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09-13 投稿



hacienda 发音

英:[,h?s?'end?; ?'θjend?; ?'sjend?]  美:[,h?s?'?nd?]

英:  美:

hacienda 中文意思翻译



hacienda 网络释义

n. 大庄园

hacienda 词性/词形变化,hacienda变形


hacienda 短语词组

1、hacienda heights ─── 哈仙达冈(美国城市)

2、hacienda campo arique ─── 阿里克庄园

3、hacienda trinidad ─── 特立尼达庄园

4、hacienda de lluna ─── 伊卢纳庄园

hacienda 相似词语短语

1、Lucinda ─── n.露辛达(女子名,等于Lucy)

2、faciends ─── n.被乘数

3、haciendado ─── n.庄园主人;大农场主

4、Cabinda ─── n.卡宾达(安哥拉西北部的省及其省会名称)

5、haciendas ─── n.大庄园

6、faciend ─── n.被乘数

7、haciendados ─── n.庄园主人;大农场主(haciendado的变形)

8、hacendado ─── 庄园或农场等的主人

9、Malinda ─── n.(Malinda)人名;(捷)马林达

hacienda 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、2245 S.Hacienda Blvd, Hacienda Heights. ─── 地点:圣达台福教会.

2、Glenmark Dr., Hacienda Hts. ─── 八、 联络处 :3456 S.

3、Hacienda Jurica: Photos and direct prices! ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

4、Unfortunately, some of the young European lads don't appreciate old Hacienda house music. ─── 很不幸,一些大陆的年轻人不懂得欣赏老庄园音乐。

5、This gorgeous home is located in the most desirable area of Hacienda Heights. ─── 这美丽的家位于最令人向往的哈岗地区。

6、When the Hacienda died, many said a piece of Manchester died. ─── 当“庄园”夜总会倒闭时,许多人说,曼彻斯特的一部分完了。

7、“With Hacienda and Sankeys closed, we didn't have a club here for two years and the big DJs stopped coming. ─── 他用争辩的口吻说:“由于‘庄园'夜总会和‘桑基斯'夜总会的关闭,我们这里连续两年没有一个夜总会,那些大腕主持人也不来了。

8、This beautiful single house is very safe and located in the city of Hacienda Heights within the gated community on a hill. ─── 这个美丽的单层房屋是非常安全和位于哈仙达岗山上的有闸门社区里。

9、When the Hacienda died, many said a piece of Manchester died. ─── 当“庄园”夜总会倒闭时,许多人说,曼彻斯特的一部分完了。

10、Shenzhen City Branch hacienda Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a professional high-tech companies mine. ─── 深圳市科先达科技发展有限公司是专业的防雷高科技公司。

11、Beautiful, single-level home in desired Hacienda Heights area. ─── 美丽的独立屋位于哈岗区。

12、She was born to an illiterate mother who ran her own hacienda. ─── 她的母亲是文盲,有着自己的庄园。

13、Beautiful 2 story Townhome located in Hacienda Creek Gated Community with an Attached garage with direct access through your private patio which is great for private parties and BBQs. ─── 漂亮的两层城市屋位于哈岗有门社区,还有连屋车库,通过您的私人庭院是,可作私人派对和烧烤。

14、To Book A Room Easily At The Hacienda Tres Lagos Hotel, Please Submit Your Travel Dates And Proceed With Our Secure Online Booking Form. ─── 庄园特雷斯拉各斯酒店艾森优惠预订,如果您需要在爱染,智利住宿(包括酒店、宾馆、旅店,饭店、汽车旅馆),这个酒店将是一个不错的选择。

15、Nice location and corner lot house in Hacienda Heights. ─── 优良的位置和角落土地房屋在哈岗。

16、' "Amazing Grace with Grace Greater than Our Sin", arranged by Tom Fetteke, in Taiwanese performed by EFCI Choir in EFC of Hacienda Heights, with lyrics subtitle. ─── Tom Fetteke 编曲圣诗,翻译为台语由爱恩台福基督教会诗班于圣达台福基督教会献唱.附中文及英文字幕.

