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09-13 投稿



venal 发音

英:['vi?n(?)l]  美:['vinl]

英:  美:

venal 中文意思翻译



venal 网络释义

adj. 贪污的;用金钱买得的;贿赂的;贪赃枉法的n. (Venal)人名;(英)维纳尔

venal 词性/词形变化,venal变形

副词: venally |

venal 短语词组

1、venal practices ─── [经] 贿赂(受贿)行为

venal 相似词语短语

1、renal ─── adj.[解剖]肾脏的,[解剖]肾的;n.(Renal)人名;(法)勒纳尔

2、venial ─── adj.可原谅的;(罪过)轻微的;可宽恕的

3、Juvenal ─── 朱文诺(罗马诗人及讽刺文家)

4、venae ─── n.静脉,血管(vena的复数);n.(Venae)(美)菲纳埃(人名)

5、vinal ─── n.聚乙烯醇纤维;n.(Vinal)维纳尔(人名)

6、veal ─── n.小牛(等于vealer);小牛肉;n.(Veal)人名;(英)维尔

7、penal ─── adj.刑事的;刑罚的

8、genal ─── adj.(解剖学)(与)脸颊(有关)的;n.(Genal)(美、塞、匈)盖纳尔(人名)

9、vena ─── n.脉;[解剖]静脉;n.(Vena)人名;(罗、塞、意)韦娜(女名),韦纳

venal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The major constraints they usually face are domestic, such as lack of access to credit, poor infrastructure, venal government officials and insecure land rights. ─── 他们面对的主要限制通常在国内,例如无法借贷、基础建设不良、贪官污吏,以及没有保障的地权。

2、a venal police officer ─── 贪财受贿的警官

3、Most were useless rather than venal. ─── 他们中的多数只是无能,但还没有贪赃枉法。

4、2. corruptible judges; dishonest politicians; a purchasable senator; a venal police officer. ─── 可收买的法官;可买通的政客;可收买的参议员;可贿赂的警官。收藏指正

5、venal practice ─── 贿赂行为

6、venal, impeachable public servants. ─── 贪污的、可弹劾的公务员

7、corruptible judges; dishonest politicians; a purchasable senator; a venal police officer. ─── 可收买的法官;可买通的政客;可收买的参议员;可贿赂的警官。

8、A venal moving-van company had revealed her address ─── 一家唯利是图的搬运汽车公司把她的住址泄露了。

9、Venal ulcer in lower limbs ─── 下肢静脉性溃疡

10、EVEN before passing through immigration into Indonesia, you may fall prey to the venal flair of its bureaucrats. ─── 在通过入境检查进入印尼之前,你可能已落入官僚腐败的陷阱。

11、The corrupting orbit of the huge venal official-Bi Yuxi ─── 巨贪毕玉玺的堕落轨迹

12、Trimmer is corrupt and thoroughly venal. ─── 特里默贪污受贿,唯利是图到了极点。

13、How can these venal officers be judges, and how can venal officers rule in justice? ─── 贪官怎么能当法官?贪官怎么能公正执法?

14、Better his finger on Pakistan's nuclear button, the thinking went, than a flaky, venal civilian, perhaps followed in short order by a mad mullah. ─── 按照这种思维,穆沙拉夫的留任要比他褪化成一个古怪贪腐的平民(或许身后还会迅速地跟上一位狂热的毛拉)要好的多。

15、Retrospective Analysis of Diagnosing Left Renal Venal Entrapment Syndrome with Color Doppler Ultrasound ─── 彩色多普勒超声对左肾静脉压迫征诊断的回顾分析

16、The officers are venal, violent and incompetent, systematically pilfering the soldiers' rations. ─── 军官们贪污、狂暴与无能,处心积虑地盗窃给战士们分发的粮食。

17、a venal vote [office] ─── 被收买的选票 [靠金钱得来的职位]

18、Manuel Benitez, the venal Cuban director of immigration; ─── 贪赃枉法的古巴移民主管ManuelBenitez;

