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09-13 投稿



irresponsibility 发音

英:[??r??spɑ?ns??b?l?ti]  美:[??r??sp?ns??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

irresponsibility 中文意思翻译



irresponsibility 同义词

inattention | frivolity | recklessness |stupidity | imprudence | unreliability | flippancy | negligence | carelessness | irresponsibleness | rashness

irresponsibility 反义词


irresponsibility 相似词语短语

1、extra responsibility ─── 额外责任

2、more responsibility ─── 更多责任

3、admit responsibility ─── 承认责任

4、give responsibility ─── 承担责任

5、carry responsibility ─── 承担责任

6、responsibility ─── n.责任,职责;义务

7、irresponsibly ─── adv.不负责任地;不可靠地

8、claim responsibility ─── 声称负责

9、bear responsibility ─── 负责;承担责任

irresponsibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I am extremely displeased about your irresponsibility. ─── 我对您的不负责任极为不满。

2、If the crisis drags on or deepens, he frets that governments may have to choose between draconian cuts in welfare and fiscal irresponsibility. ─── ”他很忧虑的指出:“如果这场危机持续下去或者变得更加严重,政府将不得不大幅度削减福利或者在财政上不负责任。”

3、We've lost fourteen years in seven years because of their fiscal irresponsibility. ─── 我们在七年内就失去十四年,而这是因为他们在财政上的不负责任。

4、The dentist was barred from practicing because of his irresponsibility. ─── 由于不负责,这个牙医被禁止从业。

5、The financial crisis was triggered by a bout of corporate social irresponsibility on a massive scale that has tarnished the reputations of even the bluest of blue-chip companies. ─── 金融危机是由一系列大规模的企业对社会的不负责任引发的,这也败坏了即使是最优秀的蓝筹企业的名声。

6、They are believed to be prone to overspending and financial irresponsibility. ─── 从此段的内容来看,这是个让步段(即分析自己并不赞成的观点)。

7、Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our Marketing ollective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. ─── 我们的经济遭到严重削弱,这是部分人贪婪和不负责任的后果,但也因为我们作为一个集体没能作出艰难选择,没能为新时代作好准备。

8、5 Such believe led to their self-will, obstinacy and irresponsibility. ─── 这样的信仰使得慎到这样的人,任性顽固,不负责任。

9、It is sheer irresponsibility to pick up the pen and "force ourselves to write" without investigation or study ─── 不调查,不研究,提起笔来“硬写”,这就是不负责任的态度。

10、We arrived at this point due to an era of profound irresponsibility that stretched from corporate board rooms to the halls of power in Washington, D.C. ─── 由于处于一个从董事会议室到华盛顿的权利大楼都极度不负责任的年代,我们走到了这个地步。

11、If it was a business partnership, one person's dishonesty, abusive treatment, or irresponsibility may have harmed the other. ─── 如果是商业合夥,其中有一人不诚实、苛待或不负责任而伤害到另一方。

12、It's not so much carelessness as irresponsibility. ─── 与其说是粗心大意,不如说是不负责任。

13、But ignorance cannot be used to rationalize irresponsibility. ─── 但是不知情不能成为不负责任的理由。

14、A Tendency towards Irresponsibility among Young Students: Rectification and Education ─── 青年学生无责任化倾向的纠正教育

15、5. Happiness arising from sleep, sloth and irresponsibility which deludes the embodied self in the beginning and at the end is called in the nature of nescience. ─── 从睡眠,懒惰和不负责任中获得的快乐,自始至终地迷惑了心灵,那就是处于愚昧无知的品性中。收藏指正

16、He argues that the greed, irresponsibility and fraud that put the world in the current financial mess will only get worse without a new emphasis on the humanities. ─── 在他看来,我们确实该重新审视“什么才是我们值得关心的、什么才是我们应该珍惜的”,人文学科确实需要讨论一番了。

17、Further evidence of McLaughlin's irresponsibility occurred on May 6th when he was returning from his shift. ─── 麦克劳克林不负责任的进一步证据发生在5月6日他下班回家的路上。