17、Enter a pleasant hacienda-style building on a remote stretch of the coast. ─── 你会进入偏远海边一座赏心悦目的庄园式建筑。

18、Argentina at the beginning of 19th century.The pastures of the pampas seem to go on forever.You have enough money to buy land and cattle to build a small hacienda. ─── 十九世纪初的阿根廷农业正蓄势待发,南美的大草原一望无际,你有足够的金钱购买一块地,建造自己的阿根廷庄园。

19、The community is so closely tied to the Hacienda, that guests are always invited to participate in the events and fiestas that take place in the town. ─── 这里的社区与庄园联系密切,每逢盛典和节日,(庄园)宾客总会被邀请。

20、This property is in one of Hacienda Heights best areas and also near award winning schools, shopping, and easy freewasy access. ─── 这房屋在哈仙达岗市其中一个最好的地区,也邻近屡获殊荣的学校,购物中心,也很接近高速公路。

21、he had made a present of a hacienda to the president. ─── 他把一座大庄园作为礼物送给总统。

22、A modern Mexican hacienda full of surprises ─── 带给您无限惊喜的现代墨西哥庄园

23、This property is in one of Hacienda Heights best areas and also near award winning schools, shopping, and easy freeway access. ─── 这房屋在哈仙达岗市其中一个最好的地区,也邻近屡获殊荣的学校,购物中心,也很接近高速公路。

24、The hacienda style patio has a decorative fireplace, built in brick barbecue, spa included, anda nicesizeyard with view. ─── 庄园风格的天井有一个装饰壁炉,建于砖,烧烤,水疗包括在内,一个不错的院子有风景。

25、Avda Hacienda San Antonio.Nave 3. ─── 详细地址: PI EL Pino.

26、Amazing Grace with Grace Greater then Our Sin, arranged by Tom Fetteke, in Taiwanese performed by EFCI Choir in EFC of Hacienda Heights, with lyrics subtitle. ─── Description:Tom Fetteke 编曲圣诗,翻译为台语由爱恩台福基督教会诗班于圣达台福基督教会献唱.附中文及英文字幕.

27、This beautiful single house is very safe and located in the city of Hacienda Heights within the gated community on a hill. ─── 这个美丽的单层房屋是非常安全和位于哈仙达岗山上的有闸门社区里。

28、In a desireable area of Hacienda Hts. ─── 在哈岗一个理想的地区。


30、' "Amazing Grace with Grace Greater than Our Sin", arranged by Tom Fetteke, in Taiwanese performed by EFCI Choir in EFC of Hacienda... ─── 翻译为台语由爱恩台福基督教会 诗 班于 圣 达台福基督教会献唱.附 中文 及英文字幕.

31、He plays keyboard regularly in Clay Music concerts and participates in our album productions.Calvin also serves in the worship teams of his church in Hacienda Heights. ─── 这位文质彬彬又才华洋溢的年轻人,非常乐于用自己的音乐恩赐和专业来服事神,他忠心在泥土音乐的音乐会及专辑制作中服事,并参与教会的敬拜赞美团,负责司琴.

32、The African zoologists will also study what to do with the two dozen hippos still living at the site of Escobar's zoo, called Hacienda Napoles in the northern province of Antioquia. ─── 研究人员报告说,他们发现蚜虫有一项最新的绝活儿,那就是通过先让植物结疤,再刺激植物组织自我修复的治愈宿主植物创伤的能力。

33、Hacienda La Boticaria Hotel : Book Now - Pay on Check Out! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

34、Hacienda La Puente Unified School District ─── 哈岗联合校区

35、If you need extra cash for some reason - you want to help out the grand kids with college tuition, you need to replace a car or the roof on the old hacienda - you can tap your IRA for the cash. ─── 如果你由于某些原因需要额外的现金----你希望帮助孩子上大学的学费,你需要换掉一辆车或者旧庄园的屋顶----你可以从个人养老帐户中拿出钱来做.

36、Hacienda del Sol’s apartments also come with a balcony or terrace, where you can enjoy sunbathing with more privacy. ─── 然后您还可以到酒店内的酒吧喝上一杯,再和朋友或其他客人聊聊天。

37、“Hacienda Heights,” she said, “is a microcosm of a changing United States. ─── 她说:“波莫纳是变化的美国的一个缩影。”

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