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09-13 投稿



insignificance 发音

[ ,?ns?g'n?f?k?ns]

英:  美:

insignificance 中文意思翻译



insignificance 同义词

irrelevance | pettiness |nothing | unimportance | paltriness | triviality

insignificance 词性/词形变化,insignificance变形

名词复数: insignia |异体字: insigne |

insignificance 短语词组

1、out of insignificance ─── 无足轻重

2、find my way out of insignificance ─── 从微不足道中寻找出路

insignificance 反义词


insignificance 相似词语短语

1、significancy ─── n.重要性;意义(等于significance)

2、insignificancy ─── n.无关重要;不重要的事物(等于insignificance)

3、significances ─── 重要性;意义

4、nonsignificants ─── 不显著

5、insignificative ─── 微不足道的

6、insignificant ─── adj.无关紧要的

7、nonsignificant ─── adj.无意义的;无足轻重的;不重要的

8、significance ─── n.意义;重要性;意思

9、insignificantly ─── adv.无关紧要地

insignificance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Despite the Shanzhenhaiwei and eat, drink Qiongjiangyuye, take the Mercedes-Benz, BMW than, luxury office buildings and luxury villas, after all, just pale into insignificance. ─── 尽管与吃的山珍海味、喝的琼浆玉液、坐的奔驰、宝马比起来,豪华办公楼与豪华别墅毕竟只是小巫见大巫。

2、be cast into the shade; be eclipsed; pale into insignificance ─── 黯然失色

3、Now the logic circuit was formless and empty, and was full of insignificance data, and the Spirit of God was hovering inside the logic circuit. ─── 逻辑电路空虚混沌,充满无意义的数据.神的灵在电路中徘徊.

4、Finally, I come to you to wait for your acceptance. You are the sea in my mind, so you never refuse my arrival because of my insignificance. ─── 最后,我来到你面前,等待你的接纳,我想你是海,你一定不会因我的渺小而拒绝我的到来。

5、They are crushed and enfeebled by a sense of their own insignificance and inferiority. ─── 他们感到自己微不足道,妄自菲薄,因而意志消沉,萎靡不振。

6、Mayan gods penetrate and influence the Mayan spiritual and material life, which expresses man's worship and respect for the mysterious and mighty nature and insignificance and weakness of man's power before nature as well. ─── 玛雅诸神的观念渗透并影响到玛雅人精神和物质生活,这些活动表现了人在神秘而充满智慧和力量的大自然面前的敬畏和崇拜,同时又表现了人的力量的渺小和软弱。

7、If the decision provides substantial satisfaction for a long time after it is made, the costs of making it recede into insignificance. ─── 如果一个抉择带来长时间大量的满足,下决定的成本就变得不太明显。

8、He felt the insignificance of the world deep in his heart. ─── 在他心灵的深处他体会到世界的渺小。

9、Denmark will not be dragged into the war, due to the insignificance of this country. ─── 丹麦将不会被拖入战争,因为这个国家的渺小。

10、No personal significance or insignificance can spare one or another of us. ─── 个人的重要与否决不能宽容我们中间的这个或那个人。

11、All these matters fade into insignificance compared with the repercussions of a strike by Israel against Iran, from which it would be difficult for the US to stand aside. ─── 上述问题与以色列打击伊朗的后果相比,都算不了什么。

12、Part three: The anxiety of insignificance. ─── 第三部分:无意义的焦虑。

13、The afternoon's game almost paled into insignificance following the lengthy celebrations but the decision to allow Claude Makelele to take the stoppage time penalty with the game scoreless was definitely not part of the Mourinho masterplan. ─── 在盛大的庆典之后今天下午暗淡无光的比赛已经无关大局,但是补时阶段由马克莱莱主罚点球打破球荒倒绝对不是穆里尼奥宏伟计划中的一部分。

14、The liberty of insignificance has vanished. ─── 无关重要所带来的自由如今已荡然无存。

15、Science enables man to see sensibly the pride of mankind, love to experience the joy between man and woman, and philosophy to perceive the insignificance of an individual. ─── 科学使人理性地看到人类的骄傲,爱情让人体味到人与人之间的美好,哲学则使人感慨人自身的渺小。

16、1.Their other problems paled into insignificance beside this latest catastrophe. ─── 最近发生这一灾祸后, 他们其他的问题都显得无关重要了.