18、It's easy to criticize, but criticism without alternatives is irresponsibility. ─── 批评别人很容易,但是不带有建设性的批评则是不负责任。

19、Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some... ─── 我们的经济也被严重削弱,这是一些人贪婪和不负责任的后果,

20、The irresponsibility of organized religions is shown in their support and maintenance of these cultures. ─── 有组织的宗教的不负责表现为他们对于这种文化的支持和维护。

21、Unsurprisingly, he became the public face of the Age of Irresponsibility and the butt of countless one-liners. ─── 他成为了这个不负责时代(AgeofIrresponsibility)的代言人以及无数笑话里的笑柄,这丝毫不让人惊奇。

22、The era of greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street and in Washington has led us to a perilous moment. ─── 华尔街和华盛顿的贪婪和不负责任的时期把我们带到一个危险的时刻。

23、Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some. ─── (我们的经济元气大伤,是某些人贪婪且不负责任的后果。)

24、He is the limit of irresponsibility ─── 他的不负责任到了不能容忍的程度

25、The woeful state of the economy, he said, is “a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some”. ─── 他说,美国糟糕的经济形势是“由于某些人的贪婪和不负责任而导致的”。

26、A Preliminary Probe into the Factors Forming Japanese Abnormal Psychology of "Irresponsibility Construction" ─── 日本民族"无责任构造"畸形心态成因初探

27、the bad old days of incoherence and irresponsibility. ─── 过去那些松散、不负责任的糟糕日子。

28、characterized by a feeling of irresponsibility. ─── 以没有责任感为特点。

29、You equate spontaneity with irresponsibility; abandon with evil. ─── 你们将自发性等同于不负责任,纵情于自己喜欢做的事等同于罪恶。

30、Taxpayer money can not fund lavish bonuses or golden parachutes for CEO's whose irresponsibility helped bring on this meltdown. ─── 纳税人不能为企业主管们奢侈的红利或者金色保护伞买单。这些企业主管不负责任的表现也加重了这次大崩盘。

31、In the debt-ceiling fiasco, Mr Obama's popularity did not revive, despite the GOP's display of gross irresponsibility. Why was that? ─── 不信?想想这个。在一塌糊涂的债务上限争论中,尽管共和党表现得极其不负责任,奥巴马的声望仍然没能恢复。为什么会这样?

32、These may be thoughts and feelings of inadequacy, scarcity, deprivation, limitation, insecurity, fear, victimization, irresponsibility, shame and guilt, pride, triumph, superiority, generosity, power, control, and so on. ─── 那些念头与感受不外乎:欠缺、乏、夺、制、安全、惧、害意识、负责任、愧、疚或骄傲、利、越、慨、量、制等等。

33、The irresponsibility, in the context of the essay, could be the situation of or the tendency to the physical/mental infidelity of a homo to his lover, or in the case of 419, to his partner. ─── 依据原文,“不负责性”估计是指同性恋者对其情侣,或者419伴侣,在肉体和精神上不忠的倾向或者状态。

34、Fear and irresponsibility - as I mentioned above. ─── 恐惧和不负责任——就像我上面提到。

35、However unhappy you were, you shouldn't have abandoned your work. It shows your irresponsibility. ─── 你再不高兴也不能摔耙子啊,那是不负责任的表现。

36、Lenin said, "To refer to collegiate methods as an excuse for irresponsibility is a most dangerous evil."He called it "an evil which must be halted at all costs as quickly as possible and by whatever the means". ─── 列宁说过:“借口集体领导而无人负责,是最危险的祸害”,“这种祸害无论如何要不顾一切地尽量迅速地予以根除”。

37、All material objects around announced their irresponsibility with terrible iteration ─── 所有身外一切东西,全都令人可怕地反复申明,自脱干系。

38、In finance, short-term bonuses paid for doing a deal long before it became clear whether the deal was a good one fostered a culture of irresponsibility known as IBGYBG: “I'll be gone, you'll be gone. ─── 在金融界,短期奖励通常在贸易尚未确定之前发放,因此也制造了一种无责任感的文化氛围,即人们所说的IBGYBG:“我走了,你也玩完儿。”

39、Yes, Greece is paying the price for past fiscal irresponsibility. ─── 没错,希腊正在为过去不负责任的财政政策付出代价。

40、the innocent and naughty of children in the movie, reflect the rascally and irresponsibility of adults which lead us to introspect ourselves. ─── 电影中除了描写小孩子纯真的调皮之外,也暗示了大人世界的无赖与不负责。这些都值得我们思考,为什麽长大了之后,我们就不再纯真了?

