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09-13 投稿



impinged 发音

英:[?m?p?nd?d]  美:[?m?p?nd?d]

英:  美:

impinged 中文意思翻译



impinged 常用词组

impinge on ─── 影响;撞击;侵犯;紧密接触

impinged 词性/词形变化,impinged变形

动词现在分词: impinging |名词: impingement |动词第三人称单数: impinges |动词过去分词: impinged |动词过去式: impinged |

impinged 短语词组

1、impinged of ─── 受到的冲击

2、impinged up ─── 碰撞向上

3、impinged upon ─── 影响,冲击,触动

4、impinged on ─── 影响;撞击;侵犯;紧密接触

impinged 相似词语短语

1、dispunged ─── 弃置

2、impinger ─── n.[仪]撞击滤尘器

3、impingent ─── 撞击的

4、impinging ─── n.冲击;碰撞;v.冲击,撞击(impinge的现在分词形式)

5、implunged ─── 植入式

6、pinged ─── n.子弹飞过空中的声音;[电子]声脉冲;vi.发出撞击声;砰地发声;n.(Ping)人名;(英、加蓬)平

7、impinges ─── v.对……有明显作用(或影响);妨碍;侵犯,侵占;撞击

8、imping ─── n.接枝;接穗(imp进行式)

9、impinge ─── v.对……有明显作用(或影响);妨碍;侵犯,侵占;撞击

impinged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、China Oriental Scientific Instruments Imp. ─── 中国东方科学仪器进出口公司。

2、Conservatives embraced the individualism of the market and reacted furiously if the state impinged on individual economic choice. ─── 保守派拥护市场个人主义,如果国家侵犯了个人的经济选择权利,他们会暴跳如雷。

3、I was toying with it's cast time because there was a huge discrepancy in the Imp's regen/throughput when you a 2.0 cast time vs a 2.5. ─── 另外我十分认真的发现毁灭第三层天赋是2点-0.5秒小鬼火球施法居然还没有被删除;


5、The cell affinity of PLA was imp... ─── 处理后的PLA膜的细胞亲和性得到改善。

6、MOLDAS1 is a data acquisition system to be used for data-taking from reactions induced by heavy-ion in IMP. ─── MOLDAS1是在重离子加速器上的通用数据获取系统。

7、Effect of "Cancellation" and "Dispell" spells changed. Now spells do not effect creatures raised by "Animate Dead", "Death Call","Raise Vampires", and "Summon Imp". ─── “废除”和“驱散”两个魔法不会再作用于“操纵尸体”、“死亡召唤”、“驱役吸血鬼”及“召唤恶魔之子”这几个魔法招出的生物。

8、The IMF and IMP content showed no significant difference between cock and hen at 70 and 92 days old(P>0.05),but IMP content of hen was higher than that of cock. ─── 70日龄和92日龄时肌内脂肪和肌苷酸含量在母鸡和公鸡间差异未达显著水平(P>0.05),但母鸡的肌苷酸含量均高于公鸡。

9、There were political limits to any proposal that impinged on our MIRV program. ─── 任何妨碍我们的分导式多弹头计划的建议都有政治上的限制。

10、All staffs of Linyi Sanen Imp &Exp Co.,Ltd warmly welcome friends from all over the world and make development together. ─── 临沂三恩进出口有限公司全体员工愿与海内外有识之士竭诚合作,共谋发展,共创辉煌!

11、The germ of a new idea impinged on his mind. ─── 在他脑子里开始产生一个新的想法。

12、Most of the achievements are made at the HIRFL and RIBLL of IMP. ─── 其主要成果是在兰州重离子加速器和放射性束流线上获得的。

13、GUANGZHOU JIANGLONG IMP,amp EXP. CO.,LTD. Is a diversifying group company based on auto parts research, development, production and sales. ─── 公司简介:广州市江隆进出口有限公司是一个以汽车配件的研发、生产和销售为主的多元化集团公司;

14、Most of the shops he went into sold street apparel, like Mambo, Flesh Imp and Power Tools. ─── 他也去过一间玩具店,在里面查看着玩具。不过到最后他却买了2件T恤。

15、Genes of IMP,VIM,SHV,PER,VEB,GES,MIR,and DHA were not found in all 28 isolates tested. ─── 5株(89.3% ) opr D基因缺失,IMP、vim、SHV、PER、VEB、GES、MIR、DHA基因均阴性。

16、He pushed my hands aside. Doubling up his fists, he cocked his head to one side and demanded, "Who are you calling imp! ─── ”他把我的手推开,提着两个小拳头,偏着脑袋,质问: “哼! 叫我‘小鬼’?