17、To those who perceive the nature and transcendency of this force, all physical power sinks into insignificance. ─── 对那些能够感知大自然和自己内心卓越的人来说,所有的体格上的力量是毫无意义可言的。)

18、In the latter stage, older people are upset by feelings of uselessness and insignificance. ─── 老年时期,人们因感到自己无所作为和无足轻重而沮丧。

19、to pale into insignificance (beside sth) ─── (与某事比)微不足道

20、There was a little ache in her fancy of all he described. Her insignificance in the presence of so much magnificence faintly affected her. ─── 她想象着他所描绘的一切,心里不禁有些刺痛。都市是如此壮观伟大,而她却如此渺小,这不能不使她产生出感慨。

21、People suffer the pains of isolation,loneliness,insignificance and disability while enjoying modern freedom. ─── 人们在享有现代自由的同时,亦在忍受分离感、孤独感、无意义感、无能为力感等痛苦。

22、If we want prevent seeing Free Software pushed intn o the hobbyist corner, easily condemning it to insignificance, wea while and thenniscontinued. ─── 就此,自由软件与私权软件就有了不同的需求。私权软件通常是由单一间公司所撰写,贩卖了一阵子之后,然后就不再存续了。

23、That issue pales into insignificance beside the one we are discussing now. ─── 那个问题比较起正在讨论的这一个来就显得无足轻重了。

24、Since his divorce eight years ago, Yujiro, a middle-aged plumber, who seems to be the paragon of insignificance, lives in public housing with his teenage daughter Sakiko. ─── 矶部是一个中年水管工,八年前离婚,是那种典型的小人物。

25、All other issues fade into insignificance compared with the struggle for survival. ─── 挣扎求存相比,所有其他问题都显得不重要了。

26、The current global recession pales into insignificance when compared with past wars and plagues. ─── 现在的全球经济衰退与过去的战争和瘟疫相比显得无足轻重。

27、The crisis soon faded to historical insignificance. ─── 那次危机很快就成为历史上无足轻重的陈迹。

28、In the face of natural disasters is how our human insignificance, and suddenly people are like ants, the number of deaths rising, people quickly stifled. ─── 在天灾面前我们人类是多么的渺小,突然感到人就和蚂蚁一样,死亡的人数不断上升,快让人窒息。

29、Therefore, I am unwilling to painstakingly pursue one style, I would rather present each detail of a painting, reality, nature and insignificance, just like an object presents its true face. ─── 由此,我不愿刻意追求某种样式,宁可呈现每一绘画细节,真实、自然和无意义,就象事物呈现它本来的面目。

30、7. All other anxieties paled into insignificance besides the possibility of war. ─── 和可能打仗相比,所有其他忧虑都变得微不足道了。

31、There is a cold and auster moonlight that tells the soul of its loneliness and desperate isolation, its insignificance or its uncleanness. ─── 时有冷峻的月光诉说着灵魂的孤苦伶仃,微不足道,或是肮脏龌龊。

32、It is really not worthy of mentioning insignificance in the wheel field. ─── 在强手如林的车轮行业,真是微不足道的沧海一粟!

33、In the immediate future there will be changes of such magnitude, that all of your present problems will pale into insignificance. ─── 在不久的将来会有如此重大的变化,这就是你目前的问题都将算不了什么。

34、Certainly at times your Earth life has its pleasant experiences, but they pale into insignificance compared to what lays ahead for you. ─── 当然,有时候你们地球的生活有它自己令人愉快的体验,但是与前方正在等待你们的时刻相比就相形见绌了。

35、Furthermore, different subgroups of LC indicated the endothelial cell damage markers were significantly different at postoperative 0h (P

36、It is insignificance if the sentence translated word by word. ─── 这个句子如果逐字翻译就没有意义了。

37、These prices pale into insignificance when compared with what was paid for two major works by the late Alfred Stieglitz. ─── 与购买已故的阿尔弗雷德·史蒂格利茲的两件重要作品所支付的费用相比,这些价格就变得微不足道了。

38、Their other problems paled into insignificance beside this latest catastrophe. ─── 最近发生这一灾祸后,他们其他的问题都显得无关重要了。

39、The tower was once the highest building in the city but now, although it's spire reaches higher than the Jinmao Building, it pales in insignificance compared to its mammoth neighbor。 ─── 塔高468米,位居亚洲第一、世界第三的高塔和左右两侧的南浦大桥、杨浦大桥一起,形成双龙戏珠之势,成为上海改革开放的象征。

40、The Coleman report, which highlighted the insignificance of educational differences between blacks and whites, raised many issues and started new controversies. ─── 科勒蔓的报告着重强调了黑人与白人之间在教育上的差异是徽不足道的,因而出现了许多问题,引起了新的争论。

41、The universe throws down a challenge to the human spirit; in spite of his insignificance and abjection, man has taken it up. ─── 宇宙向人类的精神丢下挑战;不管自己渺小与卑鄙,人类接受了这个挑战。