19、Mr Annan was not the venal incompetent that some of his critics in America tried to paint him as. ─── 安南先生并非如一些美国人所批评的那样贪腐无能。

20、a venal bargain ─── 受贿的交易

21、By some chance the little table at which I sat had escaped the eye of incomers, and two vacant chairs at it extended their arms with venal hospitality to the influx of patrons. ─── 我随意间选坐的一张小桌恰好不为人们所注目,还剩下两把空椅以诱人的殷勤,伸开双臂欢迎新拥进的顾客。

22、venal practices ─── [经] 贿赂(受贿)行为

23、The disciples of Osama bin Laden are still itching to accuse the king of ungodliness should he go down a venal Western path. ─── 因为国王有可能走向腐败的西方道路,拉登的信徒们仍在指责他不虔诚。

24、"in a Shanghai tenement who successfully resist the attempts by the owner, a venal Nationalist officer, to evict them. (The film only escaped censorship by the Nationalist authorities because a fake script had been provided. )" ─── 这些住在上海一栋廉价公寓里的人最终没让房主(一个贪赃枉法的国民党军官)把他们赶出去(这部影片因为报批时用的是另一个剧本,所以才通过了国民党当局的审查)。

25、corrupt officials; venal officials ─── 贪官污吏

26、Ellis was a venal, sly man ─── 埃利斯是个贪财、奸诈的人。

27、a venal judge ─── 一个可以贿赂的法官

28、Now cops are just venal cowardsand no-one is keeping law and order in the city. ─── 现在警察只是贪懦夫,没有人是维持法律和秩序的城市。

29、Venal necrosis virus ─── 脉坏死病毒

30、Ye venal slaves be gone! ─── 当心你们的身家性命!

31、Objective To explore the effect of taurine on platelet activating factor(PAF) in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis and its protective effect to venal function. ─── 目的探讨牛磺酸对慢性肾小球肾炎患者血小板活化因子水平的影响及其对肾脏的保护作用。

32、At a time when most of the country's political leaders are despised as venal, lazy or inept, its senior jurist is held in esteem. ─── 正当这个国家的政客们身负贪污、懒惰、无能这些骂名之时,这位资深的法学者却深受尊重。

33、We've grown vulgar and venal, wedded to the almighty dollar and the lowest common denominator. ─── 我们已经变得越来越粗俗和贪婪,紧紧地和致上的金钱和最低的共同欲望结合起来。

34、Objective To find a simple, effective surgical method to deal with venal ulcer in lower limbs. ─── 目的探讨治疗下肢静脉溃疡有效、简单的方法。

35、On balance, even the most venal political neophyte may decide it is easier to make money by getting a proper job. ─── 总的来说,对于初入政界的人来说,即使是最唯利是图的人也可能做出这样的判断:从事一个适当的职业更容易赚钱。

36、His generous investment of Libyan oil revenues around the continent, of course, was a more venal inducement to African fealty. ─── 当然,他大方将利比亚石油开采收入投资到非洲各地是一个充满腐败的诱惑,意图得到非洲国家的支持。

37、In January 2007 Bangladesh's army intervened to halt the alternation of power between two venal, incompetent but nonetheless elected political dynasties. ─── 2007年一月,孟加拉国的军队干预并中止了两个收受贿赂,毫无竞争力,但又是民选的政治家族的权力轮换。

38、But the DPJ has lost traction, caught up in money scandals reminiscent of the venal era of LDP rule. ─── 然而,日本民主党渐渐失去斗志,陷入金钱丑闻难以自拔,让人不禁联想起自民党执政期间同样腐败的时代。

39、In Ghana and Cameroon this has allowed venal village chiefs to steal logging revenues. ─── 在加纳和喀麦隆,这让贪赃枉法的村长得以窃取伐木收入。

40、They argue that the EAC's dream of federation could be botched by a trade row, tribal violence or strangled at birth with red tape by venal politicians and bureaucrats. ─── 他们说EAC的联盟美梦会伴带来贸易战和部族冲突,或者被贪婪政客和官僚的腐败扼杀在襁褓中。

