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09-13 投稿



personify 发音

英:[p?r?sɑ?n?fa?]  美:[p??s?n?fa?]

英:  美:

personify 中文意思翻译



personify 词性/词形变化,personify变形


personify 相似词语短语

1、to personify ─── 拟人化

2、personified ─── 表现

3、person-day ─── 人日

4、personize ─── 去离子

5、personality ─── n.个性;品格;名人

6、personifier ─── 拟人

7、personifying ─── v.是……的典型,集中表现;是(品质、观念)的化身;拟人化,把……人格化

8、personise ─── 个人的

9、personifies ─── v.是……的典型,集中表现;是(品质、观念)的化身;拟人化,把……人格化

personify 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"You tend to personify things that you think about a lot, " she says. ─── “反复思考一样东西,你会渐渐把它拟人化,”她说。

2、Secretarial personnel visualize their beauty with personal characteristics and mettle,personify their beauty with noble ideals and fine sentiments,and act out their beauty with diligent and harmonious work. ─── 秘书人员以其外形特征和风度气质显示形象美 ; 以其崇高理想和美好情操显示人格美 ;

3、O beloved sick, how doubly dear you are to me, when you personify Christ; and what a privilege is mine to be allowed to tend you. ─── 亲爱的生病的人,对我来说你们是双倍的可亲,因为你们是基督的化身,而能照顾你们是我多大的特权。

4、Kept for milk and dung, cows personify Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, and are treated to fruit and grain on her day of honor. ─── 母牛可以产奶及蓄粪肥,象征财富女神拉克希米,在她的受敬日里被供奉水果及谷物。

5、Franko:We have chose ARACHNES because it personify our Latin origin and in Arachnes's myth we have found the solution. ─── 我们选择ARACHNES为团名是因为很能够代表我们的拉丁起源,而且在Arachnes的神话中我们找到事物的解决之道。

6、To you ,Mr.Smith personify the absolute power. ─── 在你们看来,史密斯先生就是绝对权利的化身。

7、In order to produce impressive and lively effects, poets might personify and subjects in their poems from a dragonfly to a willow tree as if they all have lives and feelings. ─── 在诗人的笔下,任何事物都可以是有生命、有感情的。

8、In "Three Collections of Short Stories" by Feng Menglong a number of attractive female images have been set up who personify the characteristics of the new era. ─── “三言”正面描写了一大批光彩照人的女性形象,在她们身上我们看到了新的时代特色。

9、To endow with personal qualities; personify. ─── 赋予人的性格,拟人化

10、Just so Chiang Kai-shek, when he rode to power during the counterrevolution of 1927, appeared to personify the wisdom of his age; ─── 同样,蒋介石在一九二七年举行反革命政变、黄袍加身的时候,简直被誉为大智大慧的人。

11、What more could we ask of a man to personify the past 100 years? ─── 对于这个能作为过去100年的表率的人,我们还能期望什么呢?

12、one who is believed to personify a given abstract quality or idea ─── 典型化身;被认为是某一给定的品质或想法的化身的人

13、On Personify of Animal Plant in Folktales of Daur ─── 达斡尔族民间故事中动物人格化的表现形式

14、To embody; personify. ─── 具体表现; 使人格化

15、To make history or psychology alive I personify it(Ana?s Nin) ─── 我将历史或心理人格化,使得它具体生动起来(阿奈斯 尼恩)

16、You tend to personify things that you think about a lot," she says. ─── 思考一样东西,你会渐渐把它拟人化,”她说。

17、Personally, the personable personage with a strong personality in the personnel will personify the television personality in person. ─── 据我所知,那位在人事部门任职的英俊要人将要亲自扮演那位电视剧人物。

18、It is to personify the government behavior economically and to import the relative theories of market economy. ─── 把招商引资过程中的政府行为经济人格化,并引入市场经济主体运行相关理论加以分析。

19、People usually personify a ship by referring to it as "She" . ─── 人们往往用“她”来称呼船使之拟人化。