42、In a larger sense, however, they shrink to insignificance when overlaid on the modern urban battlefield. ─── 然而,从某种意义来说,在覆盖现代城市战场方面它们的作用缩小到几乎没有意义。

43、to sink into insignificance ─── 下降到微不足道

44、Within 10 years, the portfolios would shrink to insignificance. ─── 在十年里,它们的抵押贷款规模会缩减到微不足道的地步。

45、in spite of his insignificance and abjection, man has taken it up. ─── 不管自己渺小与卑鄙,人类接受了这个挑战。

46、10.Bunin emphasizes a kind of "void" ontology, which gives the protagonists a kind of irreversible tragical spirits, and demonstrates the greatness of the cosmos and the insignificance of human being. ─── 布宁强调一种“空幻”的本体论,给作品的主人公注入了不可逆转的悲剧精神,显示出宇宙之伟大与人之渺小。

47、The impotence of medical services to change life expectancy and insignificance of much contemporary clinical care in the curing of disease are all obvious, well-documented. ─── 译:医疗服务不能改变预期寿命,许多当代的临床护理在治病中所起的作用也并不重要,这些都是毫无疑问的,有大量文件证明了的。

48、These sentiments belong to one or other of two contrasted and complementary groups Sentiments of Human Insignificance Sentiments of Human Greatness. ─── 这些情思属于彼此不同而又互为补充的两大类之一:人类渺小的情思和人类伟大的情思。

49、From the essays included here, one surmises that the narrower your focus, the more effective the essay, as long as your narrowness doesn't cross over into insignificance. ─── 书中引入了一些科学常识,从心理和生理学的角度讲述肥胖的定义、成因,肥胖带给女性精神的精神压力和心理阴影,以及容易对孕产妇这一特殊人群造成的健康危害。

50、1. All other anxieties paled into insignificance besides the possibility of war. ─── 和可能打仗相比,所有其他忧虑都变得微不足道了。

51、But, by 1933 Zeiss sales had declined to insignificance as may other companies entered the market, at times with improved designs, and at far lower prices. ─── 但是在1933年时,由于很多其他公司以改进后的设计和更低的价格进入了此市场领域,蔡司的销售急剧下滑。

52、These risks, though, pale into insignificance compared with Fannie and Freddie. ─── 尽管这些风险存在,但是跟房利美和房地美比起来,他们还是小菜一碟。

53、Hardy manages to get the readers feel painfully the helplessness and insignificance in living in the chaos of a Godless world. ─── 第四章分析的重点就是,哈代娴熟灵巧的把握住了它们节奏的统一。

54、Although private cars in Shanghai is close to 11 million, but in relation to Beijing, they really pale into insignificance. ─── 虽然上海的私家车已接近11万辆,但相对于北京,还实在是小巫见大巫。

55、He had seen it grow from insignificance to prominence ─── 他眼看它从默默无闻变为赫赫有名。

56、Literary Talent vs. Social Insignificance and Physical Competence vs. Status Lowliness--A Comparison on Literary Creation Between Baozhao and Wuiun ─── 才秀人微与体广身贱--鲍照与吴均诗文创作比较谈

57、The very insignificance of this planet in the vastness of the known universe is enough to numb the minds of most people . ─── 在广阔无垠的已知宇宙中,这颗行星是微不足道的,大多数人对此无法想象。

58、and though I should certainly be a more interesting object to all my acquaintance, were I distractedly in love with him, I cannot say that I regret my comparative insignificance. ─── 亲爱的舅母,总而言之,我决不愿意叫你们任何人为了我而不快活;不过,青年人一旦爱上了什么人,决不会因为暂时没有钱就肯撒手。

59、However , this view and insignificance. ─── 然而,这种看法并不足取。

60、"The issue of whether to use viral-load monitoring or not pales into insignificance when dealing with whether you've actually got everyone who needs ARVs on therapy. ─── “当你面对能否真正让所有需要抗逆转录病毒药物的人们获得治疗的问题的时候,是否使用病毒载量监测的问题就变得不再重要。

61、Their other problems pale into insignificance beside this latest catastrophe ─── 最近发生这一灾祸後,他们其他的问题都显得无关重要了

62、Our insignificance is often the cause of our safety ─── 微不足道往往是安全之本。

63、After listening to these words, the frog of the Shallow well was shocked into realization of his own insignificance and became very ill at ease. ─── 听了东海之鳖的这些话,浅井里的青蛙为他自己的渺小感到很震惊,为自己的安逸感到很不愉快。

64、The feeling can become so intense that the rest of the world fades into insignificance. ─── 这个感觉可能会强烈到以至于世界上的一切其它事物都不重要了。