17、It was very different with Holly, soft and quiet, shy and affectionate, with a playful imp in her somewhere. ─── 好丽就完全不同了,人温柔娴静,怯弱而且多情,在某些地方又带一点淘气味儿。

18、Dear lady and gentalman: Buy direct from the Importer. We are based in Shanghai and are leading imp... ─── 发布者:胡潇音所在地:上海闵行区行业:服装职位:外销员工作年限:三年以上

19、Requirements: # University degree; major in science, food science preferred. # At least 5 years QA or GMP compliance imp...... ... ─── 公司名称:美赞臣营养品(中国)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-7-18

20、A new type of underwater electrical propulsor named integrated motor propulsor(IMP) is introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍了一种新型水下电力推进装置,即集成电机推进器。

21、How do you feel about the juggernaut addition and moving of imp intercept back into fury? ─── 你怎么觉得除了对冲击和移动的进出口拦截回愤怒?

22、In his sleepy state, the sound of a car driving up to the house scarcely impinged on his consciousness. ─── 他困得那副样子,连汽车朝那房子开去时发出的声音都没能使他清醒。

23、An imp of evil, emblem and product of sin, she had no right among christened infants. ─── 她是一个邪恶的小妖精,是罪孽的标志和产物,无挤身于受洗的婴孩之列。

24、This thesis studies the target identified by analyzed scattering signal which is from active sonar impinged under water. ─── 中文摘要本论文之目的,在于研究主动式声纳对水下目标物之瑞利表面回波信号特性分析。

25、Clips, Clips or Clips are only some things, which belong to the area of activity of changzhou firm of jiangsu handicraft article imp &exp group. ─── 公司提供汽车附件和加紧圈、加紧卡以及卡夹范围内的可行性方案。

26、PCR for amplifying bla IMP 4 and bla VIM 2 for the 12 MBL producing isolates failed. ─── PCR扩增IMP-4和VIM-2的编码基因无阳性结果。

27、Description: Zhejiang Dasen Imp &Exp Corp ---- Auto refinish tools,auto maintenance tools,auto mats,cushion,air freshener,car decoration. ─── ------汽车表面整修、汽车维修工具、脚垫、坐垫及其他内饰。

28、Identification of normal embryo and roling out o f aneuploid is helpful to improve the rate of embryo imp... ─── 其外简明介绍其他的新方法在胚胎植入前非整倍体筛查中研究进展。

29、strong light impinged on his eyes. ─── 强烈的光刺着他的眼睛。

30、He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo's Moses beard curling down from the head of satyr along the body of an imp. ─── 他年过花甲,有一把摩西雕像那样的胡须,从森林之神的下巴,飘拂在一个淘气鬼的胸前。

31、Prayer of Mending: This spell can no longer jump to an Imp with Phase Shift active. It will also no longer cause the healed target to stand up. ─── 修复祷言:这个技能将不会为相位变换状态下的小鬼治疗。也不会使被治疗的目标站起来。

32、Wegner calls this search the "ironic monitoring process," which has the perfect acronym: "imp. ─── Wegner把这个搜索称之为“具有讽刺意味的监督过程”(ironicmonitoringprocess)。

33、Say increase the cast time of your Imp's Firebolt by 1 sec, but he is able to cast while Phase Shifted. ─── 可以增加1秒的火球施法时间,但是允许它在相位变换时攻击。

34、The nuclide 130 Ce was produced by a ( 16O,4n) reaction carried out at the SFC accelerator of IMP on an enriched 118 Sn target. ─── 利用兰州SFC加速的16O束轰击同位素118Sn ,由熔合蒸发 4n反应产生目标核13 0 Ce。

35、It was the past which impinged. ─── 回荡着的只是过去。

36、Who is that guard behind you? And what is that imp doing here? ─── 你后面的那个卫兵是谁?还有那只小鬼是做什么的?

37、Arcane with Giggles your helper imp by your side. ─── 六探索神秘境界土地的细节与欢笑你帮手小鬼你身旁。

38、Maybe this could be rolled into Improved Imp. Say increase the cast time of your Imp's Firebolt by 1 sec, but he is able to cast while Phase Shifted. ─── 也许这是一个可行的小鬼改良的方法。可以增加1秒的火球施法时间,但是允许它在相位变换时攻击。

39、Therefore the rights to deliberate and to vote were not impinged upon at that time. ─── 但是,此事件显现的却是电视台的独立与运作权都受到政治力的介入。

40、It is an imp roper comment for a serious moment. ─── 与严肃的场合不相称的评论。

41、China National Metals and Minenals Imp. ─── 中国五金矿产进出口总公司。

42、Our Service Scope:IMP&EXP Combined Transportation,Charter Party,Domestics Distribution ,Warehouse Management,Law Service and related business. ─── 主要业务有:进出口海陆空运输、程租期租船舶、国内物流配送、供应链系统改造设计、仓储包装、法律顾问咨询服务等。