20、To express each character, a standard chair was transformed to personify each power and to explain their unique meanings individually. ─── 这是三种有着截然不同性格和行为特征的人。

21、People usually personify a ship by referring to it as "she". ─── 人们往往用“她”来称呼船使之拟人化。

22、To attribute human or personal qualities to; personify. ─── 拟人化赋予人类或个人的品质;拟人化

23、"He came to personify a classic 20th century style of American liberalism that grew out of his Roman Catholic sense of duty. ─── “他最终成为20世纪美国自由主义经典风格的化身,而那要归功于他成长过程中所形成的罗马天主教的责任感。”

24、Adonis, Hercules, Bacchus, among the Greeks, illustrate in like manner the changes of the seasons and personify the sovereignty of the Sun. ─── 在希腊是阿多尼斯、海格勒斯和巴克斯,以类似的方式描绘了季节的变更,把太阳人格化成一位君主。

25、When asking who would like to personify my youngest girls, expecting a specific Nature Kingdom to step forward, I heard that the Tao within myself wanted to be expressed through these girls. ─── 当我问到谁愿意来给我这些最小的女孩们赋予人格时,我本来以为会有一个特别的大自然王国站出来,结果我听到说,我内在的道想要通过这些小女孩得到表达。

26、The sun and the moon is often personify in poetry. ─── 诗歌中常把日、月拟人化。

27、These children personify all that is wrong with the education system. ─── 这些儿童充分体现了教育制度的缺陷。

28、Justice is often personify as a blindfold woman holding a pair of scales. ─── 常把蒙著眼睛手持天平的女人当作正义的象徵。

29、These children personify all that is wrong with the education system. ─── 这些儿童充分体现了教育制度的缺陷。

30、Just as you have chosen to personify pure love as the character you call God, so have you chosen to personify abject fear as the character you call the devil. ─── 正如你们选择了将纯粹的爱拟人化为你们称之为神的那个角色,你们也选择拟人化卑鄙的恐惧为你们所谓的撒旦。

31、Artists personify beauty in their works. ─── 艺术家在作品中表现美。

32、Kept for milk and dung, cows personify Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, and are treated to fruit and grain on her day of honor. ─── 母牛可以产奶及蓄粪肥,象征财富女神拉克希米,在她的受敬日里被供奉水果及谷物。

33、Through compatibility can personify the three feature of the drug property of peaceful property of drug:" body mild utility bias", "two-way apply", "condition dominancy". ─── 通过配伍可以体现平性药“体平用偏”、“双向适用,条件显性”的药性特点;

34、The Chinese landscape painting art develops to Yuan Dynasty again a big change, is scholarly of the landscape painting to turn, personify. ─── 中国山水画艺术发展到元代又一大变,是山水画的文人化、人格化。

35、He places his subjective feeling on scenes to personify them , or observes scenery from his own angle and makes it have his own emotional colouring. ─── 他或者将景物人格化,作为主观情感的寄托,或者“以我观物,使物皆着我之色彩”。

36、We often personify the sun and the moon, calling the sun "he" and the moon "she". ─── 我们经常用“他”来称呼太阳, 用“她”来称呼月亮, 使他们人格化。

37、The sun and the moon be often personify In poetry ─── 诗歌中常把日、 月拟人化

38、UEFA's staff and officials personify UEFA in public by their high standards and by their conduct. ─── 欧足联的工作人员和官员人格化,在欧足联公布的高水准,并为他们的行为。

39、Although the Confucianism also speak "day", is no longer "day" of great universe, but personify, idolization even the emperor king turn of"day". ─── 儒家虽然也讲“天”,但已经不是大自然的“天”,而是人格化、偶像化甚至帝王化的“天”。

40、Justice is often personify as a blindfold woman holding a pair of scales ─── 常把蒙著眼睛手持天平的女人当作正义的象徵