65、leaving us to dwell on our own insignificance in the face of god. ─── 留下我们思考,在上帝面前我们有多么微不足道。

66、All other issues fade into insignificance compared with the struggle for survival. ─── 与挣扎求存相比,所有其他问题都显得不重要了。

67、Their other problems pale into insignificance beside this latest catastrophe. ─── 最近发生这一灾祸後,他们其他的问题都显得无关重要了。

68、Despite its growing insignificance, this pattern has you locked into beliefs that give power to the dark. ─── 尽管旧世界的力量不断退却,但这个旧世界的模式让你们将力量交与黑暗势力。

69、They vie with one another in demonstrating to him their insignificance. ─── 他们一个接着一个在他面前卑躬屈膝。

70、That included the importance and the insignificance. ─── 其中包括的重要性和渺小。

71、How many innocent people die? None. There are always deaths for insignificance not for innocence. ─── 有多少无辜的人地死去?没有!只有无意义的死,没有无辜的死。

72、Lack of consequence; insignificance. ─── 毫无意义,无价值或用处

73、The historical exploration of CPC to secure the legal rights and interests of workers in private enterprise and its realistic insignificance ─── 党对保障私营企业中工人合法权益的历史探索及现实意义

74、It was as though in this circle the utter insignificance of these prominent persons was so completely accepted that the only attitude possible towards them was one of good-humoured hilarity. ─── 这群人似乎一口断定这些公务人员都是微不足道的,对他们的唯一的态度只能是善心的讪笑。

75、1.There is a cold and austere moonlight that tells the soul of its loneliness and desperate isolation, its insignificance or its uncleanness. ─── 正确地去观察数学,它拥有的不仅是真理,还有种至高的美,一种冷峻、简朴的美,就像雕刻作品一样。

76、The nihility senses of enlightening behavior point to Zhou Zuoren" s self-certainly, lead to the fact that he produce the anxiety of a kind of noumenomn:the anxiety of insignificance. ─── 启蒙行为的虚无感指向周作人的自我肯定,导致他产生了一种本体上的焦虑:无意义的焦虑。

77、and though I should certainly be a more interesting object to all my acquaintance, were I distractedly in love with him, I cannot say that I regret my comparative insignificance. ─── 要是我狂恋着他,亲友们就一定会把我看作一个更有趣的话柄了,我决不因为人家不十分器重我而竟会感到遗憾。

78、Her spirits were materially reduced, owing to the newly restored sense of magnitude of the great interests and the insignificance of her claims upon society, such as she understood them to be. ─── 这一番经历让她重新意识到这些财大气粗的企业高不可攀,而她个人的资格照她自己看来实在太微不足道,无法得到社会的重视。这一来她的勇气和信心又一落千丈。

79、Physics pales into insignificance when weighed against the esteem (or contempt) of one’s peers. ─── 她们把物质世界和同辈的尊重(或是轻视)权衡利弊,而这也是一种生存方式。

80、In the addition of two multibit numbers, the carry of each single bit addition is added to the next-insignificance bit. ─── 当两个多位数相加时,每一位的进位应与高一位数相加。

81、His enduring that "in the distant future, if the distant future deigns to consider my insignificance, it shall be appraised rather as a man of letters than a man of action. ─── 他说了句久为流传的话:“在遥远的未来,如果未来人们还认为我算个小人物,那时他们会把我评价为一个作家而非一个战士。”

82、Her own problems paled into insignificance beside this terrible news. ─── 跟这个可怕的消息相比,她自己的问题显得无关紧要了。

83、It is above the common mass, above idleness, above want, above insignificance. ─── 这是超出一般人、超出懒散、超出贫困、值得重视的事情。

84、These sentiments belong to one or other of two contrasted and complementary groups Sentiments of Human Insignificance, Sentiments of Human Greatness. ─── 这些因素分为相互对立却彼此互补的两类:人类渺小之情愫和人类伟大之情愫。

85、And all of this pales to utter insignificance in light of the fact that my ship is once again gone. ─── 然而现在说这一切都变得苍白无力且没什么意义了,因为事实上,我的船又丢了,了解了吗?

86、Her insignificance in the presence of so much magnificence faintly affected her. ─── 都市是如此壮观伟大,而她却如此渺小,这不能不使她产生出感慨。

87、The very insignificance of this planet in the vastness of the known universe is enough to numb the minds of most people ─── 在广阔无垠的已知宇宙中,这颗行星是微不足道的,大多数人对此无法想象。

88、pale into insignificance ─── 显得无关重要; 黯然失色

89、Compared to me, other wonders of the universe pale into insignificance. ─── 宇宙间的其它奇迹,和我相比,都显得无足轻重。

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