41、Irresponsibility in relation to other employees of the Company ─── 对公司其他雇员不负责任

42、All material objects around announced their irresponsibility with terrible iteration. ─── 所有身外一切东西,全都令人可怕地反复申明,自脱干系。

43、It would be "the height of irresponsibility" to pass the war along to the next commander in chief, she said. ─── 希拉里说:“把伊战问题留给下任总统是‘极不负责任’的行为。

44、Responsibility! Responsibility is tool of the human developing. Speciously, it is so significant effect in the team. Irresponsibility people are no credit standing. ─── 责任!责任是人类发展的必要工具.尤其是在集体中产生的作用非同小可.无责任之人无信誉.

45、Judicial work personnel who, because of serious irresponsibility, cause the escape of crime suspects, accused persons, or criminals from custody ─── 司法工作人员由于严重不负责任,致使在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人或者罪犯脱逃,

46、Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. ─── 国家的经济也受到了严重的削弱,这是一些人贪婪和不负责任的后果,但在做出艰难选择和准备迎接新时代方面,我们出现了集体性的失误。

47、On the way from the Renaissance to our days we have enriched our experience, but we have lost the concept of a Supreme Complete Entity which used to restrain our passions and our irresponsibility. ─── 从文艺复兴一直到我们现今的时代,我们丰富了自己的经历,却失去了至高完整实体的概念,这个概念曾经约束着我们的激情和不负责任。

48、State personnel who cause damage to or loss of precious cultural relics through serious irresponsibility ─── 国家机关工作人员严重不负责任,造成珍贵文物损毁或者流失,后果严重的

49、It is outrageous that we find ourselves in a situation where taxpayers must bear the burden and the risk for greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street and Washington, he said. ─── 奥巴马说:“这是令人不能容忍的,我们发现自己处于这样的境地,即纳税人必须承担华尔街和华盛顿的贪婪和不负责任所导致的风险。

50、Such sunny nonchalance summed him up.For some observers, it showed irresponsibility, self-delusion, an inability to face up to the grimmer sides of life. ─── 他的这种充满阳光的乐观生活态度,被某些人认为是一种不负责的行为:“自欺欺人,不能直面生活中的打击。”

51、The woeful state of the economy, he said, is "a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some" . ─── 他说,美国糟糕的经济形势是“由于某些人的贪婪和不负责任而导致的”。

52、The apartment he had lived in was now rented to an Irishman, with all the Irish irresponsibility , quick wit, and poverty. ─── 他住的那间公寓房间现在租给一个爱尔兰人,具有爱尔兰人的不负责、爱尔兰人的急智、还有爱尔兰人的穷。

53、It is sheer irresponsibility to pick up the pen and force ourselves to write without investigation or study. ─── 不调查、不研究,提起笔来硬写,这就是不负责任的态度。

54、This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility. ─── 这并不意味着成人就没有责任,无所事事。

55、His irresponsibility toward his work was known to all. ─── 大家都知道他对工作无责任感。

56、Evade implies adroit maneuvering and sometimes implies dishonesty or irresponsibility ─── 暗指熟练地运用计策、有时也暗指不忠实或不守信用

57、We always think too selfishly and don't see that all this hatred and irresponsibility will lead us nowhere! ─── 我们总是觉得太自私,并没有看到这一切仇恨和不负责任,会导致我们无处!

