heel is raw because his shoe does not fit well. ─── 因鞋子不合适,他的脚后跟擦破皮了。

85、An example of an advanced body signal is seen during heeling. ─── 一个高级身体信号的例子就是随行训练中的目光。

86、She turned on her heel, and disappeared in the crowd. ─── 她突然转身,在人群中消失了。

87、Intimate relationship is my Achilles' heel. ─── 亲密关系是我的弱点。

88、Can it be as painful as the spur of a fighting cock in one's heel? ─── 它痛起来跟斗鸡脚上装的距铁刺扎进人的脚后跟时一样厉害吗?

89、His Achilles' heel was his pride. ─── 他的致命伤就是骄傲自大。

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