41、Mr Annan was not the venal incompetent that some of his critics in America tried to paint him as. ─── 安南先生并非如一些美国人所批评的那样贪腐无能。

42、Objective To evaluate the clinical diagnosis value of color Doppler ultrasound by retrospectively analyzing its findings of left renal venal entrapment syndrome. ─── 目的通过回顾分析23例左肾静脉压迫征,探讨彩超对其诊断价值。

43、venal judges are a disgrace to a country ─── 贪污腐败的法官是国家的耻辱。

44、Crowded Haiti has long suffered from squabbling and venal politicians, extreme inequality and ecological stress. ─── 臃肿的海地长期经受着聒噪和惟利是图的政客,极度的不公正,生态压力所困扰。

45、a venal administration ─── 腐败的政府

46、There is nothing especially venal about the ancients in this regard; ─── 在这方面,没什么比过去更腐败了。

47、Their names remain inspirational, long after the names of their venal opponents have been forgotten. ─── 当他们腐败的政敌早已灰飞烟灭的时候,他们的英名将久远长存,受人景仰。)

48、The venal policeman accepted the bribe. ─── 贪污的警察收受贿赂。

49、EVEN before passing through immigration into Indonesia, you may fall prey to the venal flair of its bureaucrats. ─── 在通过入境检查进入印尼之前,你可能已落入官僚腐败的陷阱。

50、venal politicians/journalists ─── 唯利是图的政客/记者

51、Ellis was a venal, sly man. ─── 埃利斯是个贪财、奸诈的人。

52、Indeed, in badly run countries, a powerful anti-corruption agency can aggravate the problem: special powers and privileges can be abused for venal reasons or to settle politicalscores. ─── 实际上,在管理糟糕的国家里,一个强有力的反腐机构可能使问题变得糟糕:特权可能因受贿或者政绩的原因而被滥用。

53、The curse plot-line has seemingly struck a chord with some venal Chinese businessmen who jumped at an original method to reap profits from the comic's underground popularity in China. ─── 看过后,才觉得很有味道,遂又去找了它的后章和动画来看(不过动画原作至今没来得及看,只放在电脑里,据说比电影好)。

54、and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice, ─── 决心铲除那些腐化堕落的毒虫,他们还是作恶的先锋,

55、They went out into the night together: the three of them. The General, the Dwarf and Venal Anatomica. ─── 他们一起走入夜色:三个人。将军,侏儒和它。

56、Does he really want to turn control of healthcare half the time over to a group that he considers stupid and venal ? ─── 那么,他是不是真的愿意让医疗保障控制权的一半时间转交到那个“愚蠢又唯利是图”的团体的手上呢?

57、Indeed, in badly run countries, a powerful anti-corruption agency can aggravatethe problem: special powers and privileges can be abused for venal reasons orto settle political scores. ─── 实际上,在治理乏力的国家,反贪机构权力扩张可能适得其反:权力和特许可能被用来谋求私利或是清除政敌。

58、But here is the part that puzzles me: Over the past eight years, Paul has tried to convince his readers that Republicans are stupid and venal. ─── 但是,让我觉得困惑不解的政治问题是:在过去八年间,克鲁格曼一直试图使他的读者相信“共和党人既愚蠢又唯利是图”。

59、Does he really want to turn control of healthcare half the time over to a group that he considers stupid and venal? ─── 那么,他是不是真的愿意让医疗保障控制权的一半时间转交到那个“愚蠢又唯利是图”的团体的手上呢?

60、I never intimidate ordinary folks. I only intimidate those venal officials ─── 我从来不吓唬老百姓,只吓唬那些贪官污吏。

61、Venal concubinage ─── 受利诱的非法同居

62、corruptible judges; dishonest politicians; a purchasable senator; a venal police officer ─── 可收买的法官;可买通的政客;可收买的参议员;可贿赂的警官

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