58、To do so would be the height of irresponsibility, especially if you knew the right answer but just didn't care ─── 这么做是极不负责任的,尤其是你知道正确答案,而就是不愿意去做。

59、Our economy is badly weakened, a consequenceof greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also ourcollective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation fora new age. ─── 我们的经济也被严重削弱,这是一些人贪婪和不负责任的后果,但在做出艰难选择和准备迎接新时代时,我们出现了集体性的失误。

60、Irresponsibility of the U.S. government triggered the sub-prime crisis, but the losses are borne by the world. ─── 摘要次贷危机是因美国政府的不负责任而引发的,而次贷危机的损失却是全世界的。

61、Tang Hao urges for a stronger movement to combat environmental irresponsibility. ─── 唐昊呼吁中国采取更强有力的行动来打击对环境不负责任的行为。

62、His irresponsibility mocked my trust in him. ─── 他的不负责任嘲弄了我对他的信任。

63、Many men and women once complained about their lovers or spouse’s disgraceful behavior, disloyalty and irresponsibility. ─── 不少男女都曾经抱怨过他们的情人或配偶品性不端,三心二意,不负责任。

64、The quest for equality and justice is caricatured as a striving for mediocrity and bureaucratic irresponsibility. ─── 对平等与公正的追求就被漫画成为对低劣与不负责的官僚主义的追求。

65、Our economy i**adly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. ─── 我们的经济元气大伤,是某些人贪婪且不负责任的后果,也是大众未能做出艰难的选择,为国家进入新时代做淮备所致。

66、If it was a business partnership, one person's dishonesty, abusive treatment, or irresponsibility may have harmed the other. ─── 如果是商业合夥,其中有一人不诚实、苛待或不负责任而伤害到另一方。

67、Poverty, prostitution and Aids are intrinsic to this world, but such obvious causes of misery are mirrored by an intensive critique of monetarist self-interest and irresponsibility. ─── 贫穷、卖淫和艾滋病以本来的面目展现给读者,但是这些显而易见的痛苦的原因被一种对货币主义者自私自利和无责任的强烈抨击折射出来。

68、Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. ─── 国家的经济也受到严重的削弱,原因虽有一些人的贪婪和不负责任,但更为重要的是我们作为一个整体在一些重大问题上决策失误,同时也未能做好应对新时代的准备。

69、5 Such believe led to their self-will, obstinacy and irresponsibility, caring for nothing and uninhabited,. ─── 这样的信仰使得慎到这样的人,满不在乎,放荡不拘,任性顽固,不负责任。

70、Clinton accused President Bush of irresponsibility for turning the situation over to a successor in 2008. ─── 克林顿谴责布什总统将目前的烂摊子留给2008年的继任者是很不负责任的。

71、Both the federal and state government’s must step up their efforts to ensure a safe and clean environment as people should not be dying due to the irresponsibility of those in power. ─── 联邦和州政府必须向骨痛热症和基孔肯雅病宣战,使人民能享有安全和干净的环境,人民不该因为政府的疏忽失责而丧失性命。

72、Happiness arising from sleep, sloth and irresponsibility which deludes the embodied self in the beginning and at the end is called in the nature of nescience. ─── 从睡眠,懒惰和不负责任中获得的快乐,自始至终地迷惑了心灵,那就是处于愚昧无知的品性中。

73、Too many in government who decry the "irresponsibility" of the press are prone to judge news less for accuracy than for personal embarrassment. ─── 太多的政府人士谴责新闻界“不负责任”,但是他们的判断,根据的不是新闻的正确性,而是个人所受的难堪。

74、” When they warn of the dangers of fiscal irresponsibility, he snorts that George Bush presided over a doubling in the national debt. ─── 而当共和党警告可能的政府的不负责时,他嗤之以鼻,表示布什当政时把全国的债务提高了一倍。

75、To believe that, but for the irresponsibility of the Washington Post and the Ervin Committee, he would have bequeathed the world a generation of world peace, is too much. ─── 相信若没有华盛顿邮报与埃尔文委员会的不负责任,他便能为世界留下一代和平的说法实在是过于轻率了。

76、To fully appreciate the irresponsibility and immorality of climate-change denial, you need to know about the grim turn taken by the latest climate research. ─── 彻底认清否决者是多么不负责与不道德,我们需要了解最新气候研究的严峻转变。

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