41、Writer" s creation manifested in the creative principles of "personify objects through loyalty & forgiveness" , "produce Buddhist doctrine via fatalism" and other concrete creative techniques as well. ─── 作家的创作通过“忠恕格物”、“因缘生法”等创作原则及各种具体创作技法表现出来。

42、They personify the activities and hobbies which I truly enjoy, and provide a breather from some of the more rigorous aspects of life. ─── 这些我喜欢的活动和爱好为我在紧张的生活中提供了一些喘息的时间。

43、The word "diabolos" is used to personify that natural sinful way of thinking which is opposed to God's way. ─── “diabolos”一词被用以指与神的道相反的罪恶思想。

44、Personally, the personable personage with a strong personality in the personnel will personify the television personality in person. ─── 据我所知,那位在人事部门任职的英俊要人将要亲自扮演那位电视剧人物。

45、to personify a ship by referring to it as “she” ─── 用“她”来称呼船,使之拟人化

46、In order to personify into the life its insidious concept, Gikdorf created the enormous army of combat robots at the secret plants 0N throughout the world. ─── 为了给他的阴险计划变成现实,基克多夫在他遍布全球的秘密工厂中制造了数不清的机器人部队。

47、personify sth. ─── 使之拟人化

48、to personify a ship by referring to it as "she" ─── 用“她”来称呼船使之拟人化

49、One who is believed to personify a given abstract quality or idea. ─── 典型化身被认为是某一给定的品质或想法的化身的人

50、Scent compatibility is the main route to personify the effect on "adjust yin-yang", "use bias rectify bias" of peaceful property of drug. ─── 气味配伍是体现平性药“调整阴阳”、“以偏纠偏”作用的主要途径。

51、Keywords Jin Shengtan;literary criticism;produce Buddhist doctrine via fatalism;personify objects through loyalty &forgiveness;modernism;appreciation; ─── 金圣叹;文学评点;因缘生法;忠恕格物;现代性;鉴赏;

52、She seemed to personify goodness and nobility. ─── 她似乎是善良和高贵的化身。

53、But people tend to personify such peculiar events and it's ludicrous to think that the balls of light have any intelligence, but the anecdotes are no less intriguing. ─── 当然,人们将这一奇特事物人格化并认为它有智力是荒诞的,但是这些奇闻轶事却发人深思。

54、The only way then, would be to find one song that I feel would fully personify Michael, his hope, his dreams and his unconditional love for all the children in this world. ─── 唯一的办法,就是选一首在我心目中,最能够代表迈克杰可逊的歌曲,让大家一起聆听这位音乐天才对全世界的梦想,博爱,和希望。

55、Therefore, surmounting instmmentalism curriculum, should achieve the pluralistic course aim and personify the course implementation. ─── 因而,超越工具理性主义课程要实现课程目标的多元化和课程实施的人格化。

56、The problem of semantic Web characterization was introduced on the basis of XML/RDF,and some concepts of it were adopted to personify the home service system. ─── 介绍了基于XML/RDF语义Web描述的问题,并将其用于个性化家庭服务系统.

57、The personify the divine and magic powers worshipped by the people. ─── 它们把人们崇拜的神力和魔力都人格化了。

58、They personify what this School stands for. ─── 他们的人格,这是什么学校主张。

59、In holding these and other positions , the monarch is said to personify the British state . ─── 由于君主拥有多重身份,因此君主被认为是英国人格的化身。

60、They complement each other and personify the very essence of winter sports. ─── 它们象征着冬季奥运会项目中不可缺少的两种元素--雪和冰。

61、O beloved sick, how doubly dear you are to me, when you personify Christ; and what a privilege is mine to be allowed to tend you. ─── 亲爱的生病的人,对我来说你们是双倍的可亲,因为你们是基督的化身,而能照顾你们是我多大的特权。

62、The two main characters personify The Dollar and The Euro in this heavily symbolic experimental piece. ─── 在这部华丽而有韵律的实验性的作品中,两个主人公分别象征了美元和欧元。

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