43、Nowadays, the industries of textile mechanism, cloth material and chemical fiber have been impinged particularly. ─── 现阶段,纺织机械、面料、化学纤维行业受到的冲击尤为明显。

44、It will be impinged on your development of entertain-loop that you together with her. ─── 你跟她在一起肯定会影响你在演艺圈的发展。

45、This will remove any spell damage bonuses from improving the Imp's attacks. ─── 因为目前小鬼的法伤远远超出我们的预计范围。

46、CEIEC-EAST CHINA CO. is established by China National Electronics Imp& Exp Corporation( CEIEC) as a subsidiary company in1993. ─── 中电华东进出口是中国电子进出口总公司(EIEC)1993年成立的华东分公司。公司成立以来主要经营光、视频、用产品的进出口贸易。

47、If it is more than one storey high, day lighting of the lower storeys in any large-span building becomes difficult or imp. ─── 如果厂房的高度超过一层,那么,任何大跨度建筑物的下面几层就不容易或不可能天然采光。

48、In addition, Soul Link's tooltip has been clarified to indicate it only works with your imp, voidwalker, succubus, or felhunter. ─── 另外,灵魂链接的说明文字也已更新,明确了它只对小鬼、虚空行者、魅魔或地狱犬有效。

49、Contact Us - Tianjin TianXing WheelChair Imp Exp Co., Ltd. ─── 天津市天兴轮椅进出口有限公司-联系方式。

50、One billiard ball impinged on another. ─── 一个台球撞击另一个台球。

51、SHANGHAI YAN DA IMP AND EXP CO., LTD. ─── 上海燕大进出口有限公司。

52、Unbreakable Will, Martyrdom, Silent Resolve, Imp Mana Burn, and Reflective Shield. ─── 坚定意志,殉难,无声消退,强化法力燃烧,还有反射护盾。

53、In the course of the discussion, we impinged on a theoretical problem of dialectical materialism. ─── 在讨论过程中,我们接触到了一个辩证唯物主义的理论问题。

54、Richard F.Elmore,Backward Mapp ing:Imp lementation Research and Policy Decision, in Political Science Quaterly,Vol.94,No.4(winter,1979). ─── 作者简介:刘祖华(1978-),男,湖南师范大学公共管理学院行政管理学2005级硕士研究生,研究方向:公共政策与乡村治理。

55、What a little imp you are! ─── 你这个淘气包!

56、"And M. de Monte Cristo, King of China, Emperor of Cochin-China," said the young imp, looking slyly towards his sister. ─── “这位就是基督山伯爵阁下,中国国王,安南皇帝。”那小顽童狡猾地望着她姐姐说道。

57、Besides, it also improves the cardio function effectively, raises the ability of oxygen metabolization, laying a firm foundation for imp... ─── 同时能有效的改善心肺功能,提高人体的有氧代谢能力,并能为贯彻终身体育思想打下良好的基础。


59、He's worse than a little imp;he's small-minded, ha, ha! ─── 可是他比小鬼都坏,他是个小人,哈哈!

60、Our Service Scope: IMP& EXP Combined Transportation, Charter Party, Domestics Distribution, Warehouse Management, Law Service and related business. ─── 主要业务有:进出口海陆空运输、租期租船舶、内物流配送、应链系统改造设计、储包装、律顾问咨询服务等。

61、Do you think anybody will pay money to get that little imp back? ─── 你想谁会愿意出钱把这样的淘气鬼搞回去呀?

62、When IMP was combined with 1/4MIC or 1/16MIC of AZM viable counts in biofilms were less than they were when IMP was given alone in vitro. ─── 在IMP浓度相同的情况下,加入1/4、1/16 MIC的AZM可使BF上的活菌数显著地减少;

63、The so-called revolution scarcely seemed to have impinged upon the habits and standard of living of the wealthy. ─── 那场所谓的革命似乎对富人们的生活习惯和生活水平没什么影响。

64、In the case that the number of receivers has to be less than that of array elements in an array-antenna, it can receive and process the impinged signals on all the array-elements. ─── 在接收机数量少于星载阵列天线阵元数的条件下,基于较少数量的接收机实现全部阵元输出信号的接收处理。

65、You can't name your pet, but the Imp a first level Warlock gets was super kewl. ─── 你不能给你的宠物命名,但初级术士得到的小鬼非常有趣。

66、Zhongshan foodstuffs IMP&EXP Co.,Ltd.of Guangdong is located in Zhongshan city, Guangdong provin... ─── 发布者:张桂青所在地:广东中山市行业:食品、饮料职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

