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09-13 投稿



hydrometeorology 发音

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hydrometeorology 中文意思翻译



hydrometeorology 词性/词形变化,hydrometeorology变形

形容词: hydrometeorological |名词: hydrometeorologist |

hydrometeorology 相似词语短语

1、micrometeorology ─── n.微气象学

2、hydrometeor ─── n.[水文]水汽凝结体;水汽现象

3、biometeorology ─── n.生物气象学

4、meteorology ─── n.气象状态,气象学

5、hydrogeology ─── n.水文地质学

6、hydrometeors ─── n.[水文]水汽凝结体;水汽现象

7、astrometeorology ─── n.[天]天体气象学

8、hydrometeorologist ─── n.水文气象学家(hydrometeorology的变形)

9、hydrometeorological ─── adj.水文气象学的

hydrometeorology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Second chapter for the dam site hydrology characteristic, introduced the Hubei -01 key project in the basin specially is nearby the dam site hydrometeorology survey; ─── 第二章为坝址水文特性,介绍了鄂-01枢纽工程所在流域特别是坝址附近的水文气象概况;

2、Based on basic principle of philosophy, the problem of global climate change is discussed by citing data of geologic history and hydrometeorology. ─── 摘要从哲学的基本原理出发,引用地史及水文气象资料探讨了全球气候变化问题,指出全球气候一直在变化;

3、The study will be published in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Hydrometeorology. ─── 该研究将发表在即将出版的《水文气象学杂志》(JournalofHydrometeorology)上。

4、Keywords West Sea Area of Xiamen;Skeletonema costatum;hydrometeorology; ─── 厦门西海域;中肋骨条藻;赤潮;水文气象;

5、relationship among the duration the area and the depth of the hard rain is a important research subject in hydrometeorology. ─── 暴雨的历时、面积和深度的关系(时、面、深)是水文气象学的重要研究课题之一。

6、hydrometeorology safeguard of sea route ─── 航线水文气象保障

7、Electric power engineering surveying drawings Part3: Hydrometeorology ─── 电力工程勘测制图第3部分:水文气象

8、State Committee for Hydrometeorology and Control of Natural Environment; ─── 水文气象和自然环境控制国家委员会;

9、Areas of activity include Earth remote sensing, hydrometeorology , manned space flights, and communication and positioning service projects. ─── 活动范围包括地球遥感、水文气象学、载人航天飞行以及通讯与定位的服务计划。

10、Introduction of Radar rain observation and its application in hydrometeorology ─── 雷达测量降水及其在水文气象中的应用

11、Hydrometeorology is concerned with the study of these atmospheric processes which affect the water resources of the earth and which are of interest to the meteorologist and the hydrological engineer. ─── 水文气象的研究范围包括所有影响地球水利资源而气象学家和水文工程师又有共同兴趣的大气过程。

12、State Committee for Hydrometeorology and Control of Natural Environment; ─── 水文气象和自然环境控制国家委员会;

13、Areas of activity include Earth remote sensing, hydrometeorology, manned space flights, and communication and positioning service projects. ─── 活动范围包括地球遥感、水文气象学、载人航天飞行以及通讯与定位的服务计划。


15、Since then,it has evolved in line with community needs providing services and studies on weather forecasting,hydrometeorology,climatology,physical oceanography,aviation and marine meteorology,and radiation monitoring and assessment. ─── 一直以来,天文台与社会同步前进。现时,天文台的研究及服务范围包括:天气预报、水文气象、气候、海洋物理、航空及海洋气象、辐射监测及评估。

16、marine hydrometeorology ─── 海洋水文气象学

17、International Europe Class World Championship Hydrometeorology Forecast for the Race Area ─── 世界帆船锦标赛海域水文气象预报

18、Since then, it has evolved in line with community needs providing services and studies on weather forecasting, hydrometeorology, climatology, physical oceanography, aviation and marine meteorology, and radiation monitoring and assessment. ─── 一直以来,天文台与社会同步前进。 现时,天文台的研究及服务范围包括:天气预报、水文气象、气候、海洋物理、航空及海洋气象、辐射监测及评估。

19、Introduction of Radar rain observation and its application in hydrometeorology ─── 雷达测量降水及其在水文气象中的应用

20、Areal Precipitation is an important parameter in Hydrometeorology. ─── 摘要面雨量是水文气象中一个重要参量。

21、hydrometeorology database ─── 水文气象资料数据库

22、But Valery Stasenko from Roshydromet - the Federal Service of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring - calls these concerns groundless. ─── 但是,负责联邦水文气象和环境监测的瓦列里·斯塔先科却认为这些担忧毫无根据'。

23、International Europe Class World Championship Hydrometeorology Forecast for the Race Area ─── 世界帆船锦标赛海域水文气象预报

24、confirmed the impact on environment of the ash field in Guigang through an analysis of hydrometeorology, Composition of grime, condition of the hydrology and geology. ─── 水文气象、煤灰组成及水文地质条件的分析确定了贵港贮灰场对环境的影响。

25、The application of Database in making policy server system of hydrometeorology resource ─── 数据库技术在气象水文水资源决策服务系统中的运用

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