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09-13 投稿



placated 发音

英:[pl??ke?t?d]  美:[?ple?ke?t?d]

英:  美:

placated 中文意思翻译



placated 同义词

gentle | soften | calm | assuage |pacify | please | soothe | propitiate | harmonize | satisfy | lenify | conciliate | intervene | calm down | mollify | gruntle | appease

placated 词性/词形变化,placated变形

名词: placater |形容词: placatory |动词过去式: placated |动词现在分词: placating |动词第三人称单数: placates |动词过去分词: placated |

placated 反义词


placated 相似词语短语

1、placed ─── v.放置(place的过去分词形式);adj.名列前茅的

2、placate ─── vt.抚慰;怀柔;使和解

3、located ─── adj.处于,位于;坐落的

4、placates ─── vt.抚慰;怀柔;使和解

5、placater ─── n.讨好型(的人)

6、plicated ─── adj.折成扇状;有皱襞的;有褶的

7、placard ─── n.海报,标语牌;招贴;vt.张贴,悬挂;公布;张贴公告于;vi.张贴公告

8、placarded ─── n.海报,标语牌;招贴;vt.张贴,悬挂;公布;张贴公告于;vi.张贴公告

9、placaters ─── n.讨好型(的人)

placated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"It's Fleetswake morning, Shemsen. The offerings were made last night. Umberlee is placated for another year and Waterdeep is drunk with celebration." ─── "现在是舰队尾波日的早上,舍姆森。供品昨晚就献上了。乌姆贝尔蕾又会平静一年,而整个深水城都在欢饮。"

2、Chinese anger over the remarks has not been placated by the almost ignored closing part of her red carpet interview. ─── 中国人对此的愤怒并没有因为此次行红毯采访几乎被忽略的最后一部分(言论)得到安抚。

3、The changing of the guard has not placated the European Commission's antitrust enforcers or Microsoft's competitors. ─── 这种“换岗”并没有让欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)反垄断执法部门或微软的竞争者们放下心来。

4、Arjuna said: O Krsna, seeing this beautiful two armed form of Yours, now my consciousness is placated and has regained its composure. ─── 阿诸那说:奎师那啊,看到您这个双臂的美丽人形,现在我的意识得到了安抚,恢复了沉静的状态。

5、Only Parmalat's seemingly astute ability to rapidly grow earnings and revenues with acquisitions had placated those concerns. ─── 不过,帕玛拉特所拥有似乎很机敏的能力,可以通过收购快速提高利润和收入,才打消市场疑虑。

6、She hardly knew how to answer this, and yet her wrath was not placated. ─── 她几乎不知道该如何来回答他,然而她的怒气并没有气息。

7、She hardly knew how to answer this, and yet her wrath was not placated. ─── 如果她加以容忍,他还会继续这样做的。

8、"Of course it's possible that spring has arrived," he placated, smiling. ─── "当然,有可能春天已经来了"他安抚我,带着笑容.

9、51) Arjuna said: O Krsna, seeing this beautiful two armed form of Yours, now my consciousness is placated and has regained its composure. ─── 阿诸那说:奎师那啊,看到您这个双臂的美丽人形,现在我的意识得到了安抚,恢复了沉静的状态。

10、39 So they came and placated them, and led them out and asked that they leave the city. ─── 遂来向他们说好话,领出后,请求他们离开那城。

11、2. Arjuna said: O Krsna, seeing this beautiful two armed form of Yours, now my consciousness is placated and has regained its composure. ─── 阿诸那说:奎师那啊,看到您这个双臂的美丽人形,现在我的意识得到了安抚,恢复了沉静的状态。收藏指正

12、Keeping up Pretenses. With their titan gods defeated, the Charr Shaman struggle to keep an unruly populace placated with ritual and dogma. ─── 由于夏尔的泰坦之神被击败,夏尔萨满努力维持着那些难以控制的民众,使用宗教仪式和宗教教理来抚慰他们。

13、1. not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty; ─── 不会因恳求而被安抚、满足和打动;

14、This placated the little boy. ─── 这个说法安抚了儿子。

15、The fact that it tells the true story of two gay penguins at the Central Park zoo in New York does not appear to have placated opponents. ─── 这本书虽然讲述的是纽约中央公园动物里一对雄性同性恋企鹅的真实故事,但它似乎也没能让反对者们罢休。

16、not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty;grim determination. ─── 不会因恳求而被安抚、满足和打动;“不屈的决心”。

17、RIM placated some disgruntled shareholders earlier this month, promising to review a structure that allows Messrs. ─── 本月早些时候,RIM公司试图安抚一些心怀不满的股东。

18、Chinese anger over the remarks has not been placated by the almost ignored closing part of her red carpet interview. ─── 中国人对此的愤怒并没有因为此次行红毯采访几乎被忽略的最后一部分(言论)得到安抚。

19、1. not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty;grim determination. ─── 不会因恳求而被安抚、满足和打动;“不屈的决心”。收藏指正

20、It doesn't matter what Groucho or Elvis or Britney or any other one-name performer does or did. . . the critics won't be placated. ─── 不管Groucho(注:美国喜剧明星)、猫王、小甜甜、或者任何其他一位艺人怎么做,批评人士都不会就此罢休。

21、decade ago they placated regulators by retreating from advisory work. ─── 十年前,他们撤出了咨询业务,安抚了监管者。

22、Soames, who, when he desired a thing, placated Providence by pretending that he did not think it likely to happen ─── 索米斯碰到自己有某种希冀时,总要假装认为事情不大会成功,借此和缓上苍。

23、Facing the unprecedented ocean crisis, Tuo Hunbu actively disposed the costal defense of Shan Dong.He diplomatically placated the navies of Britain. ─── 在这次空前严重的海疆危机中,山东巡抚托浑布积极布防,使战前已经废弛的山东海防得到了改观。

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