67、Mozart keeps the listener continuously off-balance;he is an imp and trickster, the patron saint of practical jokes, as it were. ─── 他就像顽皮的孩子和魔术师,一个搞恶作剧的天才一样,莫扎特可以让听众时时遭遇意外之喜。

68、One billiard ball impinged on another. ─── 一个台球撞击另一个台球。

69、Since the Imp is not a tank, the AI was smart enough to make the Imp move out of harm's way as he nuked from range. ─── 因为小鬼不是一辆坦克,AI足够聪明,让小鬼移到了伤害距离之外从远处攻击。

70、Modeling the fault-inverted structure shows that the study on the inversion of basin is of an imp. ─── 从扭压造成反转和向后传播应力造成反转的形成机制,通过断层反转构造模拟,讨论了盆地反转研究的油气勘探意义。

71、If you have a cold backup, use another machine to recovery the whole database, then exp this table, then imp to current server. ─── 假如我在操作一张表,误将表中的全部数据删除我该如何恢复?

72、He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo's Moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along with the body of an imp. ─── 他年过六十,有一把像米开朗琪罗的摩西雕像那样的大胡子,这胡子长在一个像半人半兽的森林之神的头颅上,又鬈曲地飘拂在小鬼似的身躯上。

73、This machine can be employed in malt factories in eliminating rhizome after drying; cleaning out imp... ─── 发布者:李素素所在地:山东济南市行业:机械及行业设备职位:外销员工作年限:

74、Malign pleural cavity hydrocele is one pleural tran sudatory disease caused by tubercle, knub and inflammation impinged the pleural. ─── 1一般资料:本组病例其中男性22例,女10例,最大年龄78岁,最小13岁,平均年龄51.7岁,40岁以下7例,占21.8%,吸烟指数大于400支/年16例,不吸烟者12例。

75、There were political limits to any proposal that impinged on our MIRV program. ─── 任何妨碍我们的分导式多弹头计划的建议都有政治上的限制。

76、It was very different with Holly, soft and quiet, shy and affectiote, with a playful imp in her somewhere. ─── 好丽就完全不同了,人温柔娴静,怯弱而且多情,在某些地方又带一点淘气味儿。

77、adj. In his sleepy state, the sound of a car driving up to the house scarcely impinged on his consciousness. ─── 他困得那副样子,连汽车朝那房子开去时发出的声音都没能使他清醒。

78、At the same time,a check-up system of safety management should be set up to enhance the actual effect of the system and promote the control and imp... ─── 同时,建立安全管理的考核制度,提高系统的实效性,推动护理质量的控制与持续改进。

79、Use: Empowers your pet, increasing pet damage by 100% and increasing pet armor by 100% for 30 sec. This spell will only affect an Imp, Succubus, Voidwalker, or Felhunter. ─── 使用:是你的宠物更加强大,增加宠物的伤害和护甲100%,持续30秒。法术只对小鬼,女人,蓝胖子和地狱狗有效。

80、An imp found elsewhere is likely a warlock's fel companion, or else it has come directly from the Twisting Nether. ─── 如果是在其他地方见到小鬼,那他们很可能是某位术士的魔仆或是直接穿越扭曲虚空而来。

81、Identify new business opportunities.Acquire, develop, and improve DHL's market share on the IMP product. ─── 发现新的业务机会,获取、发展和提高DHL在进口快件的市场份额。

82、A strong light impinged on his eyes. ─── 一道强烈的光刺着他的眼睛。

83、Products - Tianjin TianXing Wheelchair Imp Exp Co., Ltd. ─── 天津市天兴轮椅进出口有限公司-产品展示。

84、A performance of swordplay by the Crown Prince Wuluan and the Imp. ─── 剑术,表演,太子殿下,羽林卫。

85、The use of computers in the power equipment management should be imp?oved for rising the level of the power equipment. 5. ─── 4.推广、发展计算机在动力设备管理中的应用提高动力设备的管理水平。

86、All of bacteria were susceptible to cefoperazone/sulbactam (CPZ/SBT) and imipenem (IMP). ─── 8%,分离出的所有革兰阴性菌均对头孢哌酮/舒巴坦和亚胺培南敏感。

87、In his sleepy state. the sound of a car driving up to the house scarcely impinged on his consciousness. ─── 他困得那副样子.连汽车朝那房子开去时发出的声音都没能使他清醒.

88、Although it is not always comfortable to acknowledge the fact, some of the most memorable Olympic moments have come precisely when politics impinged upon the games. ─── 奥运史上某些最难忘的时刻,恰恰发生在政治影响赛事之时,尽管承认这一事实难免会让人感到不自在。

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